Zhou Xiaoqiao is used to being praised by the stars, and can't stand this kind of gap for a moment.

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Although they didn't make sarcastic remarks in front of her face, their eyes still made Zhou Xiaoqiao uncomfortable.

Zhou Xiaoqiao still has to keep her gentle and kind, and can't show a little bit of impatience and jealousy in front of them. She forced her smile on the corner of her mouth and said, "I don't know much about her. If you ask me, although I'm happy, I can't answer it."

A daughter of her age chuckled, "I seem to have seen the affair between Ruan Tian and huaimo before. As a piece of leftover material, I didn't expect that they had such a good relationship."

"Young master Huai doesn't like to be lively. To tell you the truth, I can't believe it when I know he's here too. It seems that he's here to keep a beautiful lady company. Your sister is really lucky."

Zhou Xiaoqiao bit his teeth and nodded, "yes."

After returning home, Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't hold back the grievance in his heart. He hid in the quilt and cried. His eyes were red and swollen.


in mid July, the film continued to be shot from early summer to late summer.

The atmosphere in the cast is harmonious, and Ruan Tian gets along well with the people in the cast.

On the day of shaqing, Ruan Tian invited everyone in the crew to have snacks and afternoon tea. She didn't have any star airs in the group, and she was very familiar with the deputy director and the camera.

The cameraman won some awards in the early years and had some connections in the circle.

These days, Ruan Tian has been eating and drinking a lot.

Several stars are busy taking pictures with others, and the assistant director talks with the camera in the shade.

The camera took a cigarette and said, "Ruan Tian is not bad."

Deputy director rubbed his hands, Ying he said: "well, she is a rare actress with such a good degree of cooperation. She is hardworking and has no complaints."

Before the camera came to this group, he inquired about the situation. Both the man and the woman were going to quarrel. He thought it would be two months. Unexpectedly, the day before the group, the man was kicked.

He has also heard that such a big name actor is directly banned.

Only when Ruan Tian relies on her background, I guess she is also a bad one.

Unexpectedly, after entering the group, I really look at her with new eyes.

She not only has a good character, no airs and no temper, but also has excellent acting skills. It seems that she was born for the big screen.

"I really want to introduce her to more other directors. Such a good young girl should be prosperous forever," he said

Deputy director a smile, "Hey, how do you treat her so well? He's also a good person to introduce resources. "

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The camera put out the smoke and said with a smile, "she has talent, but she doesn't have any bad problems in this circle. She respects the role and the crew. What's the saying? You have to learn how to be a person before you learn art. She will certainly be able to go a long way. "

Like Ji Wangjiang, he's gone with the wind when he has some skills. He deserves to learn such a lesson.

The deputy director thinks that he has a good impression on Ruan Tian. If there is cooperation in the future, or if there is any good project in the future, he is willing to keep it for Ruan Tian first.

When Ruan Tian left the cast, she felt a strong sense of reluctance.

Ruan Tian is a very simple person. When she receives the final payment on her mobile phone, her melancholy caused by not giving up disappears immediately.

Ruan Tian broke her fingers and calculated the balance of several cards. It's very good. If she is right, she has earned enough liquidated damages to terminate her contract with Qin.

Money is a son of a bitch.

Several TV dramas, variety shows, two movies, and the eight figure endorsement fee issued by UESL before, all her money together, is just enough to terminate the contract.

When she first worked in Qin's film company, she was cut off, and the variety show she talked about was cancelled by the company. The company just looked at her boss's mood.

For more than two years, most of them ignored her. During the period when she had the most fierce relationship with Qin Yu, she didn't get a film contract. The company would also send a letter to the producer for the female N who had signed the contract.

Shooting in midsummer is really hard, and most of the shooting places are in the hot and humid tube building. Ruan Tian hasn't had a good sleep these days.

When she got home, she threw herself on the bed, slept until the next morning, got up, washed her face and put on her beautiful dress.

Then he took a taxi with his bag to the downstairs of Qin's film company.

Ruan Tian directly pressed the elevator on the top floor. When she arrived, the whole CEO Office was in a state of surprise. A new employee who was not sensible happened to be her fan. She almost couldn't resist coming up to ask for her autograph and was just stared back by the general assistant.

In the company saw the love bean, is simply the immortal luck!

The general assistant prepared a cup of coffee for Ruan Tian, "Miss Ruan, what's your emergency?"

Ruan nodded, really quite anxious, she said: "Qin always in?"

"In the office."Ruan Tian sipped her coffee and then said thank you to him. Just as she was about to go there, the sound of the elevator started to stir up again.

Qin An seemed to smell her and follow her. He drove the president's office in a big way. He hadn't seen Ruan Tian for several months. He was very kind when he saw her. "Ruan Tian, why are you here?"

Ruan Tian still vaguely remembers how Qin An cried and called her sister Ruan.

She raised her eyebrows. "To fight."

Qin an

Voice landing, Ruan Tian pushed open the glass door of the office, the first sight did not see the figure of Qin Yu inside, he should be to the compartment to make a phone call.

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Qin An came in with her and felt that her temperament had changed a lot compared with a few months ago.

Qin An is more curious and imaginative. "Have you come to tell my brother?"

He has heard that his brother killed Ji Wangjiang for Ruan Tian's sake. The former big star has no name and surname.

Anyone who is protected like this will be moved to cry and agree with each other!

Ruan Tian is in a good mood today, "I'll terminate the contract."

She still has more than half of her contract term. If she is forced to terminate the contract, she can only pay liquidated damages.

Qin An can't believe, "do you have money?"

