The microblog of Tech male fans was only updated once, and only howled that time. This time, it was found by chance.

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The little girl in the photo is wearing clothes that don't fit her very well. The look in her eyes is not in line with her age. A family of four is sitting in front of the farmyard. The parents hold their baby son, and the little girl is pressed by them.

The next photo was taken by Ruan Tian after she arrived at the orphanage. The clothes on her body didn't look very new, but at least they fit.

The expression on the little girl's face looks a lot happier than before. Her face is gray, but her eyes are bright and beautiful.

She was surrounded by a group of homeless children like her.

During this period of time, technical male fans are busy preparing for the final exam. They are so busy that they spend all their time reviewing their lessons. Occasionally, they get free, play two games and go offline. They don't watch the news on the Internet at all. They don't know where they have been forgotten by Weibo for a long time.

When the exam is over and the drama of Goddess is finished, and the male fan is lying on the boring grass in the dormitory, he is ready to go back to the microblog to receive some of the goddess's screen savers to lick.

Just went up and got stuck out.

Tech man was confused. When he finished clearing the cache and climbed onto Weibo with great difficulty, he was scared by tens of thousands of comments and @ s.

A lie trough, and then sit up from the bed like a carp.

The other three roommates were startled, "Cheng Shen, what's the matter with you?"

Cheng Shen is the nickname they gave him. He is the first in the information technology college, the champion of various science and technology competitions. He has a good academic record and a pure school grass appearance. After three years of University, he chased his sister from the canteen to the dormitory. However, his eyes are only games and Ruan Tian.

These days, my roommate didn't tell him about Ruan Tian's scandal. After all, they had seen Cheng Shen's craziness when he was chasing stars!

"What's the matter? Why do so many people comment on my microblog!? Did I report the teacher anonymously and abuse him last time? Was it found out by others

After the technical man read the comments, he was relieved.

Then he said, "what's wrong with my goddess?"!? After that, shouldn't I have put the photos of the goddess when I was a child on the Internet? It's not good for her. "

The roommate said, "Cheng Shen, don't you know? You've been blown up. "

"What black material?"

"Mental abuse of parents."

technology make complaints about Ruan Sweet's Tucao's skills: "no mother in the middle?"


After understanding the cause and effect, the gentle technical man spits out fragrance in front of his roommate, "fart!"

"Keyboard in hand, I don't scold these dogs."

"Cheng Shen, calm down!"

You can't calm down.

Tech man re launched Weibo.

@When can I lick Ruan Tiantian: [I didn't expect that the microblog I sent a few months ago would receive so much attention today. I'm just a little boy who likes Ruan Tiantian. These photos are all picked up by me, absolutely true. 】

[tianzai was in the orphanage before she was 17 years old. She didn't lie. She is no different from an orphan. 】

[those who took her father and mother to blackmail her, your parents are dead!!! Stay away from my goddess, get out of here!!! 】

the photos are widely spread on Weibo, and the orphanage where Ruan Tian stayed is easy to find out. If a person wants to do something, he will know that he is not lying.

Moreover, the time when this person sent photos was far earlier than the time when Ruan Tian was blacked out, and there was no such thing as predicting in advance.

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So far, Ruan Tian's reputation seems to have been wronged. The loyal doughnuts are really abused by these photos.

How could anyone be so miserable?

When the little girl was forced to take photos, and in the orphanage, she held a broken flower ball and giggled, which made people cry.

"Fortunately, I found these photos, otherwise I couldn't tell you clearly."

"If parents are more responsible, they will not lose their daughter for more than ten years! Look at her life. "

"She is like this, you still want to black her, sunspot has no heart."

"To add a digression, the ID of the blogger is too obscene. At first glance, it's a straight man."

As Ruan Tian's brain damaged powder, technical male powder helps her speak, but at the same time, she does not forget to play her fighting power. The clacking sound of the keyboard makes people scold wonderfully: [those stinky bitches on the Internet wrap up your skin for me, don't try to smear my goddess. 】

[your father has finished the exam. I will take off the skin of all the dirty bitches who are the black hands and gossip goddesses! 】

[did the black handed see it!? Hurry back to burn incense for your mother and give her the last ride. It's too late if you don't go back. 】

the person whose user name is "when can I lick Ruan Tiantian" was banned by the official microblog for 15 days that night because of his dirty swearing.But life goes on, fighting goes on.

The roommates were stunned, watching the male god of the whole hospital crazy for Ruan Tian.

Less than five minutes after the ban, tech man bought another account.

@Ruan Tiantian's exclusive licking dog: [I'm sorry, the last number has been sealed, there are few hanging words, let's continue. 】


"It's killing me. How could it be so funny?"

"I can see that this man powder is a smelly straight man. His speech is too dirty. Who is black and sweet?"

