"Xianyuan" soon broadcasted the most intense episodes of the plot. Near the end, Ruan Tian's younger martial sister was abused by Shao Chengyue's master. The girl couldn't shed tears in her eyes. She was lying on the ground with blood in her mouth. Her eyes were stubbornly looking at the unattainable master Qingleng. She held her mouth in her mouth and called the master's name in a stubborn voice.

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The plot of the * *, brought the highest ratings in history.

The next day, the number of webcasts exceeded 500 million, the audience rating soared all the way, and the break time broadcast sold for tens of millions of minutes.

The female audience is crying for Ruan Tian's younger martial sister, but Shao Chengyue's master is so handsome. Even if he is a scum, there are many fans who like him.

The comments from the official blog are very lively every day.

"Let my younger martial sister be beautiful alone. What kind of harmful rubbish is the master? How can he abuse my younger martial sister so much? Is he a person?"

"The master is a God, not a man. I don't think it's OK to abuse him. In the end, he will do."

"No, I strongly demand be. Please let my younger martial sister die. It's better to die than to follow the master who has a cold heart and cold lung."

"This year's tears are for my younger martial sister."

"I want he, if be, I immediately refund my distinguished annual membership."

"I've abused my younger martial sister like this. If they're still together in the end, I'll turn black. Isn't that scum man and cheap woman! I will never accept it. Not only black drama, but also black Ruan Tian. "

The be party and the he party have been fighting each other, and the quarrel has turned upside down.

On the day of the grand finale, the younger martial sister and the teacher's respect returned to the good. The ending of seclusion in the mountains was totally unacceptable to many be parties. Some extremists turned black with Ruan Tian, but such people were indeed in the minority.

"Come on, when I see my younger martial sister's eyes, I can't bear to blame her for her choice."

"Well, the younger martial sister is really good, and the master is also a real dog."

"I think master is OK. He has his own difficulties."

"I'm sick to death. Now I'm just like eating excrement. Does she have any brain? She has to forgive so much abuse. From today on, I've been black to Ruan Tian all my life."

Ruan Tian'an stayed at home quietly for a few days. In her spare time, Ruan Tian also calculated the balance of all her cards. There is still a certain distance from the liquidated damages.

I guess I'll have to save another year or two to get it.

The 80 million yuan is the money for Qin Yu to prepare his coffin in the future!

Disappointed, Ruan Tian soon cheered up and read the script.

The new play directed by Cheng Suian is still a modern play. The female owner is a victim of campus violence. She distorts herself in the center of bullying. Then she gradually becomes an aggressor. Her adopted brother not only does not stop her, but helps her.

At the end of the story, in order to protect her, her younger brother is stabbed to death in an alley. The runaway female leader stabs those people in the neck with a dagger. The female leader, who is only 18 years old, is sentenced to death for intentional homicide and the plot is extremely bad.

Ruan Tian was not very comfortable after reading the script. Her dull chest was like a big stone.

It's a pure tragedy from the beginning to the end.

Ruan Tian spent a lot of time watching a lot of campus violence videos on the Internet. After watching them, she was too angry to eat that night.

Group fights, isolation and video.

Every kind of behavior makes Ruan Tian angry.

No wonder the heroine in the script will blacken in silence and do the same thing as those who once bullied her.

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She stayed at home for several days studying the script. She didn't listen to what happened outside the window, and her days and nights turned upside down.

After Ruan Tian became very popular, the number of serious scripts she came to her home doubled. Modern cookies and ancient idol dramas accounted for half of each. The team was ok, and the actors she cooperated with were no longer small ones.

In fact, Ruan Tian doesn't really want to play the idol drama of ancient female leader marisu. In her limited life, she wants to keep more meaningful works.

So compared with TV series, Ruan Tian wants to make movies.

After hearing this, Jiang Li asked, "do you have a clear idea? Even if Cheng Suian's film is decided, it won't start until June. If it's empty for more than half a year, it won't be able to take over the play. You're just popular. I'm afraid you can't stand firm. "

With the rapid upgrading of the entertainment industry, there are many examples of today's fire and tomorrow's burn. If you don't operate well, fans will soon forget you.

Jiang Li's worry is unreasonable.

Ruan Tian nodded, "Ang, I like this script. I want to try it."

Jiang Li has also seen the script. He doesn't even have to think about it. When the film comes out, the female leader is definitely a controversial role.

For actors, it's hard to find.

