At the celebration banquet, Ruan Tian drank a little wine, her face was red, her cheeks were white and red, and she was charming under the light.

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She nests quietly in the corner, holding her little trophy in her arms.

Qin An takes advantage of her unprepared and stealthily takes a picture of her being stupid. He has no scruples and immediately sends the photo and microblog: "sweet sister is stupid. 】

this sweet girl is too intimate.

Surprised everyone's chin.

Qin An mercilessly mocked Ruan Tian on the Internet before the filming of unknown. In a twinkling of an eye, the relationship between the two seems to be getting better? Sweet girl can scream out.

Ruan Tian didn't know Qin An had sent a photo, but she didn't log in to Weibo for a long time and took a photo of herself and the trophy, [hold my little trophy ~]

Click to send.

Within a minute, thousands of comments poured into the comments section.

"Ah, baby, it's great, the trophy is so beautiful!"

"Sweet cub is so proud of her mother."

"I hope there are some points in my heart for entertainment. My sister doesn't lack awards or works now. People who want to step on her will give me a chance to weigh whether they are qualified or not."

"It's a pity to enter the pit so late. I hope it's not too late now. I love you."

"This is my sister's self portrait after a month and a half. I almost forget what my sister looks like."

Ruan Tian didn't reply. When she faced the surge of love, she always didn't know how to respond and express it.

There is a saying that although it's rustic, it's true - no matter how much you say, it's better to be honest and practical.

Cheng Suian also had a drink. In private, he was not as serious as he was when he was working. He was more easygoing. He put his coat on the back of his chair and ate a cream white sweater. He was elegant and handsome.

"Ruan Tian."

Ruan Tian's head was dizzy. She was kicked by Qin An before she woke up. She opened her eyes and said, "ah, I'm here."

Cheng Suian always doesn't like to use an actor twice, but he thinks it's hard to find an actor like Ruan Tian who has talent and is willing to study. He thinks about it seriously and asks, "next month, you will spare a few days to audition in my studio, and I will send you the script in advance."

Ruan Tian poked his finger, "OK."

Cheng Suian pursed his lips: "it's the woman who auditioned."

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Ruan Tian is still this "I am so sleepy" expression, "OK, director."

This is not to blame Ruan Tian. She has no idea of the female owner of Cheng Suian's films.

"Unknown" in a female match there are so many popular entertainment florets to grab, and grab the kind of brain, let alone the heroine.

Traffic actresses don't have to think about it. They don't even have a chance to audition.

Cheng Suian doesn't like the stars who only play silly, white, sweet and cute.

Most of the heroines in his films take off after the film, and only when they are very good can they get it.

Qin An's teeth are sour when he is in the audience. He is crying and crying for his little uncle, and he asks his mother to talk about love. It's not easy for him to play the role of the man. How can it be so easy for Ruan Tian? The audition was so easy.

Although there is no denying that her acting is really good.

At the end of the drink, everyone couldn't drink.

Qin An and Ruan Tian were drunk and said, "don't blame me for my bad words. In the last part of the play, you auditioned my uncle's girlfriend. This time, you interviewed the hostess, who is more demanding. I advise you not to hold too much hope. It's almost impossible, you know?"

Ruan Tian felt that there was a fly chirping and buzzing in her ear.

"I'm talking to you, okay?"

It's noisy. It's too noisy to let people sleep.

She raised her face, looked at Qin An's face, and said solemnly, "you've become a man, why can't I?"

Qin An felt that Ruan Tian's words were scolding him, belittling him and humiliating him.

But he also really thinks that Ruan Tian is not good enough to have such good resources.

You know, Cheng Suian's films are the guarantee of awards.

Not only can they win domestic awards, but they are also likely to sweep the awards of major foreign film festivals, which is why so many people are fighting for the best.

Young master Qin's eyebrows were very high and arrogant. "Do you deserve to be compared with me? I'm my father's own son. If I want backstage, I want connections. Can you compare with me? "

He held his head high and held himself upright. He was not ashamed but proud. Devoid of any sense of shame,

was not moved by Qin's Bank. He has the final say whether he can test or not.

It was nearly three o'clock in the morning when the wine shop left.

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Ruan Tian's mobile phone messages in her pocket kept reminding her, and many people sent her congratulatory messages.

In addition, in the group of actors and actresses that she filmed together in dahengguo before, they were really happy for Ruan Tian and said that they would invite her to dinner when Ruan Tian returned to hengguo next time.There are also some people who have not been contacted in wechat list.

Qin Yu's car was parked in front of the hotel, surrounded by star squatting illegitimate meals, stopped by cold faced bodyguards, holding long guns and short guns, and the camera was blocked by their tall bodies.

Qin An is sentimental. When his brother comes to pick him up and gets close to Qin Yu, the man looks disgusted. He frowns and says unkindly, "get out of the way."

The drunken Qin An was half dragged to another car.

Ruan Tian stares at Qin An being rudely thrown into the back seat of the carriage. She blinks and looks at Qin Yu. She slowly lowers her eyelids and stares at her toes.

Qin Yu was amused to see that she could not avoid it.

With a sneer from the corner of his mouth and lazy hands in his trousers pocket, he looked down at her holding the cup tightly and said slowly, "what are you hiding from? Think I'm here to pick you up? "

He spoke with his usual sarcasm.

