Zhou Xiaoqiao has been protected so well since he was a child. It's easy to see.

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In the past 20 years of her life, she has hardly suffered any setbacks and failures.

She confidently thinks that since Ruan Tian can create her own small sky in the entertainment circle, it's unreasonable that she can't do it well.

At first, Zhou Xiaoqiao's self created brand seemed to be doing well. Relying on her little sisters, it really improved. Gradually, it became a mess.

They can't win fame all the time. They don't like the target customers, and they don't want to receive the bottom customers.

On the contrary, it is getting worse and worse.

Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't believe in evil. He went home with red eyes and asked his mother for a sum of money. The money was soon used up. It didn't work, and he even drifted away.

People around her also dare not give advice to the little glass hearted princess, for fear of hurting her self-esteem and going home to cry.

Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn't accept that she couldn't match Ruan Tian. She didn't want to close the door. She went to Shen's group to find Shen Hui with red eyes.

The front desk was very polite to her, first arranged for her to have a cup of hot tea in the lounge, and then called the Secretary's office.

Before long, Zhou Xiaoqiao was invited to the top office.

Shen Hui was wearing a white shirt with two cuffs. He had a thin wrist bone and a black pen in his long finger. He looked up at Zhou Xiaoqiao and said carelessly, "sit down."

Zhou Xiaoqiao wore a cotton white skirt, long hair cleverly nest in the shoulder, she painted a light makeup, gentle honey meaning, she sat on the sofa, like inadvertently wiped the corner of the eye tears, "brother Shen amnesty."

Shen Hui put down his pen and said, "what's the matter?"

Shen admitted that Zhou Xiaoqiao had always been his favorite marriage partner before. The friendship of growing up together and the feeling of getting along with each other all these years still exist.

But now Shen Hui looks at her and has long lost the idea of marrying her.

The way he looked at Zhou Xiaoqiao was just like looking at a familiar little sister.

Zhou Xiaoqiao raised his red eyes, endured the bitterness of his nose, calmed down for a long time, and didn't cry in front of him, "brother Shen, am I really bad?"

Shen Hui didn't say a word. He looked at her tears in his spare time.

There is not much heartache in my heart.

Zhou Xiaoqiao bit his lower lip hard. "I'm really working hard. I don't know why, but I can't do it well."

Shen Hui picked an eyebrow. "Maybe this job is not suitable for you."

It's not suitable for her who hasn't suffered anything.

It's not suitable for her without any work experience.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is very delicate.

She wiped her tears and looked at the indifferent man in front of her. Her heart sank. "Brother Shen, I'm here today to ask you for a favor."

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Shen Hui didn't seem to be surprised that she would say so. He said in a slow voice, "Little Joe, no one blames you, and you don't have to worry about it."

She has parents who will help her with the aftermath, and other admirers who will love her.

There's no need to cry in front of him.

When Zhou Xiaoqiao heard his consolation, she felt a little more comfortable and pinched her fingers. She felt that Shen Hui would not have the heart to see death.

So Zhou Xiaoqiao blushed and said, "can you..."

Shen Huixian interrupted her step by step, "you are so tired these few months. Go home and have a good sleep."

It can't be more gentle.

There's a ruthlessness in it.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's face turns white gradually. The man's meaning is obvious. Good words can be said, but it's impossible to help.

She raised her eyes and looked at the man she had admired for many years. At that time, she was so jealous that she wanted Ruan Tian to be humiliated by an old man, but she let Shen Hui drink the wine.

She inadvertently helped Ruan Tian and Shen xunzuo make a couple.

In recent years, her heart is not without jealousy.

It's not easy to wait until the day of their divorce, but Zhou Xiaoqiao finds that Shen Hui is getting farther and farther away from her.

With the indifferent side of alienation, facing her.

Zhou Xiaoqiao is about to be unable to support her gentle and considerate personality. She stands up and clenches her fist. She can't help but ask, "do you like Ruan Tian?"

Shen Hui's face did not change. "I'll send you back."

He didn't even leave a reply to Zhou Xiaoqiao, so he asked his secretary to come in and send Zhou Xiaoqiao home safely.

Zhou Xiaoqiao did not expect that she would be treated so politely and alienated by Shen Hui one day. Her mood was out of control because of the stimulation of psychological gap. She said: "Ruan Tian is not a person who will come back when you apologize."

"It's no use apologizing to her."

Shen Hui's face was cold and his voice was low. "Send her back."

The door of the office opened and closed, blocking the sound and light.

Shen Hui leaned back wearily, closed his eyes, and then slowly opened them again.He had nothing to do with Ruan Tian.

She doesn't eat hard or soft.

Sending a message to her is like sinking into the sea, never replying.

If you are a little tough, strong appear in front of her, compensatory and she will do daily things.

She didn't respond to a movie date.

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Both eyes are full of "it doesn't matter.".

The negative is obvious.

He and Ruan Tian, no kisses, no photos, no memories.

After the divorce, he had nothing.

It's a straight cut.

When he went on a blind date, Ruan Tian didn't care. She only asked if the blind date was beautiful, driven by curiosity?

