Star Entertainment on Weibo was launched exclusively, and high-definition no code photos were widely spread on the Internet.

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Under the warm yellow light at night, the man clasped the girl's slender waist with one hand and lowered his head. The kiss was ambiguous and pornographic. He couldn't see his eyes clearly and seemed to feel his love from it.

Generally speaking, it is very sweet.

As soon as the photo came out, it was the first hot search.

From the theory of childhood to the theory of Jin Zhu, there are 800 stories about Qin Yu and Ruan Tian.

Many other people went to Qin An's microblog and asked him, what's the matter!?

Qin An pretends to be invisible.

How does he know!?

It's not Ruan Tian!

On the Internet and Ruan Tian cooperation, most of the male traffic fans are very happy, finally don't have to be forced to fire CP!

CPF's house has collapsed, which is the best.

The last batch of "Shen Ruan couple" CPFS on the Internet bravely @ Shen amnesty in severe grief

[@ Shen amnesty, your wife is gone, your brother broke your corner, can you do it!? 】

the most annoying person in this world is Shen Hui, who has no one.

The fans were silent when they saw the picture.

Adhering to the attitude of lying flat Ren ridicule, fall in love with it, 20-year-old girl fall in love how!?

Tian Fen goes to the bottom of Shen Ruan's CPF microblog and quarrels with them.

"Be serious. Is it your ex-wife? We can fall in love with whoever we want. Don't give me a big face. "

"Anyone can do it, not Shen Hui."

"I'll remember him for the rest of my life."

"The truth is false, don't knock, knock Shen Ruan only lose money."

The man was frightened by the battle of protecting the calf with sweet powder, but he refused to delete the blog.

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Such a noise, Ruan Tian and Qin Yu in love news spread very lively.

Ruan Tian wanted to clarify. Jiang Li asked her, "how do you want to clarify?"

Ruan Tian replied, "I'm not. I don't have it."

Jiang Li ha ha twice, his eyes full of naive words, "then how do you explain the photos of kissing?"

Ruan Tian said angrily, "he forced a kiss! Damn it

Jiang Li found the photo from the Internet, looked at it carefully, and commented: "no matter from any angle, you can't see that you are the one who was forced to kiss. This gossip reporter is really awesome, and he can capture it."

Ruan Tian frowned and looked at the picture, "what do you want me to do? Seeing them saying that Qin Yu and I were in love, I really felt insulted. "

When Qin meets that man, does he look like a romantic?

There is nothing to say.

Jiang Li took a picture of her head and sighed: "shut up, this picture is too hard to explain."

Ruan Tian's expression collapsed, and she was a little dispirited. Indeed, no one would believe her explanation.

And some of the lies that men say I can't get in.

Ruan Tian pretended to be dead when she was asked by an acquaintance.

I don't know if anyone will believe it.

Years of wisdom and courage tell Ruan Tian that it is the most stupid way to meet Qin.

Just ignore him, completely ignore him, in order to get rid of him.

Ruan Tian, because of this scandal, has completely established the title of the imperial concubine. There are many people who secretly envy her.

Every man who has fallen in love with her is a handsome man with a head and a face. He should have a face, a figure and a figure. The most important thing is that he is young and promising. He is a bully.

Ruan Tian is a melon eating group who has been pouring dirty water on her since she was 18 years old. It's like being stabbed in her hometown. It's her post.

The most eye-catching high-rise building is the roaring body: [please don't poison Ruan Tian's milk!!! 】

take the imperial concubine to ridicule her. Her heart is higher than the sky, and her life is thinner than paper. As a result, people really want to be the imperial concubine. Maybe they want to be the landlady again. They say she's a mess. However, the human resources Department will show you all the success. When the shooting of "dust star" started, they didn't laugh at the box office, and now they see everything.

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Again milk really want to milk a movie queen.

If Ruan Tian really gets the movie queen, the sunspots really don't have to live, just go to jump the river.


in the middle of the night, Ruan Tian received a number that she didn't make a note of. She looked at the strange string of numbers, hung up without hesitation, and then continued to sleep.

The phone rings like a death charm, one after another, as if in a hurry.

Ruan Tian closed her eyes and connected the phone. Her nose was thick and sleepy. "Who?"

Qin an at the other end looks like a spiritual guy, "Ruan Tian, do me a favor."

Ruan Tian recognized his voice, opened his eyelids difficultly, and said tentatively: "Wang Baiyuan?""It's me. You come to the detention center and pick me up. Come on."

This is a natural tone, but there is no attitude of asking for help at all.

Ruan Tian was angry, "why!"

It's three o'clock in the morning.

Ruan Tian yawned, "I'll hang up if it's OK."