"Eh, I can imagine how obscene this blogger is in his daily life."

Tech man didn't want to explain. He began to rely on his own ability to check the website and source code of the black manuscripts, and found that all the black manuscripts were from the same marketing company by using software.

It's useless to scold the marketing number. They dare not commit it again only when they threaten their interests.

Tech man is too lazy to deal with the right and wrong on the Internet. He continues to dig deeply, which really makes him find some clues.

What this company seems to do is fake accounts.

#Ruan Tian's photo ᦇ

heat continued to rise, but hot search only appeared after the 20th.

These photos are personal to see will feel hot and sad, more and more people come forward to speak for Ruan Tian.

But there is no shortage of cynics.

"Is xibaitonggao coming?"

"There are more miserable people in the world than she is."

"I'm surprised. Her parents didn't mean to lose her, did they? What kind of bike do you want when you get it back? Besides, is it an orphan and Ruan Tian's violent parents

At first glance, it seems that these words can not be refuted. After careful consideration, they are totally untenable. A typical slap does not hurt his face.

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A student sister, who had studied in the same high school with Ruan Tian, explained to her: "originally, there was a star in the school. I was very happy. The student sister was not the one who was liked in the school. She seemed to be isolated by her own sister. Anyway, no one played with her. The student sister was punished by the teacher and asked her parents not to come. It was very, very strange A couple of parents who are often partial. PS: it's said that her sister is not in good health. It's really miserable to ask her to be a human blood bank. 】

[moreover, in high school, we often saw a schoolgirl collect bottles to scold and work in a convenience store near the school. To tell you the truth, her parents were no different from those who died. 】

after the long speech, Xuemei attached her diploma to prove that she was telling the truth.

If they thought Ruan Tian was very poor before, they can't help but ask, is there such a blood sucking family in the world? And now also can be so shameless of a rake!!!

Their attacks on Ruan Tian were all transferred to this family. In addition, they were fooled by the fake black manuscripts and cheated by the marketing number like a fool. They were all quite angry.

Ruan Tiantou's abusive words were returned to the Zhou family intact, and they had to scold Zhou Xiaoqiao because they couldn't find a microblog to scold Zhou's wonderful parents.

"A family of vampires."

"To see the ugly face of your family."

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, climb for me!"

"Now I find that I used to say to Ruan Tian that your mother's death has become the best blessing."

Zhou Xiaoqiao hid at home and didn't dare to go out. Crying, he called Shi an, "an an, it's clear that I didn't do anything. How could it be like this?"

When Ann told her to rest assured, "don't be afraid, this is where."

Zhou Xiaoqiao lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice, "she hit me today."

Shi an felt that this was a good opportunity and immediately let the news out.

The effect is contrary to Shi an's imagination.

"Good fight!"

"Don't be soft handed, sister Ruan."

"Even throw more than ten slaps, let her feel the socialist iron fist!"

Shi an was so angry that he lost his temper at home.

She doesn't believe it. Can't she even run over a little ant without protection?!


after returning from the birthday party, Qin An told his brother vividly about Ruan Tian's threat to Zhou's mother, and finally concluded: "brother, Ruan Tian has changed."

Qin met Lengleng and raised his eyebrows. "Where has it changed?"

Qin An scratched his head and couldn't make it clear.

Before, he probably could feel that Ruan Tian didn't like the Zhou family very much. At that time, her face was written with the words "it doesn't matter, whatever.".

"Well, I can't say it, but it has changed." Qin An thought back to the picture of the night, and then said: "she is very strong, and also very powerful."

Qin An seems to be able to understand why his brother likes Ruan Tian. He is real and stubborn, and will never admit defeat.

Up to now, Qin An has to tell the truth at the risk of being killed, "brother, I think Ruan Tian is very principled. I have a lot of pressure in my heart. She hates me."Qin An knew what kind of virtue he was. He was mean and sour. He was strict with others, lenient and self disciplined.

But Ruan Tian should not like his brother.

"She won't like a person who often bullies herself, brother. No matter whether you are malicious or not, you really bring her distress and no happiness."

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Qin An now feels that Ruan Tian doesn't like anyone. Only when she is acting, her bright eyes will shine.

Qin Yu lightly pursed the corners of his mouth, "I know."

Qin An had an indescribable melancholy in his heart, "brother, maybe you don't like Ruan Tian that much."

"Just as I found out tonight, I don't seem to like Zhou Xiaoqiao that much. It's all about feelings, right?"

Qin Yu was in a bad mood and said, "go away."

Qin An went upstairs to sleep. Before going to bed, he saw Ruan Tian's childhood photos on the hot search. Then he couldn't sleep and lost sleep

In the middle of the night, Qin An knocks on Qin Yu's door. He turns on the door handle without permission and tries to sneak in.

A pillow smashed over, "get out of here."