Ruan Tian pretended to be a bull in front of him. She gave a giggle and said, "I have nothing else but more money."

Qin An listens to her blowing around here.

He felt that Ruan Tian could not have come up with such a large sum of money.

When Qin Yu came out of the compartment after the phone call, he saw the two people. He was stunned for a moment. Then he leaned lazily on the chair and said in the same tone, "why, are you two going to make it public?"

Qin An felt that his brother would die if he spoke without a thorn.

With this attitude, we can't catch up with women for 800 years.

Find a temple to shave as soon as possible and knock on the wooden fish for the rest of your life.

"Since you're not here to make it public, Qin An, get out of here now."

Qin an just doesn't go, he still wants to stay to see lively.

Ruan Tian took out her bank cards from her bag and put them on the table in turn. She calmly looked at Qin Yu's face and said, "I'll terminate the contract."

Qin Yu glanced at the bank card on the desk and said softly, "are you going to sue again?"

Ruan Tian was not threatened by him either. "I really can't solve this contract if I don't pay a cent, but I'm willing to pay high liquidated damages. I believe I will win even if I don't hire a lawyer."

Ruan Tian has learned a lot from her fight with Qin Yu over the years. She said with a smile, "if you don't like it, talk to my lawyer."

There is more than one lawyer in the world!!!

This is what Qin Yu said to her in those days!

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Qin Yu's fingers were holding these thin bank cards, and his face was suddenly gloomy, which was extremely ugly.

Indeed, only if Ruan Tian can't pay the penalty, can he keep her in Qin's films.

Otherwise, she can fly as high as she wants.

Go as far as you want.

Ten, even a hundred lawyers can't help her.

Qin met with pale lips, "you really go out."

Give him a lot of money for nothing and get rid of him.

"I went home to cook. If you don't agree to terminate my contract, we'll see you in court again."

Ruan Tian always does what she says.

Qin An was stunned. He stood still and didn't dare to speak. His brother's face smelled so bad that he couldn't see it. He was as quiet as a chicken now, and he was safer.

Qin An hasn't seen his brother for many years. He's not happy like this.

His eyes were cold and fierce, and his eyes were frozen.

Ruan Tian stood in front of Qin's movie building for a moment and looked up at the sky. The sun was gentle and warm in the evening. Even if it shone on her face, she didn't feel dazzling.

In the last scene of the film, the director called card, she has been unable to play.

She held her legs in the corner, opened her eyes and closed her eyes. They were all pictures of her high school life.

She wanted to cry wildly, scream and vent like this one in the movie.

Although very painful, but Ruan Tian after a big cry, was deliberately pressed down by her emotions finally have a vent outlet.

She came out of the story in the play.

Ruan Tian feels that she is strong enough now, and the fear hidden in her heart can no longer threaten her or hurt her.

Qin Yu never signed the termination contract, but Ruan Tian was not in a hurry.

If you don't sign it, you'll have to eat the court leaflet.

Ruan Tian doesn't believe it. The money can't buy her freedom.

Jiang Li also knows and supports her about the termination of the contract.

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"I used to fantasize about how I would humiliate Qin Yu when he came to apologize to me." Ruan Tian said to her.Jiang Li coughed twice, "although, first of all, Qin Yu doesn't have to lower his price to apologize to you."

Ruan Tian is like a roaring little dragon, "can't I dream yet!"

She sighed, and then said, "now I think it doesn't matter whether I apologize or not, it's harmful! I'm going forward without looking back. "

Be the brightest star in the sky.

I'm not interested in falling in love. I just want to make a career.


on the last day of August, Ruan Tian was invited to attend a TV Drama Award Ceremony held every two years.

Jiang Li no longer has to worry about borrowing clothes. Several luxury brands offer olive branches to lend her super season evening dress.

Among them, eevri, known as the coldest brand, not only lent the most expensive and exquisite evening dress, but also lent Ruan Tian a two million pink diamond watch.

The reason is simple. The chief brand designer of eevri is a fan of Ruan Tian. She accidentally saw the film "unknown" and was amazed by her performance.

It's convenient for people in the circle to inquire. There are several directors she cooperates with in the mobile phone. They call and ask casually. They find that she is a rare and well-known actress.

I like her more.

After Ruan Tian's explosion, she made a variety show, and then went into the group to make a movie. Almost half a year ago, her fans didn't see her, and they didn't know what she was doing. They all missed her very much.

Doughnuts stretch their necks in anticipation of the award ceremony, and want to see their elder sister kill people with beauty on the red carpet.

Forum group a strength of shouting, Ruan sweet out of breath paste.

And from the bottom of my heart, I feel that she must be the one with the most average treatment, the most low clothes and the worst seat tonight.

[it's a pity that I didn't see Ruan Tian's fans on and off the scene, and I didn't even get any help]

[Ruan Jie also pasted a little too fast, and she's still at home, so she really doesn't have to come back. 】

after the red carpet started, Ruan Tian was the countdown female star.

In the pink black attention, she walked on a long section of the red carpet.

She was wearing a long black dress with long wavy hair. Her eyes were bright and her teeth were white. Her makeup was bright and her beauty was breathtaking. She also held up the four words of the world.

In the audience area of the red carpet, doughnuts stand on tiptoe, holding hands engraved with Ruan Tian's name, as well as her own lantern.

The red lights extend all over the venue. When Ruan Tian appears, the screams of fans are louder than all the previous stars.

Ruan Tian looked into the audience area and saw clearly the love words on the lamp board: [tianzai, you will always be the brightest star in our hearts. 】

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