Before the interview, Ruan Tian and the host said a simple hello.

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After learning that the guest of this issue was Ruan Tian, the host did a lot of homework in advance. To be honest, he was slightly surprised to learn about Ruan Tian's divorce.

Such a young and promising actress, actually married, her ex husband is also a person of great status.

When the host finished reading Ruan Tian's materials, he had a good impression on her.

It seems that he is a good actor who is willing to act in a down-to-earth way. His works have a good reputation. Apart from the scandal, there is no news about playing big names.

After the interview, the host began to ask questions according to the outline he had prepared.

Ruan Tian's performance is better than he imagined. He has substance and brain.

Unlike some packaged little stars, they have to recite their manuscripts in advance before each interview. That's OK. They forget their words and just stare at the camera.

In this way, fans will find their love beans very cute.

The interview program has been recorded for more than an hour. At the end of the interview, the host asked a slightly relaxed topic, "the last question I asked on behalf of my fans, does teacher Ruan Tian have any idea of falling in love?"

The host originally thought that Ruan Tian would hesitate a little and then answer, but unexpectedly, she said firmly: "No."

This is not true.

At the moment, she just wants to make money.

The host was shocked by her cheerfulness for a moment, and then laughed, "this answer, career fans will be very happy."

"That's all for today's interview. I'm very happy to chat with Ruan Tian so much. I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

Ruan Tian smiles, "OK, let's look forward to it together."

After the end, the host and Ruan Tian microblog closed to each other in private.

After going out of the recording hall, I passed the No. 3 studio and took a turn to get to the elevator.

After waiting for two minutes, the elevator jingled and then opened the door.

A man in a black suit, take off the usual coldness, a bit more alienated.

There are a few elite men standing around.

Ruan Tian recognized that one of them was Shen Hui's secretary, who basically relied on him to deliver messages in those two years.

If the marriage certificate can be obtained on her behalf, Ruan Tian thinks that Shen Hui will also let her secretary take half a day off to get the certificate with her.

There are also high-rise buildings in the elevator hall. Seeing the battle of Shen Hui's entourage today, he should have come to talk about things.

I just happened to meet her.

Soon down the first floor.

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As soon as the elevator door opened, Ruan Tian went out naturally. The senior management still exchanged greetings with Shen Hui, "we are also willing to cooperate with Shen for a long time. In terms of advertising, our prime time effect is also the best."

When Shen Hui talked about things, he had a clear and indifferent temperament, which was not obvious. He said: "happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation, I won't send more. Mr. Shen, take your time."

Ruan Tian was blocked by these men, so she could only move slowly behind them and was forced to listen to their conversation.

They were just standing in front of the glass door, with a group of supervisors and assistants.

Shen Hui stands in the front, and Ruan Tian can only see the back of his head.

Two minutes later, Ruan Tian couldn't help it. Her voice was clear and beautiful. "Please let me go."

Shen Hui turned around, and their eyes inevitably collided.

Other directors present, Moyo, also knew the famous former boss.

I haven't seen Ruan Tian for a long time. The Secretary thinks she is more and more beautiful after her divorce from her boss.

In the past, every time he sent her a message or some necessary documents, he always remembered the inconspicuous depression in Ruan Tian's eyes.

Shen Hui didn't say a word at first. After a moment of silence, he said, "since I met you by chance, I'll give you a ride."

That's very kind.

It's an emotional ex husband.

Ruan Tian shook her head, "no need."

Shen Hui looked at her two eyes more, "must die of old age not to associate with each other?"

Ruan Tian almost nodded.

But she was afraid that Shen Hui would kill her on the spot. She said something against her will in front of the proud young master, "I can do it. It's up to you."

Shen Hui should have known that beautiful words could not be heard from her.

The two are still in a stalemate, Zhou Xiaoqiao also ended her life's first program publicity.

It can be said that he has suffered a lot.

She won't do it again.

In front of the door of the building, I came close to see Ruan Tian and Shen Hui.

She hesitated to go forward, clever soft waxy called a, "Shen pardon brother."

Ruan Tian knows that Shen Hui is Zhou Xiaoqiao's favorite.

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But because she was shy, or because of the face of Miss Qian Jin, she couldn't do anything to chase back.

Maybe she always thinks that Ruan Tian robbed Shen Hui.Seeing Zhou Xiaoqiao's aggrieved expression, Ruan Tian feels that there is something she needs to clarify with Shen Hui.

Although she is thick skinned, she can't do it at the beginning.

"There's one thing I don't remember telling you."

Without waiting for Shen Hui to answer, Ruan Tian answered without authorization, "I didn't count on you. It wasn't my aphrodisiac. You think it's a shame, and I'm innocent."

Was white whoring don't say, also didn't cool to, almost also left a psychological shadow.

The next morning, she didn't even have time to be shy. She woke up with a thump from Shen Hui.

Listen to his sarcasm, even if he took the money to humiliate again.

Ruan Tian sighed, then took out his wallet, took out a few big red banknotes, and put them into his palm, "return yours."

