Since Ruan Tian announced the peaceful termination of her contract with her former employer, there are many entertainment companies throwing olive branch at her.

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All kinds of dazzling conditions have been offered, and Jiang Li's phone is about to be knocked out.

They chose a day to pick and choose at home, trying to choose a slightly better looking or suitable entertainment company.

Ruan Tian sat barefoot on the floor mat of the living room, with a bowl of washed strawberries in front of her eyes. One by one, the juice was sour and sweet.

Jiang Li spread out the company's profile on the ground, "Shenghong entertainment, the business capacity has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, seems to be pretty good."

Ruan Tian's soy sauce for more than two years is not in vain. When she used to run long Tao, she knew the little paste in various companies. She paused and said, "it seems that his family's share is very serious."

Even pay will be black!!!

Little actors have to go to court with the company at their own expense in the end!

Too bad, too bad.

Jiang Li said, "OK, then this family will be passed first." She asked, "what about Fanghe culture?"

She asked herself, "well, this company doesn't seem to be very good. It's a company that likes to make mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas."

Jiang Li chose an afternoon for her, but he didn't find a suitable company.

Jiang Li probably knows that Ruan Tian wants to play in movies more. There are very few entertainment companies that mainly make movies. Most of them are small workshops that are not very professional and capable.

Ruan Tian ate up a bowl of strawberries by herself. She licked her lips and had endless aftertaste. She suddenly said, "let's open a studio."

Jiang Li hesitated for a moment, "I think It seems that it can

If you sign a company, there is always the risk of being blocked and hidden. If you talk about a good play, it will spoil it for you. If you sign a good endorsement, it will be cancelled directly.

When artists open studios, they have the right to speak.

The more Jiang Li thinks about it, the more feasible he feels.

But it's not so easy to start a studio. There are a lot of trivial things to build a professional team.

Ruan Tian's action is very strong. She took advantage of the gap to register the studio, filled in the application form and submitted the application form.

Wait for the approval and get the business license.

Jiang Lili is not idle. He publishes the recruitment information on the platform, but doesn't say whose studio he belongs to. Maybe because of his general reputation, the applicants can count their hands clearly.

Finally, we got assistants and publicity.

Both of them are excellent students who just graduated from Communication University. The little assistant is wearing black frame glasses. Some of them are fat and fleshy. They look very cute.

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Small assistant is also applied to know her boss is Ruan Tian.

She a sweet powder happiness is about to faint, endure the bottom of the heart scream, strong pretend calm.

Soon after.

Sweet fans suddenly saw a user with ID of [Ruan Tian studio] on Weibo.

Sweet powder subconsciously think this is a liar! I deliberately cheated fans to pay attention. I'm afraid they'll be crazy if they do open their own studio.

But they didn't hear any news, and they didn't see a glimmer from any marketing information.

So they firmly believe it's a fake.

It's an a product.

Sweet powder denounced one after another, let him off, and put the cruel words that he would report to the network police if he didn't cancel.

On the day you get your business license.

On the microblog, a user named Ruan Tian studio posted the first microblog.

@Ruan Tian Studio: "here comes Tiantian, Bixin [picture]."

In the photo, Ruan Tian sits in the middle of a pile of fluffy toys, wearing a light colored suspender dress. Her face is powdered, white and red. She compares her love to the camera, her eyebrows stretch and her eyes smile.

The unexpected surprise parachuted in front of the fans.

Except for ah, ah, the sweet powder couldn't react for a moment.

I'm so fuckin 'confused.

"Ah, baby is really doing big things quietly!"

"Do you finally have your own studio? The three-year-old fan really can't help but cry. He has been concerned about you since you were lonely and anonymous. He has seen that you have been replaced even though you are in the group. He has seen that your promotion has been stopped by the company, and a variety show with edges has been cancelled by the company. You finally don't have to suffer that kind of grievance any more. "

"I cried, I cried, I cried."

"Tears of the West Lake, tears of the Yangtze River, sister, please continue to fly forward! You are born to be a shining star. "

Ruan Tian is very happy to see the fans, and she is also very happy in her heart.

But the only thing that's a little depressing is that the movie she likes hasn't been turned on yet!!!

This time, Jiang Lili and the melon eaters said that they were puzzled, "what did you see in this movie?"

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If you want money, no money. If you want people, no one.

Up and down, it's a poor word!Ruan Tian thought carefully for a while and found that she was asked, "right? What did I see in the movie? "

Jiang Li was crazy. "At the end of next month at the latest, if we don't turn on the computer, we'll pick up the book again."

I don't know if Ruan Tian is listening to her.

She bit the pen in her hand, thoughtfully, she said solemnly: "I think this movie is the star of the comedy."

For so many years, it seems that there are really no popular comedies in the market.

Jiang Li

When Ruan Tian wants to think that the screenwriter is running away, he finally comes to hear from the old man.

