Ruan Tian is very serious after watching this film, two hours, she watched the clouds.

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Ruan Tian seems to be the most patient audience in their row. Others fall asleep and leave in anger, accompanied by the sound of "what"!

When the movie is full, only half of the people are left.

They seem to be quite angry. A grumpy brother said to his good friend angrily, "I'd better stay in the dormitory and do high mathematics homework for two hours."

What's wrong with these two hours? Why come to the movies!

Ruan Tian nodded with deep sympathy. This literary film is really too stream of consciousness.

Grumpy old brother also very angry, "too ugly!"

The first group of people who came out of the cinema did not hesitate to play a star. At 12 a.m., the movie started at 6.

This should be the lowest score film ever made by director Shao.

Sometimes on the microblog, the water army arranged by an's team can only see the praise of one water. Even after watching the washing of the soul, they can say it.

In contrast, scores on movie websites are getting lower and lower.

The next day's pre-sale box office directly cut more than half.

By the third day, the audience's anger at being cheated by false propaganda was overwhelming.

The score dropped to 5.5, and even the ever tolerant e-commerce ticketing platform only got a low score of 6.9.

Most of the critics on the Internet are the screenwriter and director of the film. At the beginning, no one really scolded Shi an. He was so angry by the plot that he didn't know what to say. He didn't have time to take charge of the regular female owner.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that the film would be so powerful. Shao Dao was even speculated that he owed the investor money. Otherwise, how could he make such a thing?

Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue have a good relationship. She sent a wechat and asked, "did you see the movie? 】

Shao Chengyue replied quickly: "yes. 】

then he said concisely and clearly: "it's ugly. 】

Ruan Tian feels that Shao Chengyue may not need her comfort.

After chatting for a while, Shao put his cell phone aside and was ready to shoot until his assistant urged him.


Ruan Tian's first female film "falling star" has also been edited and submitted for approval, and the filing date is just a week later.

The film side did not engage in all pervasive publicity activities, but simply announced the release date and the protagonist poster.

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The film is not worth a glance except for its good team.

Shao Dao just lost his hand a week ago, and was taught to be a man by the audience box office. His insiders are not optimistic about Cheng Suian's new film.

Where is the myth of being consecrated to the altar forever?

People in the circle wait and see, only occasionally a few directors give Cheng Suian face to help forward publicity.

In the fashion circle, some editors who look down on others are just waiting to see jokes and refuse to help with publicity.

Ruan Tian was still stunned when she saw the stills, and her memory was pulled back to this year's sultry summer, the dilapidated tube building, the desperate and dark alley.

She stared at herself in the stills for a long time and felt that she was a little strange inside.

The numbness in her eyes made Ruan Tian feel terrible.

How did those days come about?

She was about to forget.

Ruan Tian came back to herself and wrote a microblog: "dust star, I'm Jiang Wan. I'll see you at the cinema. 】

Ruan Tian has always thought that she has no friends in the entertainment industry, and her natural beauty makes everyone hate her.

Unexpectedly, Wang Baiyuan helped her forward her microblog.

@Wang Baiyuan: [sister Ruan's film! Everybody looks great! 】

Zhao Menger didn't want to turn, but when he saw that even Wang Baiyuan, who had a fight with Ruan Tian, had turned, he could bear the humiliation. Why couldn't she!?

So Zhao meng'er gritted her teeth and stamped her feet, and also ordered a forwarding.

Although the fans of these two people are not as many as Ruan Tian, they are kind-hearted.

Ruan Tian sincerely replied with a thank you and a rose expression.

"Dust star" was quietly released without any publicity.

On the opening day, the box office was not high or low, about 50 million.

The box office is really not good enough. It's a bit low.

[Ruan tianniubi, Cheng Suian's Waterloo is actually caused by her. 】

[fifty million, it's not a small change on the first day of An'an. Although other people's films are bad, they still have box office. 】

[but I think this movie has a good reputation. 】

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[can word of mouth be used as money? Which capital is not money? The movie is such a reality, a hit on the street, the next will be returned. 】

instead of attending the premiere, Ruan Tian received an invitation from the Qin family. Qin Yu's mother came back from abroad and invited some close friends to hold a small banquet.Ruan Tian's memory of Qin's mother is a very gentle woman, very beautiful, like a fairy daughter.

Because it was almost difficult to give birth to a child, I was not in good health all the time. I spent most of these years resting abroad and came back occasionally once or twice.

This time, she seems to be coming back for a long stay.

Ruan Tian still remembers that these elders were very good to her. They would touch her little head, give her candy, and tell their son not to bully her.

After much consideration, Ruan Tian went to the Qin family.

I haven't been there for a long time. Ruan Tian almost lost her way and lost a lot of time on the way.

Qin An is excited at home like a dog, clinging to his mother.

Not many people were invited. Ruan Tian didn't arrive late.

Qin An complains in a low voice.

The mother touched his head, "don't worry, wait."

Qin An couldn't help calling Ruan Tian, and his tone was very strong, "where have you been?"

