One day, Qin Yu made a rare post to his Moments. 

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It was a short message, along with a picture of Shen Shu’s wedding invitation.

【Congratulations and best wishes for a marriage that will last a hundred years. 】

These words were tantamount to making the matter official.  

Ruan Tian quickly left a big “like” on the post.

But as she clicked the button, she couldn’t help but sigh and reflect. It seemed that her own marriage had really been for nothing. Even after two years together, she had nothing to show for it but a marriage certificate!

After that, Ruan Tian felt it wouldn’t be long before she would be able to see the pictures from Shen Shu’s wedding day. However, not many days after news of the engagement broke, there was a new piece of news: Shen Shu had a car accident!

Moreover, the car accident seemed to have been very serious.

Shen Shu was sent to hospital in a timely manner, so his life was saved, but he still ended up staying in a coma for several days. 

A few days later, Ruan Tian heard news that the engagement between the Shen family and the Zhao family had been cancelled.

The whole process was like a big joke.

During this time, Shen Shu silently stayed in the hospital to recover from his injuries. Miss Zhao tried to visit him a few times, but each time he refused to see her. 

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Finally, Miss Zhao couldn’t stand it and forcefully barged into the hospital room. She looked at Shen Shu on the hospital bed then, while crying bitterly, she asked in a heartbroken tone, “Why do you suddenly want to cancel our engagement?”

Shen Shu lowered his eyes. His expression was frosty and even somewhat cruel as he said simply, “Because I don’t love you.”

Shen Shu had originally wanted to accept this marriage.

After all, no one could live alone forever.

Moreover, he had felt that Miss Zhao was both sensible and beautiful. She had a strong family background and a good character, thus, she was a good marriage partner no matter how he looked at it.

However, after the engagement was made official, Shen Shu just found it all tiresome. 

It was useless. He had no desire to marry anyone. 

Or, actually, he did. He still had Ruan Tian in his heart.

He couldn’t forget about her, but he also couldn’t get her back. 

In the end, with less than a dozen days to go before the wedding date, Shen Shu had gone out for a drive. He had indifferently ran a red light, then forcibly slammed the steering wheel and drove his car into the guardrail to avoid the oncoming cars.

He clearly could have braked and stopped before running the light, but he hadn’t done so. 

When the police watched the surveillance footage, they felt it was as if he had deliberately decided to take advantage of this opportunity to try to kill himself. 

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Of course, Shen Shu denied that. He told them that he didn’t know what he had been thinking in that moment. He had tried to step on the brake, but had accidentally stepped on the gas instead. 

In reality, he had stepped on the gas to the end. His foot had never moved toward the brake. And when he heard heard the loud Bang and felt the impact rippling through his car, Shen Shu had actually had a kind of relaxed feeling in his heart.

Neither of Shen Shu’s parents were surprised by the sudden cancellation of the engagement.

Mother Shen couldn’t even sigh anymore. She just asked simply, “What do you want to do?”

Shen Shu looked up and said sincerely, “Mom, I just want to remarry her.”

Mother Shen shook her head, “Why are you so stubborn?”

Shen Shu had always been a perfect child since he was young and had never let his parents worry about him. However, Mother Shen knew that you couldn’t just look at his docile and obedient appearance, he was actually very stubborn at heart.

Mother Shen could only say helplessly, “It’s not as if you don’t know Ruan Tian.”

Ruan Tian was a person who, once she made a decision, wouldn’t change her mind even if a team of a hundred bulls were dragging her feet. 

For this kind of person, once they got divorced, there was no possibility of remarriage.

“En, I know her…” Shen Shu raised his hand to cover his eyes. “That’s why I was just saying.”


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In a twinkling of an eye, it was the end of August, and the freshmen of Capital University all reported to the campus to welcome the opening of the term.

For some reason, the mandatory military training was arranged to take place in the first semester of sophomore year.

Thus, the freshman managed to miraculously escape from the devil’s military training this year.

Ruan Tian also moved to the house near campus that Qin Yu had given her, and picked the script for her next movie.

At the first sight of the house, she was shocked and couldn’t help but feel that it was really too luxurious.

Her class schedule was already long thrown to the back of her mind. 

The first class that Ruan Tian officially attended was a Political Philosophy course that was worth three full credits.

Before the class began, Ruan Tian looked around and found that the room was very crowded. She overheard two nearby students whispering together. One said, “Why are there so many people in this Political Philosophy class?”

“Haven’t you heard? Professor Qin, who will be teaching this course, is said to be extremely handsome. They say that he used to only be an honorary professor who never actually taught any classes, but for some reason, he came back to teach this semester. “

“Of course, aside from being very handsome, it’s also said that he is very ruthless. A few years back he briefly worked as a substitute teacher, and more than 30 of the 60 students in his class ended up failed by him. He’s like a ruthless killer, super scary.”

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Ruan Tian was shocked as she listened to this description from the side. 

In her mind, this professor, who she had still never seen before, was already like a grim reaper who was coming to ask for her life.

Were all universities so scary these days? !

At 8:30 a.m. on the dot, Qin Yu strolled into the classroom. His face was like a devil mask, icy and cold. After reaching the podium in the center, he slowly swept his eyes across the classroom. 

All the other students subconsciously tucked their necks and felt an icy chill in their hearts as this gaze roamed over them.

Only Ruan Tian was not frightened at all. Instead, she fell into a daze for a few seconds. When she came to her senses, she couldn’t help but curse internally and say in a small voice, “Are all teachers so impressive these days?”

Qin Yu showed a faint smile as if he could hear her.

Then he rapped his knuckles against the podium and said in a calm voice, “Hello everyone. Don’t be nervous. I’m just here acting as a substitute to cover a few lessons.”

Ruan Tian couldn’t help but take out her phone and send Qin Yu a message over WeChat: 【Then what are you pretending here for? 】

Hmph, it turned out he was just a substitute. Not even a regular worker, but he was still so arrogant.

Qin Yu glanced down at his phone for a moment, then quickly typed a response: 【So you want to fail this course? OK, I understand. 】

The author has something to say: Mr. Yu: Chasing his wife crazily!

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