After MiaoMiao finished her shower and changed into her cute pyjamas, she held Jiang FangFang’s hands and walked out with her.

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Xiong Da and Xiong Er was taken to the bathroom by their father for their bath. Wen FanChu was not very used to doing it and he was a little clumsy. The two children were not very happy.

After seeing MiaoMiao come out, Xiong Da and Xiong Er both thought that their Little Aunt would sleep with them that night. So the two children happily headed to MiaoMiao, thinking they would bring her into their room, MiaoMiao instead hugged Jiang FangFang’s leg and said. “I want to sleep with Sister-In-Law tonight.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s faces both looked like they were wronged and they wondered if they had fallen out of favour.

MiaoMiao obediently followed Jiang FangFang to the master bedroom, Big Brother was still in the study working overtime and MiaoMiao had already climbed onto the large soft bed. She laid down in the middle and blinked at Jiang FangFang full of expectation. “Sister-In-Law, MiaoMiao wants to listen to a bedtime story.”

“Okay, Sister-In-Law has not told one in a long time.” Jiang FangFang’s gently said.

Before, when she told storied to Xiong Da and Xiong Er, the stories were always about superheroes defeating monsters. Now that she was telling it to a girl, Jiang FangFang changed the stories to Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood.

MiaoMiao had heard them before, but the details in Sister-In-Law’s versions were slightly different from when her mother told them, so MiaoMiao listened very seriously. After listening to the story, Jiang FangFang sang a lullaby to MiaoMiao to coax her to sleep.

When MiaoMiao sleeps, she preferred to sleep on her side. It just so happened that she was facing the side Jiang FangFang was lying on. Seeing her chubby cheeks, Jiang FangFang was really tempted to pinch them. But she was worried that MiaoMiao would be woken up by her actions. In the end, she wasn’t able to hold back and she stretched out a hand to gently pat her cheeks.

When Wen FanChu came back to the master bedroom and saw MiaoMiao lying in the middle of the bed. He felt a bit resentful but he still lowered his voice and asked: “Why did MiaoMiao want to sleep with you today?”

“I don’t know.” Jiang FangFang answered him half-heartedly and continued to stare at MiaoMiao’s chubby cheeks.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at Wen FanChu, “Let’s have a girl next, okay?”

“It’s not as simple as just saying that you can give birth to one. What if its a son?” Wen FanChu helplessly said.

The thought Jiang FangFang had just now, was given up on again. It was really a shame that she hadn’t given birth to a pair of Dragon and Phoenix twins.

If ChaoPei was really a girl, then would it not be perfect?

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Wen FanChu bent down and kissed her cheek. “It’s better to not give birth. If you do, then you would have to be in confinement for a month [1]. Then we cannot do anything.”

Jiang FangFang: “… …”

The next morning, when MiaoMiao woke up, Jiang FangFang opened a new toothbrush and cup for her as well as a little towel, so that she could brush her teeth and wash her face.]

As she brushed her teeth, she asked in her heart: “Sister System, how much did MiaoMiao and Sister-In-Law’s Intimacy Values go up by?”

The system interface popped up and directly opened to her sister-in-law’s page.

MiaoMiao saw that the total Intimacy Value was 78, and she had already used 55.

“MiaoMiao only needs to increase it by 20 Intimacy Values and then it’ll be good enough.” System reminded.

Just as MiaoMiao was going to move her hand to increase the Intimacy Value, she heard Jiang FangFang’s say, “MiaoMiao, it is time for breakfast.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao answered and spit out the toothpaste in her mouth and rinsed her mouth.

After she finished washing up, she headed to the dining room and sat down in the baby chair and started eating breakfast.

Because she didn’t have time to wash her face, after Jiang FangFang finished eating breakfast, Jiang FangFang soaked a towel and gently washed MiaoMiao’s face. Then she helped MiaoMiao put some face cream on, held her hand, and then brought her downstairs.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er followed behind them. They were wondering maybe they weren’t biologically related and it was actually their Little Aunt who was their Mom’s biological daughter.

Originally, Fu Rou was supposed to send the three children to school today, but because MiaoMiao slept overnight at Big Brother’s place, Jiang FangFang simply swapped with Fu Rou.

MiaoMiao was constantly under Jiang FangFang’s watch, so she did not find the time to add the Intimacy Values. She thought that when they arrived at kindergarten, when her Sister-In-Law and little nephews weren’t paying attention, she will add it quietly.

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So that it would be convenient for her to work, the system interface was constantly in front of her. MiaoMiao took advantage of when she got on and off the car to stretch and adjusted the values from 23 and subtracted 20 from it.

When the car stopped at the kindergarten entrance, when she opened the car door, she selected “Confirm”.

Jiang FangFang had noticed that her body felt a little weird, but she didn’t know what was odd. She only thought that because she had gotten up a little early today, she didn’t get enough sleep. Just as she lowered her head to remind the children, she heard a panicked voice in front: “Mommy! Mommy, what’s wrong? Waaah, don’t scare me… …”

Jiang FangFang looked in the direction of the sound and saw a little boy crying as he pushed at a woman who was lying on the ground. The woman was lying face down, so her face could not be seen, but her entire body was wearing brand name clothes. Even though the boy was crying very hard, Jiang FangFang was still able to recognize that that was the woman’s on.

Jiang FangFang pursed her lips and lowered her head to look at the three scared children and said: “ChaoYu, ChaoPei, bring your Little Aunt inside. Don’t be scared. It won’t hurt you guys.”

The three children kept a wide berth from the mother and son and entered the kindergarten.

After confirming that they had all entered, Jiang FangFang finally looked at the woman on the ground. At the side another parent had already called the emergency services. There was a hospital nearby and the ambulance came very quickly. The person was soon quickly taken away.

