Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger want to stay in the corner, quietly to the end of the program.

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Ruan Tian's long-distance running is fast, and he's gone as soon as he's gone. The speed of running for life is out of reach.

Since Ruan Tian is so powerful, let her be the hero who confronts the man in black!

Ruan Tian looked down at the two people holding her sleeve in tears, pretended to lament, and slowly pulled out her hand, "no way, such vicious people as us don't have the hobby of helping others."

Wang Baiyuan rolled back and said, "sister Ruan! Sister Ruan! It's too urgent to fry each other. "

Zhao meng'er made a timid expression, also stepped back, sniffed, cried and said: "we are all sisters."

Ruan Tian is a little impatient, "do you run or not?"

They shake their heads at a surprisingly consistent frequency.

Seeing the people in black getting closer and closer, Ruan Tian kicked Wang Baiyuan out.

Wang Baiyuan was stunned for a few seconds, and the man in black had big eyes to small eyes. He burst out with an earth shaking scream, "fuck! Ruan Tian, your mother is dead! "

His ass really hurt.

Wang Baiyuan didn't want to run forward like his life. He took seven turns and eight turns. He lost half his life by making use of the angle of view.

He can't even speak.

I have known for a long time that Ruan Tian should not be a team.

Zhao meng'er looks at Ruan Tian with a kind of frightened eyes. Just now, the appearance of her kicking Wang Baiyuan out is too frightening.

"I'll go by myself," she sobbed

[the real and fake Princess mission has been released. There are two princesses in the city. Please find the real princess and get the crown of the princess. Within 20 minutes, you will have a chance to get a kill card reward when the mission is completed. If the mission fails, three people in black will continue to be put in the arena. 】

[there are no restrictions on the use of erasure rewards, which can be opponents or teammates. 】

[please come on, and good luck. 】

now there are five people in black in the city. If there are three more, Wang Baiyuan decides to kill himself in the city tower.

What's the meaning of being humiliated by Ruan Tian like this!!!

What's the difference between doing a task he's not prepared to do and going to die?

Zhao meng'er looks at Ruan Tian and wants to cry, "sister Ruan Sister, are you going to do the task? "

Ruan Tian nodded, "I want to go."

When you get the kill card, the first one will kick Qin an out!

Zhao meng'er shrunk: "then I won't go."

[Ruan Tian is going to do the task? 】

[the rookie is tiger force. I've watched this show for two seasons, and no one has ever got the erasure card. To complete the task and find the real princess is just a chance to run faster than the man in black. 】

[there are many guests who have completed the task, but no one can win the race against the man in black. 】

[who will be the first go die? I'm one of the four dogs in the red team. 】

with the map, Ruan Tian ran directly to Princess mansion.

Like her, there are many guests who want to do tasks. Ruan Tian meets Shi an on the way.

When an didn't know when to hook up with Gao Leng, the young film emperor, and smile to her, "teacher Ruan, are you going to Princess mansion?"

Ruan Tian looked at the man beside her and thought, do you want to show your friendly side in front of the future partners?

Forget it, love who.

Ruan Tian didn't want to see any evil face.

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The man who can play with Zhou Xiaoqiao's little sister group is definitely not a good thing.

Ruan tianban with a cold face, "yes."

She added: "when I get the erase card, the first one will erase you."

It was originally a special honor belonging to Qin An, so I had to give Shi an first.

Shi an can really hate Ruan Tian all her life. She broke her dream of becoming a peak. She said with a smile, "it's not sure who will finish the task first."

Ruan Tian touched her head, "I didn't mean to humiliate you. I can't even see an opponent like you."

In short, it's not worthy.

Shi an is not like Ruan Tian, who is already a very popular artist. She does not dare to say anything with her. This variety show is Shi an's first public appearance. She has to create a good human setting.

Shi'an has a delicate heart, does everything without leaking, and speaks tactfully.

She kept the smile on her face. "Wait and see."

It seems that the young movie king can't stand it. "Learning to respect people is more important than winning. There is not even the minimum respect. It is estimated that no one is willing to be your opponent."

Ruan Tian: it's the king again!

She put on a cold face and said, "can you live to the end and beep with me, OK?"

The emperor's face seems gloomy. Suddenly, Ruan Tian guessed that the emperor had no reputation for her. She was afraid that she had something to do with Shi an.It's not surprising that rich and powerful families are so big that they know each other.

The film emperor put his pants in his hands and said in a low voice after a slight sneer: "you are so rampant with cameras. It seems that you will only go too far where you can't take pictures."

Ruan Tian feels this person's malice to herself, she does not care about smile, "thank invite, Internet only person set up is a big villain."

The movie emperor was cold and silent.

Outside the Princess House, there is a man in black patrolling around.

Ruan Tian waited for the moment and slipped into the mansion before the man in black saw her.

Never thought that someone was ahead of her.

Qin An didn't know when to get rid of the pillar. He was the first one to enter the princess mansion.

There were two red players, one blue and one yellow.

Ruan Tian was very curious and asked, "you didn't get the crown when you first came here?"

