Hot discussion in the group: [so "star acceleration" actually kills this thing, doesn't it? This live in the mouth of the director group to kill the card was won by Ruan Tian? 】

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"and Ruan Tian also used it on another female guest."

"Do what you say, Ruan Tiantian, Niu."

"It's the most coquettish thing to give up running the man in black. This program is really getting more and more exciting."

"The new guests are OK. The red team is a whole team of stupid people."

"Reasonable doubt, the next two periods, Ruan Tian will also use the erasure card in Shi'an."

Ruan Tian really thinks so. Compared with Shi an, even Qin An, who can't speak to others, has become more agreeable.

Shi an was taken off the waist color card by the staff of the program team, and picked Mai by the way. Her expression was forbearing. In front of the camera, she would not attack even if she was about to die of anger.

Ruan Tian bent the corner of her mouth, and laughed at her. She pointed to the erasure card in her hand, which means that you are still on the bench in the next two phases.

It's impossible to have a shot in a second, alazo!!!

After the success of the challenge, the director group gave Ruan Tian a five minute break, and the game continued.

The number of people in black in the city did not decrease or increase.

One and a half hours to record.

Hiding is not a good way to survive. People in black constantly patrol the city, and their hiding place will be found if they are not careful.

From time to time the radio over the sky rang.

[yellow team, Li Chao, out. 】

[blue team Zhang queque, out. 】

[yellow team, sun Pinglin, out. 】

[yellow team, out. 】

the other three people in the red team follow Ruan Tian closely, like the three tails behind her.

Ruan Tian stopped and lost for a moment, "what are you doing with me?"

The three remained silent.

Ruan Tian looked at Wang Baiyuan, "your ass doesn't hurt?"

Wang Baiyuan pretended to be clever, but he couldn't do it any more. Bah, "can you be a person? Don't think too much about my ass."

Ruan Tian sneered, "you are rubbing my heat with this kind of behavior now. It's really bad luck for me to be sucked blood by you paste."

Wang Baiyuan

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Zhao meng'er

[the city gate offers a reward. Please go to the city tower to pick up the wanted order and give it to the city Lord. The person who takes the lead in completing the task can give 200000 gold coins. 】

[the time is 20 minutes. If nobody completes it within the specified time, the main street in the city will be closed. 】

a rule similar to running away poison.

If you don't finish the task, the circle will be smaller and smaller, and the chance of meeting people in black will be greater and greater.

Ruan Tian recovered and found that she had three pairs of eyes staring at her face. She was like a mother with three children.

Bah, she can't have such an unfilial son.

Zhao meng'er is in a state of "who I am", "where I am" and "what I want to do" all the time. He has nothing but hide in his mind.

A large-scale competitive program was played as a game of hide and seek by her.

In front of Ruan Tian's face, she did not dare to cross again. She whispered, "I found a garbage can. It's clean inside. I should be able to stay in the last place."

Wang Baiyuan jump, "such a good thing, you even now just tell me?"

He also wants to go in to hide and comfort his seriously injured ass.

Ruan Tian looked up at the sky speechless, and then said, "if this was the survival of the Jedi, I would have been thunder."

The whole team died together.

It's all spicy chicken that can't be moved.

She turned around and was about to do the task. As soon as she stepped out, she turned back and stared at the three of them fiercely, especially at Qin An. She bared her teeth and said, "next time you and I will join the same team, I will wipe you out first."

No one dares to talk nonsense,

Qin An was scolded by Ruan Tian for the first time, and he dares not answer back, for fear that she will hang him in the city tower in anger.

Zhao meng'er is crying like a little daughter-in-law. She has to be humble in front of Ruan Tian's face. On second thought, she is a two faced white lotus. When the program is over, she will post black Ruan Tian on the Internet.

Ruan Tian holds Qin An's collar. No matter whether he wants to or not, he catches people and runs away.

Qin An was forced to stay away from the people in black with her, panting.

There are two wanted notices on the tower. They are a little high and can't reach them on tiptoe.

Ruan Tian poked Qin An, "you carry me."

Qin An doesn't want to carry her on his back. Ruan Tian reaches for the wanted warrant and takes it off. They are going to the general's mansion and bump into Ji Wangjiang, the movie emperor who is doing the task.

The tall, thin and white boy, whose hair was wet with sweat, should have run all the way.

He looked at Ruan Tian with no expression on his face, then stood on tiptoe in front of them and reached for another wanted warrant with a little stretch of his hand.Qin An said, "I think he is humiliating us."

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Ruan Tian agreed, "not that, he is."

Maybe it's because Ji Wangjiang is the best actor in the circle when he is young.

Ruan Tian felt uncomfortable looking at her noble strength.

Two eyes and one mouth, who is more noble than who?

Besides variety games, they may not have played her.

Ruan Tian remembered that Ji Wangliang had said a word just now, saying that she was beyond her ability.

Good to drag a man.

On the way to the general's house, it was smoother than they thought.

There is a game prompt outside the house: [only the person who gets the general's order through the backyard can see the general. 】

there is only one token, which means that only one of Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang can win.

There is a table in the middle of the backyard, in which there is a man in ancient clothes, similar to the role of housekeeper.

He said: "the general is interested in people with stronger strength. Please compare two people's wrists and the winner will get the token."

