Ruan Tian cooked some simple soup and brought it to Qin Yu the next day.

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When she arrived at Qin Yu’s ward, there was doctor by the bed who was replacing Qin Yu’s IV bag. Qin Yu himself looked sickly and a little weak.

The doctor was speaking when Ruan Tian entered the room, “…there are still three more bags left after this one is finished. Please don’t agitate the site and pull out the needle, or else it will be very painful to re-insert it again.”

Qin Yu was used to this little bit of pain, and his brows didn’t even furrow at the doctor’s words. He merely said, “En, I understand.” 

The doctor was the same acquaintance from last time. When he looked back and saw Ruan Tian had arrived carrying a meal box, he smiled and said, “Yo, good news. It looks like your little wife has brought you a meal.”

Regarding these words “little wife”, Ruan Tian never tired of refuting them. She quickly said, “I am not his little wife.” 

The doctor said, “Didn’t Qin An say that you were pregnant? The two of you already have a child, so try to get along.”

Ruan Tian: …

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She rolled her eyes. The hell she was pregnant. 

As soon as the doctor left, Qin Yu waved her over and said, “What kind of soup did you make?”

“Seafood soup.”

Qin Yu’s nose seemed to shoot to the sky, and he said, “Then, feed it to me.” 

Ruan Tian sneered, “Don’t eat it if you can’t feed yourself.”

“Originally, I didn’t want to have to mention the car accident, but it seems I have no choice.” Qin Yu paused, looked at her face, and then went on to say: “In ancient times, the grace of saving a life was often expected to be repaid with a person’s body. Of course, I am not so excessive, you can just feed me some soup.”

Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu’s best skill was his ability to take a mile after being given an inch, so she directly ignored his nonsense. 

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Qin Yu saw she seemed unresponsive, so he compromised and said, “All right, I’ll do it myself.”

He picked up his spoon and began to eat. The soup tasted good and seemed to be made well, neither too sweet or too salty. 

After Qin Yu finished his soup, he said, “I’d like to have chicken soup tomorrow.”

Ruan Tian pondered for a moment before readily agreeing: “Okay. You can transfer the money to me and I’ll order takeout for you.”

Qin Yu: “…”

Over the next few days, Ruan Tian felt that this Qin Yu was really quite capable when it came to taking advantage of his status as a “patient”. He had many tasks for her to do and demands for her to fulfill.

This wasn’t her nitpicking. He really had all kinds of demands for her.

Of course, Ruan Tian usually refused to listen to him.

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Qin Yu recovered faster than expected and, half a month later, his injuries had more or less recovered and he only needed to stay in the hospital for bed rest. 

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian was busy preparing for the upcoming exams, and also for the International Film Festival that would be happening in April.

Ruan Tian had already been shortlisted to be the next Movie Queen, so Jiang Lili insisted on making sure Ruan Tian would look glamorous from head to toe on the day of the award ceremony. Not the slightest mistake was acceptable.

The dresses and accessories were all chosen months in advance, and she reached out to various brands for cooperation. 

Of course, the Ruan Tian today was different compared to the Ruan Tian a few months ago, so they were able to borrow clothes and jewelry very smoothly this time. In fact, many big international brands even took the initiative to send her olive branches, offering the newest seasonal dresses made by the best designers and lending out jewelry worth eight figures.

Ruan Tian and Jiang Lili picked out a particularly elegant and sexy dress together and, after trying it on, found it to be completely satisfactory. 

As the film festival got closer and closer, Ruan Tian’s name began to reappear in the posts of marketing accounts and on the hot search, mostly in the context of the upcoming film festival and betting on whether she would be the next Movie Queen. 

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Of course, a handful of these marketing accounts felt that their KPI was flagging, and began to make up “news” out of whole cloth: 【Recently, some people have seen Ruan Tian go in and out of the hospital many times. Qin An seems to have slipped up and revealed the matter of her pregnancy. It looks like Ruan Tian is determined to use her new son to take her to the top! 】

Immediately, millions of melon-eaters appeared to comment and talk about this post soon after it was made.

Some people were afraid that Ruan Tian might really win the award this time, so they wanted to use this method to smear her reputation and discredit her.

Of course, many of Ruan Tian’s fans immediately helped to deny it.

At the same time, the CP fans also appeared to say that no one should believe this without evidence.

After all, whether she was pregnant or not would be able to be seen at a glance when Ruan Tian appeared at the festival. 

As a result of all this, when the day of the film festival actually arrived, there were many curious eyes focused on Ruan Tian’s belly, trying to see if she was actually pregnant or not. 

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