Without the reporter's imagination and explanation, even Ruan Tian didn't seem to care about the rumors from the outside world at all. The word "orphan" was a bit vicious to some extent.

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Isn't that what you mean when your parents die?

After the interview video was sent to the Internet, people's anger has increased hundreds of times.

"Is she crazy? Is it a curse that her parents are dead? Does she have a heart? Does she know what she's talking about? "

"Does Ruan Tian still feel that she's very strong when she's red? She's speechless. It's a matter of real character, the kind that can be banned."

"I thought that if she apologized and explained, I would forgive her. Now let's just look at it. The pink turned black and didn't explain."

"Ruan Tian, don't you think she's very honest? Why can such a vicious person still dominate the entertainment industry? It's true that good people don't get what they want. "

In this world, like Ruan Tian, some people are not loved by their parents, but also suffer from their endless greed.

Some people don't deserve to be parents.

"Maybe Ruan Tian's parents really go too far, just like my parents prefer boys to girls and only treat my brother well. In junior high school, they let me drop out of school to work to support my brother and help him buy a house and find a job."

Unfortunately, this weak voice was soon rudely bombed away.

"Washing the ground, Ruan Tian doesn't deserve to be an individual."

Zhou Xiaoqiao is peeping at the wind direction on the Internet. She knows that she should maintain a kind and clever person, but it has to be said that when she sees Ruan Tian being scolded as a sieve on the Internet, she has an indescribable pleasure in her heart.

Yes, it should be.

Ruan Tian should have been the mud legged son who did not dare to walk in the countryside. How could she be more dazzling than her?

Zhou Xiaoqiao is very pleased with Shi an's decisive and ruthless measures. Her depressed mood gradually gets better when Ruan Tian's reputation drops to the bottom.


after Ruan Tian said that, she didn't regret it.

After the interview, Ruan Tian took a taxi and went back to Zhou's home. The lunar new year was coming, and festive red lanterns were hung inside and outside the yard.

Ruan Tian stood quietly outside the fence for a while and looked inside through the gap. It seemed that there were many people in the living room, and the laughter was very lively.

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It suddenly occurred to her that today was mother Zhou's birthday.

She still remembers very clearly that when she came back to Zhou's home in the first year, Ruan Tian bought a cake for Zhou's mother with her pocket money, and brought it home with anxiety.

At that time, Zhou's mother laughed and asked her to put it in the refrigerator and eat it tomorrow.

I don't know how many of them will pass by tomorrow. They can't eat any more and are thrown into the garbage can by their aunt.

Ruan Tian is here to move her household registration. She wants to move her household registration out of the Zhou family, which is commonly known as self-supporting.

She felt it, but she didn't mean to pick today's good day for her mother.

Who knows such a coincidence!!!

When Ruan Tian came into the living room, her voice suddenly stopped.

Everyone's eyes were all cast toward her. Zhou's mother was wearing a Qipao, and on her wrist was the jade bracelet that Zhou Xiaoqiao had just put on her. When she saw Ruan Tian, the smile of Zhou's mother's eyes and eyebrows gradually faded away. She looked at Ruan Tian coldly and said, "what are you doing back here?"

Ruan Tian straightened her waist, without stage fright, "I'm looking for you."

Someone has told Zhou's mother about things on the Internet for a long time. Naturally, she also saw Ruan Tian's interview video.

Zhou's mother only thought Ruan Tian came to ask for clarification for her, and sneered twice, "I thought you were so strong, you would not come to ask me, that's all."

This is a big misunderstanding.

Ruan Tianshun replied: "don't worry, even if I go to beg for a dog, I won't come to beg you."

Zhou's mother's face changed again and again. Her relatives and friends were all around her. She was scolded by her daughter. There was no place for her face!

"Ruan Tian, how can you talk? It's your mother," the relatives said

"It's your mother's birthday today, so don't block her up."

"You can't even learn half of your sister's good."

Zhou's mother was dizzy with anger. She walked slowly to Ruan Tian and asked, "then tell me what it is."

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Ruan Tian opened the door and said, "I want to move my registered permanent residence."

Zhou's mother was dark in front of her eyes. Unexpectedly, she was so rebellious. She faltered under her feet. Fortunately, she didn't faint until she was supported by Zhou Xiaoqiao. "Are you going to be completely separated from this family?"

Is it necessary to ask!? It's not an obvious thing!!!

Ruan Tian nodded, "yes."

She added fuel to the fire and said, "it's still early. The office should not be closed yet. Please take your household registration and ID card and go with me for a procedure."

Ruan Tian felt that Zhou's mother's eyes could breathe fire, and her hands were shaking like Parkinson's.

She carefully explored: "when I give you a birthday present? Happy birthday? "She is so kind-hearted that she is really the kindest daughter in the world.

Zhou's mother turned her eyes up, and was stunned by her words.

Pinch two people, just barely wake up.

There is a bad breath in my chest. I can't be weak.

Zhou Xiaoqiao supported his mother and talked with Ruan Tian hypocritically, "my sister, my mother is the one who gave birth to you and raised you. Even if you are dissatisfied with the distribution of property, you should not force her in this way. If you can't, I'm willing to transfer my share to your name."

