Just one shortlist is enough for fans to boast for months.

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Those female stars in the Xiaohua camp didn't even touch the door of the movie. Ruan Tian seems to have easily won the award nomination, which is a symbol of force and status.

But it all depends on luck. Ruan Tian seems to be born with a good life.

Good luck.

At the end of October, in the eyes of the public, Ruan Tian officially entered the new film crew.

The screenwriter and director think that they are really stepping on the dog's excrement, and they are lucky.

Originally, I wanted to find any graduate from the film academy to play the male master. Who knows that Shao Chengyue took over the male master after watching the script, and the pay for the film was not high.

Because of previous cooperation, Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue play together smoothly.

Ruan Tian, who has the reputation of "one pass", is easy to laugh this time.

Some of the passages and lines in comedy movies are really funny.

In contrast, Shao Chengyue, who has played a sketch before, is not so easy to laugh.

When Shao Chengyue saw her laughing, sometimes he couldn't help laughing with her.

The two play a pair of fake brothers and sisters in the movie, and often fight each other.

They also have special cameras for their interaction on the set, waiting for the film to be released as a gag. It's not harmful to stir up CP or anything.

But the producer asked the director to stop this idea as soon as possible, and looked at him like a fool, "do you still want to fry Ruan Tian's CP?"

The director was at a loss. "Can't she fire it?"!? I just stir fry it properly. That's what movies do now. "

"Do you know that the young master of the Qin family was so angry last time that he ended all the CP Chaohua? I'm not afraid of being jealous, and I won't let your movie go to the court at that time. "

Qin's cultural and entertainment industry is developed, and has the largest cinema brand in the country. It's better not to offend.

The director doesn't know what happened outside the window. He really doesn't know a damn thing.

"Did I sign a golden knot?"

Not long after the contract was signed, Ruan Tian's movie exploded, and then she won the award nomination. Now I know that she seems to have a great backstage.

There is always a feeling of making a lot of money.

The director, who is at the bottom of the entertainment circle, has been divested n times. He has no airs for being able to stretch or bend. He bought Ruan Tian milk tea with a playful smile. Instead of squeezing the camera before, he said, "teacher Ruan, I'll treat you to milk tea."

This is the first time for Ruan Tian to drink a drink at the director's treat.

She was flattered, squinted and laughed, "the director spent money."

The director waved his hand, "teacher Ruan said when he was tired, we are not in a hurry to shoot."


It started at 8 a.m. and finished at 8 p.m.

I wish I could shoot seven or eight scenes a day.

Ruan Tian warily held the milk tea cup, "do you have anything to ask me?"

"No, I just want to tell you that if you relax, you must say what's uncomfortable. If the crew can satisfy you, they will satisfy you." The director can still say beautiful things.

He didn't squat on the ground at all. He took a cup of milk tea and sucked two mouthfuls into the straw. He almost didn't get caught up in it. He said, "by the way, Mr. Ruan, investors will come to the scene in the afternoon. You should say hello to people then."

Ruan Tian than an OK gesture, "OK da."

When the work was about to finish at 4:00 or 5:00, the director's investment had just arrived at the scene. A group of people were dressed in suits and shoes. The man at the head was cool, and his eyes swept around the set. Then the staff of the crew raised a chair and asked him to sit down.

Qin Yu was not polite, so he sat down with his legs up. It was the other senior members of Qin's film industry who came to visit with him.

It was strange before that the young master of the general group had time to manage a film with low investment. When he saw who the female owner of the film was, his heart was clear. The young master's mind was clear, and they just thought it was an ordinary job.

The director's eyes lit up when he first saw the big boss of the management.

The president is a little good-looking.

White skin, delicate features, meticulous, showing noble.

For the parents, the director can always be bold enough to let people serve tea and water, and make people serve comfortably. Maybe he will make an additional investment of tens of millions when he is happy.

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Anyway, for them, money is no longer money!

The producer took the initiative to introduce, "this is president Qin."

When the director heard this surname, he thought it was a coincidence. He made a look at the producer and understood everything.

Oh, this is the jealous young master Qin.

Director of the spirit of the young man, a moment to understand what is going on, did not take the initiative to shake hands with him, rich people can be more problems, he said with a smile: "Qin hello."

Qin Yu nodded slightly and looked over his shoulder with interest at the girl behind him.

