Qin Yu had come to the hospital this time to pick up his medicine, so his stay was brief. As a result, as Ruan Tian left the doctor’s office, he also went out the door with her. He walked leisurely and followed behind her like a tail.

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The little hospital nurses all hid and peeked at the two of them as they walked by. Their small giggles and whispers filled Ruan Tian’s ears the whole way as she left the hospital.

Qin Yu smiled and spoke up, “Since I’m already here, why don’t I give you a ride?”

Ruan Tian quickly said, “No.”, then ignored him.

Qin Yu wasn’t upset because of her refusal. He maintained his kind and amiable smile and said, “It’s not like you haven’t sat in my car before. Why waste more of your money just to take a taxi?”

Ruan Tian said, “It’s all right. I’m rich now.”

Qin Yu shrugged and said “Okay.”, seemingly giving up.

Then he upped his pace a bit a disappeared down the stairs ahead of her. 

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Private hospitals like this were generally built in more secluded places or out in the suburbs. By doing this, they could build sprawling facilities and provide good, clean air for their patients. 

Of course, as a result, there were fewer people and vehicles on the roads around the hospital when compared with other places in the capital.

Today, Qin Yu hadn’t brought along his driver or his two rows of powerful bodyguards like usual.

Thus, he was able to quickly rush down to the underground garage and drive his car out just in time to stop in front of Ruan Tian as she emerged from the hospital. He smiled and said from the drivers seat, “I won’t eat you, just get in the car.”

The narrow one-way road for patients to come and go from in front of the hospital was completly blocked by Qin Yu’s big car, and the people behind him began to honk. 

However, Qin Yu just acted like he was deaf and showed no intentions of giving way.

Ruan Tian was a stubborn person, but when she saw this scene she sighed and made up her mind to risk her life by following Qin Yu. She climbed into the passenger seat and fastened her seat belt.

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Qin Yu was driving a black Hummer today. There was a string of Buddha beads hanging from the rearview mirrors and a sleeping cat doll sitting on the dashboard. 

Ruan Tian’s eyes lingered on the cat doll for a moment. She felt it looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen it before.

The Hummer smoothly drove out and onto the sparsely populated roads around the hospital.

Qin Yu looked at Ruan Tian’s face from the corner of his eye as he drove. The girl seemed to be in a daze as was her habit, and and her lower lip had been bitten red by little rabbit-like teeth. 

Qin Yu’s adam’s apple rolled twice as he silently gulped, and then he looked a way and returned his focus to the road. 

Suddenly there was an extra car in front of them in their lane! The car was driving very fast and, even though they were about to collide head-on, it didn’t show any sign of trying to brake or swerve away. 

Ruan Tian was still dazedly looking out the passenger window and counting the street lamps as they passed by. One… two… 

But then Qin Yu suddenly yanked the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve and snapping Ruan Tian out of her reverie. Before she could react or ask what was going on, she heard his low voice cry: “Ruan Tian! Protect your head!”

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She still didn’t have any idea what was happening, but when she heard that shout she subconsciously covered her head with her hands.

Qin Yu focused his eyes on the road, and it only took him a second the realize that these people were too prepared and he wouldn’t be able to shake them off. 

The other car was already moving at full speed, and their target was clearly to kill him. 

Qin Yu’s expression turned glacial, and his eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost. At the last second before the inevitable collision, he suddenly unfastened his seat belt with one hand and then pounced on Ruan Tian – protecting her firmly in his arms.

There was a harsh “Bang!” as the two cars collided!

Ruan Tian felt a huge shock go through her body. Her ears felt numb and her head was buzzing.

She slowly raised her eyes and saw Qin Yu’s face enlarged before her. In an instant, she took in his delicate features, his bloodless expression, and his two dark orbs. 

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At the same moment, she felt something warm and wet drip down onto her forehead. Taking a closer look, she saw that Qin Yu’s forehead seemed to have been cut open, and there was blood trickling down his face and dripping from his chin.

When she saw that, Ruan Tian panicked and began asking, “Qin Yu, you’re wounded! Are you all right? !”

Qin Yu’s whole body was aching. His throat felt rough and it was painful to speak. Still, he endured it and said, “I’m fine.”

The entire front portion of the car that they were in seemed to have been heavily deformed by the impact.

Looking at Qin Yu’s face that was getting paler and paler in front of her, Ruan Tian started to feel more and more uneasy. She urgently whispered, “Qin Yu? Qin Yu? !”

However, even though she had called his name twice in a row, the man who was holding her in his arms did not respond at all.

Ruan Tian was so scared that she patted him on the face with her hand and she was starting to feel choked up. She called again, louder this time: “Qin Yu!”

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