Ruan Tian put the hot plum dish with meat and rice in front of her. She took the chopsticks and poked them. The food was tasteless.

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Ruan Tian thinks it must be because the man opposite is too disgusting.

She managed to eat two more mouthfuls of rice, then put down her chopsticks and went to the front desk of the small restaurant to check out.

After coming out of the restaurant, the man behind her is like a shadow that can't be thrown away. He follows her closely.

The streetlights lengthened their shadows. In the secluded lane, only their footsteps could be heard.

Ruan Tian suddenly stopped, turned around, raised her eyes and looked at him coldly, "are you finished?"

Qin Yu pursed his lips in silence. Just when Ruan Tian thought he was going to be a mute all the time, he heard him say, "are you buying this road? You are allowed to go alone, not me? "


Let's hear if it's human!

When did Qin Yu's face become so thick!

Can you say such shameless words?

Ruan Tian took two deep breaths and turned to open the way. "OK, I'll let you go first."

The path is clear. Get out of here.

Qin Yu seemed to be a little fidgety. He loosened his tie, and then he leaned lazily against the pole and smoked in front of her.

Ruan Tian looked at him for a few seconds without expression and turned to leave.

The tone of Qin Yu's speech was as plain as ever, "Ruan Tian, I'm not in a good mood today, so don't let me down."

He always talks like this.

It's natural and reasonable.

Tough stance.

Ruan Tian sneered and walked forward with great effort.

Her arm was suddenly pressed, and the expression on the man's face was not as cold as before.

Ruan Tian was forced to look at him with a fierce look on her face.

She really didn't understand the circuitous and unpredictable ideas in Qin Yu's mind.

She thought that she had never offended Qin Yu. She didn't understand that he would not let her go after so many years?

Qin Yu was not quite normal. He touched her face, pinched her chin, and even tried to leave his own tooth mark on the corner of her mouth.

"Ruan Tian, you have suffered a lot. Why are you still so stupid?" He said to himself.

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Ruan Tian felt that Qin Yu was in a state of madness and didn't want to argue with him.

Her chin was pinched a little painful, and the man approached her face.

Ruan Tian just looked at him, "what? You want to kiss me again, don't you? "

Once, twice.

Think of her as a soft persimmon.

Qin Yu felt that he liked her to a morbid degree.

She seemed to fly higher and higher, breaking free from the thread at the other end of the kite.

She's just going to get further away from him.

Qin Yu tried her best to keep her for so many years.

He chuckled and answered Ruan Tian's question with practical action. He held the girl's cheek and bit it lightly.

"If you don't listen to me, I'm really forced by you. There's no way."

Ruan Tian felt that he was unreasonable, but his face didn't hurt. He was afraid that he had left his teeth.

Qin Yu keeps saying that he was forced by her. Ruan Tian really thinks that he is bloody.

She didn't bother him.

Never abandoned him.

I didn't do anything wrong to him.

He shouldn't take revenge for nothing.

Ruan Tian didn't even bother to get angry this time. She just said, "I'm so innocent."

After a pause, she said faintly, "I just don't like you."

Ruan Tian thinks Qin Yu is really an elusive man.

He seems to be more angry.

The knuckles are squeaking.

A very unhappy expression.

Ruan Tian really couldn't figure it out. How could she tell the truth? Qin Yu wanted to eat people instead?

"Are you mad enough tonight? I'm going back to bed. "

After running all day, she was really tired.

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Qin Yu refused to let her go. His eyes were pure and bright. He was angry and didn't care about him.

He is a clown and never deserves a place in her heart.

Qin Yu wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh.

He slowly released his hand, Ruan Tian rubbed his face and went on.

Qin Yu followed him step by step.

It's just that they never spoke again.

This path is very long, cold winter wind, along the collar of the neck to drill.

Ruan Tian wrapped up her clothes and saw another uninvited guest in front of the alley not far from the front door of the hotel.

A few meters away, Ruan Tianguang can recognize Shen Hui with his back.What day is it today? Did these two make an appointment to come together?!

Suddenly, Shen Hui has come to Ruan Tian.

The last time they met, they were at Zhou's mother's birthday party.

Ruan Tian thinks that Shen amnesty should come to revenge and humiliate her on purpose today.

Turn over all the old accounts to remind her, see how stupid you used to be!!!

She had already given up.

But Shen Hui had to make a cocoon of his own.

Ruan Tian looked at Shen Hui, then glanced back and sneered at Qin Yu. She touched her head and said, "I won't disturb you. Let's go first."

Qin Yu and Shen Hui had a fight.

There is probably resentment for each other in both of them.

Shen Hui hated Qin Yu for stirring up the flames and adding fuel to the flames.