"Hello."The director listened to the tone of his speech. The master seems to be in a good mood today. His voice seems to be dragging his tail and raising a tone.

Qin Yu said lazily, "let me have a look at the script."

With such a small request, the director immediately satisfied him and handed him the complete script on his own chair.

When Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue were playing, Qin Yu stayed in the original position to read the script.

After the last scene before the end of work, Qin Yu almost finished watching the script. He put the script on the desk, put his fingers on it, and casually asked, "do you have a bed play?"

The director's mind is not only good, but also pornographic!

But in front of the actresses' lovers and the big money owners of their production group, we can't say that.

"Yes? Why don't I remember? Well, I have to see it again. " The director pretended to be a fool, called the screenwriter over, and performed in front of Qin Yu, "Lao Zhou, when did you write a bed play? Now we need to talk about building a new style of civilization, not so pornographic and pornographic. "

The writer and director have been friends for many years.

The young man called Lao Zhou was at a loss, "eh? Did I write it? Let me see. "

Qin Yu looked at the two of them with a smile, as if they were not angry. After they finished the play, they put down two simple words, "deleted."

The director also wants to rely on this bed play to play his pornographic skills. What's wrong with a beautiful and hazy bed play!? He was definitely reluctant to delete it.

He had the cheek to say: "Mr. Qin, we don't have to delete the fragments we want to delete."

Qin straightened up and his smile faded away. "No, it's best."

There played the board, the director with a big horn called: "today's end, we are hard."

Qin Yu's assistant waited for the director to call out before he came forward and said, "Mr. Qin has ordered a box in the hotel and invited you to dinner."

Director this person can rub rub rub, immediately answer to come down, "let Qin always spend money, then we are not polite."

Ruan Tian didn't want to go, but he was dragged into the car by the director. "Teacher Ruan, you told me you didn't want to go to a hotel with an average consumption of 3000 yuan!? Thank you

Ruan Tian was silent, and then said, "I'll give you three thousand, and you don't go, OK?"

For Qin Yu's ability of lingering soul.

Ruan Tian has long been familiar with strange things.

The director wanted to poke her head with his finger. "It's a big deal tonight. Do you believe me?"

Ruan Tian was suspicious, "what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get Mr. Qin drunk and trick him into investing more money."

Ruan Tian mercilessly pierced him, "you might as well dream."

It's impossible to dream.

Qin Yu's drinking capacity is excellent. Ruan Tian has never heard of him being put down.

"Don't believe it, you'll see."

Ruan Tian can't bear to attack the director.

The other little actors in the cast also came along. The director wanted to help them. It's a rare opportunity to build a network.

Shao Chengyue heard about the affair between Ruan Tian and Qin Yu. He didn't ask about it. He didn't know whether it was true or not. When Ruan Tian entered the box, he bowed his head to play with his mobile phone. At a glance, he was stingy and swept to Qin Yu, which made him count.

The typical man has love and the woman has no intention.

No. 3, who plays a female student in the movie, is enthusiastic and open-minded. She is good at coming. As soon as she enters the room, she sits down on Qin Yu's left side.

Ruan Tian didn't expect that she could be seduced by Qin Yu. She put down her mobile phone and looked at the two people in front of her.

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Female No. 3 has a pure face, big eyes and small mouth. She pretends to be timid. She is a delicate flower that can make people feel pity.

Ruan Tian thought that female number three might be disappointed.

Qin met this man, but no matter how beautiful you look or how pitiful you look, he would tear off your face and play on the ground.

Sure enough, in the timid initiative toasting of female number three, Qin Yu gently a Shen, sarcastic eyes, full of disdain.

He didn't even pay attention to it, and let the little girl hold the wine in the air.

A "none of my business" look.

No. 3's arms were sour, her wet eyes were full of tears, and she didn't dare to cry when she wanted to.

Ruan Tian feels that Qin Yu's courage and luck are commendable.

She thought Qin would be sneered at coldly, "who are you? Do you deserve it? " Or something.

After such a encounter, people who could no longer look at the table toasted Qin Yu.

The young master's status is noble. If you don't care about your face, you will.

Qin Yu didn't eat much and didn't make a sound during the dinner. He listened patiently to the director's boasting.

