Qin Yu took off her suit coat in front of her and threw her tie on the sofa as if she wanted to be real.

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Ruan Tian stepped back a few steps, the man approached step by step, gently pushed her to the sofa.

Belongs to him that strong breath overwhelming hit, the man's delicate white face magnified in front of her eyes, he clasped her waist with one hand, dumb voice asked: "teacher Ruan, is that so?"

Ruan Tian was shocked by the strength on his wrist. How could he be so strong when he was about to run to the hospital in three days?

Qin Yu almost repeated it with her. He put his finger on her waist line, and the cool breath fell on her ears. The other hand was free to catch her leg, and they were close to each other.

Ruan Tian took her leg and pushed him hard. She pushed him down and said, "go away."

Qin Yu was not annoyed when he was kicked, and the anger in his heart dropped a lot.

Ruan Tian was not polite at all. She opened the door of the room. "Qin Yu, get out of here."

Qin Yu didn't have such a good way to get rid of him. He sneered and said, "what are you angry about? Shao Chengyue can, but I can't? "

Ruan Tian's eyes swept over him, and he said, "that's true. You can't do it."

After a few seconds of silence, she said, "you can't go anywhere."

A man who is sick and wilting doesn't have to think about it. He can't do it.

Qin Yu didn't know whether she was deliberately running on him. He sneered and said, "have you tried?"

Ruan Tian really didn't mean to humiliate him with a yellow accent. Her ears were red because of his words, and she pretended to be calm on her face. She said, "you are really shameless."

Qin Yu could say anything in front of Ruan Tian, "or would you like to have a try?"

Ruan Tian really can't bear it any more, "you get out of here."

She pushed Qin yugei out of the door, and the waitress who pushed the dining car by looked at them.

Qin Yu's clothes are not neat and his shirt cuffs are crumpled.

He leaned lazily against the doorframe and let the waiter stare at them.

"Sorry to disturb you."

The waiter felt that he had smashed the scene after the accident, and his face was red with shame.

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Ruan Tian


thanks to Qin Yu, the shooting process of the film has exceeded expectations, and it will be finished in less than two weeks.

No matter how Ruan Tian explains it, everyone in the crew acquiesces that the ancestor who comes to the scene almost every day is her boyfriend.

The director is counting the day of killing the youth with his fingers. He is fed up with Qin Yu, a young master with uncertain Yin and Yang.

On the day of the shooting, if it wasn't for the city not to let off fireworks, the director would have bought a pile to let off.

Qin Yu didn't come, but Ruan Tian received the flowers he asked the florist to send.

A rose with thorns.

Ruan Tian left it on the table, just like the copper coin grass Qin Yu gave her on her birthday a long time ago. She didn't know which corner she had thrown into, and she was in a dejected state.

Shao Chengyue took the initiative to take over her shoulder. They held the bouquet to face the camera. They leaned together and compared with each other with a smile. They took several photos with Polaroid.

The fans were very happy when the photos were released.

Shao Chengyue's fans and sweet powder get along very well, and they turn a blind eye to CPF.

You don't need sugar.

"After watching the stills, I suddenly felt that this film should not be as bad as I thought."

"Ruan Tian still looks good with a smile, sweet."

"I can understand why so many men around her, with such a face, it's really hard for a man not to like it."

"I haven't seen my sister's picture for nearly a month. Thank the crew for letting us satisfy our hunger!"

After the cooperation, the director has improved Shao Chengyue and Ruan Tian. Ruan Tian doesn't have so many things in the rumor. He is a good low-key actor. Shao Chengyue is not too cold. He always supports the dinner party. He gets along well with the crew. He doesn't have any airs and doesn't have a big temper.

The director stood between them, put his arms around their shoulders and said with a smile, "come on, take another picture."

After taking the group photo, the director was reluctant to give up the two of them. He was used to snobbishness in the entertainment industry, and there were few opportunities to meet such good tempered actors.

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The director shed a few tears that didn't exist. He patted Ruan Tian's arm and said, "Mr. Ruan, I really can't bear you."

Ruan Tian comforted him and said, "director, I'm not willing to give up." After the pause, she said, "after all, I'm going to raise the price again soon. You can't use me if you can't point out in the future."

Director: --

At the last green killing banquet of the crew, everyone drank a lot of wine. Even Ruan Tian, who was not good at drinking, drank two cups under the coaxing of others. His face was as pink as pink and his ears were red.

As soon as the director drank too much wine and spoke freely, he grabbed Ruan Tian and burst into tears. "Those people on the Internet all said that this is a street movie! I haven't seen them. How can they know so much! Black powder scolds me for trash, fuck! I really want to be an Internet gusher and scold them to death! "Ruan Tian was once scolded by netizens, hoping that she would die right away.

