Ruan Tian really didn't expect that Ji Wangjiang, the film king with little nonsense, was going to give Shi an a head start. The relationship between them was better than she imagined.

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Ruan Tian is happy to meet this single challenge. She is worried that she has no chance to knock Ji Wangjiang's dog's head, and the chance to find her door is not in vain.

Shi an can't pretend to go on now. She has been killed by Ruan Tian again and again. No matter how good she is, her attitude will collapse. She looks at Ruan Tian coldly, and her eyes are very unfriendly.

Ruan Tian took a look at her. Compared with Zhou Xiaoqiao who pretended to be white lotus, Shi an was not so unbearable.

Ji Wangjiang, wearing a black sportswear and a hair band on his forehead, looks like a boy who just went to college. His lips are red and his teeth are white, which is eye-catching.

Ruan Tian quietly took back her sight and began to move her muscles and bones.

Before the beginning, Wang Baiyuan strolled to her side, gossiping, "Ruan Tian, how can you get married everywhere? Ji Wangjiang seems to have been a member of the sports team in school before, can you?"

Ruan Tian didn't blink her eyes. To be honest, she said, "I can't do it."

Wang Baiyuan hates all the people who are more popular than him in the entertainment circle. He thinks Ji Wangjiang is pretending to be indifferent to others. This time, he sincerely hopes that Ruan Tian can beat Ji Wangjiang on the dog's head, so that he can't pretend!

"No, what are you beeping for?"

"I'll just beep."

For no reason, Wang Baiyuan believed Ruan Tian and felt that she could do everything and win.

"After a while, don't be merciful, scratch his hair, kick his lower body, and tear off his famous brand while he's not prepared! It's better to rub his head in the sand to let him know what he repented of at the beginning. "

Ruan Tian was moved by what he said, and it was great just to think about it.

But she felt that it was impractical to press a big man half a head taller than herself on the ground.

Ruan Tian sighed, "not everyone is you."

Wang Baiyuan said coldly, "you insult me?"

All of a sudden, he became impolite. "You are so vicious. You deserve to be beaten by everyone in the rice circle. It's a holiday rat."

Ruan Tian told him to go away.

[two contestants, please. 】

Ruan Tian took off her shoes and fell into the sand, feeling a little cool.

Ji Wangjiang's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and her sharp eyes were about to pierce her chest.

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The staff pasted the color name plates belonging to their respective teams on their backs.

See two people ready, the director called to start.

Ruan Tian didn't rush forward to fight with him rashly. Although fighting is really her strong point, it's not good to be too arrogant.

What if Ji Wangjiang and Wang Baiyuan are different!

Did she lose soon?

At first, they were mainly on guard. A minute later, Ji Wangjiang took the initiative to attack, aiming at the famous brand on her back.

Ruan Tian clenched her teeth and was ready to face him.

All of a sudden, she rushed forward. She was flexible and touched Ji Wangjiang's back. Before she could do it, he turned around and dodged.

Ji Wangjiang originally wanted to be polite to her, but now he can't take her lightly, and he doesn't have to let her.

The look on his face suddenly became serious, and his swarthy eyes looked at her like a man staring at a prey.

Ji Wangjiang suddenly clasped her wrist, ten percent of the strength, let Ruan Tian pain of a show teeth frown.

Ruan Tian also became ferocious. She didn't play her part in grabbing people's hair and kicking people's lower body. She just managed to get rid of him.

Ji Wangjiang's attack wave after wave did not give her a chance to breathe.

Ruan Tian fell a big somersault and had some pain.

She got up again, and Ruan Tian, who was aroused by the fighting spirit, was almost like a little madman. When she caught people, she bit them. She was more fierce than a wild dog.

Ji Wangjiang was a little tired after being tossed by her, but he didn't dare to take it lightly. He found the right time to twist her arm and tear the famous brand with his other hand, but Ruan Tian broke away at the last second. His hand could only touch her hair and pulled down the hairring on her head.

At that time, Ruan sweetheart had only seven words to say: Ji Wangjiang, I * *.

It's killing her.

How could he use such a dirty way of grabbing people's hair?

Is this what a man can do!

Ruan Tian said she looked down on him.

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Her eyes full of "I despise you" four words, Ji Wangjiang want to say sorry, words to the mouth and swallow back.

He didn't mean to, but I'm afraid he might not believe Ruan Tian's explanation.

Ji Wangjiang simply did not explain.

Ruan Tian's eyes were watering with pain, and she was about to scream in public.

Ji Wangjiang didn't give her time to relax. When she was unprepared, he pressed her arm again. This time, he tore off the famous brand behind Ruan Tian with the fastest speed.

[Ji Wangjiang wins the single player brand tearing challenge][congratulations on Ji Wangjiang's winning a revival card]

fuck, Ruan Tian's liver hurts.

Off court player Wang Baiyuan was also very angry and yelled, "Ji Wangjiang is shameless, pulling people's hair and playing Yin moves."