Shen Hui knew that Ruan Tian was not interested in him.

Love and hate with the wind, is often this kind of don't care attitude most hurt.


Ruan Tian has to admit that after hearing about the failure of Zhou Xiaoqiao's business, she was a little pleased.

Although it's wrong to fall into the well, if the object is Zhou Xiaoqiao, she doesn't mind hitting more stones.

It's not easy to take a taxi in the early morning. Qin An is a bit awkward on his way back. "This time I owe you a favor."

Ruan Tian was silent.

Then she took a message to the side, and suddenly she said, "there's something I forgot to tell you."

Qin An had a bad intuition, "what's the matter?"

Ruan Tian silently moved two steps to the side, "before I came, I had told your brother about it."

I'm afraid that the air is suddenly quiet.

Qin An carried forward his unique skill of changing face again, "Ruan Tian, are you going to die!"

Ruan Tian closed her ears with her fingers. "Are you a man?"?! Are you so afraid of your brother? "

Qin An wanted to lose face and growled, "I'm not afraid of him."

Ruan Tian Oh two, "don't beep, see him later, you beat him, he proved to me."

Qin An was as silent as dead.

Qin's old house is a long drive from the city.

When Qin Yu took two lines of bodyguards to the police station, they didn't get to the car smoothly.

When the big guy goes out of the street, no matter what time, he will have to take two columns of bodyguards with him.

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Qin Yu was still in a wheelchair, wearing household clothes. In the light of night, his skin was white, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his face was cold, and his black eyes were like hooks, which made them uncomfortable.

It's like watching the adulterer and whore come out of the wall.

Qin An is guilty of being a thief, "brother! We didn't! "

Ruan Tian looked at him as if he was looking at a Shabi.

She was tired and sleepy after half a night.

Qin An's eyes became more and more gloomy when he saw his brother. He stirred Ruan Tian up and said, "explain it quickly!"

Ruan Tian half squinted, unconsciously licked his lips, "ah? Explain what? Am I your wife? It doesn't matter to me

Qin an

He wanted to kick her out.

Two lines of bodyguards in black lined up orderly at the gate of the police station, which attracted the attention of the police on duty. He went out and said to them, "don't quarrel on the road in the middle of the night. After a whole night, go back and have a rest."

Qin An had a heart attack and died on the spot.

Qin Yu said, "newly married couple?"

Ruan nodded, "yes, Qin An said I'm her wife."

After a pause, she said solemnly, "maybe because I'm too beautiful."

Qin An didn't even want to struggle.

Whatever. Go to hell.

This month, when the temperature is low at night, Ruan Tian is sucked by the wind. All of a sudden, a suit coat is thrown over her head.

"Get in the car."

Qin An felt guilty and quickly got on the co pilot.

Ruan Tian returned Qin Yu's suit coat. The man was displeased and pursed his mouth into a rigid straight line.

Ruan Tian opened the door and got on.

The cold fragrance of the man filled her nose.

Qin yu should have been woken up in his sleep. He came here in the middle of the night, cold and sleepy.

He lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone. Before long, he put it away again.

His voice is a little lazy and tired, "Qin An."

Qin An pretends to be dead.

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Qin yuleng hissed, "Ruan Tian is your wife?"

Qin An is still silent and intends to play dead to the end.

Qin Yu kicked the back of his chair with his toes, took apart a cigarette and held it between his fingers. "Deaf or dumb?"

Very light tone, on the contrary, showed that he is not very good patience.

Qin An Gang is going to explain.

Ruan Tian glanced at the man's face with Yu Guang and whispered, "don't call me Ruan Tian, call me sister-in-law."The atmosphere suddenly solidified.

The temperature in the car plummeted several degrees in a row.

Ruan Tian felt sleepy and curled up against the door to go to bed. "Brother, call me when I get there."

Qin Yu folded up her long legs and gazed at her face with her side eyes. She was sneered with anger and couldn't say a word.

All the way, silent.

Ruan Tian's forehead is knocking against the glass window, and she is sleeping soundly. The car is equipped with a constant temperature air conditioner.

The girl's face is crimson when she sleeps, her lips are moist and full, her slender neck is slightly up, beautiful and pure.

To the underground parking lot in the community.

Ruan Tian didn't wake up yet. She whimpered, then tilted her head and went to sleep.

She frowned as if in a dream.

Qin Yu opened the car door, thought for a moment, and chose the latter between waking her up and carrying her upstairs.

The moment you bend your head.

The girl who is still in a dream talks vaguely in her sleep.

"Shen Hui."

Ruan Tian dreams of the day when Shen Hui comes to her with the divorce agreement.

She called Shen Hui's name in her dream and scolded him for not being a thing.

Two words quietly smashed a crack in the air.

Qin An: Oh Huo.

Qin Yu's movement was slow for a few seconds, then he held her in his arms with a overcast face.

Qin An thinks that his brother can really bear humiliation.

His mouth is cheap to everyone. "Brother, I didn't expect that Ruan Tian would never forget Shen Hui."

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