"Star acceleration" was a hit when it was born. The program was interesting and exciting. It had a high audience rating and was popular with the audience, so many stars were very happy to be on this program.

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Only online stars are eligible to be invited, like the general paste than you want to lick.

The only bad thing is that the audience friends of this program have very high requirements for the guests. If you are not good at playing, drag your feet or have no hindrance, they will absolutely mercilessly petition the director group to kick you out, and they will publicize that you are a waste everywhere.

It took Ruan Tian a week to finish the first season. To sum up, it's a program with high demands on physical strength. If you run fast and hide well, you can laugh to the end.

As soon as she thought that other people were rubbish young masters who could not hold their hands and shoulders, she suddenly became confident.

She's more than enough for a group of dishes.

Ruan Tian couldn't figure out how Zhao meng'er and Wang Baiyuan still have the courage to participate in this kind of program relying on strength?

Wang Baiyuan, in particular, is as fragile as a delicate flower, which can't be knocked or touched.

As soon as Ruan Tian finished packing her bags to record the reality show, Jiang Lili sent an urgent report, "the man of the movie director Cheng has decided."

Ruan Tian replied, "isn't that a good thing?"

Male and female stars set, after the selection of scene set scene, wait until the time, you can start smoothly.

The actor in director Cheng's movie is better than the actress. He decided the candidate in a month or so. He was a powerful actor who won the top three movie stars as early as 17 years old.

make complaints about sitting on the floor mat, eating the Ruili's car, and eating it and Tucao: "the movie king doesn't seem to be happy to cooperate with you."

As soon as you ask about Ruan Tian who is the female leader, the meaning of the team is very obvious, implying whether Cheng Dao can change people.

For example, most of the movie stars with awards and achievements in the circle are arrogant and don't want to make a match for someone who has just emerged and is still popular in the TV circle.

Maybe Ruan Tian's hot search is too much, and it doesn't give people a good feeling.

Although Ruan Tian is no doubt twice, the team over there still wants to change to a more famous actress.

It's better to join forces than to help the poor.

Ruan Tian holding her just washed strawberries, while eating said: "do not like me more people to go, he can not row on the number."

Cream strawberry sweet hair greasy, a bite down lips and teeth.

She leaned lazily against the sofa. "If he really doesn't want to cooperate with me, he'll quit."

He was reluctant to give up such a big cake directed by Cheng Suian, and wanted to find an actor he was satisfied with to be the hostess.

Cheap let him occupy, how can such a good thing?

Jiang Lili was a little sad. He sobbed two times, "this is my male god. Alas, I didn't expect that my male god was also a person who judged people by their appearance. There was a feeling that the house collapsed."

Ruan Tian pondered for a while and said, "that's because my house collapsed a lot."

Ruan Tian also pursues stars, but she doesn't mix rice circles.

The stars she likes are not famous either. They are all little love beans.

When Ruan Tian was young and ignorant, she also transferred money from the link on the microblog to xiaoaidou. Later, she went to find her sister-in-law, and those who were arrested for fraud went to the bureau with her agent.

The courtyard collapsed into a unit building.

Jiang Lishan laughed, "I beg you not to chase stars, who are you chasing?"

Ruan Tian felt that what she said was reasonable. She nodded and said, "I really don't think men's eyes are good."

In the winter of this year, it didn't snow much in Beijing.

The warm light penetrated through the thin air and fell on the cheek. The burning temperature was a little harsh.

Early in the morning, the program team sent someone to meet Ruan Tian downstairs. The staff helped Ruan Tian carry her luggage and asked, "have you got everything with you, Mr. Ruan? There's nothing left? "

Ruan Tian gently said, "no more."

"Then we'll go."

The car drove all the way to the recording point, less than an hour later, Ruan Tian was sent to the hotel that the program team had ordered in advance.

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I'll take a break tonight and start recording tomorrow morning.

Ruan Tian ran into Wang Baiyuan, who was also checking in in the hotel hall. The assistant on the third floor came to serve him.

Wang Baiyuan caught a glimpse of Ruan Tian and snorted twice to hide his discomfort.

