No one thought that Ruan Tian was really willing to spend such a long time suing these rumor mongers who had no bottom line.

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She told five sunspots who had insulted and made yellow rumors and forwarded them over ten thousand.

The topic of Ruan Tian's victory was also on the hot search, and fans soon rubbed the whole story and clarification into the first item in the hot search.

Other star chasing girls are envious of Ruan Tian. She has good conditions and her acting skills are not lagging behind. The most important thing is that she is also very good to her fans.

The sunspot said to sue, and he was resolute.

He is the first person to fight against the underworld.

"The Internet is not a place outside the law. If you don't like a star, you can, but you don't need to send hundreds of microblogs a day to abuse her."

"Sweet boy is really doing big things in a dull voice!"

"I can imagine these sunspots gnashing their teeth and writing an apology."

"I have only one word to say: ha ha ha ha."

"I advise you black fans, black people should consider whether they have enough money and time, whether they can afford to lose people or not, and don't be accused to sell again."

Black powder is as quiet as a chicken, no longer jumping up and down.

People's hate is not for no reason, entertainment in the black powder Moyo is with powder book.

Your sister is too red to get in my sister's way.

Can it not be sour!!?

We dare not abuse the family fans, but we should continue to ridicule them.

After winning the lawsuit, Ruan Tian was ridiculed by Tu edition for a long time:

[when she was called, Ruan Jie really regarded herself as her elder sister. She was the first one to become a funeral star for three months. 】

1L: lawyer letter warning.

2L: how can we look down on our sister Ruan? Many fans have said that the next play is the female director, and the film queen is scheduled. Don't you kneel down for the film queen as soon as possible.

3L: ha ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect that she would stay away from the circle for three months without any news, microblog or itinerary.

4l: it's polite to withdraw from the circle. It's clearly a ban.

5L: be careful of rebellious, don't make a mockery of her!!!

The new film, which Ruan Tian and the new couple cooperated with, has been strictly kept secret from the beginning to the end of shooting.

The news is covered tightly, probably because there is no big flow of black and red to join, and no one to dig deep.

The scene is taken in a dilapidated old city, which is hard to be noticed.

After the film editing was completed, the microblog was officially opened, and the official publicity of the starring lineup was carried out.

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Ruan Tian's name is the first, which is indisputable.

At first glance, this movie looks like a very ordinary movie. When you look at it carefully, you will find that the director is Cheng Suian.


By the end of the day, there are no more than three female stars in the movie circle, and only two of them are full of money. They are also defeated. They have won the notoriety of box office poison and screen killer. Since then, they have basically declared that they have no chance with movies.

The movie circle is famous for being exclusive and group. Ruan Tian, a man who has been popular for a long time, has eaten such a huge cake!

Acid. It's too acid.

Why can't this kind of good turn on their love beans!?

The name of the movie is "dust star". It seems that the movie is a literature and art movie that can hit the street. The male leading actor is also a newcomer.

It seems that the theme is not very good.

If you think about it, lemonade will not be so uncomfortable.

Just waiting for the release, eager to try the "box office poison" nickname forced on Ruan Tian's head.

Who will shoulder the box office! Ruan Tian can't bear it, just wait to be scolded!!

Besides, what does she carry? Fans who just whine?

As we all know, fans can't hold up the box office.

The film is scheduled for October. It's still early for release.

After Ruan Tian finished filming, she didn't have time to spare. More and more scripts were handed to her, basically similar to those idol dramas she had played before.

But there's a play that looks like a "slut.".

It's a comedy.

Ruan Tian laughed while reading the script. After reading it, she thought it was very interesting!

She tried to call the person who delivered the script back to express her interest.

But the other party's phone was shut down!!!

Ruan Tian reluctantly charged the other party with 100 yuan, and finally got through to the person.

She opened the door and said, "Hello, I read your script, but actually I..."

The other side rudely interrupted her, "dead liar, don't beep, call the police."

Ruan Tian:???

Is this unreasonable!?

The other side hung up rudely again.

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Ruan Tian had to try to add his micro signal, and remarked, "I'm Ruan Tian.".It was the writer who got the call.

The whole core members of the main creative team were in his home. The script was handed to n famous actors, but there was no reply.

No wonder he will regard Ruan Tian as a liar.

When he saw the red dot on wechat, the screenwriter was stupefied for a while. He said, "come and see if this wechat is Ruan Tian!"

My good brother, who is also a director, came to have a look, "it seems to be her."

"What do you mean like?"

"It's just an impression."

The screenwriter was confused. "She called me just now."

"Why did she call you?"

"She said she read our script and wanted to cooperate."


The news is too shocking.

Ruan Tian, such a red guy, is even interested in their little comedy?

Also take the initiative to call and wechat?

They've had some bad luck.

