Qin Yu used to follow Ruan Tian like a pervert, and watched her carrying a bag from this path to find Shen Hui's back countless times.

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Or rush to various convenience stores to work.

When she had no class, she went out very early, carrying a small bag, her hair tied loosely behind her head, and trotting to the nearest bus stop, looking in a hurry.

When Ruan Tian heard this, she was in a state of confusion.

She didn't know what Qin Yu was talking about.

Although she knew all these words together, he really didn't understand what Qin Yu wanted to express.

The girl's eyes are dark, round and bright, as pure as the clean water of a clear lake. Half of her eyes are at a loss, half of her eyes are impatient.

"Don't understand" and "it doesn't matter" are written in both eyes.

Qin Yu almost did not dare to look directly into her eyes. On the contrary, this kind of careless and senseless eyes burned him.

He gave a laugh and laughed at himself.

Qin Yu's eyes are more and more sour. His obsession makes him become a lunatic without reason and brain in front of Ruan Tian.

He thought he had been playing chess with Ruan Tian for so many years.

But she has never had him in her eyes since the first day she appeared in his world.

Qin Yucai understood.

It's not her fault that Ruan Tian didn't fall in love with herself at first sight.

Ruan Tian felt that the expression on Qin Yu's face seemed very sad and her eyes were red, which she had never seen before.

Qin ran into tears, which Ruan Tian had never thought about before.

He has always been strong and calm, invulnerable, no matter what happens can not pierce his heart.

When Ruan Tian was young, she once saw Qin Yu in the hospital with an indwelling needle on his face. The novice nurse couldn't find the vein all the time. She had tried it for more than ten times.

She didn't hear Qin Yu cry.

"What did you lose? Have we ever gambled? " Ruan Tian asked inexplicably.

Qin Yu was ill when he was born. It was normal for him to cough and have a fever. He felt that he was coughing blood now. Every breath in his throat was too painful to speak.

Today, he also recognized that in Ruan Tian's eyes, he was just an inexplicable, unreasonable and insane psychopath.

Qin Yu swallowed the blood from his throat, blinked and exhausted his strength. He said in a hoarse voice, "nothing."

Ruan Tian felt that she had to be polite to Qin Yu for the sake of breaking her contract with her.

In fact, she did not know why Qin Yu had been aiming at her. It was clear that there was no special intersection or conflict between them.

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"Why are you here?"

Ruan Tian had to think awkwardly.

Film Academy, beautiful sister, back door!

You taste, you taste.

Qin Yu looked at her quietly and said, "I'm waiting for you."

Ruan Tian suddenly silent, she did not let him wait for her ah!!!

This is too ambiguous.

"How do you know I'm going to be here?" she asked

Qin Yu had no sense of shame. "I went out with you in the morning."

Ruan Tian

It's a big reward for confusing people to say that they are following the criminal's behavior so rightfully.

Qin Yu also guessed why she would go back to school today. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "don't want to be a star, want to continue to study?"

Ruan Tian looked up at him and said, "I still want to be a star. I like acting."

Now that she is out of the circle, she will be called a deserter.

What's more, she is so popular now. Why should she withdraw from the circle?

The reflection of the mottled leaves was sprinkled on the ground, and most of the sunlight that was not covered was soft, falling from the top of Qin Yu's head, lengthening his reflection.

Qin Yu was also silent. He asked a piece of rubbish. He should have known that Ruan Tian would not give up easily no matter what he did.

It's embarrassing for them to stand in the sun.

At least Ruan Tian feels embarrassed.

For a minute, Ruan Tian said, "I'll go first."

Qin Yu suddenly stopped her, "Ruan Tian."

The girl is wearing a simple T-shirt, slim jeans, long neck, slim waist and slim back.

It's like she's in high school uniform.

Qin Yu grabbed her wrist, and Ruan Tian looked at him blankly, "is there anything else?"

Qin Yu stares at her eyes, and there are bursts of sounds in his ears. He can't hear the sound of the outside world.

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Seeing these eyes would remind him of the big cry he had heard all night.

His eyes were a little blurred, his voice was very light, "I'm sorry for you."

This sentence is not so difficult to say.

Ruan Tian in a daze, simple six words, enough to let her hair for a while.She thought that she could not hear this sorry sentence from Qin Yu in her life.

She had fantasized before and even rehearsed her emotions.

She might feel relieved, proud, and humiliated.

But now, Ruan Tian has only three simple words to answer him, "it doesn't matter."

No pain, no feeling.

It's light to say.

Qin Yu stared at her face, only saw and didn't care.

He clenched her wrist.

Ruan Tian pushed away his hand and said, "it really doesn't matter."

But her face is not a look that doesn't matter.

