When Ruan Tian saw the lamp that was held high, she suddenly bent her eyes with a smile.

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She waved to the fans and simply said hello.

Doughnuts are more enthusiastic.

"Sweet boy, remember to take a selfie!"

"Ah, sister, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Come on, sister!"

Ruan Tian was present as a prize awarding guest today. After walking on the red carpet, she was introduced into the infield by the concierge.

She soon found her place. Her name was pasted on the second chair at the beginning of the left side of the first row. It seemed that both sides were not actors. The name on it was not heard of by Ruan Tian.

She wrapped a cape around her shoulders and sat down.

Soon, the empty seats around Ruan Tian were filled. The people around her were not stars, they looked like two senior executives.

One is the director of the fruit stage, and the other is the chief brand designer of eevri, who took the initiative to lend Ruan Tian's clothes this time.

They began to chat.

After the brand designer met the real Ruan Tian, her favor deepened a little bit. The little girl is really beautiful, and she can support her beautiful appearance in the light of death.

When I sit quietly, I'm a fairy.

After the chat, the designer thought that Ruan Tian was quite humorous and had a good personality. They naturally added wechat to each other.

Ruan Tian is going to present the best newcomer actor award. She went up with the director of the fruit stage to present the award-winning newcomer with trophies and certificates, and took a picture on the stage.

After "star acceleration", Ruan Tian seems to disappear in the field of vision of Internet users who eat melons. They suddenly realize that there is no news about her for a while, and they don't see her on the microblog hot search.

Xiaohua, who is relying on Xianxia's star drama, is just a variety show, which makes them feel more and more that Ruan Tian is a strong pop, and feisheng is also a marketing illusion.

About Ruan Tian's treatment at this award ceremony tonight, they have been grilled all over the forum.

Some people can't believe it. She's all over the house tonight.

When the seat table is released by the internal staff, it is also unbelievable.

Can Ruan Tian sit with the director and the top management of the brand? He also presented the award together with the director, which is undoubtedly the treatment of the most popular female stars.

Black powder bite to death, hit swollen face also refused to admit.

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Later, the female designer posted a group photo of Zhang and Ruan Tian on her micro blog, with the words: "I finally met you today. I like this sister ha [picture]."

Girl in front of the camera than a scissors hand, sweet smile.

It is also rare for Gao Leng's brand designers to post such a microblog. Doughnuts crow into the comment area to express their thanks.

The award ceremony ended in the early morning, and it was very late. There were still a large number of loyal fans waiting outside the venue.

Even if it's just the car of their favorite star, they feel very happy.

Ruan Tian sees her fans waiting in an orderly line. Behind them are the volunteers who have worked hard all day. They all look like a group of lovely little girls.

Ruan Tian came down from the nanny's car and bowed to them. Then she looked up and laughed at them. "Thank you for your support. It's late. Go home quickly and pay attention to safety."

Doughnuts are a little confused, screaming voice card in the throat, they restrain their emotions, in fact, moved to tears.

Sister Wuwu is the first star to get off the bus and say hello.

Other fans of Adu are a little envious of these silly doughnuts who only know how to scream.

Who doesn't want to see more love beans!?

Who doesn't want their love to be answered!

The doughnut with courage asked in a low voice, "can I take a big picture with my sister?"

Ruan Tian Leng for a moment, a little shy, and then looked at them nodded, "yes."

Cheers came in bursts.

The doughnut quickly opened the small arms in his pocket and prepared to take a big group photo.

Ruan Tian half squatted in front of the camera, compared with the camera, and her eyes turned into a curved crescent moon.

After taking the group photo, Ruan Tian waved to them, "goodbye, you must pay attention to safety when you go home."

It's all girls. Personal safety is the top priority.

The moment the car door closed, Ruan Tian heard someone say in a loud voice, "tianzai wants to tweet more!"

After Ruan Tian came home, she finally remembered that she was like a long grass micro blog account. After she went online, she found that she had hundreds of thousands more fans.

During the time of filming, Ruan Tian was so absorbed that she forgot to post microblog.

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Ruan Tian picked a few photos from her camera that she had taken in the silo before, and then she took a self portrait from an angle and sent them [email protected] Tian: "I'll give you a comparison [Photo] [Photo] [Photo]."

Fans finally came to her selfie, and the enthusiasm of comments was several times as much as before.

"Ouch, ouch, sweet cubs, we are beautiful again today."

"Guard the best sweet sauce in the world!"

"When I got out of the car, my tears fell, prada fell, love is mutual!"

"Today, I saw my sister eating buns in the car, like a lovely hamster. It's cute to me!"

Seeing that they were so happy, Ruan Tian decided to post more microblogs in the future.


when Qin Yu's grandfather celebrated his 70th birthday, his family gathered in the old house.