Ruan Tian gives her ID card to the front desk of the hotel. It takes time for her to ascend the throne with confidence. In the process of waiting, Wang Baiyuan wriggles around her like a maggot. "Ruan Tian, being red is great. You don't want to say hello to an old friend?"

Ruan Tian raised her eyelids and glanced at him. "Who are you, please?"

First kill

makes Wang Bai's vitality strong.

But now he's really a real batter.

Unlike Ruan Tian, who is popular all at once, even his nanny who is not interested in stars knows Ruan Tian's younger martial sister.Ruan Tian hugged her hands and asked in an exaggerated tone, "what kind of demons and ghosts can be on this program now, and are you hungry for food?"

Wang Baiyuan didn't do anything stupid until he was pressed by his assistant. "I just forced the company in. How about that?"

Ruan Tian grinned. Her two obvious rabbit teeth are not cute at the moment. They seem fierce. "Tomorrow, you must run faster, or I'll kick you into the cage, so that you can experience the feeling of not being able to cry every day."

Wang Baiyuan said, "who is afraid of you?"

The front desk of the hotel handed their room cards and ID cards to them. "This side has been checked in. You can go up and have a rest."

Wang Baiyuan took his certificate and ran away.

The night before the recording of star acceleration, all the guests were officially announced.

There are top class and powerful actors and harmonious stars.

However, some of the strict audience could not accept the female guests. Zhao Menger and Ruan Tian became the people who were gathered by the old audience.

"Old fan Kaimai is not exclusive. It's these two little girls with thin arms and legs who are really not suitable for this program."

"I'm really disappointed with the program team. The invited guests don't have the strength to play. They can only hide and run. What are we looking at?"

"Both of them are good at it. Don't get caught in a second. That's really not good."

"Hope more athletes, thank you."

Such arguments are all hot reviews.

There is no comment area with empty fans, which represents the voice of the audience.


Ruan Tian had a good sleep in the hotel and had no dream all night.

Tomorrow morning, full of spirit.

The guests who stayed in the hotel were sent to the recording place in two cars.

Ruan Tian's legendary hero of the next play seems to be among them. She takes a peek with Yu Guang. She is a tall, white and thin boy. She is too far away to see her face clearly.

I think it's true that there is a capital to pick women.

Next to the movie king stands Shi an, a relative household.

There are a lot of people who have been crammed in here.

May be Ruan Tian's eyes were found, when an side face, to Ruan Tian smile.

Ruan Tian saw at a glance that she was not well intentioned.

A large number of people, such as the director group, were facing them with machines. The director sat cross legged on the ground, holding a huge loudspeaker and said, "there are 12 guests in total. We are divided into three teams, red, yellow and blue. When we draw cards of corresponding colors, we are one team."

"The card is in the box in my hand. You can decide the order of the draw."

Ruan Tian is impatient. It's better to divide all the evil writers she hates into one team! She taught them to be human.

No one took the initiative to be the first person to draw lots. After two minutes of silence, Ruan Tian finally stood out and said, "I'll come first."

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She put her little hand into the blind box, took a random one, and raised it to see that it was red.

The director smiles at her, "Ruan Tian, red team, who's next?"

Wang Baiyuan can't wait to jump out. The more he pulls back, the less chance he can choose.

He kept praying in his heart, please don't be the red team, he wants to become Ruan Tian's opponent, a shame before snow.

Wang Baiyuan carefully put his hand in and dared not open his eyes when he took it out.

The director announced with a big horn: "Wang Baiyuan, red team, next."

Wang Baiyuan choked and died on the spot.

After Zhao Menger follows Wang Baiyuan closely, today she is still Lin Meimei's route, weak and weak, biting her lip to extract her card.

"Zhao Menger, red team, next."

Ruan Tian

Is it poisonous? It's not over!

Qin An is also the kind of person who doesn't want to join Ruan Tian's team. He is very self-conscious. He is afraid that he will have his own life to die.

He felt that there were only four red cards in total. Three of them were taken away. The rest could not be his turn anyway!

In this way, Qin an with full confidence, swaggered forward to draw his own card.