But it's a understatement.

Qin Yu knew that she was angry.

But they all disdain to vent in front of him.


Film Academy is the place where filmmakers live, especially the best performing arts academy in China.

So even at the back door, Ruan Tian and Qin Yu were photographed.

Entangled in the picture, hand in hand photos, were widely spread on the Internet.

When Qin meets the stars in the circle who are not inferior in appearance, he has a kind of innate noble spirit. When he and Ruan Tian are in the same frame, one is noble, the other is beautiful.

Quite low-key president and gorgeous female star of the CP sense.

This kind of picture is exploded, the first to be suspected is definitely the relationship between men and women.

People who don't know why naturally feel that they are together? Started falling in love?

The sharp eyed and careful people also found that the place where they met was in the film academy.

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Ruan Tian and Qin Yu are arranged together to identify these photos as the real hammer of their love.

And I think it's ridiculous that all the photos are taken and the fans don't recognize them.

More conspiracy theorists make up big plays.

Qin Yu felt that he was relying on his power to buy back Ruan Tian's education and erase her black history of being expelled.

Ruan Tian didn't notice the messy news at first. She was still in a daze when she returned home.

My head is still full of what Qin Yu said.

As she said, I don't care. It's bullshit!

Ruan Tian had to admit that when she heard Qin Yu say I'm sorry, she was really cool in the dark.

But did Qin yu think too much of her! Is it a great thing to say I'm sorry? She must thank him in turn?

Ruan Tianli's doll is about to be plucked by her. After sighing, she brushes her mobile phone for a while, and you can see the love story between her and Qin Yu under all major marketing numbers.

Her nose and eyes were all made up to frighten her.

Later, two days later, Ruan Tian updated her microblog:

it clarifies the rumors from the side.

There is no love, and there is no such thing as the president helping his girlfriend.

The crowd scattered in a crowd, but the people who knocked CP sprouted in this life!

I think those photos are too sweet.

That is love!

The army of Chaohua was quickly established, which is quite different from the ending of Ruan Tian's CP Chaohua.

This super voice has survived, but it has not been carried.

This makes them more convinced that they have got it.

Ruan Tian finished her microblog and went to the bookstore not far from the community to buy high school examination books.

I haven't touched a book for several years, and the knowledge points have become ferocious.

Ruan Tian confidently sent a wechat to Jiang Li and said: "I want to review my knowledge while filming, and strive to be a female college student again! 】

JIANG Lili thinks her idea is very good, [ask a tutor, spend two years, we tianzai must have a book to read ~]

Ruan Tian: [mm-hmm, I'm going to study! From today on, I will do my career in the daytime and study in the evening. I am the most inspirational sweet sauce in the country! 】

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Jiang Li said: "come on, baby. 】

Ruan Tian opened her math paper with great confidence. A few minutes later, she said: "I'm sleeping. 】

[good night. 】

Jiang Li 】

Ruan Tian didn't abandon herself, but she was not in a hurry, and her meeting with her teacher reminded her.

In the future, if she really does not shoot, she can experience college life again.

There is no time for filming. Ruan Tian still has several in-depth interviews to do.

Ruan Tian meets Zhou Xiaoqiao backstage. She is advertising for her design brand.

The treatment of the two in the TV station is very different.

Ruan Tian is a popular actress. She has many fans, high traffic, and is polite. The staff kindly call her teacher Ruan. The dressing room is separate, and the host of the interview is also the pillar of the stage, which shows the importance of Ruan Tian.Zhou Xiaoqiao, who left the aura of a rich family, was ignored and despised in the TV station. What he did was a variety show at noon or a hodgepodge of people.

She couldn't get in the whole process, let alone promote the brand.

The attitude of the staff is not very good. It's business. They don't even have a smiling face. They don't know how to pour her a glass of water.

Zhou Xiaoqiao saw that the director, who was too lazy to answer in front of him, had a different look in front of Ruan Tian. He talked and laughed, and the smile at the end of his eyes was more brilliant than the flowers.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is about to vomit blood because of this scene.

Ruan Tian thinks that she and Zhou Xiaoqiao have nothing to do with each other now. They are both beautiful.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, but break up should be decent.

It's like we never knew each other.

Zhou Xiaoqiao may be really scared by Ruan Tian that time. When they meet head-on, she doesn't cry and play a good sister like before.

The host vaguely knew that Taili attached great importance to this interview, but even the senior leaders of Taili came to express their sympathy, which made him feel that it was too inspiring.

They have also picked a lot of bigger stars. Why?

The deputy director gave him a white look, "what do you know? This is the person who sent a message to the Qin family

Not as president of Qin's films.

It's the name of the Qin family in the capital.

The level of force

sounds different immediately.

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