When Qin an asked for help, he was like a little daughter-in-law, and could not speak for a long time.

The police of the police station couldn't look down, took his mobile phone, said in a business tone: "are you Mr. Qin An's wife? Your husband has committed something. Please come to the police station now. "

Qin An's eyes darkened and he felt that Ruan Tian must kill him.

Wife two words, let Ruan Tian think is her hallucination.

Bearing the impulse of losing her temper, she got up from the bed, recited Qin An's crying voice, and rushed to the police station at more than three in the morning.

As soon as I entered the police station, I heard Qin An shouting, "when my wife comes, I'll kill you, you bastard!"

Ruan Tian

Qin An had a fight in the middle of the night at the liquor company. He was black and blue. He was a well-known artist and the most popular number one in the company. He didn't dare to call his agent and let his brother know if he made such a low-level mistake.

He was still fighting for Ruan Tian, so he had to ask her for help.

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Police station of the small police recognized Ruan Tian, little girl plain face and television is no different, pretty.

The little policeman moistened his throat, lowered his voice and said more gently, "your husband Well, it's your husband, right? "

Ruan Tian coldly glanced at the culprit Qin An and nodded.

Small police said: "your husband and people fight, do you think it is reconciliation?"? If you can reconcile, take the people home. "

Qin An is scared by Ruan Tian and hides his body behind the police.

The man who fought with him came out of nowhere.

Ruan Tian was a familiar acquaintance.

Her uncle, Zhou's mother, has lost her brother, who is nearly 20 years old.

This man has little contact with the Zhou family. He has a good relationship with his niece Zhou Xiaoqiao, who is of the same age.

Ruan Tian only met him once. They were not familiar with each other and had no conflict.

"Ruan Tian, since I'm your friend, I'll forget it tonight."

Ruan Tian looked at her uncle, who had been beaten hard, with a bruised nose and a cut in the corner of her mouth.

Qin An was disgusted by his hypocrisy, "you count a few."

Ruan Tian

Friends save a bureau, Qin An and this person is not familiar, see him after answering a phone call suddenly changed face, scold, after that began to coax the little girl, "don't be sad, Xiao Qiao, the company doesn't open."

"Ruan Tian can't compare with you. You can relax and open up a little."

Qin An happened to hear that. He was not very comfortable. He guessed that the person at the other end was Zhou Xiaoqiao.

Then the man began to arrange for Shen Hui and his brother, "didn't Shen Hui and Ruan Tian divorce long ago? Shen Hui had no vision at the beginning. As for Qin Yu, how long can a short-lived sick seedling protect Ruan Tian? You don't have to worry about it. "

Qin An didn't live long. He blew his hair on the spot, knocked off his mobile phone, kicked him in the back, and then started to fight with people, "I * *."

Ruan Tian frowned, "what do you mean? Didn't you do it? If you want to count, you should count it together. Don't pick yourself so clean. "

The man's face sank, "Ruan Tian, I'm your uncle."

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Ruan Tian consciously stepped back, "don't, I don't have a family. I've been separated from my relationship for a long time. Don't climb up to relatives. It's not easy."

The man's face was heavy and heavy, and he felt that Ruan Tian was not like his sister's, aggressive and disgusting.

"What do you want?"


"What dreams do you have?"

"OK, I'll let Qin run into him. He knows that you curse him as a sick boy who died early. I think he'll also want to see you very much."

Ruan Tian's uncle is not afraid of Qin An, but he really has no courage to meet Qin Yu face to face.

The man flew into a rage and patted the table hard. "Who the hell are you threatening?"

The policeman is not dead, warning him, "be honest with me!"

Ruan Tian had already found out her mobile phone and pretended that she was really going to call Qin Yu.

The man had to swallow the breath, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry."

Qin An turned away and hummed coldly.

Coming out of the police station, Qin An's eyes could not help but be attracted by her. Looking at her side face, he looked back and said, "thank you tonight."

He scratched his head. "I didn't know he was your uncle."

Qin An said some messy words, "Zhou Xiaoqiao's design brand can't go on."

"She went to brother Shen for help."Ruan Tian stopped and asked, "did Shen Hui help you?"

Qin an suddenly felt that he shouldn't mention it. He shouldn't mention Shen Hui in front of her. Isn't that throwing salt on her wound?

He looked at Ruan Tian's expression, as if nothing had changed, or a cold look of not interested in anything.

He said: "brother Shen Hui comforted her a few words. After a long time, Zhou Xiaoqiao was crying to him all the time, but he didn't give him a cent."

I didn't see it before. Brother Shen is so cruel.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's brand, which has just opened and consumed a lot of effort, has closed down.

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