Ruan Tian's eyes are black and bright. She looks directly at Cheng Suian. Jiao Jiao's eyes are clear.

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Cheng Suian is not easy to be convinced. If he doesn't find the right person, he doesn't mind giving Ruan an an audition.

However, after seeing Shi an's performance with his own eyes yesterday, Cheng Suian felt that she was the only one to play this role.

Cheng Suian didn't expect much from the people selected from the cinema school. Over the years, the companies and actors in the industry were very impetuous. The students signed a contract with the film and television company early, didn't concentrate on their study, and refused to practice basic skills.

Cheng Suian hasn't seen Shi an before. Qin An leads two beautiful girls to his house and blows up Shi an's achievements.

At that time, he understood what the boy meant. Seeing that Shi an looked good and had a good skeleton, he pushed the boat with the current and gave Qin an the face.

Cheng sui'an rubbed his brow and sighed: "there will be opportunities in the future."

If other people are psychologically vulnerable, they may give up.

But not Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian pursed her lips and said, "director Cheng should not have this audition, right? I won't hold you long Dull for a moment, she continued: "Cheng Dao should have one more choice, OK?"

Cheng sui'an frowned and didn't speak for a long time.

He looked into Ruan Tian's eyes and was extremely cruel. After a long time, Cheng Suian nodded, "OK, you can come up with me."

Let Ruan Tian give up.

In Cheng Suian's studio, Ruan Tian saw Shi an, the first one with high talent in the legend.

Very beautiful, looking pure, but also reveals the feeling of a little careful machine.

Black long straight, oval face, sharp chin, delicate skin, can not pick out a trace of defects, even the figure is also very outstanding.

She deserves to be the lady's best friend. She is really a top beauty.

Ruan Tian is also very beautiful, but she has to admit that in terms of body condition, she really can't match the present time.

Zhou Xiaoqiao took Shi an's arm, her face became thinner, and her eyes trembled. When she saw Ruan Tian, she was surprised and happy, as if she was going to cry the next second. She whispered: "sweet, how can you come here? I haven't seen you for a long time

Zhou Xiaoqiao lowered his chin, slightly aggrieved expression, "last time I was angry, lost my mind and just said those words to you, I apologize to you, I'm sorry, do you forgive my sister? I really miss you

Ruan Tian wants to throw up.

Wuwuwu, Zhou Xiaoqiao is just as disgusting as before.

With a cold "my mom's dead" face, she said, "I'll audition."

Zhou Xiaoqiao was startled in her heart. She pulled Shi an's clothes tightly. After calming down, she said with a smile, "is that right? I thought it was settled, so you have to come on. "

Zhou Xiaoqiao's smile seems to hide the needle, but also hide a little proud, eyes are full of determination, think that she certainly can't compete for security.

In the past, Zhou Xiaoqiao really didn't regard Ruan Tian as a threat, but now it's different.

Ruan Tian is a thorn in her eye. She can't let Ruan Tian soar up and suppress her own light.

Zhou Xiaoqiao has known for a long time that Ruan Tian wants to win the film, and she won't even give her an audition.

Even today, Ruan Tian has the cheek to come to an audition, but Zhou Xiaoqiao is not worried. If Shian can get the approval of director Cheng Suian, she will not be compared so easily.

Zhou Xiaoqiao quietly waits for Ruan Tian to lose.

When Ann laughed, "I've seen your sister's movie, it's OK."

But Ruan Tian is not irreplaceable.

She didn't regard Ruan Tian as an opponent. The role of a big director in a movie will not be changed easily once the candidate is chosen.

Shi an's family is rich and her people are beautiful.

With excellent performance, strength and beauty, many film and television companies threw olive branch at her when she was in University.

She didn't answer any of them. What she was waiting for was a chance to make a big hit.

She is ambitious and will stand on the top of many people when she comes out.

Cheng Suian's film is a springboard and a key step in her career. If she wins this role, she will not have to worry about the trophy and popularity.

Ruan Tian is too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Xiaoqiao. She sits in the corner with the script in her arms and tries to immerse herself in the characters in the script. In half an hour, she will act in front of them in an explosive scene in the film.

Qin An looked at her with a guilty heart. He couldn't sit down like a fire. He rubbed against Ruan Tian and said, "Ruan Tian, my brother is right. You are a good person."

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Ruan Tian gave him a cold look.

I should have known that men are unreliable.

Qin An is the dog in the dog, the king of double label.

"You say I can't do it. Is this new man who hasn't been in a play ok?"