Qin An didn't want to talk to her. The ten minutes when he was forced to hold the pillar was too painful for him to lift his arm.

[the gate of Princess mansion has been closed. The four guests are Qin An, Ruan Tian, Ji Wangjiang and Shi an. First of all, I would like to congratulate the above-mentioned guests on winning a card. You need to find out the real princess within the specified time. 】

[if the game fails, a puppet card will be issued. 】

[the person who gets the puppet card needs to have a wheel fight with five people in black, and the loser is out of the team. 】

[you can abstain from this task, and keep the card of abstainer. 】

Qin An's legs are soft, and one person in black is enough for him. If he comes five at a time, he can go to the hospital directly to report.

Shi an first broke the silence and said in a soft voice: "I think about it carefully. This game is too risky. Half of the chances of winning are not enough. If you choose the wrong person, you will be punished to have a wheel fight with the man in black. That will drag down the whole team."

Qin An felt that what she said was reasonable. He touched his chin. "I agree, and I already have a card. It's not a loss."

This is the reason why no one can get the erasure card in star acceleration, which has been recorded for two seasons. The difficulty is beyond the outline, and it is almost impossible to complete the task.

The audience in the studio almost agreed with Shi an's words. This is the most organized analysis and the best choice.

This woman is good. She has brains and looks smart. 】

[she's also beautiful. She's on top of the entertainment circle. I haven't seen her before. Where's the talent from the program team? 】

[looks are very comfortable looks. When Ruan Tian met her, she was still so polite. It seems that she is really good. She can make a powder. 】

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[abstention is indeed the best choice. It's not that there is no one who has to do the task hard before and has destroyed the whole team. 】

it has to be said that Shi'an has made a good start in setting up her own people.

Ruan Tian automatically ignored their bullshit.

Hanging head, staring at his toes for a while.

When the chirping voice stopped, she raised her eyes again. A small white face faced them and asked, "have you discussed?"

Qin An pick eyebrows, complacent said: "we are ready to abstain."

Ruan Tian Oh a, "then you get out of the way, don't delay me to do the task."

Qin An said, "you still have to do a task!"?! Are you trying to kill our team on purpose

When an didn't expect her to be so stubborn, "teacher Ruan doesn't have to care so much about winning or losing. It's too competitive and it's not a good thing."

Ruan Tian doesn't like people who have a good relationship with Zhou Xiaoqiao.

That's how she keeps her grudge! That's how careful you are!

Shi an's dark whore looks exactly like Zhou Xiaoqiao. She deserves to be a sister of a rich family.

Ruan Tian glanced at her lightly, "no, I just want to kill you." She bared her teeth with a smile, "the next ten issues, my erasure card is your exclusive."

Ruan Tian took two steps forward, and Qin An subconsciously gave way.

two women as like as two peas in the same costume stood in front of her. There were some hints on the cards on the side: 1, only the false princess could tell lies. 2. You can only ask questions twice. 】

before Ruan Tian began to ask questions, Qin An grabbed her arm and said, "sweet sister, think about our whole red team. It's a shame that the whole army is destroyed and the bottom is out."

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "in fact, it's good to die together."

Anyway, it's her enemy!

She threw Qin An's hand away mercilessly. First, she looked at the woman on her left and asked, "are you real or fake?"

"I'm real."

She nodded and asked the woman on the right, "are you real or fake?"

"I'm real."

The prompt on the radio came in time, [two questions have been used up, please Ruan Tian answer in one minute, overtime is regarded as failure. 】

Qin An is really speechless.Excuse his stupidity, he didn't get a clue from these two answers.

When quietly looking at the joke, the abacus crackles in her heart. She doesn't think Ruan Tian is smart enough to guess the real princess by these two words.

Ruan Tian is looking for death on her own. She is quite happy.

Ji Wangjiang raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "beyond his capacity."

When an slightly frowned, "Ruan teacher, you will only hurt other innocent people out of the team, Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger how innocent they are."

Ruan Tian twisted her eyebrows as if she were really thinking.

Qin An felt that she was going to die, but seeing her eyebrows gradually spread, she was delighted, "do you hear anything?"

Ruan Tian said, "I didn't recognize a fart."

Qin An: sorry to disturb you.

[five, four 】

at the last second of the countdown, Ruan Tian pointed to the little girl on the left and said firmly, "she's real."

A few seconds later, the radio rang as expected: [congratulations to the red team for finding the real princess and getting a chance to challenge the man in black. 】

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Qin An couldn't recover in surprise.

Ruan Tian himself is extremely calm, although she just a pair of winning looks, in fact, she is guessing!

When Ann pinched her fingers tightly, the voice of the dislocation of the bone joints made a sound, and her face was taut and her smile was stiff.

Ruan Tian is lucky.

[game time is temporarily suspended. The challenge to the man in black will be held in 10 minutes. All guests are required to be present. 】

Ruan Tian really wanted to erase the card. She rushed to Wangcheng square, where the camera team had already set up a row of cameras, and the tall and burly man in black stood at the starting point with no expression.