She sighed, and then said: "OK, then you have to refuel for the audition, I believe you, we Ruan Tiandiao!"

In fact, Jiang Li is not so optimistic. She hears the news that Cheng Suian is a new comer and has never played a drama.In the major film and television institutions to choose people, has not yet determined.

Jiang Li looks at Ruan Tian with a rush and doesn't want to pour cold water on the child.

I don't know if it's because she's in the play. Ruan Tian is not in a good mood for several days.

This Saturday, Ruan Tian received an invitation from her alma mater. The school wanted to invite her to visit her alma mater as a famous alumnus.

The four words "famous alumni" are a great opportunity to dress up.

But Ruan Tian still wanted to push it off. Later, she thought that she could take this opportunity to go to the school to observe and see what the current high school students are like, so she agreed.

Ruan Tian went back to her alma mater of high school in a low-key way. For this school, she was most impressed by the teaching office. She was always punished by the teacher to stand at the door for various reasons.

For example, a and B had a fight in the corridor. As a student on duty, she passed by when she was cleaning. The broom accidentally tripped A and B, but she was also caught by the teacher. She was inexplicably reprimanded and asked, "are you going to watch the fun?"

"I sweep the floor."

"Then why are you alone?"

"I'm on duty."

"Then why can't you sweep other places? Not in this hallway. "

"This is my duty range."

All the pots are hers.

This is the curse of the wicked woman hanging above her head.

Whatever she is, it's right to scold her.

After Ruan Tian returned to school, she learned that Shen Hui was also invited as a famous alumnus.

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With all due respect, she's just a top class flower! What can Shen pardon do!? In the entertainment industry, Shen Hui is deliberately tied up with her to raise coffee!

Wearing a beige sweater, Shen Xun has soft facial features, light lips and hidden sharp eyes. He stands in the middle of the auditorium lazily chatting with the school director, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling at the corners of his mouth. He looks not aggressive.

When they met, Shen Hui raised his eyelids and looked more at her face.

I'm afraid the school board members don't surf the Internet or watch the news. Their memory is still years ago.

He said with a smile: "Xiao Ruan, I heard that you had a good relationship with general manager Shen in high school."

Who are you listening to.


And why.

Call her Xiao Ruan, general manager Shen?

Ruan Tian is silent.

The school board looked at them as if they were looking at their own son and daughter-in-law. "The puppy love affair in your senior year is very noisy."

Ruan Tian didn't want to disturb the old man's good mood, but she couldn't help it. She raised her face and explained, "no puppy love, I didn't catch it."

The smile on the school manager's face embarrassed for a second, and then said: "it's almost the same. Have you been married for several years now? Do you have any children? When are you going to have a baby? "

Ruan Tian poked her finger and said, "headmaster, Shen Hui and I divorced a long time ago."

The president of the school said: "I'm not sure."

Silent silence is the highest level of embarrassment.

Ruan Tian curled up for his embarrassed hands and feet, feeling numb.

Shen Xun's face didn't look very good. The blue blood vessels on his wrist were looming. He was silent and didn't speak.

It seems that the final process of every activity is to take a group photo.

The school manager took them to stand in front of the photo wall of the school. The photo of their graduation just pasted the day before yesterday.

One is on the edge and the other is in the middle.

The school manager said, "take a picture together?"

Ruan Tian and Shen Hui are separated by one person. She looks at the camera without any expression on her face.

After the photos are taken, the activity is almost over.

The school manager looked at Shen Hui as if he didn't really want to go away. He looked at Ruan Tian again and knew that he was going ahead with the other management.

Shen Hui, holding Ruan Tian's slender wrist, tugs the person toward the photo wall. His face is slightly cold. He says to the person who is still packing up the photographic equipment: "take a picture for us."

Naturally, Ruan Tian was silly.

Shen Hui's thin white hand was on her shoulder, and his fingers were on her shoulder. The strength of one hand was enough to restrain her.

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Ruan Tian wants to roll her eyes again, "I don't want to shoot."

She could almost guess what Shen Hui was going to say next. Ruan Tian said with a cold face, "Mr. Shen, please be reasonable. Then you will find that we haven't taken a picture together. It's not my pot."

"Before that, I cried and begged you to take pictures with me. Didn't I look for you when I graduated? Didn't I ask you? When I got married, didn't I ask you if you want to take wedding photos? "

Ruan Tian continued to say in Shen Hui's white face: "it's really boring for you to be like this now."

Absolutely speechless.

