Fortunately, it was only a few minutes after that when both an ambulance and the police arrived on the scene, and Qin Yu was able to be sent to the hospital.

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The man in black who had been driving the other car could only bite the bullet and let himself be arrested while firmly insisting that the whole incident had been an accident. 

At the same moment, Huai Mo was feeling uncomfortable all over. After thinking about it a little bit, he realized he had suffered a huge loss in Qin Yu’s hands this time. It seemed Qin Yu had managed to completely gain the advantage in this situation. Basically, he had given Qin Yu the perfect opportunity to play the hero who saved the beauty and also act like a pitiful victim in front of Ruan Tian at the same time, yet he hadn’t gained anything himself.

He had really made a huge loss. 

Of course, Huai Mo didn’t really think about it beyond that. Ever since he was a child no one had ever taught Huai Mo the concept of right and wrong, so he only thought in terms of gains or losses. 

He liked Ruan Tian and wanted to be with her. Qin Yu was obviously the biggest obstacle standing in the way of that goal, so the only thing to do was get rid of him. In his mind, it was that simple.

However, not only had Huai Mo failed to get rid of Qin Yu this time, he had actually gifted the other man such a great opportunity. 

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There was a reason Huai Mo acted so rashly this time. He had been in a bad mood for the past several months he had spent abroad. He had slowly become more and more irritable each time he saw more news about Ruan Tian and Qin Yu. Whether these things were real or not, he absolutely could not stay calm.

When he finally returned from abroad, his mind was plagued with the thought that he had wasted so many months and allowed Qin Yu to get so far ahead of him, so he directly decided to kill Qin Yu.

Yet what kind of result was this? He had been completely tricked by Qin Yu!


Back at the same private hospital she had visited earlier that day, Qin Yu was pushed into the emergency room and the door slammed shut behind him. Ruan Tian sat outside and silently stared up at the electronic sign which read “Operation in Progress” in bright red. Her expression was unreadable, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

A nurse suddenly approached her and asked her to have an examination as well. 

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When the nurse spoke to her, Ruan Tian finally came to her senses and said, “Ah, it’s okay. I’m fine.”

The nurse was a little worried and said, “Are you sure you’re all right? You came here with Mr. Qin, right? You should also get an examination. How could you be completely fine after such a serious car accident?”

Ruan Tian jolted at that but, as a matter of fact, it seemed that she was really not hurt.

But Qin Yu’s blood was still on her hands. So, in the end, Ruan Tian just sat down on the bench outside the emergency room, shook her head, and said, “I’ll sit here and wait.”

After sitting there and pondering for a long time, Ruan Tian finally saw the light of the electronic sign above the emergency room go out.

A moment later, a doctor strode out from inside. The doctor was wearing a surgical mask, but Ruan Tian recognized him as the same doctor who had helped her with her physical examination earlier this afternoon.

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After the doctor came out, Qin Yu also came out, now lying on a hospital bed. He was quickly pushed away by a nurse towards the ward. As this happened, the doctor’s face was still tense. He murmured: “His life has been saved, but the situation is still not very good. He will need to be hospitalized for some time.”

On the side, Ruan Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had told Qin Yu to die countless times, today she found that she actually wanted him to live well. 

Moreover, Qin Yu had blocked such a heavy blow for her today, which led her to have a mix of feelings in her heart which she still didn’t quite understand.

“After this, his life shouldn’t be in any danger, right?” Ruan Tian asked.

The doctor lazily looked up from his paperwork and then replied slowly, “Not necessarily. If his situation suddenly deteriorates, he may have to enter the ICU.”

The doctor saw his words had frightened her, so he comforted: “But he has always been lucky. I think he will probably be able to make a full recovery after a couple of months of bedrest.” 

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“Aren’t you his little wife? Tell me, who did he manage to offend this time? Who dared to put him in this state?” 

Ruan Tian originally wanted to speak up and explain that she was really not Qin Yu’s “little wife”, but this was obviously not the most urgent problem right now so she decided not to bother.

She just shook her head and murmured, “I don’t know.”

And that was the truth. Ruan Tian did not know much about Qin Yu himself, let alone about whoever he might have offended recently. 

However, she did know that Qin Yu was usually able to do whatever he felt like doing while he was here in the capital. It was always other people who were afraid of offending him, and never him afraid of offending other people. 

When the Qin family received the news and rushed to the hospital, Ruan Tian finally left the scene in a bit of a daze.

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