Ruan Tian looks at the man in black. He's a giant!

The director is holding a megaphone. I didn't expect that someone in the first phase would be able to get to the point of erasure. She is still a female guest.

"Ruan Tian, are you sure you want to continue?"


"In ten minutes, you can win without being caught by a man in black."

"I see."

Ruan Tian's tone of saying this is too relaxed, which gives the director an illusion that it is easy to do this.

Ordinary people can resist for more than one minute, even if it's great. Ten minutes is something a professional long-distance runner can do.

Wang Baiyuan, standing in the spectator's seat, touched his aching ass, "who took this crazy woman away, I just thank her."

Anyway, he didn't dare to make trouble again.

Shao Chengyue looked at him contemptuously, "why don't you stop her?"

Wang Baiyuan said that you can look up to me too much. Can he stop me!?

The live broadcast room was showcased.

[I didn't expect that I'd lost my eye sometimes. Was it the same in Ruan Tian's previous variety shows? 】

[it seems that this one has always taken an unusual road. Are we going to witness history soon! I want to know how to use the erase card. 】

[ah, people in black are usually wiped out, so that life in the city will be better and the chance of living to the end of the game time will be greater. 】

[Ruan Tian said that she wanted to kill Shi an. 】

[don't listen to her boasting!!! She is reluctant to part with it!!! 】

before the competition, Ruan Tian tilted her head and looked in the direction of Shi'an.

She didn't seem to worry at all. She was sure that Ruan Tian would lose. The ten minute long run was not won by luck.

I don't know. Ruan Tian was caught when he started, and lost a big somersault.

People who are too competitive but have no strength will only be disgusted by the audience.

Shi an thinks very well. When Ruan Tian is out of the game, it's her turn to shine in the remaining one hour of the game.

Before the director blew the whistle, Qin An's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

It's not like he's playing, but he's just nervous.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Ruan Tian rushed out from the starting point.

She runs fast, and the speed of the man in black is not weak. She follows her closely, like two flashes of lightning, which makes other people look stunned.

The other three members of the red team sighed almost at the same time, "it's terrible."

Both Ruan Tian and people in black are demons.

Ruan Tian was bitten so tightly that she was almost overtaken several times in the middle. The field was so big that there was almost no shelter. She had to fight hard and run straight ahead. As long as she had a little idea of relaxation, she would be caught by the man in black behind her.

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[challenge the man in black, seven minutes left. 】

in Qin An's life, Ruan Tian is the best woman he has ever seen.

Everything seems to be working hard.

If you rush forward like this, you will not be afraid of death.

She stood on the edge of Qin An and said with a smile, "Ruan Tian can't win at all. She can't hold on for ten minutes. She didn't kill her and put herself in. It's stupid."Qin An heard this harshly, "do you have a mouth? You can talk? "

When Ann pursed her lips, she was silent.

The longer the time dragged on, the slower their speed slowed down.

Ruan Tian almost got caught several times. Thanks to her flexibility, she escaped at the last second.

Ruan Tian was sweating and her face turned white. She was biting her teeth. She could not admit defeat.

Fuck, man in black is too strong.

I think she was also the champion of the 3000 meter long distance race in the school sports meeting. Can't she fight it?!

What the hell is that!!?

Ruan Tian is to let them all have a look, she Ruan Tian is very powerful in all aspects.

[challenge the man in black, four minutes left. 】

no one has been able to persist for such a long time, and Ruan Tian is the first.

Ruan Tian's throat was as sore as when she was cut by a knife when she was breathing. Her throat smelled of rust. Her eyes were firm and she only knew how to run forward.

It's about endurance, it's about determination.

All the audience were stunned, just It's just a competition. Ruan Tian is too serious.

Not only serious, but also good at running.

When she fell down, she had to get up and continue to run. She felt that she couldn't hold on, but she could shake off the man in black.

It's nothing to admit defeat, but she just won't give in.

I don't know how long after that, Ruan Tian felt that she couldn't make it any longer, and the tail seemed to disappear with her footsteps.

Ruan Tian heard the director say: "the man in black abstains, Ruan Tian wins."

She slowly stopped, bent down, hands on her knees, sweat wet her cheeks on both sides of the broken hair, her big breath, gradually slow down.

Ruan Tian ran away without a man in black, the first person to make a breakthrough in three seasons.

When an looked back at Ruan Tian, she didn't feel much uneasy. Like other audiences, she didn't believe Ruan Tian would use this card on her.

[red team Ruan Tian gets a kill card. 】

[erasure card can be reused in three phases]

Ruan Tian took the erasure card handed to her by the director and looked at it over and over again.

The other three of the red team have a tacit understanding to hide. Ruan Tian wants to kill his teammates for a long time!

Ruan Tian raised her eyes, quietly cast an eye at Shi an, pointed at her, and whispered: "just her."

As a result, the director team was very surprised. They didn't hear that they had any personal grudges. It's a pity to waste such a precious card on the team members.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

The director immediately announced: "team Huang, Shian, out. 】

Ruan Tian can't help but sigh that the director's voice is so damn sweet.

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