Ruan Tian offended her future partner, but she didn't regret the kick. She was ready to move for a long time, but it was a chance for her to be aboveboard.

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On the contrary, Ruan Tian looked at Zhao meng'er with new eyes, gave her a thumbs up, learned Wang Baiyuan's words, and joked: "sister Meng is a bull."

Zhao meng'er wants to cry without tears. She's so angry. She's so angry!

What she wants to kick away is Ruan Tian!

As for Shi an, they have no grievances, no hatred for blasting, and no previous festivals. Besides, Zhao meng'er has already inquired about Shi an's family. It seems that she has a lot of money, and she will offend Shi an only when she is mentally ill.

Zhao meng'er couldn't even smile. She explained in a timid voice, "I didn't mean to."

Outside the city gate, Shi an sneers and stares at some of them. He doesn't know if he believes what Zhao Menger says.

Zhao meng'er was really in a hurry. She felt that she could not argue. She said again, "I really didn't mean it."

Ruan Tian patted her on the shoulder, "I understand!"

Wang Baiyuan's expression of "knowing the truth" said, "we all understand."

No need to explain.

Didn't see out, usually courage than sesame also small Zhao Menger can use this startling foot.

Sure enough, you can't judge a man by his appearance.

Zhao meng'er really wants to cry, but she can't even cry.

After the end of this program, Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang's fans split up.

Ji Wangjiang made his debut when he was young. At the age of 17, he won the highest gold medal in China. He has a large number of role fans and face fans. His fans are complex and his combat effectiveness is very strong.

When Ji Wangjiang was eliminated from the live broadcast, they couldn't sit still.

One by one, the accusations and connotations of Ruan Tian are overwhelming.

"Ruan Tian, it's not impolite. She doesn't have the basic conscience to be a man. Just because she lost the challenge, even if it's such a mean, do you want to kick people out?"

"I understand why she is unpopular in the entertainment industry. We all want to stay away from her. Whoever gets involved in it will have bad luck."

"In the last issue, I want to say that it's really malicious to use such a valuable card as erasure card to obliterate other players. At the beginning of this issue, I want to kick the new actress out again, and I'm so small hearted."

"It's still our brother's kindness. I really can't see it. Ruan Tian became more rampant after she became red, and the suppression was not obvious at all."

"CNM Ruan Tian, where is my brother? It's not confessed by others!!"!!! When have you ever been bullied in a variety show!! You really don't deserve to die!!! What devil dares to touch him

If it is before the "fairy tale" broadcast, doughnuts are not strong fans of the competition.

But Ruan Tian, whose popularity has soared recently, hasn't lost much in the fans.

In particular, the last time techno man found so many goddess's black powder on Weibo, he re launched Weibo and developed himself into doughnut powder.

He is very effective. He can post hundreds of microblogs a day alone.

@It's Ruan Tian's forever licking dog: "the erasure card is taken down by my sweet Cub with his ability. You can use it for anyone you want. Don't be sour if you can't get it."

@Is Ruan Tian always licking the dog: "do you know the word competition? Even if your parents go to participate in the competition, they can only live one life. As expected, more than 90% of those who play microblog are primary school students. Put down your mobile phone and go back to do your homework. "

@Ruan Tian licked the dog forever: "what's the matter? Can't the movie king kick his ass? What kind of reality show are you going to take part in? Let's go back home and support the elderly. If you don't help the poor with doughnuts, you should get rid of them. "

Other people in the dormitory are used to the crackling sound of Cheng Shen's keyboard.

The battle between male and female flow fans is bigger than the news of infidelity of 18 line little stars.

Hot search goes straight to the top ten.

Ruan Tian, the technical male fan, stayed up all night, and scolded each other's fans on Weibo for eight hours.

From early in the morning to eight the next morning.

It's extremely wonderful to hit the other side with good reasons and allusions.

Ji Wangjiang's fans can't scold him, and they can't reason with him, so they can only report his microblog account for the following reasons: [microblog nickname involves Huang]

then the account of Tech man was banned again.

However, fanatical male fans repeatedly defeated, less than five minutes, re opened the trumpet.

@Ruan Tian is your mother and I'm your father: "I don't care about you maggots. I'm going to sleep with the goddess."

Cheng Shen's roommates are quite helpless.

Gao Leng man God of the college is really obscene on the Internet!

Fans don't agree, and the atmosphere between Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang is also very different.