The director foreshadowed for a long time, and finally asked the question, "Mr. Qin, the box office of our film is running for three billion. We are sure to break the record and win the box office championship."

Qin Yu said casually, obviously not listening carefully.The director then said, "look at you, or more support?"

Qin Yu raised his eyes and said lazily, "yes."

This force, pretend is really clear, Ruan Tian want to give him a thumbs up, give him full marks.

Qin Yu only sipped a mouthful of red wine. He was not in good health and should not drink too much. He restrained himself. He chuckled, "is one hundred million enough?"

Director obscene smile, "also need not so much, again 50 million is almost."

Qin Yu nodded, as if he didn't care about this little money.

Ruan Tian really doesn't want to see Qin Yuzhuang's invisible force. She excuses to leave and go to the toilet.

After she went out, Qin Yu got up and pulled back her chair. "Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom, too."

A wise man can see the relationship between the two.

Female No. 3 scolds Ruan Tian fox in her heart.

Ruan Tian came out of the bathroom and raised her eyes head on, inevitably facing Qin Yu.

Qin Yu crushed the burning cigarette and threw it into the garbage can. Standing in front of her, he looked at her black eyes and said, "fifty million yuan has been washed away. Is it enough to buy you a smiling face?"

Ruan Tian was forced by his breath and couldn't escape. She had to raise her eyes, "did the money call me directly? Why should I give you a smile? "

Qin Yu gently pinched her chin and said in a low voice, "I don't want to make you cry any more."

This sentence, fell in Ruan Tian's ears, made her goose bumps.

There's something funny about the numbness.

He suddenly let go of hand, light hiss a, also don't adapt from the arrogant oneself mouth can say this kind of words.

Qin Yu said, "eat more."

Ruan Tian didn't respond. She sent a message to the director and left directly.

When Qin Yu didn't see her in the box, he immediately understood what was going on.

Ruan Tian really didn't like to see him. He said he would go.

Other people at the table are more or less aware that Mr. Qin's face changes when he comes back from the bathroom, and he is not happy.

After a few minutes, Qin Yu didn't want to stay any longer. "I'll go first. I've already bought it. Please feel free."

Send this ancestor away.

Others are more comfortable eating.

The director was frank and said, "Xiao Liu, don't worry about holding your thighs all day. Qin and Ruan are a couple. You saw them just now. They are inseparable. They have a good relationship."

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Female No.3 said that she was good, you know what a fart!!!

Ruan Tian and Qin Yu didn't even have a relationship with each other!

It's a fart.

It's all fake.

Not far away, Ruan Tian walked back to the hotel where they stayed. On the way, she did good deeds and covered the well cover which she didn't know how to roll on the path.

She was so strong that she put the well cover up with both hands and rolled it back to its original position with a little effort.

As soon as I finished my work, I was caught by the reporter.

Thanks to her habit of wearing a mask when she went out, she was not recognized.

"Hello, miss. We are reporters from the city channel. We just saw you and got the well cover back. I'm curious. Why do you do such a thing?"

First of all, it's a dumb question.

Ruan Tian scratched her head. "I see it."

Is it hard to understand?

The reporter said: "there are not many enthusiastic passers-by like you now. On behalf of the general public, I thank you. May I have your name, please?"

"My name is Ruan."

"Well, Miss Ruan, when you were just doing this hot work, aren't you afraid of being hit by the manhole cover?"

"No, I'm strong."

Ruan Tian felt that the reporter seemed to have a lot to ask. She interrupted her and said, "that Did you say hello? I'm hungry. I'm going back to dinner. "

The reporter laughed and said, "I'm really sorry to delay you a lot of time. Goodbye."

"Remember to watch the people's livelihood column of our city Channel tomorrow night."

Ruan Tian wrote it down silently, then went to the stall to pack an egg fried flour and brought it back to the room to pad her stomach.

Every time she had a meal with Qin Yu, she couldn't eat enough.

The dishes on the table are as flashy as Qin Yu!

City channel is a channel that local people in Beijing watch a lot. At 5 p.m., Mingsheng voice starts on time.

Ruan Tian never thought that she would be on the news of people's livelihood one day.

And her face with a mask was marked with a few big words: Miss Ruan, a warm-hearted citizen.

On the way back to the TV station, the reporter and the camera happened to meet Ruan Tian rolling the well cover.

