The System was silent for a moment. According to reason, it is normal for people’s luck to fluctuate. But Sister-In-Law’s luck was always very good, to suddenly fall to 5, is definitely the result of someone’s scheme. But these things are useless to tell MiaoMiao, she is still a child, she cannot do very much.

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“This, the System is not sure.”

MiaoMiao was a little disappointed. During class that afternoon, MiaoMiao eagerly hoped that time could pass faster, so she could go home early, and work on Sister-In-Law’s Intimacy Value.

When school was over and the family’s car came to the kindergarten’s entrance to pick them up. MiaoMiao happily ran over to Jiang FangFang, hugged her leg and said “Sister-In-Law, MiaoMiao really misses you.”

Jiang FangFang was a bit surprised, she bent down and asked: “Does MiaoMiao have something that needs Sister-In-Law’s help?”

“No.” MiaoMiao quickly shook her little head. “MiaoMiao just wants to have dinner with Sister-In-Law. MiaoMiao also wants to do homework with Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

“Okay, Sister-In-Law will tell your mom. Later you can directly come upstairs.”

When Xiong Da and Xiong Er came out, they still didn’t know what had happened. They got into the car first, then they saw their little aunt acting like a baby after their mom finished a phone call. She was all clingy and cute and kept praising their mom for being pretty.

Jiang FangFang was only twenty something. When she heard MiaoMiao continuously praising her for being pretty, her heart was very happy to the point it felt like it was blooming flowers.

When the car arrived at their apartments, Xiong Da and Xiong Er found out that their Little Aunt did not return to her own home’s level but followed them upstairs. They were very surprised. MiaoMiao was very familiar with everything, went inside and changed into the slippers that were prepared for her at her brother’s house. Then she said: “Sister-In-Law, can MiaoMiao help you wash the rice?”

Jiang FangFang’s mother was a chef. Ever since she was young, she had learned how to cook from her mother. She liked to cook her own food, no matter that her family had money, she only passed the cleaning chores to the housekeeper to do. In the kitchen, she did all the work herself.

When she heard MiaoMiao say this, Jiang FangFang smiled and patted MiaoMiao’s little head. “Okay, MiaoMiao is so obedient. You are so much more sensible than ChaoYu and ChaoPei.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er: “… ..” Didn’t mom say before, when they come back from school, all they had to do was to obediently do their homework?

MiaoMiao put her little backpack down in the living room’s sofa. Then she held Jiang FangFang’s hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

Jiang FangFang took out a bench and carried MiaoMiao to stand on it. Then she said: “When you want to come down, let sister-in-law know. It’s too high. You cannot jump down by yourself, okay?”

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“Okay, I know.” MiaoMiao obediently nodded her little head.

Jiang FangFang placed the rice into the rice cooker and gave MiaoMiao a comparatively light plastic bowl. So it would be easier for her to put the water into the rice cooker to wash the rice.

MiaoMiao was small, so her strength was also small. If the bowl was heavier, then she might not be able to hold it properly. So she could only continuously fill the little bowl with water and then put the water into the rice cooker. Then she put her two small hands in and started to wash the rice.

It looked like she was playing around, as she rubbed the rice and swirled it around, “Sister-In-Law, is MiaoMiao amazing?”

“Very amazing.” Jiang FangFang felt a little jealous. She had wanted to give birth to a cute little daughter. When she was pregnant with Xiong Da and Xiong Er, they had a premature delivery which was caused by a disgusting woman. Due to the premature delivery, her body was unwell and needed a period of time to recover. But now she had already fully recovered.

But Wen FanChu kept hesitating. What if because they wanted a daughter, they ended up giving birth to another boy?

Then they would have three little brats at home. That would just be too much of a headache.

So the husband and wife still had not prepared to give birth to another one.

Honestly, she had felt envious of MiaoMiao for a long time.

MiaoMiao’s height was a little shorter than Xiong Da and Xiong Er. But it was only a little, but she was very greedy for food. So when you look at them she looked bigger than XIong Da and Xiong Er. Her chubby face was also very cute and when any adults saw it they will just want to go up to pinch it.

After MiaoMiao finished washing it once, Jiang FangFang poured out the water and let her rinse the rice again.

