Ruan Tian poured Qin Yu a glass of warm water and passed it over to him. After Qin Yu took a few sips he patted the bedside and said, “Come and sit down.”

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The two both maintained mutually polite tones. 

Ruan Tian pointed to the empty chair opposite the bed and said, “No, I can sit over there.”

Qin Yu said, “That’s Qin An’s seat.”

Ruan Tian replied, “It doesn’t matter, I won’t care about that…”

Qin Yu suddenly interjected, “It’s not you…”

Ruan Tian was at a loss, “Not me?”

Qin Yu gave a faint smile, “You might not mind, but he will be unhappy.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

Ruan Tian had a headache as she thought of Qin An’s endlessly petty nature.

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Ruan Tian thought it over and said, “Then I’d better stand.”

Qin Yu, who was leaning back against his pillow and wearing a hospital gown, looked exactly like a sickly patient who was recuperating. He said with a mocking tone: “Do you think I’m going to eat you?” 

After he finished his words, he seemed uncomfortable and coughed several times.

Ruan Tian thought it over again and then slowly sat down on the edge of his bed.

Qin Yu immediately began giving instructions in a natural tone, “Help me take my medicine, it’s over on the nightstand.”

Ruan Tian reached out to find the medicine on the nightstand, but then Qin Yu suddenly changed his sitting posture. The sudden shift threw off Ruan Tian’s center of gravity, causing her to slip and fall down on Qin Yu’s body.

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow at this. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes seemed to say ‘It’s fine, do whatever you want to do to me.’

Ruan Tian shifted her hands down and wanted to push herself up, but Qin Yu suddenly said, “Don’t move.”

Ruan Tian: “? ? ?”

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Qin Yu said shamelessly: “If you move again, it will become excited.” 

Ruan Tian: F*ck!

Her face flushed with anger and she hurriedly tried to get up from him, but then he deliberately pulled her back down.

At the same time, she felt something strange touch her leg. 

Seeing Ruan Tian’s accusing eyes, Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and said shamelessly, “Sorry, it really became excited.”

Ruan Tian was still a pure young girl who with practically no experience in this field, so her face immediately reddened up to her ears. 

Her brain completely froze for a few seconds, completely shocked by Qin Yu’s roguish behavior.

She was so angry that her words came out in a stutter: “Y-you… you’re really too shameless.”

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Meanwhile, Qin An, who had disappeared earlier and taken a brief stroll around the hospital, felt that he had probably given his brother enough time by now. Thus, humming a pop song under his breath, he turned and returned to his brother’s ward. But as soon as he opened the door, he came across a strange scene. Ruan Tian seemed to be pouncing on his brother, and their posture on the bed was quite compromising.

Qin An, a man who had seen great winds and waves in his life, reacted immediately: “Ah, pardon me, I will go back to buy more food.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

She angrily climbed down from Qin Yu and quickly backed up until she was about a meter away. She raised her hand and pushed a few messy strands of hair back into place, then said, “Since you’re a patient, stop this nonsense! You’re already in a hospital bed, now isn’t the time to act the hooligan.”

Qin Yu sighed, but at the same time, the corners of his lips curved upward. Then he said in an innocent tone, “It doesn’t listen to me, what can I do?”

Ruan Tian’s brows furrowed. She really couldn’t beat this guy with words. Finally, she just said flatly: “I suggest you cut it off.”

Qin Yu: “…”

Ruan Tian saw that Qin Yu seemed to have more strength and energy now, but at the same time, his face had filled with clouds and he didn’t seem to want to speak. 

She quickly said, “Anyway, you have a good rest. I’m going home.”

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Qin Yu sighed but didn’t try to stop her. Instead, he just reminded her, “Remember my soup.”

“I know. I’ll send it to you tomorrow.”

After she left, Qin Yu suddenly seemed to lose all strength. He leaned back listlessly on the bed and no longer seemed so energetic. He quickly closed his eyes and slept.

Qin An was a person who liked to post on Moments whenever something interesting happened in his life. After he happened to stumble across such a scene between Ruan Tian and his brother, he couldn’t help but make a new post in order to show off:【 I’m afraid I’m going to have a new nephew soon. 】

XiaoZhangWillNotPanic: “wtf? ? !”

XuJing: “?”

BrainlessLittleCutie: “Wait, you mean between your brother and Ruan Tian? Holy shit, Ruan Tian is really too powerful.”

Everyone in Qin An’s friend group was surprised. After all, before this matter with Ruan Tian, Qin Yu had never approached any other women. In their minds, he was the untouched, aloof, cold, and noble young master of their aristocratic circle. Such a person would basically have nothing to do with the word “romance”.

And none of them had ever imagined him and Ruan Tian together seriously before this. Over the years, they had already gotten used to the idea that Qin Yu and Ruan Tian were mortal enemies. Who would have guessed that, in the twinkling of an eye, the pair were now somehow discussing marriage and children? It was really shocking for these people who knew them.

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