Qin Yu was angry and laughed. His mood gradually calmed down, and he suddenly said, "Shen Hui went on a blind date today. If you're lucky for a while, maybe you can meet his blind date."

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It's none of her business.

Ruan Tian really didn't care, but she was still a little curious.

I want to see what kind of immortals can move Shen Hui's heart.

She blinked, naive and ignorant, "whose family? How old are you? Do you look good? "

Qin Yu saw that she was still inquiring. She couldn't go down in a breath. "I don't know."

Ruan Tian Oh twice, and he really has nothing to say.

The light in the bedroom is dim, only a desk lamp at the head of the bed is on, and the atmosphere in the room is ambiguous.

Ruan Tian's whole body is uncomfortable when he stares at him, but Qin Yu himself is calm and comfortable.

"What are you trying to do when you drag me in?"

Didn't he lie in bed and recuperate! Just grabbing her arm didn't look like the strength of a sick person.

After Ruan Tian asked, she glanced up and down at his body and felt that he was sitting in a wheelchair now, even if he wanted to do anything, he couldn't do it!

Her eyes seem to have written "naked" five words - Qin Yu you can't.

Qin encountered drag of the invincible, "no why."

Ruan Tian really didn't want to talk to him. She turned around and left. Qin Yu didn't stop her. The master bedroom was equipped with a code lock, so she couldn't open it.

Ruan Tian tossed for a while and gave up.

Qin Yutai if natural, gave her a glass of water, "you save some strength."

Ruan Tian was silent.

Then she said, "you're really like a threat before you do something."

Qin Yu

Ruan Tian took the cup and took two sips. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the bottles on the bedside table, which should be the medicine Qin Yu usually took.

It is true to say that he is ill.

She asked, "your legs are OK. Why are you in a wheelchair?"

Qin Yu raised his eyelids and calmly replied, "I'm tired."

Ruan Tian has nothing to say.

She really can't be alone with Qin Yu in a bedroom, so Ruan Tianfei runs to the door and starts calling at the top of her voice.

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Qin Yu yanked her wrist, and the other hand covered her mouth. He picked the tip of his eyebrow and said, "let's go down together after dinner."

Qin Yu didn't give her a chance to talk.

Then he asked, "do you have a cell phone?"

Ruan Tian nodded at a loss.

Qin Yu felt the metal mobile phone from her small bag, turned it off in front of her face, then threw it into his drawer and locked it up, "don't think about calling people, half an hour is enough."

Ruan Tian was shocked by his shameless action.

Is the tramp still in case she calls his mother?

Qin Yu released his hand, Ruan Tianqi's little face turned red, "you are sick."

He recognized it. "I was sick."

Ruan Tian sat on the sofa, staring at the man's face coldly, "your mother said you like me."

Qin Yu looked pale, and then heard her say: "Qin An said you gave up studying abroad for me."

Qin Yu did not say anything, neither admitted nor denied it.

Ruan Tian said so many things in her heart calmly, it seems that it is not a great event.

Qin Yu had a sense of shame that was hard to say.

Ruan Tian's eyes were clean. She looked at him without blinking. She bent her lips. "It's strange. For the first time, I know that I like it because I need other people's help."

Qin Yu couldn't tell that she was sarcastic.

Her eyes were broad and clear. She looked into his eyes and asked, "I just want to ask you, did you get pleasure from bullying me in those years?"

"You look at me not convinced to admit defeat to you, look at me to avoid plague like you, forced to bow to you, you are really very happy?"

Qin Yu was stopped by her.

She spoke in a calm tone, without anger or injustice.

Qin Yu pursed the corners of her mouth and almost ran away under her cold eyes.

His fingers are very beautiful, slender and white, with distinct joints. He clenched the handle of the wheelchair with both hands, and his veins are indistinct.

Nanny knocked on the door three times, "young master, everyone is here, madam, let you down."

Qin Yu was hoarse, and his face was even paler. He slowly stood up from the wheelchair and coughed twice. Then he went to Ruan Tian, firmly clasped her fingers, opened the door, and walked out of the room holding her hand.

Qin Yu's bedroom is facing the stairway. He and Ruan Tian come out of the bedroom intimately, which makes other guests stunned.

Shen Hui stood quietly in the living room, his eyebrows were cold, distant and polite, just like the noble cold childe of a peerless man. He turned his mouth, sneered and sneered.I have to say that it's quite right for them to stand side by side.

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Shen Hui thinks it's really dazzling.

Ruan Tian took out her hand and went downstairs with a blank face.

Most of the people in the living room are acquaintances. Qin's mother doesn't invite many guests. Except Shen Hui and Ruan Tian, the others are children of the younger generation of the Qin family.

Qin Yu was put down face in public, but he was not annoyed. He walked slowly to Shen Hui and said with a smile, "is the blind date going well?"

The latter two are the same.

His upbringing told him that no matter what, the Shen family should be decent.

But this time, he really didn't want to be polite to Qin Yu. In a simple word, "get out."

The blind date was arranged by his mother.

Shen Hui went to the appointment and ordered a cup of American coffee. It was hard to swallow, but he drank it all.

He didn't even know each other's name or remember her appearance.

The other party Moyo is a very understanding woman, not impatient, not to do, words and deeds are very appropriate.

Shen Hui was looking out of the window and thought it was boring.

A blind date with no meaning.

A person who completely meets the requirements of his partner, but he doesn't like at all.

