Ruan Tian and Qin Yu always talk with guns and sticks, and they are never polite.

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In the hotel hall, the little sister and brother at the front desk looked at them and whispered. They should have recognized Ruan Tian and Qin Yu.

"Is that Ruan Tian's rumored boyfriend? How handsome. "

"I think Ruan Tian's ex husband is more handsome."

"What's the winner in life? It's a handsome harvester. Qin Yu is more beautiful than a star."

"Keep it down, they're coming."

Ruan Tian put her room card on the front desk before going out this morning. She went over and said in a low voice, "Hello, I'll take the room card, 5075."

The front desk quickly shut down, red face to help her find the room card out to her hand.

Qin Yu stood behind her in a low voice, "5076."

The front desk looks at the man's delicate face and breathes a sigh. The pretty face that has not been enlarged almost makes Shuai dizzy. She is a little strange. Why shouldn't lovers sleep in the same room?

The front desk pressed down the question in his heart and handed the room card to him.

After they went to the elevator without saying anything, the front desk said to another little brother, "did they fight?"

The little brother touched his chin and thought for a moment, "I feel more like I'm not together."

The front desk didn't believe it. As a senior Internet surfer, she said: "I must be in love. Alas, I thought president Qin was going to be a favorite wife, but it seems that they are going to break up now."

After her brain repair, she began to sigh, "I feel Ruan Tian has been dumped."

Although the gossip reporter failed to take a picture of Ruan Tian and Qin Yu outside the film set, he took a picture of them cuddling closely outside the hotel.

Ruan Tian spent more than ten hours with her boyfriend in the hotel, and the intimate photos were exposed. 】

those who didn't click in thought they were photographed when they went to bed!

In fact, it's just a picture of Qin being helped and Ruan Tian blocking her face.

In this photo, only Qin Yu's face is exposed. His face is cold in the dark. His sight to the camera is like a cold arrow. The whole person looks pure and cold.

The girl in her arms was blocked by him. She could only recognize people by her clothes.

"It's sweet."

"Well, it's better than her ex husband at best. Who knows whether these rich people are serious or just playing."

"I only saw one handsome character in the whole story, and I don't know anything else."

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"Although the photos have a sense of story, it's hard to knock it out!"

"Won't Ruan Tian go back to Guan Qin? It's too fake. "

Qin Yu's room is just across from Ruan Tian's. Qin Yu is like the eldest brother of the group. Almost every day, he goes to the production group to watch, does nothing, and sits lazily in the position of director.

The director's heart is damned. I don't know when I can send this ancestor away.

After shooting for half a month, the atmosphere of the crew was not as active as before.

The director originally intended to wait for Qin Yu's absence, but he quickly filmed the previous abortive bed drama. Seeing that Qin Yu didn't seem to want to leave, he stopped thinking.

Who knows the twists and turns of the road, Qin Yu didn't come in those days. The director inquired carefully before he knew that someone had gone to the hospital for examination.

The director was more daring than the average person. After confirming that Qin Yu was still in the hospital, he asked people to rearrange the scene of the bed play and clear the scene again.

The screenwriter asked him, "do you really want to shoot?"

Director eyebrows a horizontal, "shoot ah, why not shoot?"

"OK, let's shoot it!"

Ruan Tian has no opinion, and Shao Chengyue has no opinion.

The director changed the script of bed play on the spot, and the scale became bigger.

Ruan Tianguang's face turns red when he looks at the adjectives in the script. Rao, a well-informed senior actor like Shao Chengyue, also turns red.

Shao Chengyue kept a cool and calm mood on his face. In turn, he comforted Ruan Tian, who was not very comfortable. "Don't worry, I know the propriety."

I don't mean to take advantage of her.

Before the shooting, the director had to cultivate their emotions.

"Ruan Tian must let go and immerse himself! be intoxicated! Great! Do you understand? "

What a dangerous speech it is.

The temperature on Ruan Tian's face seemed to be burning again. She coughed twice, "I know."

The director went on to say to Shao Chengyue, "Mr. Shao should be bold too. If you want to do something, you can do it. No one takes it seriously."


I've explained everything that needs to be explained.

The director called to begin.

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Ruan Tian's wrist was tightly clasped against the top of her head.

Her lips seem to have been bitten lightly, and her other hand is on her waist. Her light fingers spread slowly along the waist line to the upper part of her back, clasping her back neck.The girl tilted her neck slightly, with beautiful radian.

The director looked at the picture on the screen, swallowed his throat, drank water, he took the big horn and called, "Mr. Shao, you don't have to be too nervous."

"Teacher Ruan Tian, put your hand on his waist and get closer."

Not the first time.

Although very beautiful, but how to look at all feel stiff.

Ruan Tian's face was burning. She put on her long coat and was very uncomfortable with Shao Chengyue.

No shame.

Shao Chengyue is also not easy, embarrassed, do not know what to say to ease the atmosphere, after a while, he is very considerate to Ruan Tian said: "if you don't want to shoot, we will talk to the director."

