Even though the new years holidays had ended, Jiang Lili still didn’t urge her to pick a new script. After all, Ruan Tian still had two films that had yet to be released, so there was no hurry.

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Moreover, most of the scripts being flown in the entertainment industry were of low quality and there weren’t many scripts that could enter Jiang Lili’s eyes. 

So Ruan Tian used this time to study hard every day in preparation for the college entrance exams that were only a few months away.

She just took it as a long vacation.

And during this time, Ruan Tian felt a bit shocked. Why had she never realized she was so smart before? ! Her math, physics, and chemistry grades all improved rapidly, and even the other students in her cram school were impressed.

Just as she was feeling smug, she suddenly received a text message from a strange number: 【TianTian, I’m back home. 】

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It was an unmarked number.

Ruan Tian thought for a moment and replied, 【Who is this? 】

But her message was like a stone sank into the sea, leaving no ripples. There was no reply at all.

A few days later, Ruan Tian found that the unmarked number actually belonged to Huai Mo, this person who had not appeared in front of her for a long time.

Huai Mo had returned from abroad, and his hostility and killing intent were much denser than before. 

The first thing Huai Mo did when he returned home was summon his close subordinate. He gritted his teeth, then sneered and said, “Get someone to run that Qin Yu over and f*cking kill him!”

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Huai Mo had been watching from the side coldly all this time. He had seen a lot of news about Qin Yu and Ruan Tian in the tabloids, along with words like “couple who are about to tie the knot”. Whenever he saw those huge black headlines he almost felt as if Qin Yu was standing in front of him and mocking him to his face. 

Huai Mo had been abroad for so long because he had no other choice. He was simply trapped by the huge amount of work to do and couldn’t get away. Every time he thought he was done, some new member of his opposing faction would pop out and need to be cleaned up. After so many times, he had long realized that these things were all the handiwork of the low-key young master from the Qin family.

Clearly, Qin Yu had seen him getting close to Ruan Tian and felt annoyed, so he began creating troubles abroad for Huai Mo without saying a word.

But Huai Mo was an extreme and violent person. He had a twisted temper and was by no means any sort of pure or good person. He had no correct concept of right or wrong. These things were all whispered about him in the aristocratic circle, and they were not just words.

This time, he was really planning to send someone to drive a car and run that son of a bitch Qin Yu over.

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As the beginning of spring arrived, Ruan Tian gradually felt a growing sense of pressure concerning the upcoming college entrance exams, but she still had no thoughts of quitting halfway.

In order to inspire her, Jiang Lili specially made her a long red banner which read: 【As long as you don’t learn to die, you will die to learn!】

It was very inspirational.

Every time Ruan Tian saw it, she felt she could plow through another set of papers!

Still, Ruan Tian was indeed feeling nervous. Although she had taken the college entrance exams once before, that was several years ago and she had already forgotten many details of the process.

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She only had vague memories of the day of the college entrance exams. For instance, she remembered that there had been many kind-hearted people delivering water at the school gates. And she remembered that her last exam had been English, and she had found the test so easy that she finished it half an hour ahead of time and ended up leisurely sitting there while resting her chin on one hand and staring out the nearby window. The afternoon sun had lazily shone on her face as she sat there motionless and waited for the time to run out. 

She recalled how her line of sight happened to land on the small field that faced the teaching building, and she had noticed a huge old locust tree growing in the middle field.

At that time, her mind had been full of random thoughts, thinking things like how she wanted to hand in her test in advance and then go out and climb that tree. Maybe she could get high enough up that she would be able to see Shen Shu in his classroom?

In short, her own memories of the college entrance exams weren’t too useful. 

There was also another small stumbling block. In order to take the college entrance exams, the examinee needed to provide a recent medical report. 

Thus, Ruan Tian chose one fine day to find a private hospital to get a medical report from. She decided to use a private hospital because private hospitals were generally much better at keeping their work secret, and it was also much more difficult for gossip reporters and paparazzi to sneak in compared to a public hospital.

After arriving at the chosen hospital, she finished the physical examination very quickly and sat down to await the result.

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