In the front seat, the driver dared not be refuse and quickly pressed his foot to the accelerator. 

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In less than half an hour, they arrived at the old Qin family estate.

The family doctor had arrived even faster than they did and was already waiting for them in a bedroom on the second floor.

When she saw her son carrying Ruan Tian and hurriedly making his way upstairs, Mother Qin could not help asking, “Is TianTian all right?”

Qin Yu replied, “She has a fever.”

Mother Qin followed them upstairs and said, “The child has been living alone and has no one looking after her. Why didn’t you keep a closer eye on her?” 

Qin Yu didn’t say a word.

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After seeing the patient in person, the family doctor was relieved and felt that there was no big problem. He prescribed some simple antipyretic medicine and fed her some water. Then he said, “So long as she takes the medicine on time, there will be no problems.”

Meanwhile, the temperature on Ruan Tian’s forehead seemed to have gone down a little, and she once again wrapped herself into the quilt and fell into a much smoother sleep. 

Qin Yu was worried she wouldn’t be able to breathe like that, so he strongly unwrapped her from the quilt and then gently laid it over her chest in a way that wouldn’t let her drill into it like a weevil anymore. 

During this time, Ruan Tian felt as if she had a very long dream.

She dreamt that time had gone back to the day when her family had just brought her back. In the dream, it was just like it had been back then. Her face was very calm, but in her heart, she was actually very uneasy.

Mother Zhou took her by the hand and led her down from the big car. She brought her into a large and luxurious-looking villa district, pointed to a certain one and said, “This will be your home from now on.”

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Then she pointed to the other side and said, “Over there is your Brother Qin Yu’s home. I’m not sure if he’s at home or if he’s gone to school today.”

Ruan Tian felt very stiff and awkward, but she still followed Mother Zhou and was introduced to the living room as well as her new bedroom.

Soon after Ruan Tian finished putting her luggage down, Mother Zhou took her by the hand again and led her next door to greet her new neighbors.

Once they arrived, Mother Zhou busily greeted the members of the Qin family. Ruan Tian felt bored, and also uncomfortable with the way these people were looking at her. She was also feeling a bit feverish so, using that as an excuse, she ran away from the place where the adults were talking.

She wandered around the big villa for a while and quickly got lost.

As she wandered through the hallways, she suddenly seemed to hear a loud noise coming from one of the bedrooms. She daringly went over and carefully put her ear to the door to try to listen in. However, before she noticed what was going on, the door was suddenly yanked open and caused her to stagger and fall to the ground.

Behind the door, there was a young man sitting in a wheelchair and staring coldly at her face.

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Even though she had been knocked down, Ruan Tian didn’t get angry. Instead, she felt sorry for this young man in front of her when she realized he was in a wheelchair.

The young man suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, reached out his hand, and said, “Get up.” 

She recalled that, as he was helping her up, she had noticed that his hand wasn’t very hot. Instead, it felt quite cool to the touch. 

She slowly got up from the ground with the young man’s help, then said in a small voice, “Thank you.”

But when she turned around to leave, the young man suddenly stopped her.

He turned around and dug a box of medicine out from one of his drawers. Then, without any trace of gentleness at all, he threw it in her direction and said, “Remember to take your medicine. Don’t suddenly die of illness.” Then he pointed and said, “That door over there will take you back to the garden.”

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Ruan Tian was stupefied for a moment and, in the end, she didn’t take the box of medicine that had fallen on the floor. Instead, she quickly ran away towards the door he had pointed out.

Ruan Tian dreamed of the 17-year-old Qin Yu, followed by the 17-year-old Shen Shu.

When she woke up, her brain felt full of messy thoughts, and her head was heavy and uncomfortable.

Ruan Tian finally opened her eyes and saw Qin Yu sitting by the bed. His face almost seemed the same now as it was back when he was seventeen, just a little sharper and colder.

Qin Yu held a cup of hot water in his hand, cupped her chin with the other hand, and murmured: “Take your medicine.”

Ruan Tian, who had been in and out of consciousness for so long, almost felt as if she were still dreaming.

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