Before the beginning of the third recording, Jiang Li came to the hotel specially to stay with Ruan Tian for two days, and anxiously advised her, "can't you be a little colder to Ji Wangjiang!? Don't you just ignore him? "If it's not right, it's not right.

Ruan Tian felt wronged. "I can't help it."

He was rubbed in the sand, and his hair was yanked, which brought him back to life.

This tone, really can't bear.

Jiang Li is very sad, gently poked her small forehead, "Why are you so no man margin."

He is so beautiful that he doesn't like men.

Such a delicate flower, no one pity.

Ruan Tian answered silently in her heart, because she was a girl.

"Tianzai, didn't I tell you that Ji Wangjiang asked for a change of female owner? Alas, it has stopped, but I don't know if it's because you bullied him so badly in the variety show. His team seems to be talking about it again. "


Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang are really not the same, and their achievements are limited.

One has just emerged, and the other has already established itself. Everyone in the industry has to give him a thin face.

So Jiang Li is really worried. This film is very important to Ruan Tian.

Ruan Tian thought, "how can such a thing be so hasty?"

Is Ji Wangjiang more important than the director? You still have to look at his face to choose actors?

Jiang Li rubbed her hair and said, "just ignore him, and don't make it hard for him."

Ruan Tian thought, "OK."

As long as Ji Wangjiang doesn't turn around in front of her, she is determined not to look at him at all.

Ruan Tian has also experienced being robbed of the role. When she graduated, she auditioned for No.1 female, and she was always robbed of the leading role by other actors who came from the air.

There is also the experience of being kicked out by the crew after shooting.

Ruan Tian unified these deeds as the law of female match.

In the recording of the third and fourth issue, the competition system was changed, the men in black were canceled, and the competition between teams was changed.

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Back to phase one, four.

Ruan Tian deliberately stayed for the last draw this time. Who knows that other people think so, too.

In the end, there were only four neat red teams left.

Red team plastic flower! Never separate!

Ruan Tian from each other's eyes to see the other full of disgust.

[at the beginning of the big escape, Ji Wangjiang of the blue team draws the role card of the pursuer. 】

[the time limit is 30 minutes, and the pursuers can chase and kill the team members at will. 】

that is to say, Ji Wangjiang's 30 minutes as a pursuer, as long as he catches someone, that person will be out.

As soon as the radio rang, the people around Ruan Tian scattered around, avoiding her like a plague.

Qin An was afraid that he didn't say enough, "Ruan Tian, you're finished. Ji Wangjiang is going to kill you."

Ruan Tian replied, "it's hard to hear words."

"I can see murderous Qi in Ji Wangjiang's eyes."

"You're wrong."

It has to be said that Qin An's intuition is accurate.

Sure enough, Ji Wangjiang, the first one to act as a pursuer, went directly to Ruan Tian.

At both ends of the long street, Ruan Tian took the last chance and said, "maybe she came to you. Does he mean to attack me, a weak woman?"

Qin An said sarcastically, "first of all, you are not a woman."

Ruan Tian wanted to sew up his mouth, "get out of here!"

Qin An rolled away.

With Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger rolling together.

Everyone was afraid that their enmity would be implicated in them.

If Ruan Tian and Ji Wangjiang want to tear it, let them tear it. They are innocent.

Ji Wangjiang looked at Ruan Tian with a smile, picked the tip of his eyebrow, "Ruan Tian, do you think you can run past me?"

Ruan Tian still has this confidence, "it should be OK."

After a long silence, she said, "after all, you are not a very powerful person."

Can a man in black run fast? If not, shut up.

Ji Wangjiang did not continue to talk nonsense with her, and only pursued and killed her in the whole process.

Ruan Tianwan did not expect that Ji Wangjiang was running very fast.

That's very careless.

What she didn't expect was that Ji was going to chase her for 30 minutes.

Ruan sweetheart scolded him for being sick.

She was too embarrassed to be chased, panting, sweating, hiding, like a street mouse.

Is also not easy to carry 30 minutes of the other side do not want to kill the same.

[it's time to draw the second round of pursuers. 】

[time for the second round of pursuers is 30 minutes. 】

Ruan Tian gasped against the wall

What kind of garbage random system!?

Zhao meng'er is nervous and afraid that Shi'an will come to her for revenge. Unexpectedly, Shi'an is also aiming at Ruan Tian.Ruan Tian lied in the trough twice. After a rest of less than two minutes, she had to take another step to continue running for her life.