When I handed the script, I didn't have any hope. I was ready to find a new actor with good quality and low price.

Who would have thought that Tianjiang was a big shot.

Ruan Tian had a deep and friendly exchange with the screenwriter, and learned that the reason why they didn't turn on the TV was simply because they were poor, and there was no other excuse.

At the end, the screenwriter said with a thick face: "Mr. Ruan, our film pay may not be very high."

Ruan Tian replied, "it's easy to say."

In his whole life, the screenwriter didn't know what kind of face was. He had the audacity to ask, "can I get credit for the film payment? A IOU or something. "

Ruan Tian And then she came up with a better way, "or pay by instalments?"

Screenwriter: --

Ruan Tian thought that it would be very difficult for them to divide the stage, so she said, "give me a few yuan for the first stage to make sense"

the screenwriter is also a pleasant person, "OK! Mr. Ruan Tian, you are the kindest person I've ever met. When we get the investment, we'll start it immediately. "

The funds are really limited, so we have to continue to invest.

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The screenwriter thinks that Mr. Ruan is really a good man. He does all kinds of good things to help the poor!

Ruan Tian's participation makes it convenient for screenwriters and directors to cheat and deceive investors.

They look so unreliable that it's not easy for them to cheat 50 million yuan of investment.

With the money, they decided to start the preparatory work immediately.

Caotai team couldn't hide any information, and the information inside and outside was found by netizens.

Key words: cheap, unreliable.

The director's previous works are "the school flower's bodyguard against heaven" and "the story of the son-in-law of a rich family" and so on.

I don't know if Ruan Tian just picked up this kind of play.

It looks like a big movie that can't be shown.


it will be September soon, and all universities will start school one after another.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Tian received a phone call from the teacher of the film academy, asking if she still has the idea of going back to school to continue studying?

Ruan Tian was stunned. She never thought that she would have a chance to go back to school.


When she was expelled, it was pretty ugly. The Dean just thought that she was a fool because of her good grades and talent, and scolded her at the school opening ceremony of her younger brothers and sisters.

And then he ordered her to drop out of school.

Ruan Tian pursed her lips and asked, "can I go back?"

The teacher said, "well, you can go back to school this weekday. Let's talk face to face."

In recent years, the film academy has been robbed of the limelight by two other schools of the same type. It's not that the teachers of the academic affairs office suddenly remembered that they have not achieved nothing in the past two years.

And a star like Ruan Tian.

It's also a matter of having the best of both worlds to call people back and name them.

After Ruan Tian was dropped out of school that year, her student status was not cancelled, so it was not difficult for her to return to school.

Ruan Tian thought about it at home for two days, but her hair was taken off by her. She couldn't think of a result.

The next morning, she went back to film school with black eyes.

The teacher of the Academic Affairs Office received her politely and chatted for a while, but she didn't get to the point yet.

The call came from the dean's office.

The dean is still the dean.

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"I didn't tell you, don't make such a mess. Our school has trained a large number of star actors every year. These people are regular students and graduates."

"If you open the back door to others, it's unfair to others, you know?"

For such a small matter, I don't know where the Dean received the wind.

The teacher was embarrassed.Ruan Tian looked at her and said, "in fact, I'm here today to thank you for your kindness." She scratched her hair and said, "I think you remind me that I can still go to school."

It's just that it's no longer an art school.

She learned a lot from the performance of the major troupes.

Ruan Tian thinks that she can take an ordinary college entrance examination, make good friends and learn new knowledge.

Get a diploma, and never be ridiculed as a high school graduate.

The teacher didn't take it seriously. How can stars have time to study?

She sent Ruan Tian out of the office.

Ruan Tian looked at this familiar and unfamiliar school, and really missed her short university time.

She stood in a daze under the school's landmark old locust tree, and walked slowly out of the school.

Ruan Tian is familiar with the path, and she walked through a thousand times the path.

Every time she sneaks out to find Shen Hui, she goes this way.

At the end of the path is a small iron door.

With a squeak, there is a busy street outside the gate.

Qin Yu was waiting for her from the moment she entered the school.

The man leaned against the tree trunk, mottled light and shadow fell on his pale and delicate face, white shirt hem hit in the belt between the waist, long legs and narrow waist, even in the film academy where handsome men and beautiful women gathered, he was too eye-catching.

Ruan Tian couldn't see through his dark eyes.

Qin meets a young master with full pomp. This time, he doesn't see a bodyguard in black.

He stood up lazily and walked towards her, standing in front of her and staring at her eyes.

Ruan Tian heard Qin Yu cough twice, and his voice was hoarse.

It's hoarse, more hoarse than ever.

It's like the sound of a dull old bellows.

Qin Yu's lips were also light white. He said, "Ruan Tian, I lost."

Qin Yu gave up.

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