Of course, with the kind of topic being the subject of gossip, the tone online was not very pleasant. Many people were posting many mean and hurtful things. 

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Derogatory words like “kept woman”, “schemer”, “slut” and other similar things were all pushed on Ruan Tian’s head like dirty water pouring down.

But Ruan Tian was already used to clarifying everything herself whenever this kind of issue appeared. She quickly made a clear and concise post which read:【Ignore the nonsense. Look forward to the film award ceremony. 】

“Haha, yes!”

“I haven’t seen our TianBaby for too long. TianBaby, you can study if I want to, but could you occasionally send out a few selfies?”

“I hope Sister Ruan can just focus on making movies in the future.”

Ruan Tian briefly read these top comments, then happily turned off her phone. 

On the day of the film festival, Ruan Tian got up at 8:00 a.m. in the morning in order to start putting on her makeup so she would be ready for the event happening at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon.

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Almost all the actors and actresses with any degree of fame in the circle attended. Many of them were just there to rub elbows with the people walking the red carpet and have a look at all the hustle and bustle. Not many young actors and actresses in Ruan Tian’s age range had any thoughts of receiving any awards. 

Zhao Meng’er was standing outside the venue and happened to see Ruan Tian going inside. However, she no longer felt jealous of Ruan Tian like before and her emotions had become very indifferent.

After all, every person had their own destiny.

And Zhao Meng’er had realized from long ago that Ruan Tian was not a person that she could handle. 

She and Ruan Tian were just people who were on different levels. Different levels of acting talent, different levels of birth… she knew her own limits and knew she could not compare. 

At the same time, Ruan Tian wanted to begin her walk down the red carpet, so she approached her partner, the male lead of the movie ‘Motes of Dust’. Nowadays this previously unknown newcomer had a certain degree of fame.

“Sister Tian, take my hand.” He said with a smile.

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Qin Yu hadn’t attended the festival. Instead, he watched it live on TV.

As he was watching the broadcast, he happened to glance down at his phone.

Qin Yu’s Weibo followers had also been on the rise recently. It had been a while since he last looked at his account, and today he saw that the number had already broken one million.

The comment with the most likes read: 【Are you and Ruan Tian SZD? 】

Qin Yu saw the comment but didn’t understand what it meant until asked Qin An about it.

Qin Yu stared at his phone her a while, then finally condescended to lower himself to reply: 【Still in crazy pursuit. 】

(tl note: SZD is the pinyin abbreviation of 是真的 (shì zhēn de) which is used by netizens to talk about couples and basically means “is real”. As in “a real couple”.)

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The CP fans who believed in the QinYuxRuanTian CP immediately boiled with excitement.

Their bursting hearts could hardly be contained! 

What was this?

The male lead of their favorite CP was personally handing out sweets to them! ! !

There was a brief period where there wasn’t any movement, and then Qin Yu’s latest post directly rocketed up the hot search and rose all the way to the top five.

Ruan Tian was once again cursed by the netizens as one of the luckiest women alive.

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After wandering around the venue for a while, Zhao Meng’er happened to notice that Qin Yu’s name was on the hot search again. She was a bit curious so she clicked in to figure out what was going on, and then specially searched up some of Qin Yu’s photos to see the man himself. The more she looked at Qin Yu’s photos, the more she felt that Ruan Tian was indeed just like the netizens said – one of the luckiest women alive.

After all, this Qin Yu was a real golden son of the heavens. He came from an old noble family, meaning he had a good background and unshakable status and, most importantly, he was even more handsome than your typical movie star. 

Ruan Tian’s luck seemed to be much better than her own. Compared to her, Zhao Meng’er had been following her current boss ever since she entered the industry. He was a middle-aged man who was already in his forties or fifties and, not mentioning the fact that he was old enough to be her father, the important thing was that he was not good-looking at all.

Zhao Meng’er felt that if her backer was someone like Qin Yu, she would be happy to sleep with him even if he didn’t provide her with any resources or money.

Meanwhile, Ruan Tian and the rest of the crew finished walking the carpet and sat down at a round table that was near the stage. Many other stars who had not received any nominations were not able to get such good seats and could only sit on the long rows of red chairs further in the back. 

Of course, compared to some of the other movie crews whose films had been nominated for multiple awards at the same time, ‘Motes of Dust’ was less impressive and had been nominated for too many awards.

However, the Best Actress Award which Ruan Tian had been nominated for was one of the heaviest awards and one of the highlights of the night, so their seating was still appropriate.

Ruan Tian herself did not actually have much hope for winning the award, and her fans were also trying to manage their expectations. Most of them were just happy that their idol had been nominated and tried to encourage her telling her that she didn’t need to force herself or be too fixated on winning. In short, both Ruan Tian and her fans were frantically trying to lower their expectations.

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