Ruan Tian looked at the surrounding scenery, hesitated for a while, she said: "I seem to be lost."

Qin An sneered, "if you don't want to come, you don't want to come."

Ruan Tian has no intention to argue with him, "I'm really lost, or would you please come and pick me up?"

Qin an asked her to locate the car and then went out with the car key.

Ruan Tian was a little embarrassed, "I'm really troubling you."

Qin An got goose bumps because of her words. He was very uncomfortable and didn't see her for a long time. He found that Ruan Tian was a little thinner, with snow-white skin, light makeup and a little softer.

Ruan Tian is so polite to him that he really doesn't get used to it.

At Qin's, Ruan Tian apologized first.

Her eyes in the living room around, did not see Zhou Xiaoqiao.

Qin An seemed to be able to guess what she was thinking in her heart, and said, "my mother didn't invite her."

"My brother is upstairs," he added

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Ruan Tian opened her eyes, "I didn't ask your brother."

Qin An was infuriated by the disgust in her eyes, "do you think I talk too much?"

Ruan nodded, "you really talk a lot." She patted him on the shoulder again, "it's not good to talk too much. Now fans like Gao Leng criminal's love bean. You will lose powder like that."

Qin An told her to go away.

Ruan Tian found that the people at the banquet were very warm to her, and her eyes were different from others.

Most of these people are relatives of the Qin family. They dare not look at her with too reckless eyes.

Before the banquet, Qin's mother alone invited Ruan Tian to the window to speak.

"The last time I saw you, you were a freshman in high school. In the twinkling of an eye, you are so old."

Ruan Tian always didn't know how to get along with her gentle elders. She blushed and choked for a long time. She said, "time flies, time flies."

Qin's mother was amused by her smile, "these years I live abroad for a long time, Yao'er is used to his brother's temper a little bit big, ah Yu is a heavy hearted child, these years I have not much for them to worry about, nor how to teach them."

After a pause, she looked at the night sky. Then she turned her head and looked at Ruan Tian. She said, "Ruan Tian, ah Yu likes you."

Looking at Ruan Tian's blank eyes, Qin's mother sighed and continued: "he's too naive, too strong."

Ruan Tian listens.

Qin's mother looks like she's only in her thirties. She's well maintained and still beautiful.

"I'm not asking you to forgive him." Qin's mother held Ruan Tian's hand, "I just want to tell you that he likes you."

Ruan Tian's mood is very complicated.

When she was sent back to the living room by Qin's mother, her mind was still full of question marks.

Qin Yu hasn't come downstairs yet. It's said that his old illness has recurred and he can only stay in bed.

Qin An never looked away from her face from the moment she returned to the living room.

Qin An is also easy to go mad without drinking. He takes Ruan Tian by the arm and takes her to the stairway. He angrily asks, "what did my mother tell you?"

Ruan Tian told the truth, "your brother likes me."

She touched her little head and said sincerely, "there's something wrong with your brother's brain."

Qin An now feels that it is not so hard to accept Ruan Tian as his sister-in-law.

He said: "you don't know how much my brother likes you!"

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Yeah, I don't know.

Not at all.

Qin An's tail behind him would go up to the sky and show off triumphantly: "my brother gave up studying abroad for you."

It's not like Shen Hui. He'll go as soon as he says.

Qin An thought that she would be moved to tears. He didn't know that the girl in front of him had the same look on her face. He asked, "what's the relationship with me?"

She got the knife rest on Qin Yu's neck and didn't allow him to go?

Or did you force him to go?

Moral kidnapping should also be based on the basic law.Qin An thinks about it. It seems that it has nothing to do with her. It's all wishful thinking.

Qin An's brain is a little dizzy, "forget it, I can barely accept you as my sister-in-law now."

Who! Yes! When! He! Yes! Sister in law! Son! It's over!

"I don't like him! I don't like you either! Why be your sister-in-law! Am I ill? "

Qin an accused her at the top of her voice, "how sad my brother was to hear that."

I'm afraid my voice is too small for people in the bedroom to hear.

The bedroom door on the edge of the stairway was twisted open, and the pale man sitting in the wheelchair stared at them with dark pupils and expressionless face.

His hands are on his legs, his thumbs are thin, his carpal bones are slightly raised, and he is charming and sexy.

Qin Yu raised his eyes to see Ruan Tian. He was silent for a few seconds. Then he grabbed her wrist and slammed the door again.

Qin An was shocked by the sound of closing the door. He was a little stunned, and then he was in a hurry, "my God, brother, calm down, don't do anything illegal!"

The two people in the room heard it clearly.

Ruan Tian

Only a warm yellow desk lamp was on in the bedroom, and the light was dim. Ruan Tian's eyes could not help looking up at his cold and hard hands like iron tongs, glancing up over his chin and fixed on his eyebrows.

Half black and half bright, Ruan Tian couldn't see through the man's eyes.

She swallowed her throat and asked, "did you hear that, too?"

Don't do anything illegal!

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