Shen Hui stood still and held her shoulder tightly.

After Ruan Tian Leng Lian and Shen Hui finished taking photos, when the photographer developed the photos, she asked for them without saying a word.Took a look, and then - tore the photo in half.

Half is herself, the other half is Shen Hui.

The man's jaw is tight, and the look between his eyebrows is getting colder. Looking at the photos torn in two, he thinks that his kindness these days is ridiculous.

Shen Hui's throat seemed to be held by a pair of palms. His breathing was not smooth. His throat seemed to contain an invisible blade.

Shen Hui is arrogant and a good child who follows the rules and is rigid and polite.

Ruan Tian's favorite is his serious side, dressed in school uniform and holding his exercise book.

That's what Shen Hui thought.

But now it doesn't seem to work.

Shen Hui was a little out of control by Ruan Tian's action. He held the woman's wrist viciously and put her on the wall directly. He pinched her chin with two fingers and stared at her eyes. He bent down to kiss her.

Ruan Tian gave him a slap.

In front of Shen Hui is very strange.

He is a man who can't do anything out of line. He can never find fault with what he does and what he says.

Shen Hui wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said, "when you seduced me to go to bed, it's not as determined as it is now."

Ruan Tian is not angry either. She seldom loses compared with her venomous mouth. "No matter who I Seduce, I will take the initiative in bed. It's not your patent. OK?"

Shen Hui was really angry with her. Her face was as white as paper, and she couldn't say a word of unnecessary bullshit.

From the school, Ruan Tian received a bad news.

It's Cheng Suian's assistant who called. It probably means that the movie owner has found a suitable candidate. She doesn't have to come to the audition.

Ruan Tian was holding her cell phone. She didn't know what to say. She just picked herself up and said, "when did you find it? Could you tell me who it is? "

Assistant way: "teacher Ruan, this has to keep secret, can only tell you is a film academy just graduated new, very smart."

Ruan Tian is really not reconciled. It's really unacceptable that she was brushed off without even audition.

But no matter who she asked, she couldn't find out who that person was.

Finally, Ruan Tian was forced to go to the headquarters of Qin's film company and head for Qin Yu's office.

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She knocked on the door, Qin Yu actually came to open the door in person, saw her pick eyebrow, one hand holding the doorknob is about to close.

Ruan Tian could bend and stretch. She stuck her foot in the crack of the door, and the dogleg laughed at him, "Mr. Qin, wait a minute."

When Qin meets the thief, he likes to put his nose on his face. "I can't afford the voice of Mr. Ruan."

Ruan Tian still smiles, "I want to ask you something."

Qin sneered when he was cold, and his hand gradually loosened. "I'm not doing business with you for nothing. I always want to give you some benefits."

Ruan Tian gritted her teeth and said, "just mention it."

Qin Yu threw out a light, "the contract will be extended for another ten years."

Ruan Tian said coldly, "why don't you die!"

After that, she was silent.

"Well, Mr. Qin, that's not what I mean."

"That's what you mean."

"Well, I do mean that."

I really want him to take the dog with me.

Qin Yu was too lazy to tease her. Knowing her purpose, he said, "your sister's best friend, Shi an, who won the first place in the film academy and graduated first."

Ruan Tianleng next, and then sincerely and he said thank you.

From Qin's building out, Ruan Tian looked up at the stars, this situation, she has only one word to say: I go to your mother's mistress!!!

Of course, the lady's best friend is also protected by golden finger. She is also a rare acting genius and has a good family background.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's haze is like a shadow.

Zhou Xiaoqiao establishes a relationship with Cheng Suian through Qin An, and quietly introduces his best friend Shi an to Cheng Suian.

The light of the mistress can also shine on the head of her best friend.

Everything is so perfect.

Ruan Tian is really scared.

Ruan Tian has few days to admit defeat.

She calls Cheng Suian, but the assistant answers them. So she goes directly to Cheng Suian's studio to block him.

Cheng Suian didn't expect Ruan Tian to be so persistent. He is very optimistic about Ruan Tian.

When she is pure and acting, she can immerse herself in it and drive the audience.

But it is because she is too pure, so it is not suitable for the role of slightly ill.

The effect of Shi an's audition is not amazing, but appropriate, so Cheng Suian gives the role.

Ruan Tian's dark pupil looked at Cheng Suian and said, "Cheng Dao, please give me a chance." After a long pause, she pursed her lips and said, "I'm no worse than her."

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