Qin Yu was still worried about Ruan Tian's termination. Just after lunch, he went to the balcony on the second floor to smoke. He twisted his eyebrows slightly and looked worried.

Cheng Suian is his uncle, today this kind of occasion naturally can't be absent, busy big director finally find time to go home, see nephew this appearance, came forward to ask a, "what's the matter with you?"

Qin Yu put out the smoke, "nothing."

Cheng Suian looked at the distance quietly, and suddenly asked, "I remember correctly. Ruan Tian is an artist of your company."

The last time it happened, his cold nephew went to find a place for her in person.

Cheng Suian felt that Ruan Tian still had a place in Qin Yu's heart.

Qin Yu, holding the railing in one hand, looked at him and asked, "did she cause you any trouble in the cast?"

Cheng Suian shook his head, "No." After pondering for a few seconds and thinking about the wording, Cheng Suian's eyebrows wrinkled. He said, "in fact, I'm a little worried about the child. I don't think she's in the play yet."

Cheng Suian looked at Qin Yu and then said, "Ruan Tian cried fiercely on the day of killing Qing. I've never seen her cry like that."

Just shrink in the corner, embracing themselves, no image of the voice crying.

Shaqing made two scenes on the same day.

One is the scene in which the heroine Jiang Wan is isolated and instructed, and the other is the scene in which she kisses the actor.

After she was bullied, she took revenge like crazy.

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Jiang Yi holds her and gives her a kiss gently.

It's like saying, he's still here.

Ruan Tian said that she played a play, but Cheng Suian didn't believe it.

Qin Yu's thumb became stiff, "can't play?"

Cheng Suian took back his eyes, looked at Qin Yu deeply, and said in a low voice, "I've heard about you and Ruan Tian from Yao'er." He patted Qin Yu on the shoulder. "People shouldn't live so hard, and they shouldn't be so conceited. Maybe you've hurt her many times intentionally or unintentionally."

Qin Yu is silent.

He's really awkward and bad.

Qin Yule is interested in bending Ruan Tian's pride. He just wants to make her bow.

He always put himself in a high position and felt that he could not compromise with her in his life.

Before leaving the old house, Cheng Suian sent the video of Ruan Tian's killing Qing to Qin Yu. The video was not long. It took about ten seconds. It seemed that someone accidentally took it with a mobile phone. The pixels were very poor and the figure was blurred.

Qin Yu thinks of Ruan Tian's eyes that seem never to admit defeat. Every tit for tat makes him think Ruan Tian is invulnerable.

He thought he had done no evil.

But it became the shadow of her youth.

Qin Yu's hands held the balcony railing tightly, his wrists were blue and his face was slightly heavy.

He took a long breath, but his heart was still blocked.


Ruan Tian thought that she and Qin Yu would meet again in court. Unexpectedly, she received the contract of termination handed over to her by the company personnel.

Qin Yu signed.

Oh, shit! He signed it!

Ruan Tian expressed shock.

And the paper bag containing the contract and her bank cards were also sent back intact.

Ruan Tian looks at her bank card in a complicated mood, and her head is confused.

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Isn't Qin Yumo really converted to Buddhism and began to do good deeds!?

After thinking for a long time, she decided to wind up the news for Qin Yu.

Ruan Tian has changed Qin Yu's remarks back to his name. She said, "thank you. 】

a few minutes later, Qin met her back. 】

a few years ago, Ruan Tian did not expect that she and Qin Yu could have such friendly and polite exchanges.

Qin Yu is lying on the bed with his eyes closed. The screen of his mobile phone is shining. The video of more than ten seconds is playing in a loop. The crying sounds stimulate his brain.

But he couldn't help listening.

He knows the script.

It seems that I suddenly know why Cheng Suian says she can't play.

He listened to her voice, the idea that she must give in and bow her head over the years, the paranoid obsession, after hearing this audio, it was like a joke.He slowly opened his eyes and opened the drawer of the bedside table, which was full of Ruan Tian's trinkets that he had collected.

He is a madman who loves deeply.

He is a poor man who doesn't know how to love.

Qin Yu suddenly felt that the three words "sorry" were not as difficult to say as he imagined.

Type and delete the words on the dialog box.

His eyes are sore.


after the termination of the contract, Ruan Tian has no intention to sign the company.

In mid September, there is good news.

Last year, Ruan Tian brought a lawsuit against a black man who made rumors, made personal attacks and constantly abused her with dirty words. At that time, all those people thought that she was just talking and scaring people.

No one thought that Ruan Tian and her lawyer quietly applied to the court for filing the case, and the case quietly opened, and finally won the trial silently.

Black powder in the day of receiving the court judgment, no longer pretend to be dead, completely admit counsels.

Microblog top -

@ user 2653789 "@ Ruan Tian, I sincerely apologize for my improper remarks to Ms. Ruan Tian before. I'm really sorry. I hope you can take me as a warning and don't make rumors or abuse."

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