After washing it twice, Jiang FangFang put in the appropriate amount of water and turned on the rice cooker.

Then she passed a wet towel to MiaoMiao to wipe clean her hands and carried her down and said: “MiaoMiao should first go and do you homework with ChaoYu and ChaoPei, okay? Sister-In-Law needs to cook dinner.”

“MiaoMiao wants to help Sister-In-Law.” MiaoMiao looked at her filled with expectation. She was here to increase her Intimacy Values, so she should spend more time with her sister-in-law.

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“The cooking fumes in the kitchen is heavy and it is not good for little children to come in.” As she said this, Jiang FangFang took her hand and brought her to Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s study and said: “Take care of your Little Aunt. You guys should obediently do your homework together, okay?”

“Okay.” Xiong Da and Xiong Er said simultaneously.

MiaoMiao sulkily sat down and while she took out her homework from her backpack that had been brought in by Xiong Da, she asked in her heart: “Sister System, did MiaoMiao’s and Sister-In-Law’s Intimacy value grow?”

The system interface immediately opened and her sister-in-law’s information was shown. The Intimacy Value had changed to being a total of 53 and 50 had already been used.

Just now, it had only increased by 3 intimacy values.

MiaoMiao took advantage of when her little nephews weren’t paying attention and added the three Intimacy Values to her sister-in-law’s luck values. Right now her Luck Value still needed two more points before reaching a passable 60.

MiaoMiao was a bit anxious, so that when she was doing homework, she was a little absent-minded.

After half an hour, Wen FanChu returned. When he came in, he saw his sons were not properly doing their homework and he was surprised to see his little sister. As he took off his tie, he asked: “MiaoMiao is eating dinner here tonight?”

“Yes!” MiaoMiao replied. Then she lifted her little head, “MiaoMiao wants to eat dinner with sister-in-law, and she wants to take a bath with sister-in-law, and sleep together with her.”

Wen FanChu: “… …” Then what is your brother going to do???

Wen FanChu suddenly looked at his little sister with a little bit of resentment. But how can children understand an adult’s emotions. So he could only say: “Okay… …”

During dinner, MiaoMiao received special attention from Jiang FangFang. She kept receiving side-dishes from Jiang FangFang and MiaoMiao ate extremely well and happy. She also kept flattering: “Sister-In-Law, your cooking is so good. MiaoMiao really likes it. I want to eat your cooking in the future.”

“Then you should come over often. It’s perfect, since the three of you can do homework together. MiaoMiao is so well-behaved, you can even supervise ChaoYu and ChaoPei.” Jiang FangFang quickly continued MiaoMiao’s words. Even though she doesn’t have a daughter of her own, she can still be in contact with other people’s daughters. It doesn’t seem like a bad idea to raise her Little Aunt as her own daughter.

XiongDa and XiongEr: “… …” We clearly obediently do our homework everyday!

Wen FanChu: “… …” Oh well, best not to say anything. Otherwise it might not just be staying for dinner and she ends up being a bright light bulb instead. [1]

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That night, after MiaoMiao finished writing her homework, she went to look at her Intimacy Values. She found out that it had increased by two, so she added it to Jiang FangFang’s Luck Value. Jiang FangFang’s luck had returned to being 60.

MiaoMiao breather a sigh of relief. “Sister System, Sister-In-Law’s Luck Value has returned to 60. Can MiaoMiao go home now?”

“MiaoMiao, I was just looking at the data. Ordinarily, people’s luck won’t suddenly drop so seriously. Especially since your sister-in-law has always been someone with very good luck, it definitely should not have happened. There must be someone who wants to harm your sister-in-law. You need to think of a plan to bring her Luck Value up to 80, then the person who wants to harm your sister-in-law will suffer from the backlash. Also when the Luck Value is full, the extra values can be returned to your Intimacy Values.”

The System originally thought that since the host was still so young, even if she knew that there was a scheme going on, the host would not be able to do very much. But since there might be a way for the host to solve the problem, then she naturally has to give it a try.

MiaoMiao was a bit confused, she didn’t fully understand, but she still understood that Sister System said that they had to increase the value to 80.

