Qin Yu's microblog account, without fans, is unimportant.

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Qin An is like a dog with a long nose. After his brother opened a microblog, he quickly touched it and paid attention to it.

Qin Yu's microblog page is clean and clean. He hasn't posted a single microblog.

Qin An sent a wechat to his brother with a cheap swish, [brother, remember to close me back. 】

Qin Yu didn't even bother to reply to him.

It's even more impossible to go back.

As soon as Qin An's fans saw his brother's attention list, there was one more person, and they followed the net line to click on the home page to have a look.

Oh, it's amazing.

Qin, a low-key young master without a dragon's tail, even launched an official microblog, which looks like a cold-blooded dashai.

Ruan Tian was the only one on the list, and even his brother didn't return.

It's true love. 】

[I really want to kill this kind of ruthless and overbearing president who only loves you and others. 】

[I just want to ask, when will they get married? 】

[my former alumni rushed to reveal that in high school, Qin Yu and Ruan Tian were known to be mutually exclusive. Today you laugh at me, tomorrow I will revenge on your enemy relationship, and the brains of the two of them are blistering. 】

Ruan Tian's high school is a well-known noble high school with a large number of classmates and younger siblings.

They also surf the Internet to kill time when they have nothing to do. Qin meets some of them who are handsome and have a good family background, so they naturally attract people's attention.

Ruan Tian did what they didn't dare to do at that time. She pursued the flower of kaolin crazily and returned in defeat.

Qin Yu has a bad relationship with her. It's no secret at school.

Alumni eat melon to eat to know their own people, abnormal excitement, "I also remember, they are very famous elder sister, bad relationship is true, Ruan Tian separated a few meters, see Qin Yudu will turn away."

"I was shocked when I saw their affair a long time ago. In my memory, it's impossible for them to be a couple."

"I'm not so surprised. As one of Ruan Tian's unknown classmates in high school, physical education class was too hot. When I sneaked back to the classroom with my PE teacher, I saw Qin Yu sitting on Ruan Tian's seat. I didn't know what she had put in her drawer or taken away from her. At that time, I was so scared that I thought I was sleepwalking."

The alumni's disclosure made CPF feel like it was knocked.

Sweet powder protect cubs, left and right, up and down, all think Qin Yu is not a good thing.

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Through the description of alumni, I feel that he is not a good thing.

"Take me away, sweet."

"Qin Yu's unilateral concern has nothing to do with our sweet. Get out of here!"

"I can't stand up to general manager Qin. I will always remember the Revenge of xuecang."

Qin Yu's account has become a lot of fans in this group of people's clamour. Some alumni released their graduation photos taken when they graduated from high school. They are white, tall and thin. They are really handsome boys at the level of school grass. More and more people follow suit.

Insiders don't see much of the quarrel between the fans and the gangsters. When the bosses of several small entertainment companies see Qin Yu's attitude, they know what to do in the future.

Zhao meng'er's boss was afraid that the little master would make a fool of him again. He got up early in the morning and rushed to the company. With a straight face, he warned her: "I've told you many times. Don't think about dealing with Ruan Tian any more. Aren't you good sisters?"

Zhao Menger feels aggrieved, "I haven't been a demon recently!"

The black water army didn't invite any more. It's very honest.

The boss's face looks better.

Zhao meng'er carefully asked: "is Ruan Tian so powerful backstage? Why didn't you see it before? "

With backstage, the first serious role is to be a female four for her.

The boss poked her in the head. "Can I hurt you? You wait and see. "

The little boss can't get along with a person of Qin Yu's status. It's hard to meet him on weekdays. However, the circle of businessmen is so big. The little boss has heard of the current leader of the Qin family and has a bad temper.

It's a low-key way of doing things. It's not kind at all.

Zhao meng'er bit his lower lip, "then I'll try to be good friends with Ruan Tian."

"Come on, I'm afraid you'll make a fool of yourself. Don't hurt her on purpose."

Zhao Menger some unconvinced, "recently black her person is not me."

"The first lady of the family, right? I think the family is too happy

The Qin family has a firm foothold in the capital for more than a hundred years, which is not comparable to the rising star of the time family.

Zhao meng'er looks at the boss's face and pats his chest. He is glad that he has been on his own recently.


it's not difficult to find out what happened in those years. Shen Hui didn't check it before because he decided that Ruan Tian would marry him by all means.

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When he finds someone to find out the truth, it's not hidden.

Shen Hui found the originator with little effort.Shen Hui found a fine Saturday and drove to Zhou's house.

He hasn't set foot in this courtyard for a long time, but the path he has walked thousands of times is still very familiar.

When Zhou's housekeeper saw him, he was surprised. "Mr. Shen, how can you come here today?"

Shen Hui answered without salt.

The housekeeper opened the door with a smile and asked him to come in. "Miss and madam are at home today."

Recently, the company's business situation is not very good. Zhou's mother has been tired for several months. Today, she finally got a rest.

Zhou Xiaoqiao and her mother sat on the balcony in the sun. She also found a book to read to her mother.

Because of the company's troubles, Zhou's mother didn't want to hear it very much. She rubbed her eyebrows and said, "don't read it. I feel headache."