"Qin An, red team, next."

Qin an

Ruan Tian: "what

Four people assigned to the red team, you look at me, I look at you, speechless.

Shao Chengyue and Gao Leng are assigned to the blue team.

Shi an is the yellow team.

Ruan Tian seriously asked the director: "can you kill your teammates?"

Director Leng Leng, "theoretically, it's OK."

As long as within the specified time, the last person in the black suit catcher's hand to survive the team is the winner.

In other words, a team as long as one person alive is enough.Ruan nodded, "OK, thank you, director."

In the new era of network development, basically all reality shows of fruit station are live, in order to bring the most real programs to the audience.

The four people in the red team are really crazy.

At first glance, it looks like four vegetable dogs.

If you look carefully, there are still four vegetable dogs.

[I announce that the red team is out ahead of time ~ two girls with soft body and two young masters with delicate body, wash up and go to sleep as soon as possible. 】

[I don't think it's any more. This group of perspectives are not good enough. The director should cut the camera quickly and let me see the handsome guy. 】

[internal entertainment hot knowledge: Ruan Tian once beat Wang Baiyuan violently, and Ruan Tian and Zhao Menger once tore each other on Weibo. This is really a wonderful group. 】

[ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 】

[did you bet for a few seconds? According to our brother in black's speed, Ruan Tian's group estimated that it would be gone in ten seconds. 】

[it's almost a second. When brother in black comes out, it's their cool day. 】

[Ruan Tian doesn't want to see a girl next time. 】

before the game starts, each team has enough time to discuss tactics.

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Compared with the clamor of the yellow and blue teams, the silence of the red team is particularly abrupt.

Qin An couldn't stand the embarrassment. He raised his hand and said, "after a while, as long as the director shouts to start, we will run immediately." He pointed to the building on his left, "when that time comes, we'll nest in the corner first. When the man in black leaves and can't see us, we'll find clues to complete the task, OK?"

Zhao Menger said yes.

Wang Baiyuan has no problem.

Three pairs of eyes look at Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian swept them up and down with her eyes, "I think it's beautiful, OK, that's it."

Qin An feels relieved for no reason. He suddenly feels that it's not a bad thing to be with Ruan Tian. When he treats his teammates, she must not be so cruel.

Ruan Tian seemed to see what he was thinking at a glance. She said coolly, "it's not that I haven't done this kind of thing to kill my teammates, hee hee."

Qin An said hard: "I can't run you?"

Ruan Tian is so slow that she draws a long ending, "Oh? Is that right? "

The director's loudspeaker heard several times loud voice, "after the countdown of ten seconds, the game will start immediately, please be prepared, do not rush, otherwise it will be considered illegal."

"Five, four, three, two, one!"


All the people didn't see clearly, only felt a gust of wind from the ear, Ruan Tian had rushed out, like an arrow flying out.

Qin An took a breath, gritted his teeth and followed him, trying to rush to the corner they had agreed in advance.

A few seconds later - is Ruan Tian a person!? How can you run like that? Fuck!

Zhao meng'er tried her best to eat milk. She almost lost her breath when she ran, but she was not overtaken by the man in black.

Wang Baiyuan, who was at the end of the story, was in a panic voice in the air. "Ah, help, help."

Wang Baiyuan really can't run any more. He's already a useless man. He's holding the stone pier to rest for a while. The man in black who doesn't know when to catch up behind him almost scares him out.

He started to run and fell with a bang.

Wang Baiyuan thought that he was completely cold. Who knows Ruan Tian was kind-hearted and ran out, grabbed his arm and dragged him to the corner.

Yes, there is no dignity to speak of, as a mop, drag past.

Wang Baiyuan only felt that his buttocks were hot and painful.

[hahaha, isn't Ruan Tian really taking revenge? The chickens that laugh ten miles around begin to crow. 】

[the red team's "although we don't like each other, we still need a group" is really too wonderful. 】

[when? I can't wait. 】

the task starts to release with the jingle of the mobile phone.

The first task is to ask them to find the red lantern hanging on the pillar. Only the real red lantern has crystal hidden in it. After getting the crystal, they can start the second task, and the game can be delayed for half an hour.

