Everyone interested in the entertainment industry was keeping an eye on this award ceremony. Back when it has been announced that Ruan Tian had been nominated for Best Actress, these people had all felt surprised, so now that she actually won the award there was an explosion!

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On a certain anonymous forum, it was like the sky had fallen:

【Who is the idiot who had been mocking Ruan Tian every day and saying it was impossible for her to win? F*ck your mother, I was nearly tricked by you! 】

【Haha, do you see this? Real talent doesn’t fear evil intentions. 】

【There’s no need to wonder about this. Ruan Tian has always been such a magical person. She manages to turn the poisoned milk into medicine every time. 】

【So, in the end, Ruan Tian was the one to stand out from the thousands of flowers of the film industry to win Movie Queen? We’re talking about the real Best Actress Award from the Hong Kong Film Festival, not some random award tossed out from a small website. How could she possibly be so lucky? 】

【Above poster, Young Master Qin also said that he was “In crazy pursuit” of her. Her luck is incredible. It’s really enough to make a person feel envious. 】

Meanwhile, Qin Yu was also watching these developments and had started feeling some regret that he had responded so pretentiously when he saw that question on Weibo earlier.

Rather than the nonsense about “pursuit”, he should have just shamelessly replied: 【 It’s true.】

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If he had done that then the netizens wouldn’t feel the relationship between him and Ruan Tian was so complicated and confusing.

Meanwhile, after the announcement that she had won Best Actress, Ruan Tian was the most popular actress of the night even after the award ceremony and during the big celebration dinner.

Throughout the rest of the evening, many people that Ruan Tian had never met before came forward to greet her one after another, each one wanting to exchange contact info and talk about future cooperation.

Ruan Tian drank a little wine while enduring all this and ended up feeling a little tipsy by the time the celebration came to an end. But as she stepped out of the venue and into the cold night wind, she quickly began to sober up.  

Ruan Tian immediately noticed Huai Mo’s car was parked in front of the venue, and a bodyguard in a black suit walked over and invited her to sit inside.

She agreed and went over to sit in the car. It had been a long time since she last saw Huai Mo, and seeing him now he seemed a bit unfamiliar. 

The young man in the back seat of the car seemed to have lost weight and looked a little haggard. He was dressed in a black dress shirt, with an indifferent look etched across his delicate features. When Ruan Tian climbed into the car, he turned his head to look over. His dark eyes quietly roamed over her face.

He stretched out his hand and lightly touched her side face. Then he suddenly smiled and said, “Congratulations.”

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Huai Mo’s fingertips were cold, and Ruan Tian nodded and said, “Thank you.” 

As she looked at the haggard-looking face and slightly cloudy eyes of young man in front of her, Ruan Tian actually didn’t feel very comfortable in her heart.

Huai Mo continued touching her face as he asked, “Do you like Qin Yu?”

After thinking about it for a moment, Ruan Tian shook her head.

Huai Mo seemed to be a little happy with that response, and then continued in a childish tone: “Then, you should like me, okay?”

Ruan Tian’s brows furrowed. She remembered that she had already told Huai Mo many times that, while they were friends, she had no feelings of a woman towards a man for him. 

However, Huai Mo seemed to be a person with communication difficulties who only ever heard what he wanted to hear. 

Ruan Tian stared directly into his eyes and said in a low voice: “Huai Mo, you don’t like me. You just feel that I’m good to you want to be closer, but that feeling is not love.”

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She knew that Huai Mo had mistaken this simple feeling of goodwill for love.

She continued: “You will meet other girls who are even nicer to you in the future.”

The light in the back of the car was dim, but Ruan Tian’s white cheeks and sincere eyes were still vaguely illuminated by the light of the streetlights outside. 

Huai Mo was silent for a long time, then said “Sit with me for a while. I’ll take you home.”

Ruan Tian was already feeling a little sleepy so she quietly agreed.

She tilted her head and leaned it against the window. Before she knew it, her eyes drifted shut and she fell asleep. 

By the time she woke up again, the car had already reached her apartment building. 

Ruan Tian was still feeling a little muddled after just waking up and her head ached slightly. As she was climbing out of the car, Huai Mo suddenly reached over and caught her by the wrist, forcing her to look back at him. Huai Mo’s expression was aggrieved and he said, “Qin Yu is not a good person.”

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Even if Ruan Tian didn’t like him, he couldn’t let her like Qin Yu, that insidious villain.

Ruan Tian felt a bit amused and replied, “En, I know.”

In fact, who else aside from her had seen more of the worst sides of Qin Yu? 

Huai Mo slowly released his grip on her arm. He felt very unwilling, but he didn’t dare to do things so recklessly anymore.

For instance, Qin Yu seemed to already be aware that Huai Mo was the one who set up his “accident”. It wouldn’t be good if he told Ruan Tian about this matter.

Thinking this far, Huai Mo felt very annoyed. That Qin Yu was really too insidious and cunning! He had happily taken the opportunity to jump into the trap Huai Mo had dug for him, used it to act pitiful in front of Ruan Tian and, as if just by the way, also picked up a handle he could use against Huai Mo.

Thus, Huai Mo spent every day cursing Qin Yu and hoping for him to die in the hospital.

After all, Qin Yu was a sickly man who spent the years constantly in and out of the hospital. It wouldn’t be surprising at all if he suddenly dropped dead this time, right?

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