Zhou Xiaoqiao red eyes, "Mom, I just want you to relax."

Zhou's mother realized that maybe her voice was not very good, which scared her, but she really didn't want to coax her daughter and didn't say anything.

Shen amnesty into the living room, Zhou Xiaoqiao heard the movement behind him, turned, saw him, full of surprise.

She quickly put down the book and trotted to Shen Hui. Her long hair was blowing a breeze. She was smiling. "Brother Shen Hui, are you coming to see me?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao didn't realize that Shen Xun's face was not right today. His face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

"Little Joe."

"Why What's the matter? "

Shen Hui chuckled, "I suddenly know something interesting recently."

Zhou Xiaoqiao had a bad feeling in his heart, "what's the matter?"

"Don't you know? Now it seems that Ruan Tian and I got married in those years, but it still depends on you. "

Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was very white, his fingers trembled slightly, and he forced himself not to lose his square inch, "what are you talking about?"

Shen Hui looks at her very disappointed. He has been doting on her since she was five or six years old.

I went to and from school with her for fear that she would be bullied by other classmates.

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Knowing that she is not in good health, she will do anything to accommodate her.

In Shen Hui's eyes, Zhou Xiaoqiao is a sensitive but not bad girl. The drug application has gone beyond his imagination. After learning that Zhou Xiaoqiao has arranged an old man for Ruan Tian, he is not only shocked, but also disgusted.

Shen Hui's cold eyes gazed at her face, rarely called her full name, "Zhou Xiaoqiao."

"Why didn't I see that you could be cruel before? If it wasn't for me that night, do you know what would happen to Ruan Tian? "

Being abused.

Zhou Xiaoqiao really can do it.

She seems to be struggling to explain. Shen Hui just said, "I'm really disgusted by you."

Zhou Xiaoqiao's tears continued to overflow. She was so flustered that she grabbed his arm like a straw. "No, brother Shen, please listen to me."

Shen Hui coldly pushed away her hand, "you say."

Zhou Xiaoqiao couldn't explain anything at all. She faltered for a long time and couldn't speak.

Shen Hui sneered twice, "have you ever thought that it would come to me?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao cried and said: "I'm just jealous of her. Why can she have a healthy body?"?! I know you didn't say it clearly, but you didn't hate her so much at that time. "

If she doesn't do something, Ruan Tian will take away everything she has.

Shen Hui's eyes were light in color, and his mood fluctuated little. He didn't feel much when he saw her crying. He said, "don't cry, your tears have been useless to me for a long time."

"Tell your mother that the cooperation is over."

Zhou Xiaoqiao is really flustered this time, staggering to follow up, crying pear with rain, "brother Shen, forgive me this time, don't you like me?"

Shen Xun stopped walking and turned around. His voice was the same as usual. "Xiao Qiao, I don't want to make it ugly. It's your face that way."

Zhou Xiaoqiao's face was so white that he was about to faint.

Zhou's mother came from the balcony in a shawl. "What's the matter? Did you fight? "

Zhou's mother specially left room for the two to talk.

In this way, they don't talk very well.

Zhou Xiaoqiao wiped his tears and said to her with red and swollen eyes, "Mom, brother Shen doesn't want me."

She cried, sniffed and said, "he also said When it comes to company cooperation, I'll stop first. "

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Zhou's mother only heard the second half of the sentence, almost did not slow down, Zhou's going from bad to worse, in urgent need of financing.

What I was talking about was almost the same. How could it suddenly turn yellow?!

Zhou's mother stared into Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes. "What have you done to make him unhappy? Do you know how important this cooperation is? "

Zhou Xiaoqiao shook his head, "I really didn't do anything."

"Then why did he come here to ask for a crime?"Zhou Xiaoqiao pursed his mouth and stopped talking.

Zhou Mu Qi's brain AChE, waved his hand, "you go upstairs to have a rest first."

Zhou Xiaoqiao vaguely feels that she has caused a big disaster this time. Shen Hui doesn't seem to forgive her.


because Qin Yu visited the crew from time to time, Ruan Tian was forced to move her chair from the director to a corner on the set.

She would rather face the wall than the face.

through Qin Yu, she probably knows that the industry of president is probably very idle, otherwise it can not watch this movie with low investment every day.

The director wanted to pick the day when Qin Yu was away and shoot the bed play between Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue.

After the scene is arranged and the atmosphere is rendered.

Who knows that Qin Yu, the young master who can't stir up trouble, suddenly arrives? Sitting on the director's chair with legs, he glanced at the script and chuckled.

The director wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin is so early today."

Qin meets Yin and yang to smile indefinitely, "isn't this afraid to come late, miss the wonderful play?"

Damn, how can you be so sharp!

The director is not shooting, not shooting is not, a headache.

Everyone stopped their work and looked at him.

Director cold sweat again and again, your mother he is very difficult!

Qin Yu looked at Ruan Tian wrapped in a bathrobe, wearing a small bra sling and delicate clavicle. He laughed, "isn't it a bed play? Let's do it. "

Ruan Tian is not easy to provoke either. He unties the belt of his bathrobe and gives Shao Chengyue a look in his eyes. "Hurry up!"!!! I can't wait! "

Qin Yu's face was green with anger.

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