Even if she died, she would not lose to Shi an.

It's too humiliating to bear.

Another 30 minutes in hiding.

Ruan Tian felt like a drowning dog. Everyone wanted to kill her.

[the third round of pursuers are being drawn immediately]

[Ji Wangjiang of the blue team becomes a new pursuer]

Ruan Tian was chased for an hour, her hair was wet with sweat, her limbs were sore and panting.

After hearing the broadcast, Ruan Tian made a middle finger to the sky.

I'm afraid this extraction system is not Ji!

Ruan Tian has no strength to run, and she is no longer hard headed. Instead, she finds a good place to hide and hides under Ji Wangjiang's eyes.

Ruan Tian hid himself in a small straw cart and buried himself with straw. It was very comfortable to lie in it.

She could still hear Ji Wangjiang's voice. She opened and closed the door, but she was not there.

Ruan Tian had been lying for a long time, but she fell asleep and had a good dream.

In her dream, she was born a millionaire with a billion heritage, asking for money, money and men.

Call the wind and the rain and do whatever you want.

Ruan Tian was a little reluctant to wake up.

The sound of the radio awakened her from her dream.

[the end of the third round of pursuit game]

Ruan Tian sat up from the straw pile with a little rub, and her eyes happened to match Ji Wangjiang's.

"Sorry, I fell asleep? Is this the end of the game? "

Ji Wangjiang has turned this site over and over. Who would have thought that Ruan Tian was so informal that he could even sleep in the rice and grass pile?

Her hair and clothes are stained with dry yellow straw, like a village woman.

Ji Wangjiang said coldly, "don't be complacent. There will be several issues in the future."

Ruan Tian thought of Jiang Li's words and put up with them.

She's generous. Forget it.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that Ji Wangjiang, like a mad dog, would catch her alone and make trouble for her.

At the beginning, she was able to bear it. Later, she released herself and hammered Ji Wangjiang to death when she was doing the task.

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He chased Ji Wangjiang hammer and kicked him out of the game several times.

Because of this, Ruan Tian has been awarded the most annoying person for Ji Wangjiang fans.

I can receive their kind greetings on Weibo every day.

#Ruan Tian, please get out of the entertainment circle {

{ Ruan Tian's evil girl in the world {

{ Ruan Tian's star speed up the middle and end of class {

and other topics, which have been brushed one after another.

At the end of the first half of the season, the director group gave everyone a holiday. The second half of the season will be recorded this winter.

Ruan Tian took a vacation for herself, bought tickets for the drama, and prepared to go to see a drama alone.

She saw Shen Hui's car at the gate of the community. Ruan Tian, with a ticket for the drama in her hand, turned around and walked through the back door without hesitation.

Ruan Tian underestimates Shen's leisure. She sees Shen at the gate of the drama club.

He seems to be in a good mood today.

At least before the divorce, Ruan Tian had never seen him in such a good mood.

Ruan Tian looked at Shen Hui, and then at the majestic two rows of bodyguards behind him.

One face is muddled force of was led by Shen pardon hand.

Shen Hui took her to the florist.

Bought her a bunch of stars.

Ruan Tian is holding this bunch of flowers. She doesn't mean to say that she doesn't like dried flowers.

She probably knew that Shen Hui wanted to pursue her again.

But Ruan Tian thought it was unnecessary.

Shen Hui is just like the stubborn she was at the beginning.

Ruan Tian knew that it was useless to say anything now.

She suddenly felt that she was very poor.

I didn't get anything when I love Shen Hui.

Shen Hui also bought her an ice cream.

Strawberry flavor, Ruan Tian's most annoying flavor.

Shen Hui seemed to have said a lot to her, but Ruan Tian was distracted and didn't hear a word clearly.

Maple leaves sprout new shoots.

Ruan Tian looked at the zigzag reflection of the ground, and when she came back, she whispered, "ah? Did you just say something? "

Shen Hui asked her if she liked the flowers.

She didn't hear him. She wasn't even listening to him.

Shen Hui sent her back. Ruan Tian was confused and puzzled. She didn't say anything. I don't know why Shen Hui's face was hard to look like that.

All of a sudden, I'm not happy.

Ruan Tian's play was not seen. When she got back to her room, she remembered that she had forgotten to ask Shen Hui who won the fight with Qin Yu that day?She is still very interested in the game of dog biting dog.