The director looked at him with admiration.

Maybe it's just like that.

Dare to say anything.

Ji Wangjiang is not good at explaining. He pursed the corners of his mouth and didn't explain anything.

Ruan Tian tied up her hair again. There were thin friction scars in her palm. She was too forgetful just now. Now she felt the pain.

Good morning, blue team. 】

Ruan Tian gave a cold, low voice and had already guessed the result.

Shi an put on the famous brand of the team again at his waist. He and Ruan Tian sidled by and said: "what's the use of your hard work to get me out? Some men are willing to help me, but no one is willing to help you. "

Ruan Tian didn't understand her logic.

She said, "don't men have more than one of those? Is it amazing? Sister, don't look down on yourself. "

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When an was attacked by Ruan Tian twice and three times, he was filled with a bad breath in his heart, "sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

Ruan Tian has no time to talk with her. The latest task has been released.

[the task of closing the city gate has been started. Those who stay outside the city after the city gate is closed will be eliminated. The time limit is 10 minutes. 】

Ruan Tian puts her famous brand in her pocket and runs to the city with Shao Chengyue.

This road is not easy. The people in black arranged in advance by the program team are waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue hid in the grass, looked at the time, and then said: "it's too late, or we'll run directly?"

Shao Chengyue nodded, "it's OK."

He forgot to tell Ruan Tian one more thing: "by the way, Shian seems to be the woman in charge of my father's next movie."

Ruan Tian said.

This is the aura of ghosts!

Let people live!

Only silence can represent Ruan Tian's mood at the moment. Shao Chengyue's eyebrows are wrinkled together. In fact, he thinks Shi an is not suitable for his father's role as a high school girl in the movie. He is going to have a good talk with his father when he gets home.

Ruan Tian takes advantage of the free time of the man in black to turn around, grabs Shao Chengyue and rushes forward, which is equivalent to just seeing who runs fast with the man in black.

The girl's hands are soft and warm, and her hair is filled with the fragrance of shampoo.

Shao Chengyue looked at her side face, tranced for a moment, unconsciously clenched her palm, and ran forward with her.

Two people quickly ran out of breath and finally arrived at the gate of the city.

The sound of people being eliminated came from above.

Ruan Tian really didn't expect to see Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger at the gate of the city. Several people she knew were there.

Zhao meng'er is ready to move, and her heart is full of bad water. She came to this program just to trip Ruan Tian. Wow, she didn't succeed once. How can she be reconciled?

Zhao meng'er looks at her watch. One minute before the gate is closed, she walks around Ruan Tian like a ghost, waiting for an opportunity.

I want to kick Ruan Tian out in the last two seconds.

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Wang Baiyuan's idea is surprisingly consistent with her, but Ji Wangjiang is the one he is eager to try.

Ruan Tian wants them to go away together.

In the place that can't be photographed by the camera, Shi an still has leisure to talk with Ruan Tian, "that is to say, Xiao Qiao has no means. If you were my sister, I would not know which corner I would throw you now."

Shi an's parents are all career strong people. She was influenced by her childhood and learned all the means to kill people.

"What do you think you and your fans can do? You don't want me to be able to make a difference in this program, and you don't want to see how much weight I have. "

Ten seconds left.

Ruan Tian silently raised her foot. She didn't know that Zhao meng'er behind her was faster than her. When she was nervous, she kicked the wrong person.

When he hit Shian's leg, the opponent rushed forward, landing on all fours. The pain of his elbow is that he was scratched and bleeding.

Ruan Tian: (laughter)!

Looking back on her poor hair, Ruan Tian kicked Ji Wangjiang out in the last three seconds.

[the city gate is closed and in liquidation. 】

[blue team, out. 】

Wang Baiyuan clapped his hands, tut tut two times, and exclaimed from his heart: "Ruan elder sister is Niubi, Meng elder sister is Niubi."

Qin An has a lingering fear. Fortunately, he is not the one who was kicked out.

Ji Wangjiang is half kneeling on the ground, and his knee is in pain. For the first time in his life, he eats such a heavy loss. He slowly straightens up, turns his head, looks at Ruan Tian, and his eyes are sharp and murderous.

He is not Qin An. He can't swear.The barrage was silent for a minute, then crackled like fireworks.

[the soul of the former Red Team explodes. 】

[sister Meng learned the essence of sister Ruan, and she went up to work. 】

[Ruan Tian has no quality to vomit. 】

[this is a competition, so it's hard to hold up with your opponent! What's more, Ji Wangjiang also tugged Ruan Tian's hair when he challenged one-on-one? In any case, Ji Wangjiang bumped into Ruan Tian when tearing the famous brand, right? 】

[once again, if you look at sister Ruan with new eyes, you should kill them simply and rudely. There is no emotion in the game, only the winner. 】

Ji Wangjiang remembered Ruan Tian thoroughly at this moment because of his fierce foot and the burning pain from his knee.

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