Qin Yu still ended up as the one in charge of the Political Philosophy class as the semester came to a close. 

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Once her final exams for the semester were done, Ruan Tian left the place she had been staying on campus and returned to her own home. 

The comedy film she had starred in with Shao Chengyue last year was scheduled to be released this winter. However, every winter ushered in a fierce competition among films, and Ruan Tian’s ‘The Eldest Young Miss is Here’ seemed very inconspicuous when compared with the various big-name films that had more famous stars and directors attached. 

The netizens who were trying to predict which film would be the winner of the winter box office race this year habitually left Ruan Tian’s film out of their considerations. 

However, some people were their own thoughts dredged up the director’s drunken posts on Weibo from earlier in the year.

“The director himself said that his film’s box office would start at 3 billion. If they don’t make 3 billion, is Ruan Tian going to make up for it?”

“It seems that the immortals will be fighting during the Spring Festival this year, us passers-by and melon-eaters can all look forward to a lively scene.” 

“Although this ‘The Eldest Young Miss is Here’ looks very unreliable, the people in my family were all born unable to resist comedy, so we have already bought pre-sale tickets.”

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“I just took a look at the numbers, and it seems that their pre-sales seems to be doing very well. The attendance rate for ‘The Eldest Young Miss is Here’ is among the best.”

Then, a few days before the film was released, Ruan Tian saw the chat group her classmates had formed suddenly become lively. 

It seemed that the grades for this semester had finally come out.

The class monitor took the lead and asked:【Please say “Aye” if you failed the Political Philosophy class. 】

【Aye. 】

【Aye. 】

【Aye. 】

In the end, Ruan Tian counted carefully and found that nearly twenty people had failed the course! 

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Ruan Tian suddenly remembered the message Qin Yu had sent to her back during the first class he taught ande felt a bit afraid. 

She quickly went to the school’s official website to check her own final grades and saw… a bright 61. Ruan Tian breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she had just barely passed. This should be the representation of Qin Yu’s last shred of conscience.

Not long after the holidays began, Ruan Tian unexpectedly fell ill.

Ruan Tian had always been a person with good health. From childhood until now, it was very rare for her to catch a cold or run a fever. However, this year, when the first snow fell outside, she had gotten very excited and went outside to play in the snow. In the end, she gave herself a cold.

Even the medicine didn’t seem to do her much good, and her fever slowly got worse and worse.

She felt very dizzy and drowsy and only wanted to lay down.

Thanks to that, she didn’t read any of the messages on her phone.

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Naturally, she wasn’t able to notice the messages Qin Yu sent or see that he had tried to call her. 

Ruan Tian wrapped herself in her quilt and slept for two days straight, burning up the whole time. She was so out of it that she didn’t even notice when her front door was unlocked with a password.

As soon as Qin Yu entered the bedroom, he saw the huddled mass of blankets in the middle of the big bed and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she was still all right.

He went over and carefully lifted the corner of the quilt with his fingertips, revealing Ruan Tian’s sleeping face. She was very red and looked feverish, and she seemed to be shifting uncomfortable in her sleep. 

Qin Yu touched her forehead with his hand. After feeling, his eyes turned cold, and he bent down to pull Ruan Tian out of her quilt.

However, even though she was unconscious, she still remembered to cling to her quilt and refuse to leave the bed.

Qin Yu endured the impatient feeling rising in his chest and said gently, “You have a fever, you need to be treated.”

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After his voice fell, Qin Yu suddenly wore a self-deprecating smile and muttered, “Well, you probably can’t even understand me right now.”

Finally, he came to a decision. He quickly wrapped Ruan Tian up in her quilt and, with a slight effort, lifted both girl and quilt up from the bed together. He strode over, kicked open the door, and then carried her downstairs.

The driver who was waiting by the car was a very discerning man, so he didn’t talk any nonsense and hurriedly asked, “Are we going to the hospital?”

Qin Yu contemplated for a moment, then said, “Drive straight back to the old family estate. Call ahead and have the family doctor come over.”

The driver nodded and agreed.

The car instantly fell into a frosty silence. 

The driver peeked back through the rearview mirror.

In the back seat, the young master wore a cold face and a twisted expression. When he met the driver’s eyes, he spoke up and said, “Drive faster.”

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