Qin An thought and said, "I didn't expect her to be so good. I don't think sister Xiao Qiao is worried. Do you want to help her?"Zhou Xiaoqiao is the goddess in Qin An's heart for many years. His position is not so easy to shake.

Qin an also muttered, "it's already like this. Don't blame me, just It's all about strength. "

Ruan Tian hasn't had the feeling of headache for a long time.

Qin An is really powerful. In a few words, she becomes irritable and wants to kill.

In their eyes, Zhou Xiaoqiao is never wrong.

She is good for nothing but a face.

No manners, no culture, no money, even a little gain, but also rely on the help of others.

What she does and says is not as good as Zhou Xiaoqiao and her best friend Shi an.

Ruan Tian calmed down, slowly raised her eyes, looked straight at Qin An's eyes, and said without emotion: "what you said is right, it really depends on strength."

She will definitely rub Zhou Xiaoqiao's sisters and friends under her feet.

She wants Qin An to realize clearly that he is a big evil for blind and cruel.

Qin An was stunned by Ruan Tian's eyes. He lowered his head, and some of them did not dare to look her directly in the eyes.

In the formal audition, except for a few of them, there was only one camera.

Cheng Suian leaned his back against the chair and put up his legs. He said faintly, "let's go."

Ruan Tian tried the scene of the woman's runaway murder.

[her brother was stabbed to death and fell in front of her. Before he died, he tried hard to grab her sleeve and run out with her.

She looked at the corpse on the ground, and her hands trembled to cover the bleeding wound. There were no tears in her eyes, and the expression on her face was not ferocious. She just looked at him quietly, "Jiang Yi, get up, let's go."

"Get up and go."

The tone of her voice is as gentle as usual.

The people on the ground didn't respond.

The tears in her eyes rolled down unconsciously. She wiped her face with the back of her hand. Then she knew that she was crying.

The grief of the late arrival made her breathless.

She clenched her teeth and wept silently. Tears fell from her eyes one by one.

She sat on the ground and cried, "Jiang Yi, wake up."

She was surrounded by laughter and inaudible taunts.

These harsh and sharp voices gradually became clear and coincided with the past.

She remembered that when she was locked in the women's room and her school uniform was picked, they laughed blatantly.

Think of her inexplicably was pulled hair, mention corridor abuse, for the whole school people to appreciate.

Think of those eyes full of malice.

She stopped crying, gripping the dagger, numb eyes, out of control emotions, she stabbed at those people one by one.

Until everyone fell in front of her, she fell on her knees, then raised her head in the direction of the camera and laughed. 】

Ruan Tian almost crumples her whole body to play this part. Her tears, out of control to the extreme, and her eyes in the time and space hole, have no pure girl's shadow, just like the little devil who just climbed out of purgatory.

Cheng Suian was shocked by Ruan Tian's numbness when he performed the killing. Before the audition, everyone used a hysterical way of performance, with intense emotions, but the emotional tremor brought to the audience was not as good as Ruan Tian.

She just this section of expression, too distressing, to the point of heartbreak.

And her last smile, and creepy, terrible but only pay attention to acid.

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Cheng Suian doesn't know when her eyes are wet. Ruan Tian takes her apart, and she becomes Jiang Xing.

Desperate and crazy Jiang Xing.

Her performance naturally does not show any trace. No one acts like her. She is like a madman. She abandons herself and becomes a dramatist.

Before that, Cheng Suian really didn't think of anyone more suitable to play Jiang Xing than Shi an.

In contrast, although Shi an's performance is impeccable, it's not as good as Ruan Tian's ability to make the audience empathize.

After the performance, Ruan Tian sat on the ground with a dull look on her face. She was giving herself time to play.

Cheng Suian's mind still stays in Ruan Tian's last eyes. After a while, he says to Shi an, "you are not bad. You will not be bad in the circle in the future. Go back."

A not sharp word told her the result.

Zhou Xiaoqiao and Shi an are still in a daze. When they react to what director Cheng's words mean, she can't believe them. "Director Cheng, didn't you ask me to sign the contract today?"

Cheng Suian not salty way back: "is not it not signed yet?"

Shi an was speechless. She clenched her fist, and the expression on her face was about to stretch.

She is about to get the resources to soar!? She couldn't stand the taste of being cut off.Shi an's teeth are about to be broken by her, she said in a dumb voice: "director, you think about it again, I..."

Cheng Suian only said three words: "go back."

He is a decisive person, no choice phobia, and the style of Shi an and Ruan Tian is different, there is nothing to compare.