I'm very curious. When Qin meets the sick man, can he beat Shen amnesty.


in the evening, Jiang Li brings Ruan Tian bad news. Ji Wangjiang's team puts pressure on the director. If he doesn't change the female lead, he won't play.

It seems that he must kick Ruan Tian out of the movie.

Ji Wangjiang's team is not vegetarian. He is also the highest actor in the company. He owns shares and has an unusual status.

All aspects of the team are the top force in the entertainment industry.

The film investors also include Ji Wangjiang's brokerage company.

Cheng Suian doesn't want to abandon Ruan Tian or offend investors.

If you delay the startup, it will cost a lot to reset the scene.

He didn't want to abandon Ji Wangjiang.

Man is the most suitable man in his heart.

The leading actress is also the best woman in his heart.

It was supposed to be a powerful alliance and a seamless cooperation. I don't know how it became like this.

Cheng Suian asks his assistant to find out what's going on. He learns that it seems that they are not happy because of a variety show. Both sides are not happy with each other.

It's no wonder that Ji Wangjiang, who is arrogant and arrogant, asks Ruan Tian to roll his name.

Cheng Suian was forced too hard by Ji Wangjiang's team and investors. He went to Ji Wangjiang in person and asked directly, "what are you doing?"

Ji Wangjiang is still very polite to the director, he said: "Ruan Tian can't play in this film."

She doesn't deserve it.

In Ji Wangjiang's eyes, Ruan Tian is a real villain who likes to play tricks and bully people.

He fell on Ruan Tian again and again, unable to swallow the breath, so he had to make an operation on her.

Cheng Suian was silent for a few seconds. He said, "she played very well in the audition. You can't make me remove her now."

Ji Wangjiang simply said straight to the point, "if you want me to play this man, Ruan Tian must go away."

Ji Wangjiang still has the capital to say such rampant words.

After years of hard work and accumulation of contacts to a certain extent, it's not a difficult problem to trip a little TV actress.

Cheng Suian didn't expect that things were so serious that he was silent.

Ji Wangjiang poured him a cup of tea, and then said: "if I don't play, the company will withdraw its capital, and the platform won't buy an actress in a TV play. All the preparations in the early stage have been washed away. When the film is released, you can see if Ruan Tian has box office appeal."

Every sentence he said got to the point.

Ji Wangjiang has a strong box office appeal.

This film is not so important to him. The man is more brilliant than the woman. The man doesn't get much bonus.

Ji Wangjiang's agent is the chief agent in the industry, sitting on one side, smiling politely, "director Cheng should understand that it's not a big deal to change a female star, who is more important at a glance."

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Cheng Suian looked at them, "isn't it good for you to do this?"

Ji Wangjiang is also the first time to bully others, but the other side is Ruan Tian, whom he hates. The moral conscience in his heart passes by in minutes.

He is silent.

The agent instead of him said, "we don't want to be aggressive, but Ruan Tian bullies people too much, and makes all kinds of bad things in the variety show. When we get into the group in the future, I'm afraid we can't make a good film and delay the progress."

As soon as the words changed, he continued: "however, if Ruan Tian is willing to come and apologize to Xiaoji, maybe we can cooperate."

At first glance, Ji Wangjiang's team has stepped back.

To put it bluntly, he wanted Ruan Tian to be soft.

Cheng Sui is relieved to know that Ruan Tian is tough and stubborn, and it is impossible to admit her mistake when she is right.

He nodded. "I see."

movie is not Cheng Suian has the final say, producer is not too light.

Between Ji Wangjiang and Ruan Tian, he chose Ji Wangjiang without hesitation.

In the process of Yue Suian, he directly calls Ruan Tian's agent Jiang Lili and tells her that there is no need to shoot the film.

Jiang Li was so scared that he didn't have time to ask what was going on, so he hung up there.

She took her bag and drove to Ruan Tian's house in a hurry.

Don't think the elevator is too slow, trot up the stairs.

Ruan Tian looked at her in a hurry. "What's the matter?"

Jiang Li took two deep breaths. "I'll tell you something. Don't get excited."

"Well, you say."

"Your new play is yellow."


Jiang Li is afraid that she can't think of it. These days, Ruan Tian pays more attention to this play, and she sees it in her eyes.

Did a lot of homework, character diagram, character psychoanalysis.Or her hard audition to the role, suddenly kicked, really hard to accept.

Ruan Tian calmed down for a while and asked, "the black hand under Ji Wangjiang?"

Jiang Li nodded, "it should be."