Watching them all the time, the radio rang at the right time: "the ticket of the military order game is the life value of the participants, and the loser will be eliminated immediately. 】

[this competition adopts the mechanism of two wins in three sets. 】

Ruan Tian thinks this game is too unfriendly for her.

There is a great disparity between men and women in strength. She is such a delicate little girl, and her strength is even smaller.

Ruan Tian is silent, Ji Wangjiang light looked at her one eye, "go back, you can't do this task."

As long as they don't compete, there will be no losers.

If it's someone else, Ruan Tian may give up. After all, it's not a big task. There's no need to fight for her life.

But Ji Wangjiang is the one who is trying to kick her out of the new movie.

Ruan Tian was infuriated by him. She was flustered in her heart and pretended to be calm. "Come on."

Ji Wangjiang, with a cold expression on his face, slowly sat down at the table.

Ruan Tian is sitting opposite him. She stretches her palms and straightens her arms. She is ready.

Ji Wangjiang's arms are much longer than her, and her palms are her two. When the palms are together, Ruan Tian feels a chill.

In fact, she is not very confident in her strength. In Ruan Tian's world, it seems that it is not particularly difficult to carry a few kilos of things.

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NPC, the housekeeper, took the palm of their hand, counted down three times, and then said, "let's go."

Everything happened just in time.

Not to mention other people present, even Ruan Tian didn't react.

It's only a second at most. Ji Wangjiang's hand is pressed on the table, and he can't pick it out.

Ruan Tian confused way: "so simple?"

It's a free question!

Ji Wangjiang's face is obviously not very good-looking, white and red, "it's my carelessness."

Angry, let him lose his original reason, he said: "I just let you."

With her back to the light, the girl's long hair was tied into a loose ball, her cheeks were light pink, like a fresh peach just picked from a tree.

Ruan Tian: "well, it's OK. I'm tired of it."

Ji Wangjiang moved his eyes, and the situation was inevitable.

In the second contest, the two were equal at first.

Ji Wangjiang suddenly used a lot of strength, Ruan Tian almost did not hold on to be pulled down by him.

Just quickly next to the desktop position slowly, a little bit up.

Her face turned red and her forehead was dripping with sweat.

Ruan Tian held her breath, and her stubborn and unyielding belief strongly supported her strength.

It's been almost two minutes, and we still haven't won.

Ji Wangjiang is dying, but he's not willing to lose to Ruan Tian. He's holding on to his last strength, and his arm is so sour that he doesn't feel it.

Ruan Tian is really stubborn.

After another two minutes, Ji Wangjiang seems to be unable to defend. He is pressed down by Ruan Tian. He clenches his teeth and wants to turn over against the wind, but Ruan Tian presses him to death.

[the end of the game, congratulations to Ruan Tian. 】

[Ji Wangjiang, blue team, out. 】

Ruan Tian pretended and sighed, "this is the world of the strong."

No matter what Ji Wangjiang said at this time, he couldn't lift his arm under the pressure of a woman he didn't care about. It was his face that was beaten.

In the last ten minutes of the game, the players who are still alive are mainly hiding.

Ruan Tian disdains to nest in the same garbage can with Wang Baiyuan, but finds another pile of straw.

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When the countdown was one minute, Shao Chengyue was caught as the last player of the blue team.

[the game is over and the settlement is in progress. 】

[all guests are invited to meet at Wangcheng square. ]The red team became the last team for all the members. The total reward of 7788 was one million gold coins.

One was recorded, exhausted.

"All the teachers have worked hard. This issue is wonderful. See you next time."

"I look forward to the grouping of teachers in the next issue."

All members of the red team are looking forward to it. They all hope that they will not meet again in the next phase!

[it turned out that the four people in the red team were the ones who survived to the end. The four enemies won hand in hand. All of them were fake smiles. 】

[one strong man and three Voldemort, but I really admire the garbage can. 】

[when Ji Wangjiang was out, I was so scared that all the melons in my hand fell off. I can't imagine the feeling of being hit hard by my opponent. 】

[the red team is full of villains. All the other teams should be careful. 】

[I laugh to death upstairs. 】

Ruan Tian went back to the hotel to have a rest from the recording point in her business car. After running for most of the day, she didn't feel tired, but she was very hungry.

After taking a bath and changing her clean clothes, Ruan Tian went out to look for food. On the way, she met an old woman who fell down. She kindly helped her up and called 120.

Now the old lady is very warm and fashionable. She has to leave her phone number to say that she can thank her in the future.

Ruan tiantui, however, left her number.

Ruan Tian, who did a good deed but left a name, decided to punish her vanity and buy a small cake after dinner.

This is the most vicious punishment for female stars who want to keep fit!

Ruan Tian had just sat down in the small restaurant. In a second, an unexpected guest appeared in front of her.

Just like many times in high school.

No matter how many temporary jobs she changed, Qin Yu could find out exactly and humiliate her.

Ruan Tian raised her head, looked at Qin Yu's pale and delicate face, lost in thought, and then asked: "you roll or I roll?"

It seems that after seeing the script of the new movie, Ruan Tian can't continue to face him with an indifferent and whitewash attitude.

Ruan Tian even thought, otherwise he would borrow money from Shen Hui to collect enough liquidated damages.

If she doesn't return it, she doesn't believe that Shen Hui will ask for it.

What a shame!

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