"I don't want to do it. I really don't have it."

Thanks to the second shooting, there was a lot of tacit understanding between them.

The scenes of rubbing and touching were all taken.

After this time, the director was willing to let them both go.

Ruan Tian looked at the picture they just shot, she had to admire the camera, in addition to cattle force nothing else to say, shot with the real like!!!

Shao Chengyue Su's group, a hand is enough to hold her ankle, kisses are just right, touching.

The director is also very satisfied, "you two have a great sense of CP."

The shooting was more smooth than he imagined. He thought it would take another afternoon. Who knew that the two people had such a good understanding.

Ruan Tianjiao Didi, Shao Chengyue gentle and overbearing.

Perfect match!

Ruan Tian said: "this is a picture of Can it be broadcast? "

The director replied, "I didn't shoot too much! I just want you to kiss me?! Don't worry, it will be broadcast as it is. "

The director made up his mind not to let Qin Yu know about it before the release, unless he really didn't want to live.

The whole crew kept a secret and never mentioned today.

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The director underestimated Qin Yu's ability.

On the day he came out of the hospital, Qin Yu appeared in the cast again.

The director is cheeky enough to pretend that he didn't do anything wrong. He said a lie with a smiling face, "Mr. Qin, the people in the group miss you very much these days when you didn't come."

Qin Yu sneered and ignored him.

He sat down lazily, tapping his fingers on the table, slowly opening his voice, "take a look at the scene taken a few days ago."

The whole crew was quiet.

The director really convinced Qin Yu.

Is there anything else he doesn't know!!!

Qin Yu looked at Ruan Tian with a smile but not a smile, and said, "I've taken all the pictures. Take them out and see what's wrong?"

The tone was quite impatient, on the verge of anger.

Ruan Tian is really not afraid of Qin's nerves now. She said, "director, just take it."

It's for the public to appreciate.

The director really turned it out and played it again for Qin Yu. It was a ten minute clip without editing.

Qin Yu's face was expressionless, his cold eyes staring at the screen, motionless. After watching, the sound of the needle falling could be heard all around.

Qin Yu, who didn't know what he meant, laughed and almost bit his teeth and said four words: "it's a good shot."

Ruan Tian replied, "I think it's a good shot, too."

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in the air.

It was as if the two were going to fight in the next second.

The director thought he was too difficult.

Inside, outside, up and down are not people.

It's like I'm in the middle of the Torah.

However, after Qin Yu didn't force him to delete this paragraph, the director's inner tension relaxed.

Although the investors are all big men, it's better not to interfere in his vulgar hobbies.

I don't know what's going on. The source of the film was leaked. Two minutes of it was Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue's bed drama.

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"My keyboard is ready to move. I'm going to write for both of them."

"Xianyuan at that time, I didn't see their feelings. I actually felt the full tension in the two minute gags."

"They don't pretend to be real. They fall in love with each other!"

"Shao Chengyue is really a rare good friend in Ruan Tian's entertainment circle. Every time he helps Ruan Tian forward and promote new plays and new variety shows, he also takes the initiative to help her talk."

"Oh, my God, what kind of fairy is this

"I've started writing."

The film has not yet begun to publicize, but the CP of Ruan Tian and Shao Chengyue is a big step ahead, and the fans go around to pick up the intersection between them.

Find out the sidelights of Xianyuan opera group and find that their relationship is really good.

Shao Chengyue said little, but in front of Ruan Tian, he didn't seem so silent. This kind of large-scale double standard scene had better not be knocked.

Qin Yuben was upset. After the scene leaked, the Secretary felt that the boss was gloomy.For his career, the Secretary advised him, "you'd better not read those comments on the Internet. Now little girls don't know what they are thinking."

Qin Yu looks down at his mobile phone. He has no intention to click the super words shaotian polysaccharide couple.

Top refined post: [quietly guard shaotian polysaccharide, looking forward to their wedding day. 】

the screen is full of fans' extracts about their interaction and various details.

Qin met the straight sneer of reading, and after he stepped out, he looked at the Secretary and said, "you should get off work first."

After the secretary left, Qin Yu knocked on the door of the opposite room.

Ruan Tian was just about to go to dinner with the director. She changed her clothes and painted a light make-up. As soon as she opened the door, she ran into Qin Yu. She lost her face and asked, "Mr. Qin, have you changed your profession to be a door god?"

Qin Yu blocked the door, "where to?"

Ruan Tian looked at him with her neck up. "It's none of your business to go out and have a good time."

Qin Yu clasped her wrist, "that's not possible. I have something else to trouble you."

Ruan Tian's eyes were as big as the rabbit's, and she was alert. "Since it's a trouble, don't tell me."

Qin Yu closed the door of the room and took off his tie. "Since Mr. Ruan likes making bed plays so much, I'll teach you how to do it today."

Pause for a moment, he chuckled, "after all, you really did not shoot that much."

Ruan Tian only heard one word sour from his two strange words.

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