Ruan Tian said, "he's dead."

What kind of star will he be with such magnanimity!!!

Jiang Lili drank some water and moistened his throat. "On the way here, I asked the director what was the matter. He told me that Ji Wangjiang's team was very tough and would not give in at all, so he let the producer choose one of two..."

Ruan Tian will always be the one left in all the two-way games.

Ruan Tian really likes this role too much, and she is not willing to start their story yet, so let's say goodbye.

She did not give up, asked: "really no way?"

Jiang Lili hesitated. "It's like Ji Wangjiang's meaning is that as long as you are willing to admit a mistake and apologize to him, they will Fuck, I can't go on! "

She's mad.

Ruan Tian ha ha two, "he gives me to die quickly!"

Jiang Li guessed her reaction early in the morning and only sighed.

After a few minutes, Ruan Tian said, "let's make an appointment for a dinner. Isn't that an apology? A man can stretch and bend, and I can. "

Is there less time for her to be forced to apologize by Qin Yu!?

When working in a milk tea shop, she was asked to apologize for the sweetness of the milk tea, but also for the lack of sweetness.

The convenience store didn't give him old people's bubble noodles, so he was forced to admit his mistake humbly.

To think about it, Qin Yu also did a good deed, tempered her will.

Jiang Li felt that there was something wrong with his ears. "Are you sure?"

Ruan Tian said, "I'm going to apologize."

And he said a hundred sorry, right?

Jiang Li can't believe it, but Ruan Tian has called the director about the dinner.

The producers saw that she was willing to bow her head, and they were happy to set up the dinner. They immediately ordered the top-grade five-star hotel in Beijing, and the confidentiality was excellent.

In late spring, when the weather is warm,

Ruan Tian originally wanted to wear a sweater and jeans to the banquet, but she was afraid that Ji Wangjiang would force her to accuse her of not respecting him enough, so she changed a beautiful skirt and painted a delicate makeup.

At the liquor Bureau, Ji Wangjiang's agent and company boss arrived at the scene. Cheng Suian intended to help Ruan Tian out of the siege and took the lead in saying, "if there is any misunderstanding, it's better to talk about it today."

Ji Wangjiang looked at Ruan Tian and laughed, "I have no misunderstanding with her."

It's just a simple relationship between being hated and being hated.

Ruan Tian felt that Ji Wangjiang's beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of pride, as if she had written four words to teach you how to be a man.

She nodded. "There's no misunderstanding."

The boss of the production side poked Ruan Tian with his elbow and urged him to "hurry up, I should apologize, I should drink."

Ji Wangjiang looked at her in his spare time, but did not speak, waiting for her next action.

Ruan Tian didn't move.

Ji Wangjiang's agent is like a smiling tiger, "if Mr. Ruan doesn't want to, forget it."

It's very polite to call her teacher Ruan.

Ruan Tian stood up slowly, filled the wine glass in front of her and raised her hand. "I'm sorry to have offended you so much before."

After that, she raised her throat and poured a whole glass of choking wine into her throat.

Ji Wangjiang looked at it with indifference.

Ruan Tian understood that she had not drunk enough.

She thought silently, Ji Wangjiang had better not push an inch, exhaust her patience, she would not care about anything!

Let's play together.

Ruan Tian continued to fill his glass with wine and poured it into his stomach again. "I shouldn't always win you in the program."

Another cup, "I shouldn't be too proud to lose your face."

Cup after cup, "I didn't respect you as a real opponent. I forgot your position and your background. It's all my fault."

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With a slap, Ruan Tian put down her glass heavily and looked at Ji Wangjiang without expression, "is that ok? Are you satisfied? "

She was full of disagreements with a stab in her words.

Ji Wangjiang to this pair of red eyes, the wild inside is hard to tame.

His smile faded away and he said, "satisfied."

Ruan Tian said with a smile, "just be satisfied."

A thousand words are in these glasses of wine.

Jiang Li almost didn't sit still. He wanted to grab her arm and go. There's no need to be angry here.

But the female film owner of the director can be met but not sought.

If they don't want to be bullied, they have to climb higher.

Ruan Tian drank so many glasses of wine in one breath, his head was dizzy, nausea and vomiting.

Looking up, I saw Ji Wangjiang's face.She wants to throw up even more!

"It can be seen that Mr. Ruan came here with sincerity tonight. We can't talk about it any more." Ji Wangjiang's agent smiles.

"I hope we can cooperate happily next."