Ruan sweetheart said that Qin Yu was the most forced criminal in history.

To whom!?

She slowly raised her eyelids. Under the stimulation of alcohol, Ruan Tian spoke more directly, "Qin Yu, what are you pretending to be? It's not that I have a big face. Aren't you here for me? After all, since high school, the person who has been pestering me and madly adoring me is you, not me. "

Qin Yu's thin lips became a straight line. He was arrogant since he was a child, and could not change for a while.

The corner of his mouth sank slowly, clenched his fist, and he was annoyed.

Qin Yu stopped in front of her and kept silent for a long time before he said, "I'll take you back."

Ruan Tian is sleepy. She wants to sleep.

She yawned a long time, "I have a special car, so I won't bother you."

Qin Yu never stops, "along the way."

Ruan Tian was in a state of distress. In fact, she didn't have much patience to talk to him. "That's not good. What if you plot against me on the way?"

Qin's eyes were slightly chilly when he was cold, but he still couldn't say what he said. Ruan Tian gave him another look and said solemnly, "you can't do this kind of thing."

Qin Yu pulled her arm and threw it into the car. Then he raised his hand and loosened the black tie around his neck. He said to the driver without expression: "drive."

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Ruan Tian, holding the cup like a dead dog and leaning against the car window, decided to abuse Qin Yu again this week.

Dogs are fierce, wild and unreasonable.

While she was sulking, she did not forget to try to open herself up.

He's the boss. He's sick.

-- take a step back and care for patients.

Heart is like a lotus, quiet and indifferent.

Half an hour later, Ruan Tian looked at Qin Yu who came into the room. His anger was completely ignited by him.

Qin Yu didn't have the consciousness to be a guest at all. She went into the kitchen and cooked a bowl of wake-up wine soup. She said to her Nunu chin, "take a bath."

What is the speech of Jin Zhu before the appointment?

Then Ruan Tian told him to get out.


although the picture at the door of the hotel was not photographed by the powerful station sister, not a few people saw Qin Yu's car several meters away from the scene, and vaguely heard their conversation.

And Ruan Tian's "fate of immortals" is still in the hot air, and won the national level women's award at one stroke, almost the most popular actress in recent years.

The station sisters didn't get the picture, but they sent it to the entertainment group with words -

[today, I watched the Qin family come to pick up Ruan Tian with my own eyes. Ruan Tian was held in his arms, and Qin family covered her face with a black suit. Be careful to carry the person to the car. It's really a perfect match. PS: Qin An is also in the fight between brothers, It's killing me. 】

"I entered the building with question marks, and then I went out swearing."

"God, I beg Mr. Qin to show his face. Don't set up a set for his crazy lover. Even if Qin Yu goes to the hotel, he will definitely pick up his younger brother. If we are sweet to him, his eyelids won't drive him."

"Do you have a picture? There is no plan to delete. "

The station sister of the trumpet revealed nothing, this unimportant leftover, also few people reply.


Ruan Tian's new year is very busy these days. She is either shooting advertisements or on her way to shoot magazines every day.

After her popularity, Ruan Tian felt that all the snobbish staff in the entertainment industry were kind to her.

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She still remembers that when she first went to a variety show as a background board, all the staff tacitly regarded her as the air.

No care, no attention.

Her background board is only equipped with a plastic chair.

Now everyone she met in the shed would politely call her teacher Ruan. Her status and treatment were very different.

Ruan Tian has been busy for more than half a month before she is free, and Xianyuan has just been playing for more than half a year.The younger martial sister in the play is abused completely, and Ruan Tian's fans outside the play are soaring.

At the same time, the explosion was accompanied by the explosion of other flowers to Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian suddenly became a hundred rivals, ushered in and before the rice circle different big black.

During the hard won day off, Ruan Tian received a script selection from director Cheng Suian.

And gave her time and place to prepare for the audition.

Qin An doesn't know where to get the news. She knows that she is going to audition, and the wechat news is intermittent.

Qin fool: [stop dreaming. 】

fool Qin: [alas, it's not stinky fish and rotten shrimps who are fighting for the female leader this time. They are all powerful actors with serious academic background. They have won some amazing awards. Your qualifications, experience and acting skills can't really compare with them. 】

fool Qin: [don't blame me for my bad mouth, I just like to tell the truth ~]

Qin An thinks that Ruan Tian may have some talent, but this time she may only meet a role suitable for her, which makes her perform better and amazing.

Next time, luck may not be so good.

It's not long-term to rely on luck, but he thinks that Ruan Tian's strength has not been comparable with that of actors who have been on the stage for many years.

Qin An is not the only one to talk with Ruan Tian.

Xu Jing, who is cold and arrogant, specially told her: "I read the audition list. You really have a poor chance of winning this time. You don't have to lose heart if you don't win the role. Just try your best. 】

they always think that she is immature. Today, she only relies on a little talent and luck from God. With the careful guidance of the director, she ignores her efforts and persistence.

Everyone thinks she can't do it.

Even Cheng Suian himself did not have high expectations of Ruan Tianbao.

Ruan Tian, of course, was unconvinced, and further confirmed that they still like to treat her with prejudice and mindless stupidity.

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