However, no matter how bad Qin Yu’s health seemed, the day never came when Huai Mo received notice that things had taken a critical turn for the worse. 

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Instead, Qin Yu just stayed in the hospital for another half a month, seeming to be getting better and better every day. 

He was obviously a person who was almost fully recovered, but he still spent every day pretending in front of Ruan Tian, acting as if he could die at any second.

In the end, when Qin Yu was finally discharged from the hospital, he overbearingly proposed that he should come and live in Ruan Tian’s home. He gave an extremely perfunctory excuse: “There’s a ghost in my house.” 

Ruan Tian shot back without hesitation, “There’s a ghost in my house too.”

Qin Yu didn’t miss a beat and shot back, “Well, isn’t it just perfect then? I can move into your house and protect you.”

Ruan Tian was speechless. She had never met such a thick-skinned person before.

After thinking about it for a moment, she finally transferred five thousand yuan to Qin Yu via Wechat and said, “Here, five thousand yuan. You can get a hotel room. Is that enough?”

Qin Yu felt that Ruan Tian was being uncharacteristically generous to him. He raised an eyebrow and his thin lips gently curled up into a smile. 

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However, he suddenly seemed to think of something and his usually indifferent expression became vivid. He said, “You want to buy my services as a gigolo? Isn’t five thousand yuan a little low for that?”

Ruan Tian was so angered by his smug reply that she didn’t even think before shooting back: “No! You are a very cheap product. Don’t you understand your own value?” 

Hearing that, Qin Yu began to take off his clothes. He slipped off his coat and tossed it on the sofa, then began to unbuckle his belt while saying, “Now that you’ve spent money, I have no choice but to wait on you, right?”

Ruan Tian’s expression turned frightened. She stepped back again and again and shouted, “What are you doing! ! ? What do you want! ! ? Get out of here! ! !”

Qin Yu gave a deep chuckle. The buckle of his belt had already been completely undone, and slowly moved closer and closer, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you spend this five thousand yuan in vain.”

“I love this kind of job. Isn’t it just sleeping together? Let’s get to it.” 

Ruan Tian was speechless. How could this Qin Yu have the nerve to call himself a “gigolo”?

How could he say such shameless words like “loving this kind of job” without changing his expression at all?

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Ruan Tian looked at him with a disgusted expression and said clearly, “Pft, I don’t believe you ‘can’.”

“Sleeping together is not such a simple matter.”

“Besides, you aren’t good-looking enough for that kind of career. Even if you were selling yourself, five thousand yuan is already a compliment to you.”

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu didn’t seem annoyed by Ruan Tian’s harsh words. He replied breezily, “Then should I give two thousand yuan back?”

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes and didn’t bother to continue talking nonsense with him, “Just give it all back to me, and then quickly scram away from here.” 

Qin Yu lazily leaned back on the sofa and replied, “The money is already in my hands, how could I so easily spit it back out?” 

“Fine, keep the money then. Just quickly scram.” Ruan Tian felt a throbbing pain in her skull from this idiotic conversation. 

Qin Yu said, “That’s no good. I, as an upstanding gigolo, am dutybound to satisfy my customer now that I’ve received payment.”

As he spoke, Qin Yu also slowly stood up from the couch. He unfastened his expensive leather belt and tossed it aside, reached up and began to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt, and began to approach her, “Also, I can’t just take this lying down. With my line of work, I can’t afford to accept that kind of damage to my reputation.”

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After a short pause, he continued in a low voice, “After all, in this line of work, it will do great damage if it gets out that my ‘ability’ is being doubted.”

Ruan Tian snorted. Listen to this, were these even human words? 

Ruan Tian almost wanted to give him a big thumbs up from sheer admiration. He could make acting like a hooligan sound so noble.

It was really amazing.

Ruan Tian finally retorted: “Don’t try to create something out of nothing, you’ve never had such a thing as a reputation.”

Ruan Tian then stood up and gathered up the scattered things. She quickly stuffed Qin Yu’s coat and belt back into his arms and said, “Fine, then you can just think of me as your financier now. Since I’m your financier, can you be a little more conscious of your status as a gigolo? When your financier tells you to scram, all you need to do is quickly scram away, understand?”

Qin Yu accepted the articles of clothing and put on a serious expression as if he were really thinking things over. Eventually, he said, “Alright, I understand. You’re the boss.” 

However, despite “conceding”, Qin Yu couldn’t help but throw in one last jab. The corners of his lips curved upwards and he said, “But not being able to satisfy you tonight was clearly a dereliction of duty on my part.”

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After that, he really dropped the topic. After all, Qin Yu didn’t want to go too far and really make Ruan Tian upset, so he shut up just before he crossed that line. 

“Anyway, I’ll go back first. If you decide you need my special services, I’ll be available at any time.”

“I won’t. Scram.”

Around five minutes after Qin Yu left, Ruan Tian suddenly received a notification on her phone. She clicked it and discovered there was a monetary transfer through WeChat.

Qin Yu: 【Here’s 10,000.】

Qin Yu: 【Take it to buy yourself some water to drink.】

Qin Yu: 【Don’t worry about me, we gigolos are all rich.】

Ruan Tian wasn’t polite and directly accepted the money. 

Wouldn’t it be too much of a waste not to sheer the wool of the capitalist when the opportunity presented itself?

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