So the director can also empathize, she belched a wine, sighed: "a pull cable, netizens to his mother."

I don't know if the director has listened to her after drinking too much.

Ten o'clock in the evening, Ruan Tian just out of the hotel gate, facing the cold wind has not been on the nanny car, was politely invited to another car on the roadside.

Seldom has Shen Hui been so tough. He is used to be a hypocrite.

There are not many ex husbands and ex wives involved in their work.

Ruan Tian opened the window to blow a cold wind for a while. After the temperature on her face dropped, she looked out of the window and asked, "Shen Hui, do you have anything to look for me this time?"

Shen Hui didn't say a word for a while. His slender fingers were on his legs. There was no extra expression on his white and delicate face.

Ruan Tian turned her head and looked at his side face. The man looked at her eyes almost at the same time.

Shen Hui remembered that that night, Ruan Tian's eyes were full of tears. With a faint sob, he grabbed his clothes and rubbed them.

That night, he was very angry. He was a little tired of Ruan Tian's appearance of losing control at that time, but he couldn't help approaching her.

It turned out that it was not Ruan Tian who set up the Bureau. No wonder she cried so helplessly at that time.

Shen Hui's throat was a little hoarse. He asked, "do you know who took the medicine that year?"

Ruan Tian took back her sight, lowered her eyes and said, "I know."

She kicked her toes and said, "I explained that you would not believe it. If I were Zhou Xiaoqiao, you would only think that I was maliciously setting her up."

Shen Hui choked on her and said nothing.

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Before that, he did.

Shen Hui's eyes were fixed on her soft white cheek. At the age of 17, she was the same as she is now.

The obstinacy is still there.

He should have realized that he was not qualified to come to Ruan Tian.

This is that he has been abandoning Ruan Tian like shoes. Now he shouldn't be so obsessed with Ruan Tian. He thinks that she will come back.

She doesn't love him anymore.

Ruan Tian told him about it several times, but Shen Hui didn't believe it.

Shen Hui didn't expect that he could accept it calmly. It seemed that nothing had happened.

He endured the chest pain, said: "I have no eyes, blame you."

Ruan Tian didn't know what to say, so she just shut up.

Her residual light inevitably sweeps the ring on the man's finger, which is their wedding ring.

Ruan Tian thought about it and said, "there's no need to wear this ring."

Shen Hui's face was ugly, but he didn't intend to take it off.

The car is stable.

When he came to the front of the community, Ruan Tian suddenly said, "Shen Hui."

"All the misunderstandings between us have been solved."

"I put it down, and I hope you put it down."

Shen Hui's pale phalanx curled up and clenched into a fist. He was pained by Ruan Tian's understatement.

He's like a sick lunatic holding on to the past.

His pretentious face was ugly enough for him.

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But Shen can't help it.

The memory in his mind is out of his control. He can't sleep all night. Sometimes he even thinks it would be better if Ruan Tian never came back.

Every time he went to pick up Zhou Xiaoqiao, there would never be a timid girl looking at his face by the stairs in that villa. No one would follow him closely.

After getting out of the car, Ruan Tian felt that she was the biggest silly Baitian in this book! She's so kind.

You can also say nice words to your ex husband in a friendly and sincere way.

Shen Hui was silent for a few seconds. He got out of the car with a cold face. He walked towards her with his long legs and grabbed her arm to hold her in his arms.

Ruan Tian blinked blankly. She couldn't make it.

She looked at the distant sky, mood ups and downs is not high, very calm said: "Shen amnesty, I have a dream to dream of you a good hold me."

"Well, to tell you the truth, I was very happy with that one night stand. I was really happy when I got married. I even thought about the names of our children. I fantasize about the wonderful life of my family after marriage. I have a delusion of your smile on me and that you can give me a hug. "

The tone of her voice did not change. It was as if she was just saying something unimportant, "but it's really unnecessary now."

Hugs come too late.

Shen Hui's nose was sour, and her hands around her waist could not help shaking.

Shen Hui slowly released her, restrained and polite, difficult to spit out two words from his throat, "sorry."

Ruan Tian doesn't care much about Shen Hui's sudden embrace. She is even more afraid of being photographed scribbling by reporters.After all, she is so popular.

No way.

There are many right and wrong people.

The top flow world is so wonderful,

Qin Yu waited at Ruan Tian's door for a long time, the temperature in the corridor was low, his face was slightly red, not normal.

Ruan Tian came out of the elevator and saw him.

Qin Yu coughed twice, then raised his head. His lips turned white, as if he was ill again. His dark eyes were staring at her. He asked, "do you still like roses?"

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