Qin An's mouth is restless without causing trouble.

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What the police say is not true.

In this way, it makes sense for Ruan Tian to go to the police station in the middle of the night to catch Qin An.

But the news was too shocking.

Ruan Tian is getting married again!? Didn't she have an affair with the young master of the Qin family? How can Qin an be the marriage partner?

No accident.

#The topic of Qin An and Ruan Tian's marriage has exploded.

The red and purple characters are hanging on the edge.

All of a sudden, the people who collapsed the house became Qin An's fans, and a lot of girlfriend fans didn't react.

Since their debut, their love beans have hardly had any gossip, and they are all straight men.

Isn't it that Ruan Tian is a violent maniac? Turn around and stick it on them.

"Empty talk, you fart!"

"I'm dead. Goodbye to the world."

"I knew Ruan Tian was a disaster for a long time. I thought she was just my sister-in-law who loves beans. I never thought she would be our sister-in-law now. Go to die!"

Some fans cry to explain, looking for evidence to clarify, and some fans see the photos outside the police station and take off the black head directly.

Passionate and generous abuse Ruan Tian and Qin An.

Dog men and women! Idol disqualification!

Qin An himself is also muddled, until Cheng Suian calls to ask him what's the matter, he just gets away from the game and goes to see the filthy microblog.

Cheng Suian's tone seems very dignified, "Yao'er, what's the matter? Don't you know who your brother likes? "

Qin An's heart is better than anyone else. Fuck!

But this is not an unexpected disaster, or his own cheap pot.

He explained with a bitter face: "uncle, I just casually said that I didn't know that I would be photographed and stabbed out."

Cheng Suian seems relieved, "it's just a fake." After a pause, he said, "don't irritate your brother. He has a bad temper."

"I don't have the guts."

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Qin An wants to scold again. In the final analysis, it's his own fault.

He looked at a series of black heads under his microblog, and only a few CPFS came with blessings.

Wang Baiyuan and Zhao Menger, who once intersected with him in star acceleration.

Red team is not familiar with the essence, they are typical where the heat is high, where to suck.

@Wang Baiyuan: I wish you a happy new year and have a good son.

@Zhao Menger: I wish you two in three years.

I wish you mother's watermelon skin.

Qin an asked himself that he had nothing to do with them. Ordinary passers-by thought it was a good thing to get married. As soon as the wind changed, they began to bless him.

Ruan Tian looked at the blessing on the screen for her early birth, almost did not come back in a breath.

It's ridiculous.

Qin An, who has always been an iron head, only dares to haunt in the middle of the night and sends a microblog like burning his ass. [don't bullshit, I'll die if I wish again, and you can believe what I'm saying!? Sister Ruan is my sister-in-law, my only sister-in-law. I will be my sister-in-law in the future. Don't slander our pure relationship. 】

no matter what, put yourself aside first.

Qin An feels that no matter whether Ruan Tian finally remarries with Shen Hui or achieves the right result with his brother, she is his only sister-in-law.

Up to now, Ruan Tian only regrets one thing, she should not go to the police station to help him, otherwise she would not cause such a lot of things in the future.

Since ancient times, no one has seen it. Qin An's words pacify his girlfriend fan. Everyone stops talking, and after watching, the excitement disappears.


it was in the circle of friends that Shen Hui accidentally got the news that Ruan Tian and Qin An were married.

He immediately pinched his mobile phone, and the elegant and quiet image in front of him collapsed. Without thinking about it, Shen Hui suddenly stood up, grabbed the suit coat hanging on the chair, stretched his cold face, pushed open the office door and left.

The staff outside were scared by the big boss. One by one, they stopped their work and looked at him.

"Mr. Shen..."

The words behind haven't had time to finish, the man just like a gust of wind, strode away.

The assistant whispered to his colleague, "what's the matter? Mr. Shen's face stinks. "

The colleague shook his head, "I don't know. I haven't seen Mr. Shen like this."

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Assistant then ready to work at hand, "I have seen, a few years ago when his ex-wife occasionally came to the company to look for someone, Mr. Shen's face was not very good-looking at that time."

The people in the secretary room think their boss should be a good tempered one.

Good temper, serious and strict work, but not strict to the extent of abnormal.

The assistant thought it must be because of his ex-wife.

"Can't Shen stink at the news of his ex-wife's remarriage?"

The colleague hissed, expressing disbelief, "how is it possible?"Shen Hui drove all the way, driving with one hand. His other empty hand loosened his neck tie. He looked cold and didn't care if the car was speeding.

He called his secretary, "find out where Ruan Tian is now."

A neat word, and then hung up.

Before long, the secretary sent the address to his mobile phone.

The steering wheel spun and the tires left deep marks on the ground.

Shen Hui went directly to the shed where Ruan Tian filmed the new advertisement. She was discussing the modeling with the cameraman. She was wearing a red V-neck suspender skirt. She had a slim clavicle and a ruby necklace on her white neck. She looked like a bright little princess.