She said and got into the taxi with a clear mind.

Shen Hui clenched the big red banknote.

Zhou Xiaoqiao was scared to speak by his cold expression, "brother Shen, are you ok?"

She is used to coquetry, grasp his sleeve, but he quietly avoid, in exchange for two cold words, "nothing."

Zhou Xiaoqiao forced down uneasy, calm coquetry, "Shen amnesty brother, do propaganda tired ah, I didn't even drink a mouthful of warm water today."

It's the highest level.

Shen Hui chuckled in a low voice, which seemed very romantic. "No matter how hard it is, you have to go on the road you choose. It's meaningless to complain."

Zhou Xiaoqiao just can't stand being ignored today.

Ruan Tian has suffered more than her in the entertainment circle in recent years. If everyone is of her nature, she will not have to live.

Shen Hui feels more and more that his former vision is really not good.

It seems that he just likes a standard.

Obedient, gentle and qualified ladies.

Shen Hui collected the money in his hand and regained his cold and distant look. "Our company has something else to do, so I won't talk to you more."

As soon as the voice landed, I got on the bus.

He is even stingy of perfunctory.

When you treat people coldly, you can force crazy people and kill people.

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In the middle of the journey, Shen asked, "does she really not look back?"

The Secretary sitting on the co pilot's seat was trembling. He glanced at his boss's face through the rear-view mirror. He tried his best to say something nice: "Miss Ruan is soft hearted. After a long time, she may be shaken."

The Secretary thinks that he is good enough to lie to Mr. Shen.

In terms of contact in those two years, Miss Ruan was not a person who would turn back at all!

He thinks the boss chasing his wife is basically out of the question.

Today, the Secretary thinks that the boss is also the chief spokesman.

At the beginning, if he insisted on pushing, he could push off the marriage, but he didn't want to.

He said he didn't like it and went to get the certificate.

After marriage does not show up, also does not let the person completely give up, must use him this secretary to send some gifts from time to time in the festival, left the leeway, deliberately hanging her appetite.

Men are cheap.

What we can't get and lose is always the best.


Ruan Tian bought some Wusan books when she went home.

I think she's a 20-year-old divorcee, and she's still a high school student.

This kind of assiduous study spirit was moved to Jiang Li. The little rich woman made a promise, "write the questions well and take you to barbecue tomorrow."

Ruan Tian is really serious.

However, she really can't do it and can't understand the topic.

Mathematics is her blind spot.

So Ruan Tian had no psychological burden to put the thick 53 under the pillow.

She is not in a hurry to take the exam. Why should she work so hard?

On the contrary, Ruan Tian is anxious to get into the group, and not working makes people anxious.

She sent a wechat to the talented screenwriter, and the hint was very obvious, so she almost asked when to turn it on?

The screenwriter pretends to be a good corpse and doesn't return any news.

Ruan Tian is patient and greets every two hours.

The screenwriter at that end also wondered how they were so lucky that a silly Ruan Tian came.

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It's not that they don't want to turn on the machine. They just want to make 50 million pieces of scenery and props in the early stage.

It's at the end of its tether.

Ruan Tian made several phone calls to the screenwriter. The screenwriter was not afraid of boiling water, and cheekily said, "no money."

Ruan Tian was stunned, "can this play be completed?"

She specially reserved the schedule and pushed a lot of TV scripts.

The screenwriter had an idea in his mind and asked, "teacher Ruan, do you care about us?"

Ruan sweetheart said, if I don't like it, why do I have to play this movie!

"I think it's funny. It's funny."The playwright laughs, "then teacher Ruan, why don't you invest some money?"

Ruan Tian is full of question marks. Do you want to say that she looks so easy to cheat? !

it's more difficult to get Ruan Tian to pay than to go to heaven, but this person's mouth is so powerful that she can't say it in a few words.

It's like if you don't invest yourself, you're a man of great sin.

Almost convinced, she asked, "how much investment are you short of?"

The writer said, "20 million."

Ruan tianru's contemporaries, the bell suddenly woke up, shrunken smile twice, "ha ha, when I did not ask, sleep 886."

"Mr. Ruan, ten million yuan is OK. Hello

"Mr. Ruan, five million!"

"Two million is OK. Take pity on us."

Ruan Tian still doesn't want to do this kind of thing that she has to pay a huge amount of money without film payment. It sounds like being cheated.

Finally, after the director and screenwriter went to battle to cry for poverty, Ruan Tian endured the pain and invested two million yuan in their dream.

"I really think this film has a bright future."

Although other people think this movie is poor, think Ruan Tian can't pick a play, and his eyes are poisonous, passers-by's taking a vlog with their mobile phone is more interesting than this movie!

Before shooting this comedy, it was labeled as a shoddy film, which implicated Ruan Tian himself and was packaged and ridiculed.

But Ruan Tian believes that this is not the same as other types of films!

Maybe it's going to be a movie comedy?

Then she still makes money!

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