Qin Yu's abdomen was severely kicked and leaned against the wall. He still had time to say something sarcastic, "what's the matter? Can you only remember the past now? "

This sentence really pierced Shen Hui's lung tube.

The fight between the two men was so fierce that they alerted the residents around and called the police directly.

They got into the police car and were taken to the police station.


Ruan Tian didn't know about it that night. If she knew about it, she would like to see the two fight more fiercely. She'd better kill each other.

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Two well-known young masters entered the Bureau. They kept it a secret all night, but they didn't.

It was exposed the next morning.

After careful investigation, it was found that the police station where they were arrested for recording happened to be in the same jurisdiction as the place where Ruan Tian recorded the program.

There seems to be some big melons in it.

[according to my analysis, Shen Hui and Qin Yu are mostly caused by Ruan Tian, who is a fox spirit. 】

"is she playing with two men? And the car overturned? "

"Shen and Qin Yu seem to be good brothers. This is because they found that they were given In a fit of anger, he began to take revenge? "

"After all, it's Ruan Tian's fault!"!!! Attract bees and butterflies, and hype it! "

"Well, I think CP is really a national CP on a sunny day. I feel that everyone is knocking on it. It's a pot of food. My heart really hurts."

"It's said that their lawyers were both present last night, and the whole process was solved by lawyers. They were all released from the police station in less than half an hour."

"I want to see the fight between men."

"Ruan Tian remarried quickly! With her husband on "my man"! And then "where's daddy going?" it's great

Ruan Tian thinks that these netizens are really funny, but it's too fuckin 'flattering.

The fight between the two dog men had nothing to do with her.

The dog bites the dog, why do you blame her!!?

During the two days of rest in the hotel, Ruan Tian was bored to death by Qin An and kept on wechat.

His brother is crazy again!

Ruan Tian and Lahei don't work. When Qin An catches her and goes downstairs to have dinner, he chases her.

Ruan Tian seriously suggested, "find him a better and bigger one..."

Qin An interrupts her, "hospital, you have already suggested."

Ruan Tian then continued to say, "crematorium?"

Qin an


the first issue of "star acceleration" won a big win, with two more advertisers joining in temporarily. The director knows who these two ads are for.

Fortunately, Ruan Tian showed strong strength, so the director didn't have to bother to leave this walking billboard.

Red is easy to lead to black acid.

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Ruan Tian started the name of the queen of variety show, but she was ridiculed by others: "what about being a little flower? It's not that she can only play in variety show. Which serious actor is a variety show guy? Old age or continue to play those brainless idol drama, fall share. 】

click on the microblog home page and take a closer look. It turns out that you are a fan of Shian.

He's also an in-house professional fan, and he's very clear about Shian.

When Mimi sends a hint, the lower part of Shian is the micro blog of the movie director.

Although Shi an has been teased by Cheng Suian, with his family's contacts and the aura of the girl's friends, Shi an has won another literary and artistic film.

These days, movies are naturally higher than TV series.

Fans began to push.

"I'm looking forward to the new movie of little princess Shian. Don't touch the porcelain."

"My sister's debut is a big movie director, and your sister's stand in debut has gone over the top."

"The little princess has won several magazine covers, just waiting for the official announcement."

Zhou Xiaoqiao returned to the design circle. The female owner, who was protected by golden finger, had a good time in the design circle, and gained a lot of brand promotion for her good friends through her contacts.

Ruan Tian has been working hard for several years to get to this point. The woman just needs to move her fingers.Every time this time, Ruan Tian would like to scold the author of the original book, not be able to type to write the article OK!

Before the second phase of star acceleration was recorded, the director team gave all the guests a preventive shot in advance. This issue is more difficult. I hope they don't take it lightly.

The director was in the car to the studio recording site, holding the microphone in his hand. "In this issue, three people in black will be added to the recording site, and they will be divided into two groups. Only the team who has completed the regional task and lived to the end can be regarded as a victory."

"The person who gets the most heads in total will be the MVP of this competition."

"This time, we still draw lots."

Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue are lucky to draw a group.

Shi'an and Ji Wangjiang were also divided.

Ruan Tian suddenly thought of one thing, her erase card has two available opportunities.

Shi an also painted a delicate make-up today, which was obviously due to sufficient preparation

Ruan Tian used the erasure card in the first second of the game.

The overhead broadcast came as promised: [blue team, good hour, out. 】

almost at the same time, Ruan Tian heard the radio again - [Ji Wangjiang, blue team, launched the single player brand tearing challenge against Ruan Tian, red team, at Wangcheng square. 】

[winner reward: a revival card. 】

Oh, is this revenge for xiaojiaojiao!?

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