Qin Yu was in a coma for three whole days before he woke up. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he was disappointed to find that the person he most wanted to see wasn’t in the ward. 

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Of course, Qin Yu knew that he shouldn’t feel surprised or disappointed. After all, it was normal for Ruan Tian not to be there.

But even if he knew that rationally, he couldn’t stop his heart from having a few small expectations. 

At the same time, he was aware that his terrible behavior in the past had made Ruan Tian deeply disgusted with him. 

But back then, Qin Yu had been the dazzling star of the capital. A favored son of the heavens who was proud and brilliant. He had been youthful and arrogant, and his personality had only become more extreme when he saw himself “losing” to Shen Shu. He really couldn’t figure out in what way he could possibly be inferior to Shen Shu. He hadn’t been able to understand why Ruan Tian was so obsessed with the other man, as if her heart was possessed and full of only him.

Qin An noticed that his brother woke up and quickly sat up in his chair. He said happily, “Big brother, you are finally awake!”

Seeing that his brother did not immediately respond, Qin An asked, “Big brother, are you looking for Ruan Tian?”

Qin Yu’s lips were pale and bloodless. He pursed them into a straight line, then spoke in a low and hoarse voice, “She’s already left?”

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Qin An silently snickered. He had never realized before that his brother was such a romantic! 

“Ruan Tian visited for a while last night, but she went back when she saw you weren’t waking up. I think she will probably come again tonight.”

Indeed, Ruan Tian couldn’t just hang around the hospital all day. She was still going to cram school during the day these days. After all, it was already April and the exams would be happening soon. Although it was true that even if she failed she could still just take the test again next year, Ruan Tian didn’t want to waste a whole year like that for no reason. 

However, even though she continued to attend the cram school, Ruan Tian had spent the past few days in a daze. Even the test papers that had been simple to her before were turned in completely blank. 

Today, after class was over, Ruan Tian stood out in front of the cram school for a while with an indecisive expression on her face. After pondering for a while, she still decided to take a taxi to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, she saw that Qin An had sent her a message saying that his brother had woken up.

When she heard that Qin Yu had woken up, Ruan Tian’s heart, which had been very tense the past few days, finally relaxed a little bit.

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Ruan Tian silently sat in the back of the taxi and pondered the matter. Qin Yu was already in poor health and had a sickly consitution, she really didn’t know how long he would need to stay in the hospital after suffering such a serious injury this time.

Looking outside, it was almost dark.

When Ruan Tian arrived in the ward, Qin Yu was still barely keeping himself awake. He was leaning back lazily against the head of the bed, his head was lowered to play with the phone in his hands, and he looked bored and tired. 

Qin An was the first to notice Ruan Tian’s arrival. He leaped up and greeted her, smiling widely as if he saw a savior.

Qin Yu’s slack and lazy expression disappeared when he heard Qin An call Ruan Tian’s name. He raised his head and silently stared at Ruan Tian. Her bright and lively face was reflected in the depths of his dark pupils.

Qin Yu suddenly kicked Qin An’s ass with his foot and growled, “Weren’t you about to go buy me dinner?”

Qin An: ???

Qin Yu gaze him a frosty glare and said, “Hurry up.” 

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Although the words he said were ‘Hurry up’ his tone was clearly saying ‘Get out of here!’ 

“All right, I’ll go first.”

Qin An was no fool. Obviously, his brother wanted some time alone with Ruan Tian in order to cultivate feelings.

But he was like a huge light bulb interrupting the two-person scene, clearly affecting his brother’s performance. He could only make himself scarce!

Ruan Tian asked, “You haven’t eaten?”

Qin Yu indifferently replied, “I haven’t had any appetite.” 

Ruan Tian looked at Qin Yu and saw that he seemed to have lost some weight and he looked a bit sickly. She figeted with her fingers to cover up her uneasiness and said, “What would you like to eat? I’ll make it tomorrow and bring it to you.”

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Qin Yu was stupefied by those words. Ruan Tian had never treated him so well before. But he quiuckly recovered and said, “I want to eat porridge.”

Ruan Tian nodded and promised.

Qin Yu’s slumped back in his bed and his eyes were shrouded by a thick layer of tiredness. He said to Ruan Tian with a hoarse voice: “I feel thirsty, pour me a glass of water.”

If this had been any time in the past, Ruan Tian would have ignored him completely just based on his commanding tone! 


Ruan Tian found she couldn’t act so heartless towards a patient.

In fact, Ruan Tian discovered there wasn’t much reluctance in her heart. She just nodded and said, “OK, wait a moment.”

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