[1] 坐月子 (Sitting the month): After giving birth, it is a tradition for the mother to stay indoors for a month where they follow a special diet and other restrictions. Supposedly it is so that the mother can recover from the childbirth.

Joey’s Corner:
Wow… that’s sortof scary how quickly that happened. From MiaoMiao selecting confirm and then that woman basically dropped. The system sure is magical. I wonder who that woman is and how she’s related to the sister-in-law.

At this moment, MiaoMiao was surprised to find that the original Intimacy Value with her sister-in-law which should be “Total: 78, Already Used: 75”, had become “Total: 78, Already Used 22”.

MiaoMiao was a little suspicious: “Sister System, why is it like this? The amount MiaoMiao gave to Sister-In-Law is only 22?”

System explained: “Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value was originally 78, but someone stole 73 away and there was only 5 left. After MiaoMiao added the luck value to 80, the person who stole Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value suffered from the penalty and the stolen 73 Luck Values were returned. Because the max Luck Value is 100, when Sister-In-Law’s luck value went from 80 to 100, the extra 53 Luck Values were converted back to unused Intimacy Values. So MiaoMiao has only used a total of 22 Intimacy Values.”

MiaoMiao was stunned, her round, black eyes were opened very wide and were filled with admiration: “Even though I don’t really understand. It is really amazing!”

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System: “… …”

“Sister System, is it possible for you to know who it is that stole Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value? Why would there be a thief that would steal Sister-In-Law’s luck? They’re really bad people!”

“A human being’s Luck Value is related to the amount of luck they would have for their entire life. Those with a Luck Value of 80 or more are people who have good luck. These people’s luck is very good, their Luck Value is also unlikely to be stolen away. But Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value was originally 78, so it was stolen by someone. The person who stole Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value was the person who had fainted in front of the kindergarten. She used the stolen Luck Values to increase her husband, her son, and her own Luck Values.”

“After MiaoMiao helped Sister-In-Law, she received the backlash. Because her husband and son were unwitting participants and the benefit from the additional Luck Values were low, they were not affected much. The majority of the backlash hit her instead.

MiaoMiao nodded her little head in understanding, “So that is to say, the person who bullied Sister-In-Law already received her punishment.”

“Yes.” System confirmed.

“Sister System, people who have Luck Values above 80 are unlikely to have their Luck Values stolen. Does that mean MiaoMiao needs to increase everyone’s Luck Value to 80?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

“MiaoMiao, your family members already have Luck Values of at least 80.”

MiaoMiao was a bit unsure, so she opened it to look. She discovered that everyone’s Luck Values were very high. Sister-In-Law’s original Luck Value of 78 was actually the lowest.

“The Luck Value represents a person’s fortune. Fortune is very important. For example, MiaoMiao’s dad, he has a Luck Value of 98, and is considered a person with Impressive Good Fortune. For people who have a Luck Value of 95 and above, they are all amazing. It doesn’t matter what they do, but their success rate will be higher than normal. Of course, it still relies on their own effort.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows, “But Daddy already works very hard at work, but my family still doesn’t have much money.”

System: “… …” No. Your family has a lot of money. It’s just you don’t know this.

“When MiaoMiao and Mommy doesn’t know, Daddy must be slacking off at work.” MiaoMiao felt that she had found a reason so she continued to ask: “Now that Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value is 100, will Sister-In-Law become amazing all of a sudden?”

“It will be better than before, but how much better will depend on how much knowledge your sister-in-law has.”

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“MiaoMiao doesn’t really understand.”

System explained: “For example, if you sister-in-law studies literature and runs into two answers and if your sister-in-law needs to choose one of the answers, then she will always choose the correct answer. But if you ask your sister-in-law to write an essay on something she has never studied before, she will not be able to write it. No matter how good her luck is, it will be of no use. So the Luck Value only represents your fortune.”

MiaoMiao mostly understood, “So this is similar to MiaoMiao doing math questions. If it is not multiple choice and MiaoMiao needs to calculate it herself. MiaoMiao won’t be able to answer it.”

System: “… … yaa.”

At this moment, at the nearby First Class Triple A Hospital [1].

The woman who had collapsed was sent to the hospital for treatment. The doctors checked her body and their conclusion was that she did not rest properly and fainted as a result. There was nothing serious.

The woman’s husband rushed to the hospital ward. After she woke up, he didn’t know if it was just a misperception, but it felt like his wife had changed a lot suddenly. She no longer had the yesterday’s radiant face, but instead she looked a bit old.

“I’m fine, you should go to the company first.” The woman said and sent her husband away. Then she anxiously took out her cellphone from her bag and dialed a number: “Hello? What did you do? I no longer have the same feeling as yesterday. In fact, it is even worse than before you gave me that so called luck. I fainted just now and on the way to the hospital, the ambulance nearly got into an accident. In what way is this supposed to be good fortune?!”

“What? What do you mean the other party must have taken back the luck? Didn’t you say, people who are able to have their luck taken by you are not people with Impressive Good Fortune. So how would they have the ability to take it back? Hello? Hello?” The woman was surprised to see that the other person had ended the call. Just as she was about to say something, she discovered that hospital room had another person.

Jiang FangFang held a bouquet of carnations and placed it on the side table. Then she asked: “What luck? What kind of feudal superstitions were you talking about just now?”

Jiang Qin’s face was pale as she looked at Jiang FangFang. Then she sneered, “Are you here to laugh at me?”

“Yes.” Jiang FangFang nodded her head, “Seeing that your days are not going well, I’m here to make fun of it.”


[1] 三甲医院 (san jia yi yuan) or 三级甲等医院 (san ji jia deng yi yuan) is the highest ranking a hospital can receive. Basically it is one of the best hospitals in the city.

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