Jiang Qin’s pale complexion suddenly became very ugly. She remembered when that person saw Jiang FangFang’s birth date and said that among the people who could have their luck stolen away, her luck was among the best. At that time, she had felt a bit jealous.

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Why is it that even though they had the same father, her luck was so poor, but Jiang FangFang’s was considered pretty good?

“What did you mean by “Luck” just now? Whose “Luck” did you steal away? Was it taken back by that person?” Jiang FangFang sat down on a chair and scrutinized her.

She thought about how, yesterday, after sending the three children to kindergarten and having returned home, she noticed that she had lost her wallet. Which caused her to need to get a new bank card. Today morning however, at the entrance to the kindergarten, when she was about to leave, someone stopped her and said that they had found her wallet. When she opened her wallet to take a look, she found that everything was still there. Not even the cash was missing.

Jiang FangFang looked at Jiang Qin’s guilty expression and asked: “Did you take away my luck?”

Her expression did not appear as though she was joking. Jiang Qin thought that she had been discovered and panic flashed across her face. Her hand couldn’t help but grab at the blanket that was covering her body. With these actions, Jiang FangFang immediately understood.

She was just casually probing her, but it turned out that she was right! In this world, there was actually such a mystical thing. Somehow it is actually possible to steal someone’s luck?

In order to confirm her thoughts, Jiang FangFang coldly laughed. “Presumably when you decided to steal my luck, you didn’t bother investigating the people around me. You deserved it.”

“You! What kind of expert do you have around you!” When Jiang Qin heard this, she was so jealous her face turned red. Every since she was a child, she was always crushed by Jiang FangFang. Now she even had a very capable mysterious expert around her. This just isn’t fair!

Jiang FangFang had no idea what kind of mysterious expert she had around her. She was just lying. Thinking that Jiang Qin had some kind of mystical person around her, she felt that she should stay farther away. After all, who knows what other terrible things this person could do.

At this moment, she stood up. “The real experts are those who are indifferent to worldly matters. Those that would help you steal luck are just scoundrels without any ability, or else why would they help you do these silly things. In the end, we are sisters, so I’ll offer you some advice. Don’t do these kinds of stupid things in the future. If there’s any backlash, the consequences could be more severe.”

Jiang FangFang relied on her years of experience as well as Jiang Qin’s sudden fainting spell to make up a plausible situation. Then she turned and left the hospital, leaving Jiang Qin whose face was extremely twisted.

She and Jiang Qin had the same father but different mothers. Jiang Qin’s mother was her father’s first wife. Jiang Qin was older than her by two years.

Jiang Qin’s mother had an affair shortly after her pregnancy and was caught by her father. So as a result, the two people had divorced. This led to her parents getting together. Her father had doubts about whether or not Jiang Qin was his biological daughter, so he had ordered a paternity test. From the results, they were able to confirm that she was, so after the divorce, every month he would send child support money.

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Jiang Qin’s mother was a person who really loved vanity, so when she fought for custody, it was because she knew that the child was his biological daughter. Her father was a righteous person and will not neglect the child, so every month she would be able to take the child support money. In fact, the amount of money used for Jiang Qin was actually a very small part of the total amount.

But this did not prevent the mother and daughter from using the money to pretend to be beautiful rich ladies.

Jiang FangFang and Wen FanChu had met during their first year of university. When they first met, Jiang Qin was a sophomore at the same school. Because Jiang Qin was born in the later half of the year, she had started school late by a year, so even though she was older than Jiang FangFang by two years, they were only a year apart in terms of schooling. Jiang Qin ended up becoming their class’s assistant.

Jiang Qin was also one of Wen FanChu’s suitors and was one of the largest obstacles between Jiang FangFang and WenFanChu’s getting together. When they finally got together and got married, when Jiang FangFang was pregnant, Jiang Qin also got pregnant.

At the time she deliberately said that the child in belly was Wen FanChu’s. Jiang FangFang initially did not believe it, but Jiang Qin had found out that Wen FanChu had worked overtime a few months before and deliberately fabricated a scheme and gotten Wen FanChu drunk. This made Jiang FangFang so mad, she ended up needing to give birth prematurely. Luckily Xiong Da and Xiong Er were both born okay without any negative consequences, but this ended up hurting her body.

Due to this incident, Jiang FangFang was always upset with her.

She had never thought that there would be such evil people in this world that cannot allow other people to be happier than themselves. What kind of hatred and resentment did they really have between each other? Was it to the point it was necessary to take away their luck?

Thinking about how she had read those fantasy stories before where it said that after people had their luck taken away, they would first run into a few small unlucky incidents before larger accidents begin to happen. Which would range from bankruptcy to death. Jiang FangFang shuddered, it was really too frightening!

But… How did she get her luck back? She didn’t do anything at all!

Jiang FangFang carefully thought about it. The only thing different about yesterday was that MiaoMiao suddenly said that she wanted to eat her cooking and also to sleep and bathe together.

If it was only that, then Jiang FangFang would naturally not suspect anything. But adding to the fact that her uncle had been diagnosed with early stage lung cancer, as well as the plane incident… …

Jiang FangFang: “… …” I… I seem to have discovered some sort of secret!


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Joey’s Corner:
Jiang FangFang is so smart. I can’t believe she was able to successfully trick Jiang Qin into thinking that she knew everything and then she was even able to confirm her suspicions.
Also it seems like MiaoMiao’s secret is out! I wonder if Jiang FangFang will talk to Wen FanChu and MiaoMiao’s parents about it. I wonder if it’ll have any negative consequences for MiaoMiao.

At the same time, MiaoMiao was in class at the kindergarten. Today’s second class was mathematics. The teacher first reviewed the content they learned last class, before starting to teach the new material.