Ruan Tian's eyes are staring at Zhou Xiaoqiao. She has seen through. She can only be whiter than her to Zhou Xiaoqiao.

"Yes, you can turn around."

Zhou Xiaoqiao choked on her words, and his face turned pale.

Ruan Tian bent her lips and laughed more happily. "You always say it so well. Who do you pretend to show it to?"

Qin An, who was sent by his mother to celebrate the birthday of Zhou's mother, didn't expect that he could watch today's drama.

Seeing Zhou Xiaoqiao's being attacked, he didn't ask the hero to save the beauty.

Zhou's mother looked at her coldly and pointed to the door, "get out of here."

It's impossible to roll.

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Zhou Xiaoqiao helped Zhou's mother to the sofa and sat down slowly. Then he walked slowly to Ruan Tian's side and said in a voice that only they could hear: "the more you make, the more I get. You can't compare with me in your life."

Then, Zhou Xiaoqiao stepped back, with tears in his eyes, and said wrongly: "from small to large, you like to rob things with me. I've always let you. Originally, this time I really wanted to give you my property, but you let me down. I shouldn't and won't connive at you any more."

The guests looked at Ruan Tian and talked a lot, mostly blaming him.

Ruan Tian remembered that every time she made a mistake or not, she complained that she was not obedient and sensible enough, and it was always her who was punished.

She thought as long as she didn't provoke Zhou Xiaoqiao.

The two of them can live in peace.

Ruan Tian stares at Zhou Xiaoqiao's face and looks at it again. She thinks of the slap Jiang Lili slapped last time. At that time, she is very happy.

Ruan Tian slowly clenched her fists, five fingers slowly spread out, and then, came forward to grasp her hair viciously, only to hear the woman's low "ah" scream.

Ruan Tian is so strong that she almost wants to tear off Zhou Xiaoqiao's scalp, forcing her to raise her face, and then a heavy slap falls on her face, "close your mouth for me."

Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was crooked by her slap. There was a smell of blood in her mouth.

She couldn't believe looking at the expressionless Ruan Tian. She opened her mouth and was about to cry. Ruan Tian raised her hand and slapped her again.

Both sides of the face are burning pain, tears straight off.

"What do you want me to do? You let a fart, from the day I came back at the age of 17, I will continue to donate blood to you, and I have become your mobile blood bank. " Ruan Tian still clung to her hair, "are you doing less bad things in private? Only Qin An and their blind people will take a fancy to you, a white lotus whore with different appearances. "

Zhou Xiaoqiao subconsciously want to refute, Ruan Tian picked eyebrows, as if as long as she dare to speak, will continue to hit her.

The others are stunned, and want to pull Ruan Tian away.

Ruan Tian said, "don't move. I'm just chatting with my sister."

Zhou's mother didn't even have the strength to sit up from the sofa. These two slaps hurt more than hitting her face. She couldn't breathe for a time.

Ruan Tian thinks that she may be too involved in the play and is influenced by the script of the new film.

She continued: "you've torn my homework, replaced my credit, and encouraged my classmates to isolate me. I sincerely suggest that you don't go the way of weak little white flowers. Isn't it good to be a scheming girl honestly? Maybe Shen Hui can see you more. "

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Zhou Xiaoqiao was frightened. She couldn't bear the pain. She looked at Shen Hui with tears in her eyes and cried for help in a low voice. "Brother Shen Hui, you help me. I'm so hurt."

Shen amnesty Si Wen's smile, "your family affairs, I am not convenient to interfere."

The water in Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes surged out, and his heart continued to sink.

She should have known that Shen Hui didn't like Ruan Tian before, and now she doesn't like her much.

Zhou's mother shivered, "what do you want?"

Ruan Tian blinked innocently, "transfer registered permanent residence."

Zhou's mother was forced to have no way, "OK, I'll go upstairs to get the certificate, you first release your sister!"

"When you take it down, I'll let her go."

Zhou's mother was helped up the stairs.

Ruan Tian is in a good mood to talk with Zhou Xiaoqiao, "I have seen it clearly. No matter how much you say to people like you, it's a waste of saliva. Don't you dare to count me, and you'll live in peace?"

Ruan Tian can do this kind of thing again n times!

Zhou Xiaoqiao's mouth is full of blood, his face is clearly visible palm print, has swollen can't see.Ruan Tian grinned, "I'll see you and beat you once in the future."

She just wants to violence Zhou Xiaoqiao. How about that!!!

she's hard, she has the final say!!!

Qin An looks at the criminal counsels and hides behind Shen Hui secretly. "Wu Wu Wu Shen Hui, Ruan Tian is so fierce with NIMA."

Shen Hui is a little distressed. He can't bear to see her forced to do this.


Zhou's mother was forced to go to the police station with Ruan Tian to transfer her registered permanent residence, and the formalities had just been completed.

Ruan Tian's Diezhong powder has been found in the post sent by technical male powder a few months ago.

Inside is a picture of Ruan Tian being sold as a child's daughter-in-law when she was three years old, and in an orphanage in the future.

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