Red team's luck is not bad, they slant opposite is full of red lantern pole.

Zhao meng'er hides behind. She doesn't want to do such rude things as climbing the post. She will collapse.

Wang Baiyuan swallowed saliva, "I am a waste, my buttock still hurts, I really can't do it."

Ruan Tian looked at Qin An, "you go to pick the lantern, I'll help you look below."

Qin An was shocked, "why am I?"

Ruan Tian doesn't want to talk nonsense with her, "do you want to go or not, I'll kick you out with one kick!"

Qin An was really convinced, "are you a woman? Is it reasonable? "

Ruan Tian replied, "I'm unreasonable. Did you know the first day?"

Qin An shrank back and said, "if I don't go, whoever you like will go."

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Ruan nodded, "OK, I'll kick you to death now!"Qin An was afraid of her. "I can't go! Don't come near me. I'm afraid. "

Qin An looks around to make sure there is no one else. He stealthily climbs up the pole and looks for the crystal. He says to Ruan Tian: "help me watch the man in black."


There was crystal in the first lantern Qin An took. He threw the lantern to Ruan Tian and said, "found it."

Ruan Tian hugged the lantern, looked up at Qin An, pursed her lips and said, "it seems that the man in black is coming."

Silence for two seconds, she continued: "I'll go first!"

Qin an

Ruan Tian ran faster than the rabbit, and there was no one.

Suddenly, the sound of the radio on the recording site rang out: "congratulations to the red team for getting the first crystal. The red team will get an acceleration card. 】

[ten minutes have passed, and three people in black will continue to be released in the venue. Good luck to you. 】

Qin An holds the pillar and has nothing to love.

The man in black is like a sculpture standing beside a pillar. Qin An thinks that he may be staying on the pillar for a while.

He is slow to respond to come over, look up to the sky long roar, "Ruan Tian, you are fuckin 'is in the whole me!"

Zhao meng'er looked at Ruan Tian, who came back with a lantern in his arms. He grabbed her clothes and sobbed in a low voice, "it's terrible. Shall we hide here for a period of time?"

She doesn't want to run anymore.

My back is aching and my legs are aching.

She wants to cry.

Wang Baiyuan raised both hands and feet to agree, "I agree."

Ruan Tian wrung her eyebrows, "or you go and form a team with them? I think it's really tiring for me to carry three trash by myself. "

Wang Baiyuan blew his beard and glared, "how dare you scold me?"

Zhao meng'er: it's my turn to perform.

She leaned on Wang Baiyuan, "Ruan Tian, you are so vicious."

Wang Baiyuan also agreed, "the most poisonous woman Ruan Tiantian."

"I don't mind being a little bit more vicious," said Ruan tianpi with a smile. "The director said that killing his teammates is also in line with the rules."

In this way, Wang Baiyuan did not dare to say a redundant bullshit.

With the passage of time, more and more people in black are involved in the competition, and the guests are struggling.

Ruan Tian's hiding place was soon found by the people in black. They couldn't be Voldemort even if they wanted to be Voldemort.

Wang Baiyuan, who was still scolding Ruan Tian for her viciousness for the last second, looked at the man in black who was getting closer and closer. He cried and yelled, pounced on Ruan Tian and grabbed her trouser legs, "sister Ruan, sister Ruan

Ruan Tian probably understood what he meant.

He certainly can't run. He can only ask her to attract the eyes of the people in black.

Zhao meng'er now also don't face, grasp her sleeve, only know to cry: "Ruan elder sister Wuwu."

Hear Zhao Menger this sound Ruan elder sister.

Ruan sweetheart thought, it seems that she is more than one in the world.

Historical pictures were captured in the studio.

Fanquan girl: [today's happiness is given to me by the red team. Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger scold Ruan Tian for being vicious one second, and cry for Ruan Tian the next. They are selected as the best video of the year (villains have their own villains, but I think Ruan can't accept it, hahaha]

the harsh old audience of star acceleration thinks that the red team is not so unbearable as expected.

That female star surnamed Ruan seems to be able to fight!

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