It's a sad thing for Shi an to rely on her skill and talent, but she can't make the audience fully involved.

Until on the way back, Zhou Xiaoqiao is still in shock, her jealousy is no lower than Shi an.

Zhou Xiaoqiao clearly can't let Ruan Tianhong, can't let her have any chance to fly, or it's over.

She was so confident that she was ready for Ruan Tian's collapse. Why did the situation suddenly fall?!

Nail deep in the palm, Zhou Xiaoqiao too hard, leading to her palm has been pinched a small hole, she shivered with pain.

With a smile on her face, she said to Qin An, who was driving, "is your uncle on good terms with Tiantian? How can you say that a good thing suddenly changes its mind? "

Relationship is very good, four words are easy to be misinterpreted as relying on color.

It was uncomfortable for Qin An to hear this. He said, "it's not strange to give Ruan Tian a better performance."

One said that Ruan Tian's eyes when he stabbed people with a knife scared him.

Cold, as if the next second will come to take his dog's head.

Qin An found that Ruan Tian could control more characters than he imagined.

A pathetic little character can play, and a madly sick person can hold it.

I put myself into it. I really think acting is my life.

I've never seen anyone who can fight better than her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao knew that she shouldn't talk about it at this time, but she couldn't help it. She said, "but it's obviously Ann who wants it. It's really bad for her to rob it like this."

Qin An felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

There is no such thing as snatching or not.

Qin An didn't say a word. He found that his filter for the goddess seemed to stop there.

Occasionally help her small favor, want to meet the mood has not been so urgent.

It is not clear whether he has changed or Zhou Xiaoqiao has.

It took Ruan Tian more than half an hour to get out of the plot. She pulled two paper towels to wipe her tears and slowly got up from the ground.

Cheng Suian handed her a contract. "Sorry, I shouldn't look down on you."

You shouldn't speculate on her with your own way of thinking.

Ruan Tian took the contract and said, "I have to take it back to my lawyer to see if it's OK before I can sign it. Do you mind the director?"

She doesn't have a fart lawyer. She just wants to take it back and give it to Jiang Li.

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Cheng Suian shakes his head. "I don't mind. It's in June. It's not urgent."

He looked at Ruan Tian's delicate white face and suddenly said, "Ruan Tian, you have more potential than I imagined."

Desperate, stubborn, willing to strip themselves for the role.

Tough, straight, calm and free.

Ruan Tian said shamelessly: "Alas, I have realized that I am a little genius in acting for a long time."

Cheng Suian was amused by her humor, "you should go back and have a good rest." After a few seconds of silence, he added, "sometimes you don't have to work so hard."


Ruan thought.

If she doesn't work hard, she will be crushed by the aura of the female master.

It's hard to be a woman. It's even harder to be a matchmaker.

Ruan Tian's new year wish is only one, that is to hope that Zhou Xiaoqiao can leave her happy planet as soon as possible.

Ruan Tian took the contract to take a taxi downstairs. A black car stopped steadily in front of her, the window rolled down, and the man in the back seat laughed at her, "sweet."

Huaimo was exposed by Qin Yu in the hospital last time, and didn't contact her for a long time.

He seems to have no scruples this time. There are two bodyguards in the front and back of the car, which is full of ostentation.

Before Ruan Tian spoke, huaimo said, "I'll give you a ride."

She didn't move.

Huaimo is very sad to ask: "are you afraid of me?"

Ruan Tian nodded, "sure."

No matter who is watched, every move is very afraid.

When huaimo heard her telling the truth, he thought she was more lovely.

"I won't bully you. Get in the car."

Ruan Tian sighs. She seems to have no choice.

Huaimo seems to really just pick her up. When she gets to the gate of the community, she doesn't want to go upstairs with her.

Just like before, like holding her, burying shoulder to talk, "I dare not come to you, afraid you are still angry with me."

He kisses Ruan Tian's fine hair scattered on his shoulder, "Tiantian, you must calm down. It's OK to be afraid of me. Just don't be angry."

Ruan Tian gave a far fetched hum.After getting out of the car, she turned a corner and went to the store to buy an ice cream to comfort herself.

Back home, Ruan Tian throws the film contract to Jiang Li. Jiang Li's mouth is open enough to swallow two eggs.

"Sweet, tell me, did you take the rebirth script?" Jiang Lili, holding the contract, refused to give up. "My God, the female director of the movie, you're really the first one. Cheng Suian, such a difficult director, can accept it twice. I really admire you. Now we're in the reserve after the movie, too."