At first, I thought she was stealing the manhole cover. I got off the car to stop her. Then I found out that the little girl wanted to do something good.

The reporter immediately put the camera on the machine and went to interview with the microphone, which was just used as the material for the next day's program.The voice of the female anchor on the TV came out: "our society needs more warm-hearted people like Miss Ruan. One of her small moves reflects the full positive energy, which is worth learning from by the general public."

Fortunately for Ruan Tian, she wore a mask and was not recognized. It's really good.

She couldn't bear to look directly at the TV station and broadcast the ferocious appearance of her holding up the manhole cover over and over again. It was so ugly.

Fans don't watch people's livelihood news.

Qin an accompanied his mother to see when he was bored. He recognized Ruan Tian with his eyes.

"Mom, is this Ruan Tian?"

Qin's mother couldn't see clearly, "did she?"

Qin An said firmly, "that's her! Absolutely

Qin An likes to find something for himself when he has nothing to do. He takes pictures and videos immediately. He likes to tweet when he has nothing to do: [@ Ruan Tian, hahaha, is that you? Our positive energy citizen, Miss Ruan. 】

no one found out. Qin An knew all about it as soon as he sent it out.

The video is widely spread.

No one thought Ruan Tian was ugly, but she was quite lovely.

"Ruan Tian is so cute. She looks like a little hamster when she covers the well."

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"True passer-by, this time I really got to her."

"Is she always like this? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

If it's not against the law to kill.

Qin An has long been killed by Ruan Tian for millions of times.

Ruan Tian saw Qin Anfa's Micro blog, and without saying a word, she took him off.

Netizens are happy to see the drama of their killing each other.

"@ Qin An, don't laugh. Your sister-in-law is gone."

"@ Qin An, where? You're taken away. "

"@ Qin An, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

After the clearance, Ruan Tian was fresh and fresh.


at the top of the office building of Qin's general group, the atmosphere is dignified. Everyone only concentrates on their work, walks lightly, and tries to keep their voice to the minimum.

There is no other reason. The president is in a bad mood. They are the only ones who have bad luck.

The new secretary was scolded and cried three times a day, and the president didn't yell or swear.

With that kind of ordinary words can pierce their self-esteem, invisible ridicule is the most fatal.

The little secretary came out of the tearful office again, "woo, it's terrible. Who will help me?"

"Wipe your tears, work first," he said

Xiaomishu asked: "is Qin always lovelorn? It's fierce. "

The general assistant probably knows that the young master is in a bad mood. He is just losing his temper.

With a heavy heart, he pushed the door and went in, "Mr. Qin, the Shen family is investigating the matter two years ago recently."

President Qin's face was cold at first, and then a twisted smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The end of his pen knocked on the desk, "let him check it."

By the way, see if Zhou Xiaoqiao is the perfect wife in his heart.

Qin Yu didn't want to use cruel means on Zhou Xiaoqiao when he needed to. He grew up together when he was a child. However, three years ago, Zhou Xiaoqiao completely angered him.

This hypocritical good sister, what she did is very insidious.

In recent years, he has threatened Zhou Xiaoqiao several times to warn her not to act foolishly.

Zhou Xiaoqiao seems to be doing very well.

Now it's time for her to suffer.

Qin Yu still remembers that he rushed to the banquet that night, and finally found the old man who was almost kicked to death. He asked something from him.

After learning that Ruan Tian left, she didn't feel relaxed.

He arrived at the hotel late.

Qin Yu checked the monitoring and saw Ruan Tian and Shen Hui enter the room one after another. He stood numbly outside the room for a long time. The sound insulation was so good that he couldn't hear anything.

His eyes were red and his fists were tight.

Violent murderous gas collides in the body.

Every time, he was a step late.

Qin Yu has been working step by step for so many years. He has been crazy and bad. He has been hysterical by any means. He is obsessed with his thoughts and can't love him. He has seen Ruan Tian's tears. After hearing her cry.

Is really reluctant to see her tears.

Qin Yu is looking forward to Shen Hui's reaction when he finds out Zhou Xiaoqiao's true face. His kind sister is a poisonous beauty snake.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu's gloomy mood was a little better.

He officially registered the microblog public number, red V user Qin Yu, no profile, no fans.

Qin Yu Click to pay attention to Ruan Tian, and set it as special attention, then he got off the line.

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