Coffee tastes bitter. The more he drinks, the more sober his brain is.

Shen Hui always thinks of Ruan Tian. Although there are not many things that belong to her in the clutter room, the house they used to live in has long lost its flavor.

It's been a long time.

But in Shen's memory, Ruan Tian seems to be the only one left.

17-year-old shy, self abased girl hiding behind the stairs.

Regardless of worldly vision, crazy pursuit, full of eyes only his silly girl.

At the banquet, Qin Yu's father rarely showed his face, which showed that he was a good man to his wife.

I'm afraid she's not comfortable.

Ruan Tian really envies Qin's mother. How can she not meet such a considerate and gentle man!?

Qin Yu's father probably didn't pay attention to their younger generation for a long time, and his memory still stays when Shen Hui and Ruan Tian got married.

He didn't even care about his two sons, but he had to pretend in front of his wife.

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He asked casually, "are you two going to have children?"

Ruan Tian was drinking water and almost choked to death.

Qin's father didn't feel anything wrong with what he said.

Qin An's forehead was in a cold sweat. He looked at his brother and carefully glanced at Shen Hui.


It was a wonderful play.

Unexpectedly, his father became the one who broke the calm!

Ruan Tian explained, "Uncle Qin, Shen Hui and I divorced a long time ago."

This urgent explanation, like erbazi, fell on Shen Hui's face.

Qin's father took a deep look at them and asked casually, "how did you leave?"

Ruan Tian said: "broken feelings, eight words do not match."

The meal was so strange that Ruan Tian chatted with Qin's father. No one else could get in the way. Finally, she asked Shen Hui if her blind date was beautiful?

Shen Hui couldn't say a word.

After dinner, the other members of the Qin family sneaked into the yard to have fun. Qin An drifted to Ruan Tian's back. "I didn't expect that in order to marry into my family, you would start to flatter my parents now."

Ruan Tian doesn't even want to fart to him.

How could Qin An, who was completely ignored, bear such a humiliation, "I don't hate you now. I have said that you can't be my sister-in-law."

Ruan Tian finally stopped and glanced at him. Then she looked at him very seriously and asked, "Qin An, can you not insult my aesthetics?"

Slow two seconds, she said: "every time you say I want to be your sister-in-law, I feel offended."

Qin an

There was a lot of activity in the yard.

It seems that Qin Yu and Shen Hui had a dispute, but they didn't fight because there were others staring at them.

Ruan Tian and Qin An went to the scene for the first time.

Qin An's intuition is that Ruan Tian, a beautiful woman, is in trouble. He tries his best to persuade her, "go and persuade her."

Ruan Tian said: "they are biting dogs. What am I going to do?"

She wanted them to bite each other to death.

Qin Yu and Shen Kuang quarrel fiercely. They both find out each other's wounds and stab each other in. They have to be satisfied when the white knife goes in and the red knife goes out.

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"Why don't you feel sick when you play with Ruan Tian? She spoils her mind, takes advantage of her liking, and doesn't care to see her fingers being punched into a sieve. " Qin Yu burst out laughing, "now come to accuse me of bullying her. How can you ignore her then? Shen Hui, do you deserve it?"Shen Hui's eyes are scarlet. He is obviously angry. He can't refute it. Indeed, his bad nature is only venting to Ruan Tian.

"I've known her for so many years. There's one thing you should know." Shen Hui stood up straight, put his hands in his pockets, and said in a cold voice, "if Ruan Tian doesn't fall in love at first sight, he will never fall in love in his life."

They stabbed each other in the heart.

Ruan Tian wants to yawn.

Don't beep, can you start fighting!

Qin An was in a complicated mood after hearing this. He looked at Ruan Tian and said, "you used to be miserable."

Ruan Tian said, "it's OK. It's OK."

Ruan Tian is really not interested in this kind of drama. It is estimated that these two people can't fight any more. She said, "I'm sleepy. I went home to sleep."

Qin An catches up with her, "are you leaving now?"

Ruan Tian stops, grabs Qin an as a driver and goes home to sleep in his car.

Ruan Tian was awakened by thirst in the middle of the night, drank a large glass of cold water, quenched her thirst, and her brain was clear.

The light of mobile phones keeps shining.

Ruan Tian looked at the time and remembered that her film had been released yesterday.

On the screen, there are dozens of unread messages in wechat.

Looking at them one by one, it seems that they are celebrating the good results of her films.

Ruan Tian spent a day in the Qin family, and had no time to pay attention to the film's reputation on the Internet. She only knew that the box office was very ordinary.

Put in the hot schedule, can not take out the kind of ordinary.

The directors who had worked together in the past but had not contacted her for a long time all sent her wechat: "the acting is really good, the moral of the film is also very good, you are a good film actor. 】

Ruan Tian was surprised to receive such a high praise.

Falling stars has become a rare movie with the box office on the second day ahead of the first.

Generally speaking, it is word of mouth fermentation.

People with red eyes are unreasonable.

In the middle of the night, Yin soldiers pass through the country and keep posting.

[if you don't understand, ask, Ruan Tian, is this a reservation for the movie queen? 】Unfortunately, Ruan Tian got this post, and she was so bored that she replied anonymously: "thank you for your kindness"

then she was granted the title by the owner.

It can be seen that this is a very stingy landlord.

Only the sarcastic remarks such as "Ruan Tian's acting skill is also worthy of being a movie queen", "she dreams faster", "I don't listen to the nonexistent" and so on are left.

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