In the middle of Ruan Tian's advertisement, she was interrupted by Shen Hui.

The man was slender. He glanced at her up and down. His eyes were almost red. He asked, "are you married to Qin An?"

Ruan Tian thinks he is ill.

"You don't care about me."

"Yes or no?" Ruan Tian hasn't seen Shen Hui's serious expression for a long time. In her memory, this man has always been calm and calm. He is a mountain like player.

Ruan Tian said, "no, can you go now?"

Shen Hui finds that he can't be indifferent and can't calmly watch her marry someone else. He seems to have a thousand words to say, but whatever he says is like hypocritical acting.

Shen Hui was a little irrational at the moment. He said, "Ruan Tian, you hate me."

Ruan Tian was silent, then denied, "No."

Shen Hui felt that he was wronged by her death sentence. He pinched her wrist and forced her to face his own eyes. He said, "I really didn't like you in high school. You used that time to blame me for being unreasonable."

Ruan Tian was almost convinced by him.

She nodded. "Yes, you don't love me, so I really don't blame you."

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Shen took a deep breath. He felt that he had messed up.

The staff urged Ruan Tian to continue her advertisement.

Shen Hui stood waiting. After finishing the work, Ruan Tian regarded Shen Hui as an air man.

He followed her, "I've gone to check what you said last time about drugging."

Ruan Tian did not have any special reaction, "looking forward to the day of my innocence."

Before getting on the bus, she asked, "if it turns out that it's Zhou Xiaoqiao's black hand, will you believe it?"

Shen Hui's eyes were cold. "I won't forgive the person who calculated me."

Ruan Tian was relieved.

Shen Hui did a good job in this aspect!

At least he thought it was her who forced her to get married and let her sit on the bench for two years, never mentioning that Shen's company couldn't get in without her wife!

On the way back, Ruan Tian leaned against the window and recalled what happened that day. She drank a glass of orange juice brought by the waiter and was entangled by an old man.

Ruan Tian kicked the old man's lifeblood and ran back to his hotel room.

That medicine is really strong.

Later, her memory is not very clear. She remembers that Shen Hui unscrewed her door, took off her coat and looked at her coldly.

Ruan Tian only remembered the old man's slip of the tongue and mentioned "your sister".

Later, she thought that it must have something to do with Zhou Xiaoqiao.

I've been looking for it for a long time, but I haven't found any evidence of what she did.

Assistant low voice reminds, "Ruan elder sister, arrived home, you hasten upstairs rest."

Ruan Tian was really tired after a day of advertising.

Home lying in bed began to make up for sleep, not a few days, she will enter the group again.

When I woke up, it was completely dark.

Ruan Tian got up and washed her face. She was stunned for a while. Then she turned out her new May 3 math paper and made a paper.

She bit her pen, and her cheeks were a little sour.

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After finishing the math paper, Ruan Tian's hair is fried.

She sighed, feeling that she might need a tutor.

Jiang Li's phone call came in at about this time. Her voice was extremely excited, "sweet boy! Do you read Weibo? "

Ruan Tian honestly replied, "No."

As long as she doesn't look, no one scolds her.

Jiang Li couldn't restrain his excitement. "You're the queen of the Hong Kong City Film Festival!"

The youngest finalist in history.

With her first female film, she was shortlisted as the queen of the film.

The whole film, also only shortlisted for this award.

The selection of Hong Kong City Film Festival is extremely harsh. In recent years, few commercial literary films have been shortlisted.

The shortlisted over the years are almost all actresses with deep qualifications.

Holding works and awards, you are qualified to speak in the circle.

Ruan Tian climbed onto the official website with shaking hands and looked at the shortlisted list carefully. She saw her Chinese and English name in the column of the shortlisted list of the best woman in the middle. Her hand holding the mouse was still very unpromising and shaking all the time.That hot two months of pay, those days because of too deep cry into the play, are not in vain.

She was in a trance for a moment. With her eyes closed, she could remember the days when she was acting as a double in dahengguo. She went higher and higher and worked hard to get to the position where she was not easily bullied.

Ruan Tian's short list has been predicted by film and television bloggers before.

It's a great performance. It's worth a nomination.

Sweet powder blow quickly, rainbow fart without money!

Their elder sister is really the best.

Li Dong, who once worked with Ruan Tian, also tweeted about her performance in the film.

There's nothing black.

Unexpectedly, the Qin family, Ruan Tian's old boss, made a great effort to make all the brands of his company change the shortlist and unify the copywriting: "congratulations to Ruan Tian, and look forward to Ruan Tian at the award ceremony."

Qin Yu is not good at chasing people.

People around him and other senior executives of the company have figured out his thoughts, and they are all good at it.

Future landlady, hold it first.

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