She looked at her chubby fingers and thought for a moment and said: “Then MiaoMiao is still missing 20 Intimacy Values, right?”

“Yes.” System confirmed.

MiaoMiao was a bit distressed. “Then it seems like, MiaoMiao definitely needs to take a bath together with Sister-In-Law and also sleep together. It definitely can’t be finished today, so MiaoMiao will need to continue tomorrow. MiaoMiao will work hard to increase Sister-In-Law’s Luck Values!

As she said this, MiaoMiao quickly walked over with her little legs to Jiang FangFang and hugged her leg, “Sister-In-Law, MiaoMiao wants to take a bath together with you.”

“Okay, then Sister-In-Law will help get your clothes.” MiaoMiao did not have pyjamas prepared at her Big Brother’s house, but their house had new pyjamas that Xiong Da and Xiong Er had never worn before.

Jiang FangFang chose for a long time, before she picked out a yellow set that looked quite cute and was suitable for girls. Then she carried MiaoMiao into the bathroom.

The bathroom had the wet and dry areas separated [2], there was a shower area and a bathtub. Jiang FangFang turned on the tap and filled the bathtub, then she helped MiaoMiao take off her clothes.

MiaoMiao was a little shy, her little face turned red. After all her clothes were taken off by Jiang FangFang, she curiously looked at her Sister-In-Law.

After she watched her Sister-In-Law take off her clothes, she was surprised to find out, even though they were both girls, Sister-In-Law’s body was different from hers!

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MiaoMiao knew that boys and girls had different bodies because when she was small she had taken baths with Xiong Da and Xiong Er and was surprised. Her mother had explained that there were differences between boys and girls’ bodies.

They were both girls, so why is there still a difference?

MiaoMiao carefully thought for a moment, Mommy’s chest area is the same as Sister-In-Law’s, they both stick out? Grandmother and the teacher at kindergarten did too.

MiaoMiao didn’t understand, so she immediately asked: “Sister-In-Law, why is it that you are different from MiaoMiao?”

MiaoMiao’s chubby hands pointed at her chest. “Here.”

Jiang FangFang looked at the place she was pointing at and her face immediately turned red and said: “This is the difference between adults and children. MiaoMiao is still small, when you grow up, then you will be the same as Sister-In-Law.”

MiaoMiao was still a bit confused but she still nodded her head. So it seems that between children and adults, it is not just a height difference. So after boys grow up, will there also be a difference?

MiaoMiao’s little head was filled with questions.

Jiang FangFang first brought her to stand under the shower and then used a custom soap to wash her. The child’s skin was very slippery, she used a loofah to create a lot of foam and washed MiaoMiao’s body. When she felt MiaoMiao’s skin, it was super soft and tender. If she pinched it, it was all chubby and squishy. It was super cute!

After MiaoMiao was rinsed clean, Jiang FangFang began to wash herself, then she picked up MiaoMiao and entered the already filled bathtub.

Because MiaoMiao’s body was small, Jiang FangFang placed a little stool inside the bathtub for her to sit. So that the water level would not be too high for her.

MiaoMiao sat on the little stool and curiously looked at Jiang FangFang’s chest. MiaoMiao wondered if after she grows up if her chest will be as big as sister-in-law’s. She carefully thought about it for a while, it seems that for some girls, after they grow up, their chests were not as large.

[1] 电灯泡 (dian deng pao): Literally a light-bulb, but it also means to be a third-wheel. I find this to be one of the most funniest sayings. The way it was explained to me was that at a candlelit dinner, you don’t want a super bright light-bulb lighting up everything. The light-bulb is unnecessary and is intruding on the candles.

[2] In Asia, the entire bathroom may be a wet room. So there is no separate shower area and the entire room can be considered the shower area and the whole room can get wet. Whereas in western countries, its more common for there to be only a portion of the bathroom that may get wet, ie. the bathtub/closed off shower area. I would say that having the entire bathroom be a wet room is really quite nice. Its very easy to clean, you can just take the shower head and spray everything down. But the downside is that everything can get wet, so you have to have a set of rubber slippers prepared before you can step into the washroom, since the floor could be wet.

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