Ruan Tian took a deep breath and said, “Although it’s normal to exchange gifts, I’m afraid I really have nothing to give you.”

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The corners of Qin Yu’s lips gently curved upwards into a smile. It was strange, but when he smiled it really seemed as if the frost that always surrounded him suddenly melted and the cold had faded away. He said softly, “I don’t need anything.”

Qin Yu felt that the best gift was how Ruan Tian no longer had someone she liked right now.

She was no longer crazy about another man. 

She was no longer married.

She was free.

Ruan Tian also felt this was reasonable.

After all, Qin Yu was so rich. This little watch was probably just junk that he could easily toss away in his eyes. 

Of course, Ruan Tian wouldn’t even gift junk to Qin Yu!

Qin Yu finally unlocked the car doors. Ruan Tian picked up her purse and quickly slipped out of the car, not showing the slightest hesitation.

Qin Yu watched her go and slowly lit up a cigarette. In the end, he sat in the car and smoked two cigarettes before the light in the window up above finally went out and he drove home.

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When he got back, neither the housekeeper nor Qin An had gone to sleep yet.

The old housekeeper was still confused by this whole situation and felt it was very strange. But when he saw Qin Yu had returned, he quickly asked: “Young Master, has Miss Ruan gone back?”

Qin Yu replied, “En.”

The old housekeeper sighed, “But it’s so late.”

Qin An, who was sitting on the sofa, silently agreed in his heart, ‘Yeah, it’s so late, maybe too late.’

Qin An, a person who would drive in the knife no matter who the target was, looked at his brother sympathetically and said, “Brother, it seems that Ruan Tian really doesn’t like you.”

Even when faced with someone as gentle as their mother, she was still able to clearly refuse. 

Qin Yu felt a pang of pain in his heart and said, “I know.”

The old housekeeper also began to worry. He had thought that the young master and the future young madam had a good relationship. After all, the young master had personally told him to prepare the guest room for her and even made a lot of requests.

The whole room had been transformed into a princess room. 

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There were dolls and flowers everywhere.

The housekeep had worked hard and finally managed to prepare everything to the young master’s satisfaction but…

In the end, the person didn’t stay.


The Chinese New Year was supposed to be a festive event.

However, the Zhou family had a bad year this year, so they were in low spirits. Mother Zhou even instructed Zhou Xiaoqiao to sell off all her shares.

The company was going down, and Mother Zhou could only helplessly tell her daughter to get out while she still could. 

Of course, even without the company, the Zhou family still had many other properties, as well as various pieces of real estate and savings in the bank, so they were a long way from being destroyed.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was very reluctant to sell her shares, and she and her mother almost quarreled because of this.

But after she realized that Shen Shu definitely wouldn’t intercede on the company’s behalf this time, Zhou Xiaoqiao finally gave up and listened to her mother’s advice to sell the shares.

The Zhou family was in a difficult spot for the time being.

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Some people were secretly happy to see this situation, but no one went out of their way to step on them. 

After all, the foundation of the Zhou family was still there.

At the same time, the story between Shen Shu and Ruan Tian from back then was brought out again for some reason, but this time some people even dragged Zhou Xiaoqiao’s name into things.

Before long, everyone seemed to know that Zhou Xiaoqiao had been jealous of her sister and had used nasty means to try to harm her, but only resulted in mistakenly pushing those two together. 

Because of this, Zhou Xiaoqiao’s reputation in the aristocratic circle plummeted. Although these rich families had a lot of secret dirty laundry themselves, they would still stand out and criticize people who used these kinds of dirty methods when they were exposed. 

Zhou Xiaoqiao could only wash her face with tears at home every day. After all, she had always been a person who was particularly concerned about how outsiders looked at her and really couldn’t stand this kind of gossip.

Although Mother Zhou also felt that the thing her eldest daughter had done was not very good, she was still the daughter she had always loved and doted on for so many years. She sighed and told her daughter, “You should go and travel abroad for a few years.” 

After a few years, everything would settle down. 

But Zhou Xiaoqiao naturally refused to go. After all, the man she loved was still here in the capital.

She was really not reconciled.

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Mother Zhou could easily see through her daughter’s thoughts, but it only made her more upset. She shouted: “If Shen Shu liked you, he would have married you a long time ago!”

That was just the cold reality.

Thus, Mother Zhou began to go through all the paperwork and formalities to let her daughter go abroad for a few years, regardless of whether Zhou Xiaoqiao was willing or not.

Mother Zhou seemed to have aged ten years overnight. Her previously shiny black hair began to gray around the temples, and her health also seemed to be slowly declining.

In order not to avoid the gossip and whispers from outsiders, everyone the Zhou family were spending these days behind closed doors.

In the end, Mother Zhou really fell ill and ended up bedridden for half a month. Even though she eventually recovered, her image as a smart and capable businesswoman seemed to have faded away.

Ruan Tian also heard a bit about the state of the Zhou family.

Although she heard it, she didn’t really feel anything special.

The people and affairs of the Zhou family have had nothing to do with her for a long time.

If she had time to think about the Zhou family, she might as well use that time to think about what to eat today instead!

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