Ruan Tian giggled, and then added fuel to describe what happened today when Zhou Xiaoqiao killed her.

Finally, she relished the taste: "you don't see how wonderful Zhou Xiaoqiao's face is, it's a pity."

"Don't worry, I can imagine." Jiang Li, in his joy, did not forget his identity as an agent. "He gave you a variety show, recorded it in May, and then you entered the group to make a movie."

Ruan Tian sat on the sofa, holding a pillow, his head drooped, "I want to rest until June, to prepare for the film."

Jiang Li laughs, "20 million for variety show."

Ruan Tian than an OK gesture, "rest or something, absolutely unnecessary."

Only money can make Ruan sweet.


Zhou Xiaoqiao apologized to Shi an, saying that "I can't control my sister", "she is such a person" and "I am the one who is beaten and bullied by her".

When an is completely hate on Ruan Tian, blocking her way, don't want to take off easily.

Especially Ruan Tian, who dragged her down from the road of the movie queen, Shian wanted to eat her raw.

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Shi an asked, "does Shen Hui have any old feelings for his ex-wife?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao frowned, "you know, he has been treating me..."

I left half of my words, deliberately ambiguous.

When he settled down, he had the number in his heart. When he went back, he immediately asked people to prepare the most comprehensive black material for Ruan Tian before and after marriage.

It's different from Ruan Tian's little fight on the Internet. What Shi an is looking for is the most expensive team in the circle, and he wants Ruan Tian to take off a layer of skin.

Since Shen Hui doesn't love her ex-wife and the company doesn't care about the rebellious star who has a bad relationship with her boss, no one will hold Ruan Tian's grievance even if she makes some small moves and turns Ruan Tian into a black sheep.

What's more, Ruan Tian is just very red now, and all the couples who want to step on her are hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity.

At the instigation of Shi an, Ruan Tian's first revelation is that she used her ex husband to force her marriage to a higher position, cold violence and even mental abuse of her parents due to the distribution of family property

under the leadership of the professional team, the labels of "forced marriage" and "mental abuse of parents" were directly dumped on Ruan Tian.

Public opinion is in an uproar, justice passers-by who do not see the cause and effect and evidence is angry just because of the title.

Deeply shocked, did not expect her to be such Ruan Tian!

"What did your parents do wrong? You should mentally abuse them!"

"The white eyed wolf is not so good at biting back as Ruan Tian."

"If I were her parents, I would not be her daughter. Thanks to my love for her younger martial sister, she turned black."

"Nothing is the reason for Ruan Tian's mental abuse of her parents. No wonder her parents didn't give her a cent. There are reasons for that."

"My younger martial sister's filter is so broken that I am aphasia."

When Ruan Tian saw the news headlines, she thought it was onion news and made a special irony.

Click in and have a close look, the whole article is accusing her???

On the afternoon of the day when the news broke, Shen Hui, a high cold runner, unexpectedly clarified: "there is no forced marriage. They are in love. They got married because they love each other. 】

really, Ruan Tian admired his ability to open his eyes and tell lies, but he was too strong.

However, the mental violence against her parents is the fuse for Ruan Tian to anger ordinary passers-by.

Ruan Tian is very self-conscious. She hopes that Zhou's mother's conscience will open up and clarify for her. She might as well get out of the entertainment industry as soon as possible.

Qin Yu seems to be even more angry than her. She directly asks the people in the public relations department to work overtime and provide one-stop service by deleting posts and titles.

Ruan Tian doesn't think it's necessary.

Qin Yu satirized her by pretending to be high.

Ruan Tian thought at that time and said, "OK, I'm just pretending to be high."

She raised her noble head, very seriously said: "every time you help me, I feel you are humiliating me." After a pause of two seconds, Ruan Tian, with Qin's frozen eyes, continued to say, "just like Shen Hui said today that I married him because we loved each other, and I also felt that he insulted me."

Qin Yu

He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Don't know a good heart.

Ruan Tian is not unable to solve the problem himself.

She just doesn't want to clarify, and it's impossible to apologize.She was the victim of being lost by her parents and being abducted.

Even if the spirit abuse them is also a very reasonable thing!!!

And she hasn't done it yet.

At the press conference after the victory banquet of Xianyuan, the reporter touched her with a microphone and asked her face to face about the truth of the rumor.

Ruan Tian is not really provocative, she just said: "misunderstood, misunderstood."

The reporter thought that she would begin to explain herself, and then heard her say: "I am an orphan."


After the red, it's like this?

Oh, big news!

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