Maybe the light in the elevator is bad. Qin An doesn't know how to look at people's faces. He looks like a blind man. He doesn't see his brother's tense and gloomy face. Go on banging, "you say, if brother Shen changes his mind to remarry with her one day, she won't agree immediately according to Ruan Tian's affectionate degree?"

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When Qin met him, he glanced at him coldly and said, "I'll marry your mother again."

Qin An knew later that he had poked the hornet's nest. He quickly closed his mouth and hung his head behind Qin Yu.

When he got to the door of his house, Qin An looked at the adjacent door and asked in a low voice: "I'd better wake her up. I can't take her back to our house to sleep."

Qin Yu raised his eyes and asked softly, "why not?"

Qin An was surprised. Although he didn't think it was good, he didn't dare to say anything extra.

He just thinks that when Ruan Tian wakes up and sees herself lying on his brother's bed, she will definitely want to kill him.

"Brother, you can't chase people like this."

The key was inserted into the door lock, and the door opened with a bang.

Qin Yu pushes the door with one hand, puts on his slippers, and carries people into his bedroom.

He helped Ruan Tian take off her shoes and put them on the bed. He was silent for a while, and then covered the quilt for her.

Qin Yu coughed against his lips twice, and then came out of the bedroom.

I went to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of warm water. I sipped some water to relieve the itching between my throat.

Qin an asked humbly, "where do I sleep?"

Qin Yu gave him a look of "you still need to ask about it" and said, "sleep on the sofa."

All right, the sofa is the sofa.

Let Qin An and Qin Yu lie on the same bed, he still dare not!!!

Qin An took off his shoes and sat on the sofa, holding a pillow in his arms. Some words were held in his heart for a long time, "brother, you really can't chase people like this."

Don't think about it. You can't catch it.

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and listened.

The words had already begun, Qin An had to continue to say: "I don't know, I thought you two had a grudge. I suspect Ruan Tian always thought so."

Qin An can't figure it out in any case. How could his brother like Ruan Tian in high school!?

It's the kind of battle you can't stand. You have to be an enemy to be believed!

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"Why did you bully her in high school?" Although Qin An was one year younger than them, he had heard of some deeds in the same school.

Shen Hui's indifference to Ruan Tian's love made the whole school laugh.

His brother is to go to her trouble when he has nothing to do.

The body is not good, three days into the hospital, but a discharge must go to the person is Ruan Tian.

She's been bullied.

In the past, Qin An naturally thought that Ruan Tian was too good at writing, and his mind was too bad to be looked down upon.

Now, Qin An and Ruan Tian have been together for a long time.

Ruan Tian has no other bad problems except her mouth.

An analysis shows that Qin An has finally found out the problem. Isn't this really a primary school chicken like means of chasing people? Like you will bully you?

Qin Yu lowered his head and smoked a cigarette from the cigarette box. The flame of the lighter came out, reflecting his white face. He didn't speak.

He just wanted Ruan Tian to look at him more.

"Brother, although I am also very mean, I know that you were wrong at that time."

Qin Yu's face was still and could not see what he was thinking.

The choking smell of smoke filled the room with a cold smell.

Qin Yu said, "I didn't want to hurt her."

Qin bank accidentally make complaints about the heart, but "you have hurt it."

He said this is not really for Ruan Tian to fight against injustice, Qin an just simply can't bear his brother to be so nervous again!

Qin An fidgeted and grabbed his hair. "There's something I haven't told you all the time."

Qin meets his side eyes.

Qin an then said, "do you remember that Ruan Tian beat you up once?"

Of course, Qin Yu remembered that he was very weak at that time. He was knocked down by her and lost his face.

"That's the time you read the love letter Ruan Tian sent to brother Shen amnesty."

Qin Yu gave a sound and rubbed his eyebrows, as if he didn't really want to mention the past.

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At that time, he was a red eyed trapped animal. Up to now, he still remembers what was written in those love letters.

"I saw her cry later." Qin An didn't expect that the exciting scene was met by him!

He trudged to the Internet bar, walked over the wall, heard a burst of tears in the alley.

He curiously stretched out his head and looked over there. Oh, he recognized that it was Ruan Tian who had been harassing Shen Hui and beating his brother.

Her school uniform was dirty, squatting on the ground, crying and gluing the torn love letter back with transparent glue."I've seen Ruan Tian cry that time in my life, hysterical and hoarse."

Reading a little girl's love letter face to face is really not something that a person can do.

But at that time, each of them felt that they were standing at the commanding height of morality and that if the other party was Ruan Tian, it would be what she should suffer.

Qin Yu's face turned white, and Ruan Tian's red and irritated eyes were reflected in his mind.

His thumb curled up slowly, choking on the smoke.