Qin An Dao: "good."

The smell of smoke in the bedroom is so strong that it can choke people. Qin Yu's mobile phone screen is constantly jumping with messages.

He glanced at all the photos Qin An had sent him and saved on the hot search.

Qin's eyes and head hurt.

The little girl in the photo, her eyes are bright and black, and she stares at the camera. She has no emotion.

Qin Yu remembered that Ruan Tian looked at him with this kind of eyes every time he was maliciously embarrassed in high school.

There is no emotion, no emotion.

Numb, already used to the eyes.

Qin Yu stood by the window, cold Jun's face was a little ferocious, and his violent mood surged from the bottom of his heart. He picked up the desk lamp and smashed it on the wall.

For the first time in his life, he said dirty words: "fuck me."


when Ruan Tian and Zhou's mother went to the public security bureau to go through the formalities, there was a little conflict.

Zhou's mother couldn't breathe. Her face was as white as a dead man. The police told her to sit and wait.

After drinking a mouthful of warm water, Zhou's mother managed to suppress her anger. She never expected her birthday to be like this.

She pointed to Ruan Tian, "I wish I had never given birth to you."

Ruan Tian replied: "I wish you were not my mother."

Zhou's mother leaned against the wall and patted her chest. She gritted her teeth and said, "I shouldn't get you back. I should let you stay outside and be an ignorant village woman. I misunderstood you white eyed wolf."

The more she said, the more angry she became. Tonight, her eldest daughter, whom she loved most, was beaten black and blue. She lost such a big face in front of her relatives and friends. It's her own life if she didn't die of anger.

Zhou's mother stood up tremblingly and raised her hand to slap Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian stopped her hand, shook it hard, then turned to the police and said, "see, she hit people."

"Uncle policeman, you don't care if she wants to kill me?"

The male policeman looked at Ruan Tian and the middle-aged woman who fell to the ground. He knocked on her pen and said, "this is the Public Security Bureau. If you want to be detained, think twice!"

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Ruan Tian looked at Zhou's mother with low eyes. She didn't mean to help her up. She said softly, "Ms. Zhou, do you hear me?"

Under the attack of anger, Zhou's mother turned her eyes and lost consciousness.

The policeman gave Ruan Tian the new account book. He was surprised and said, "how did you faint? Take them to the hospital as soon as possible. "

Ruan Tian looks at her own household register, puts it in her bag like a baby, thanks the police politely, and then goes away.

The policeman stopped her. "Don't you take your mother to the hospital?"

"She is in good health," Ruan said

I'll be angry for a while.

After a pause, Ruan Tian said, "if I take her to the hospital, she will faint again when she wakes up and sees me on the way."

Ruan Tian felt that she was too intimate.

On Monday, the stock market opened, Zhou's company all the way green, stock prices diving, blood lost a wave.

In the end, the Zhou family had to spend a lot of money to buy the shares that had been sold off to keep the bottom.

Ruan Tian does not speculate in stocks, but Jiang Li has a clear understanding of the stock market! Happily, he told her, "the Zhou family has evaporated at once. It's worth tens of billions."

"When are they going bankrupt!" Ruan Tian can't wait, "Wuwuwuwu, I really want to see them pick up garbage!"!!! And then humiliate them

Then embark on the road of shuangwen life!

Jiang Li sobers her up a little bit. The Zhou family, which has many side branches, will not go bankrupt so easily.

Ruan Tian understood and sighed: "Alas, I don't know when I can earn 80 million."She took a bite of the apple and continued: "Shen Hui said before that he could borrow money from me and didn't need me to sign a contract with Huanshi."

"Isn't that a good thing? You didn't promise? "

"I told him to go away."


Ruan Tian sneered and growled: "because I don't want to return it!"

Can't Shen Hui, a dog, use borrowed words as compensation for divorce?

Sure enough, he's a dogged capitalist.

Jiang Li comforted her and said, "it doesn't matter. After recording the new variety show, you'll have money again."

"I haven't asked you, what kind of variety show is this time?"

"Star acceleration", a variety show of hide and seek, was once a trump card competition program of fruit station. It's very fun. About a dozen stars participated in each issue. "

Ruan Tian seemed to have seen this program a long time ago, and she nodded, "so I just run and hide, and when necessary, I can kick out my team-mates who feel uncomfortable, right?"

Jiang Li nodded, "that's right."

She hesitated for two seconds and added, "just Er, this time Wang Baiyuan also took part in the show. The child was miserable. Don't beat him any more. Oh, there are Qin An, Zhao Menger and other good friends you used to have ~ "

Ruan Tian thought that the program could be renamed Ruan Tian and her enemies.

Ruan Tian was silent for a long time, and slowly said: "great, I will kick Qin an out first."

She wants to use shadowless feet to kick Qin An's suspicious life.

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