During the first week of school, Ruan Tian got along well with her classmates.

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These classmates were all high achievers who didn’t pay much attention to the entertainment industry usually, so most of them just regarded her as another ordinary classmate.

A few little girls who liked chasing stars were aware of the truth, but they all kept to the principle of not offending or disturbing their idol. They were just happy to be able to see their idol at such a close distance during school days.

Moreover, these star chasing girls not only recognized Ruan Tian, they also recognized Qin Yu, who had come to work as a substitute teacher since the beginning of the semester.

In fact, these girls had already heard a lot about this famous upperclassman’s ruthless reputation from their senior brothers and sisters. Qin Yu was actually a well-known ruthless person among the substitute teachers in their school.

However, it seemed that the way he looked at Ruan Tian was very gentle?

Sometimes these girls even saw Qin Yu and Ruan Tian going to the restaurant at the school gate to eat together. At those times, Qin Yu, who usually only ever showed a frozen devil face in class, would seem to have a shallow smile playing about the corners of his lips and eyes as he walked side by side with Ruan Tian.

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The girls were on the verge of fainting whenever they saw this scene.

Ruan Tian also found that all the other students in her class seemed to be afraid of Qin Yu. Whenever he was the one teaching, very few students would dare to whisper to each other or secretly work on other subjects.

Instead, they were all very attentive and serious towards Qin Yu’s teachings.

Ruan Tian really didn’t understand what part of Qin Yu was so scary to these guys. After all, even though Qin Yu had threatened to fail her before, she didn’t take his threat seriously at all.

Just like this, the relationship between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu also gradually improved. The past where they always had weapons drawn the second the saw one another, as if neither of them could stand the other, was slowly put behind them. 

In the eyes of the other students, the result of this was that their supposedly scary substitute teacher was actually in a good mood most of the time. However, sometimes when the class was too noisy, so his face would sink and the devil mask would come out to stare at them coldly again. 

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Whenever that happened, all the students would straighten up and start acting properly again due to the fright. 

These experiences also caused them to admire Ruan Tian, who could casually go to the cafeteria with that man who put out a frosty aura that seemed to leave people shivering from three meters away, even more.

One time, Ruan Tian’s little fan happened to see the scene of the substitute teacher sitting lazily next to Ruan Tian after class. His long legs stretched out lazily and his head gently rested against her idol’s shoulder.

But, when that happened, Ruan Tian seemed very unhappy.

The little fan watched in amazement from the back row as Ruan Tian casually reached out her hand and slapped the substitute teacher away.

She felt very surprised in her heart for a moment, but then she only felt that this big star was really worthy of being a big star. She had courage that other people did not and dared to act in ways that other people didn’t dare to act!

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Even after being pushed away, Qin Yu didn’t seem annoyed at all. He rested his head on her shoulder again, wrapped an arm around her waist domineeringly, and said, “Sleep together.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

In the past, she had only ever known that Qin Yu had a poisonous mouth, and it wasn’t until recently that she realized that his mouth could be so shameless as well.

Ruan Tian couldn’t help but say, “Can you have a little bit of awareness as a teacher?”

Qin Yu didn’t even blink as he replied, “Thank you for thinking so highly of me, but I don’t have anything like the ethics of an educator.”

The little girl in the back row couldn’t help but draw her hands to her chest and cover her mouth. Wuwuwu, these two were too sweet! 

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In her excitement, the girl accidentally knocked her arm against the water cup on the desk in front of her. There was a Bang! as the cup hit the ground and water spilled everywhere.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but frown. He turned around and looked back with a gaze full of displeasure. The little fan was frightened by his cold gaze and froze on the spot. She quickly picked her water cup up from the ground, stumbled, and said, “Teacher, I’m sorry.”

Qin Yu’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t say anything. 

Ruan Tian couldn’t bear to watch this scene, so she interrupted: “Why are you throwing your temper around and scaring your little junior?” 

Qin Yu still had a very unhappy expression on his face, but he didn’t hesitate to deny, “I did not.”

Meanwhile, the little fan quickly picked up her things and slipped out of the classroom with her small face scrunched up in worry. She was very afraid that Qin Yu would remember this incident and settle scores with her when it came time to grade papers at the end of the term.

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