Qin Yu's face was pale and he bent over to cough for a long time. When he was relieved, his chest was still stuffy and he couldn't breathe.

At that time, Shen Hui casually took out the love letter in the drawer, picked out two pages and looked at it, then laughed at him, "ah Yu, Ruan Tian's writing is really interesting."

At that time, Shen Hui may have casually mentioned that the arrogant and aloof Xueba boy inadvertently revealed some disdain.

That disdain and look became a show off in Qin Yu's eyes.

Like crazy, he was against Ruan Tian.

Qin Yu said in a hoarse voice, "I didn't think about it."

It seemed that she would never cry or be sad.

But she was only seventeen.

Ruan Tian was awakened by the nightmare. She woke up from the dream with a subconscious kick of her leg.

In sight, is a bedroom which she is not familiar with.

Black and white, cold.

Ruan Tian looked at her perfect clothes and sighed. She stepped on the floor barefoot and went to the living room. She saw two men on the sofa, speechless.

She remembers sleeping in the car.

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Is Qin a dog in his life? Can't you wake her up?!

The man looks very bad, like a tuberculosis ghost, he casually put out the cigarette butts, "wake up?"

Ruan Tian embraces her hands, looks serious, and looks serious. "Qin Yu, I didn't expect you to be such a beast. I also want to treat your sister-in-law."

Qin an just wants to ask this aunt to shut up!

Qin Yu seems to be in a bad mood. His voice is hoarse and Sandy. "You'd better be cute when you don't talk."

Ruan Tian told him to go away.

Realize that this is Qin Yu's home, it's her who should roll.

She said, "OK, I'll go."

Qin Yu got up and stood in front of her. He took advantage of her height to stand in front of her. He looked down at her bare feet and said, "put on your shoes and roll, it will be faster."


Ruan Tian was very angry.

Qin Yu chuckled and couldn't help touching her hair.

Ruan Tian cold face forced his hand to one side, "don't touch me, you can't afford to touch me dirty."

She went to the bedroom to get her shoes and was going home without saying a word.

Qin Yu and she can play hooligans, "do not stay to sleep?"

Pure small Ruan unexpectedly by such a smelly shameless words make the face red, both sides of the cheek hot.

Sleep a fart!

Ruan Tian turned around and said, "if I really married Qin An and became your sister-in-law, would you still talk to me like this?"

The smile at the corner of Qin Yu's mouth sank down, and his eyes were full of pity. He spoke slowly? It sounds exciting. "


Qin Yu is really shameless!!!

No bottom line hooligans!

He gave a sneer. He was confident and said slowly, "you are not as brave as Qin An. Do you have the courage to marry you?"

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Ruan Tian admitted defeat, "I'll go away immediately, 886."

The door slammed and was forced to close from the outside. Qin An was shocked by the sound.

Qin Yu stared at the direction of the door and looked at it for a long time in silence. He twisted his eyebrows and was annoyed and upset.


it's not Ruan Tian's boasting. As a second-line star, her every move is watched by many people!

She really wants to keep a low profile, but her peers in the entertainment industry don't let her have the opportunity to keep a low profile.

She arranged news for her every day and every move was magnified.

Black hot search one by one.

Before there are rich and mad women set up, there are rumors of covering up the emperor and concubine.

She and Qin An had a lot of trouble about going in and out of the police station in the middle of the night. At first, no one broke their names, but they just talked about some strange things. Later, they were carefully picked out of the police station by Ruan Tian and Qin An.

Black powder rushes to fight with Ruan Tian, seizing the opportunity to die.

Before the event was widely spread, Shi'an launched the marketing number of Ruan Tian's fight and detention news by accurately clicking on the likes, and directly sent Ruan Tian to the top of hot search with one like.

Because Ruan Tian had a criminal record before, even the real passers-by who didn't mix the circles were wondering if Ruan Tian was really violent!?

I denounce her for this kind of behavior, denounce her, and feel that she has made a bad example for contemporary teenagers.Ask to kill her!

Ruan Tian is too lazy to roll her eyes. She thinks that Shi an is sick because of a movie role!? As for biting her all the time?!

Most importantly, in the entertainment industry.

There is a wall between them.

This kind of behavior of Shi'an has already been regarded as overstepping.

Ruan Tian is not used to their bad habits. The clattering of the mobile phone keyboard, [@ Qin An, you explain to me that it has nothing to do with my dime. 】

Qin An, who is popular and has backstage background, is not used to the bad habits of netizens? Do police uncles deal with things well and take turns for some people to say three things and four things? I've bought your company and lost my job. 】

some people really went to the police station to inquire through various channels.

It seems that Qin An did fight.

So the question is, where is Ruan Tian?

[wocao, Jingtian Dagua, Ruan Tian and Qin An are newlyweds. What my uncle's policeman said to me in person!!! 】

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