Ruan Tian lowered her head and thought silently that she couldn't be happy.

Either you die or I live.

The door of the box made a loud bang. You can tell by the sound that it was kicked open.

"I'm afraid not."

Qin Yu dragged a chair with a piercing voice. He put a chair beside Ruan Tian. "I've really opened my eyes today. Some people dare to bully the little artists in my company like this."

The producer didn't know how to attract such a big Buddha, the first two big, "Mr. Qin, this is a misunderstanding. It's just a dinner party."

Qin Yu ignored him and pointed to Ji Wangjiang, "Ji Wangjiang, if you don't want to play this movie, go away."

He chuckled, "you really think of yourself as something extraordinary. You can't even be a relief to others. You don't have the strength to be choosy, and you don't know if you are worthy of it."

Qin Yu is mad.

People in the wine shop seem to have seen it.

Just when they thought Qin Yu was going to tear down the room, Ruan Tian gently grasped his wrist, "I can handle it myself, you don't have to care."

Qin Yu sneered. He was so angry that he couldn't learn to speak well. "Aren't you horizontal? Why do you pretend to be a grandson now? "

Love is a nest.

Ruan Tian refused to speak.

When Qin Yu came, he couldn't eat the meal.

It wasn't long before the wine shop broke up.

Ruan Tian out of the door of the hotel, was a cold wind, her brain a lot of sober.

Cheng Suian will send her to the car, do not forget to remind, "tomorrow afternoon to my studio around the script, you try the opponent play in advance, to find the feeling."

Ruan Tian said hello.

Jiang Li almost didn't feel dizzy, but that's what the entertainment industry is like. It's high and low.

Strength is not enough, is only to be bullied life.

"I'm going to die of anger tonight. They deceive people too much." Jiang Li touched his chest, "we should let Qin Yu give them some color to see. Fuck, why? You bully me? "

Ruan Tian opened the window to blow, "maybe I'm the fairy who came down to earth to rob me!"

It's hard to survive, she understood.

That's bullshit.


Ruan Tian pretended that his grandson was not in white, and Ji Wangjiang signed the contract that night.

The dust of movie casting is settled.

On the day of the audition, Ruan Tian saw Ji Wangjiang in the studio. He was wearing a blue and white school uniform issued by the school in summer, T-shirt, shorts and basketball shoes. He had bangs on his brows, and the sunlight on the glass fell on him, just like a high school student.

What they want to try is a scene of fierce conflict,

Jiang Wan, played by Ruan Tian, loses control of his emotions when he learns that his younger brother likes her, and kicks him again and again.

At the beginning of the audition, Ruan Tian immediately entered the state, her eyes changed in a flash, and it was frightening to look at her madly.

She tears and grabs his sleeve. "How can you like me?"

"You're a pervert."

After harshly questioning, a string of hot tears fell from her eyes, and then she raised her hand and slapped him in the face.

"Pa" a clear ring.

The whole room was quiet.

No one thought that Ruan Tian was a real fighter.

The crowd was stunned.

There are five more marks on Bai Jing's face.

Ji Wangjiang looked sharp, gritted his teeth and continued to say: "you are not my sister."

Ruan Tian is still in the play, kicking abuse, nail toward his face in the past, but also did not hurt his skin, see good stop.

Ji Wangjiang is not a good-natured person. He pinches her wrist and touches the half of his face that he has just been beaten with the other hand. He says in a cold voice, "Ruan Tian, are you taking revenge?"

Ruan Tian pulled out her hand and stared at him with black eyes. She said, "you were so high last night that when I apologized, I didn't feel that I was too bullying."

Don't be too double standard!

Cheng Suian frowned, not to mention anything else. In that scene, Ruan Tian's aura, eyes and feelings all pushed Ji Wangjiang down, leaving him without any play or any place to make a difference.

It's a shame for Ji Wangjiang to be pushed to this point by the performance of a semi new actress.

Ji Wangjiang came back to the company with a stomach full of fire. His agent was as anxious as he was burned by the fire. He didn't have the arrogant face of last night.

He really didn't expect that Qin's film industry would lose money. Qin Yu didn't make any noise on weekdays. He was furious for a little actor.

Now regret is no hurry.The agent is crazy. This morning, all the brands Ji Wangjiang cooperates with call to terminate the contract. The cover of the previous big magazine has also been cancelled. He begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother before telling others.

Ji Wangjiang was blocked by the United Party.

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