"Mr. Ruan, we are almost ready for the early stage of the film. The leading role, supporting role and so on are all in place!"

After a little pause, he said, "when I find a master to calculate the day of starting up and the good day, we can start up immediately."

The 21st century is coming.

Ruan Tian doubted whether there was something wrong with her ears. "Are you talking about fortune telling?"

The screenwriter patted his thigh, "the fortune teller has to make an appointment for a long time. Don't worry, Ruan Tian. The time is fixed. I'll tell you right away."

At first, Ruan Tian felt that he was joking. After hanging up, she still felt that he was joking.

Two days later, the writer sent her a message, "master calculated that the hit will be on fire at the end of next month, and we'll start the movie at the end of October. Ha, PS: our movie has been officially named, it's called" Miss, get out of the way. ". 】

when the whole world dislikes this earthy name, Ruan Tian actually likes it, which sounds very interesting.

There is still more than a month to the end of October, and Ruan Tian doesn't want to pick her feet at home. She could have taken advantage of her spare time to shoot her ad.

But heaven doesn't work.

Ruan Tian's several endorsements have been cut off by Shi an, even when it comes to the brand signing the contract, the other side suddenly turns back.

Shi an's debut is a literary masterpiece directed by Shao Chengyue's father. The merchant's brand bet ahead of time that she will soar to the sky.

Moreover, the endorsement fee of Shi'an is much lower than that of Ruan Tian.

Jiang Li was so angry that he was cut off at a low price. He was also sent a lot of manuscripts.

The other side relies on their own money to do whatever they want.

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The endorsements were cut off, and the magazines that were just before shooting were all stood up.

Shi an tells Ruan Tian that if you are not red enough, you will be punished.

After a few months, Ruan Tian met Shi an at a fashion dinner. She sat at a table with several magazine editors, talking and laughing.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Ruan Tian and went to her with a glass. He laughed and said, "long time no see."

Ruan Tian didn't really want to see her.


When an light sip of red wine, "recently cut resources taste bad?"

Ruan Tian calm performance, said: "OK."

She added silently, "I'm used to it."

That's to say, it's useless for me!

Shi'an raised her eyebrows coldly. Her cold face was slightly mean and her red lips lifted. She leaned forward and whispered in Ruan Tian's ear: "Ruan Tian, your days of suffering are still in the future."

Shi an doesn't know what Ji Wang Jiangbei has done. She thinks that he wants to go abroad for further study. She still regards Ruan Tian as a good cabbage.

The background difference between Ji's family and Shi's family is not too much, which can barely give people a look in the capital.

However, compared with the four big families in the capital, they are not qualified, or even qualified for comparison.

Ruan Tian asked, "are you because of Zhou Xiaoqiao?"

The charm of women is so powerful that men and women take it all.

When an enunciation way: "pure disgust you just."

She held up her goblet and laughed contemptuously. "I've seen your pictures when you were a child. There must be something hateful about poor people. No wonder people who grow up in garbage heap still have the smell of rotten lower class."

Ruan Tian has been humiliated n times by language. She is indifferent and stares at her face. She says solemnly, "lower class, lower class."

After a pause, she whispered, "you're not even a person."

love and peace。

When Ann is not good in the face of a dispute with her, sneer, back to his position.

At the same time, the editors of Shangquan magazine talked and laughed.

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"I've heard recently that Ruan Tian seems to be a young master of the Qin family?"

When an smile, "this can't be Ruan Tian's own spread, Qin Yu can't see her, ha ha."

The man also followed with a smile, "yes, I can't stand her indifferent appearance. People from the bottom of the class climb up and have something to pretend. I don't know what her fans like about her."The people at a table burst into laughter.

Some people began to hold the stage of Shi an, "an an, is the film that you cooperated with director Shao Da about to go online?"

"Next Saturday."

"I'm sure it's a good word-of-mouth and a high box office. It seems that An'an is going to be a big hit soon."

Shi an is modest on the face. In fact, she thinks so in her heart.

The day the movie went online was the day she became popular.

Even Ruan Tian can see that Shi an attaches great importance to the film, and the marketing promotion started two days before its release.

Before the movie, there were countless hot searches.

#The beauty of Shi'an #

# the beauty of Shi'an surpasses Ruan Tian #

# the delusion of Shi'an #

# the salvation of Shi'an's film circle #

even if you send the manuscript, you have to step on her!

Under the vigorous marketing, the box office of the first day's pre-sale of the film exceeded 100 million.

Ruan Tian also joined in the fun and bought a movie ticket to have a look.

Jiang Li advised her not to go and stop herself.

I'm going to see Shian soar.

But she couldn't stop Ruan Tian.

On the day of the premiere, Ruan Tian went to see the first two-hour movie. After watching it, she had only three words to say: I can't understand it.

She felt that Shian's dream of being a superstar would be broken.

Marketing money should also be wasted.

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