As long as you know how to add and subtract, even when the numbers increase later, the method still remains the same. The numbers themselves are not important as the methods can be applied in a myriad of ways. After MiaoMiao was tutored by Xiong Da and Xiong Er over winter vacation, she understood this secret and she was now one of the top mathematics students in the class.

The class material was no longer simple arithmetic problems, but they now included word problems as well. For example: Xiao Ming went to buy a pencil and brought 20 yuan with him. He bought a 2 yuan pencil and a 1 yuan eraser. How much money does Xiao Ming have left?

Buying things was something that all the children had experienced before. The majority of them did not have any problems and were able to correctly write out 20 – 2 – 1 = 17. But there were a small portion of the students whose mathematics was particularly bad, and they continued to rack their brains as they thought over the question.

After MiaoMiao finished her Math class, she was able to answer all of the teacher’s questions. When she actively raised her hand to answer the teacher’s questions, the teacher had praised her and she felt very happy.

In the third and last class of the morning, it was free time again. Since MiaoMiao did not have a deskmate, she planned to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er to play hopscotch. Just as she was about to find them, from a corner not to far away, she heard a fierce voice: “Pangzi! You’re so fat and ugly, why are you in our class! When I see you, I lose my appetite!”

“I… … I can switch my seat… …” The voice that replied was quiet and weak.

“What use is it if you switch your seat! You should leave our kindergarten! You are so fat, so why can you wear such nice clothes and use such a good backpack!”

“That’s right. My mom said that your backpack costs 5000 yuan. You think your family is great, just because you guys are rich?”

“Hmph, my backpack is only 1000 yuan!”

As MiaoMiao listened on the side, she was a little scared. They… they are all rich people! MiaoMiao’s backpack was only 800 yuan.

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“This is what my parents bought for me.”

“Your parents are rich, so what? My parents also are rich! Come over here right now. You dared to escape yesterday, right? Today we will definitely teach you a lesson!”

Once MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately felt unhappy. There wasn’t enough time to go call a teacher, so she immediately ran over and stood in front of the obviously weak fat boy and said “You can’t bully him!”

The boys who were about to rush forward, staggered and forcibly stopped. They looked at the little girl who had just suddenly appeared.

The little girl looked to be about the same height as them. She was wearing a cute dress with a thick down jacket on top. She had a pair of thick white stockings and a pair of rounded princess shoes.

TL Note: Princess shoes! With cute lacey socks. I remember wearing these as a kid.

When they looked at the face again, it was cute and chubby, which would give people the urge to tease her and pinch her cheeks a few times! Her hair was tied into two little buns and there was even a cute strawberry hair clip.

Cute!… … Its too cute!

The boys didn’t know what to do. In the end, it was the boy who was leading the group who angrily opened his mouth and said: “What class are you from! Why are you sticking your nose in our business! He is fat, so we must teach him a lesson!”

“Yes, fatties are so annoying!”

Hearing this, the little boy lowered his head even further. Because of this action, it revealed his very obvious double chin.

MiaoMiao furrowed her littler brows and seriously said: “So what if he’s a fatty? He has good potential! He’s clearly very cute! After he slims down, he will definitely look good! He’ll look better than you guys!”

When the little boy behind her heard this words, his eyes filled with light and he looked at the little girl in front of him, as though she was an amazing person.

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“In what way does he look good! Even if he slims down, there’s no way he will look better than us!”

The boys were hopping mad, such a cute girl. How can she be so blind?!

MiaoMiao “Hmphed” in dissatisfaction. “You guys aren’t allowed to bully him! Leave! Or I’ll call the teacher over!”

“You… you’re just going to call the teacher?! You’re a tattletale!” One of the boys said as he panicked.

“You guys are bullying people, so of course the teachers need to know! Are you going to leave? If you don’t leave I’ll start crying!” As MiaoMiao said this, she started to adjust her emotions. She thought about how she had previously dreamed that she was punished by her mom to not eat fried chicken legs for an entire month. Immediately tears started to fill her eyes and it looked like she was about to burst into tears at any moment… …

When the boys saw this, they were so scared they immediately retreated by dthree steps. “We… We won’t come find you to settle accounts!”

Mom, the girls these days are too scary. If they say they’ll cry, they’ll really cry. And it was the kind where tears will really start coming down. When we do this, we only make the sounds and don’t actually cry tears. We don’t have this kind of ability! QAQ

MiaoMiao saw that they had fled, so she rubbed away the tears in her eyes. Then she turned around and looked at the little fat boy behind her.

The boy was really a little fat, his face was even chubbier than MiaoMiao’s. The clothes he was wearing all looked nice, but when he wore it they were a bit stretched out, like a little ball.

“I am beginner class 1’s Wen MiaoMiao. What class are you from? What’s your name?” MiaoMiao curiously looked at him.

MiaoMiao liked chubby kids. She thought that the chubbiness represents cuteness and was good looking. So this little boy was clearly good looking!

The little boy was a bit embarrassed and said: “I… I am in Beginner class 2. My name is Qin Yu.”

“Qin … … Yu? The Yu from yutao (taro)? Than can I call you YuTou in the future? [1]” As MiaoMiao said this, she licked her lips. She suddenly felt a little hungry. She didn’t only like to eat fried chicken legs, she also liked to eat taro.

[1] PangZi’s name is 秦煜 (Qin Yu) where the Yu means brilliant/glorious. It just so happens that the word taro is 芋头 (Yu Tou) which is the same sound. MiaoMiao has a misunderstanding that the Yu in PangZi’s name is the same Yu from taro. So she immediately came up with a nickname for PangZi.

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