As it happened, this private hospital was actually owned by the Qin family. In fact, it was the same hospital that Qin Yu usually spent half the year living in. He could even be called a regular customer here.

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Ruan Tian’s doctor was a young man. He was wearing a mask, exposing only his handsome eyes and brows, but Ruan Tian could tell that he was a clean-trimmed, good-tempered, and handsome man. He looked at her from behind his gold-rimmed glasses and his slender white fingers deftly wielded his pen as he scribbled various things onto her physical examination form.

After a while he finally finished the physical examination form. Just then he happened to glance up carelessly at the name column of the form, and the look in his eyes suddenly became meaningful. 

“Ruan Tian?” He said.

Ruan Tian nodded. “That’s me, doctor. Is there a problem?”

The doctor returned the physical examination form to her and said, “No, there’s no problem.” 

Ruan Tian was perfectly healthy, the doctor had just been suprised for a moment when he realized he was actually meeting that woman. The one who had been driving the young master of the Qin family crazy all this time.

After all, Qin Yu was a very famous patient within this hospital.

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He was a wealthy young master who nobody could afford to provoke so, for the hospital, maintaining his health was particuarly important. Unfortunately, he also had a “fragile” physique.

In the end, he would need to come in and be hospitalized every few days.

And this doctor had taken over as Qin Yu’s primary doctor the very year he graduated. Therefore, he had already known the capricious young master Qin for many years and was familiar with the man’s obsessive personality.

Of course, the doctor didn’t mention any of that. He merely handed over the physical examination form and said with a calm smile, “I was just surprised. You’re much prettier in real life than on TV.”

Ruan Tian’s eyes curved into cresents as she smiled and said, “Thank you.”

These sorts of expensive private hospitals were usually secluded and peaceful places so Ruan Tian didn’t expect any troubles but, unexpectedly, there was an interruption just after the doctor handed over her papers.

A little nurse knocked on the door and called inside, “Dr. Zhao, Mr. Qin has arrived.”

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The doctor didn’t even look up from the paperwork. He just called back, “Let him wait. It’s not time for his appointment yet…”

However, before his voice could even fall, there was a loud sound.

The door swung open and a man confidently barged into the room. The man said, “What are you so busy with to make me wait?” 

The man was, of course, Qin Yu. When Qin Yu stepped into the room he immediately spotted Ruan Tian. He raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help but feel slightly surprised.

The doctor smiled and replied, “I’m busy with showing your little wife the results of her medical examination.”

The doctor was an outsider in the end. His knowledge was mostly based on what was reported in the news so, like most people who followed entertainment news, he was under the impression that these two were madly in love. So he made was he saw as a harmless joke.

Ruan Tian: “…”

She said mechanically, “I’m not his little wife.”

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Inside she was lamenting. What was wrong with this world?

Why did the whole world seem to think she was in a relationship with Qin Yu? 

Ruan Tian was really in disbelief about this matter. In fact, she had recently mistakenly entered a thread discussing the so-called RuanTianxQinYu CP and seen the fans there making “expert analysis” like: ‘TianTian is wearing a sweater today, and it seems to match the sweater Qin Yu is wearing!’, or ‘Both TianTian and Qin Yu both seem to like drinking the same kind of coffee at Starbucks!’ 

When Ruan Tian had seen all this, she had been completely shocked and dumbfounded. These people had such amazing imaginations!

Most importantly, she had discovered that somehow while she was unaware the RuanTianxQinYu CP had become quite popular among the netizens and they seemed to be on track to be “the nation’s couple”. (tl note: This is like “nation’s husband” or “nation’s wife” you see in other novels. It just means they are considered a “perfect couple” online.) 

Ruan Tian had been tempted several times to go on Weibo and clarify to the world that it was all fake and that none of this stuff was real. 

Qin Yu didn’t drink Starbucks at all! Those sweaters were just a coincidence!

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However, this wasn’t the kind of thing that would go away with just her posting a clarification. 

Moreover, after the previous accident where Qin Yu had been appeared in the background of her live broadcast, she really didn’t have the face to try to post a clarification claiming that there was nothing at all between them. No one would believe that kind of clarification. Instead, they would just think that she was purposefully acting ambiguous in order to stir up more hype.

Qin Yu walked over and took the physical examination form from Ruan Tian’s hands and took a brief look at it. 

The doctor said, “The current results look good, but we are still waiting for the results of two more tests that will only come back after a day or two.”

Qin Yun nodded and then let out a light chuckle. His deep voice sounded good and somehow magnetic as he laughed, and his whole face warmed up. He turned to Ruan Tian and said, “Did you hear that? My little wife?” 

Ruan Tian reached over and yanked the papers back from his hands. Then she glared at him and said, “Just go to hell you.”

Qin Yu’s continued to laugh, seemingly getting happier and happier.

Ruan Tian snorted and thought that he seemed like a pervert.

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