“BaoBei doesn’t have enough money in kindergarten?” Fu Rou asked puzzledly.

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MiaoMiao shyly twiddled her fingers, “Enough, but MiaoMiao sometimes wants to buy a small bags of chips to eat. MiaoMiao really likes ketchup flavoured potato chips.”

“Okay, then starting from tomorrow, then BaoBei will get fifty dollars. But BaoBei needs to remember, when you go buy things you need to count your money properly. Okay?” Fu Rou warned.

MiaoMiao did score 100 points on her Math paper, so if she gets a bit more money, she probably won’t be scammed at the little kiosk. For extra insurance, each day Fu Rou will give two twenty dollar bills and a ten dollar bill. This would be more convenient for MiaoMiao to calculate money.

Once MiaoMiao heard that starting from tomorrow, she will have fifty dollars of pocket money, she didn’t react for a while. Then she opened her round black eyes super wide, and stared at her mother in amazement.

“What’s the matter, silly goose? [1] Were you so happy you turned into an idiot?” Fu Rou laughed and flicked MiaoMiao’s nose.

MiaoMiao blankly nodded her head.

She had thought that having twenty-five dollars would make things difficult for her mother, after all her family doesn’t have that much money. She thought they were much worse off compared to her big brother’s family. She never thought that after getting 300 points on a test and bringing up the matter with her mother, her mother would just give her fifty dollars in pocket money.

“Waaaah” Mommy treats me too well!

MiaoMiao’s face was very solemn as she furrowed her brows. She seriously said: “Mommy, MiaoMiao will take studying very seriously.”

Since her mother treats her so well, she definitely cannot disappoint her mother. In the future, just because she finds mathematics difficult, she cannot give up on it. She needs to strive to get good results on every test!

JiaYou (Add oil!) Wen MiaoMiao, you can do it!

MiaoMiao’s fighting spirit was raised so when she went into her room, she took out her homework from her little backpack and started working on the questions.

After she worked on it for forty minutes, the nanny had finished cooking and her dad had already returned home.

“BaoBei, it’s time to eat.” Fu Rou called out.

“Okay~” MiaoMiao got down from the chair, put on her little bunny slippers and ran to the dining table and climbed up onto her high chair.

Fu Rou placed the side dishes onto the empty dishes in front of her and MiaoMiao obediently started eating.

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Today she could eat fried chicken legs, so MiaoMiao ate very happily. After resting for a while after eating, she would go back to do her homework. Before that though, MiaoMiao decided to brag in front of her father, “Daddy, today we had a test. MiaoMiao scored 300 points.”

“300 points is three exams with full marks?” Wen FuChen was a bit amazed.

“Yes.” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head and looked at him filled with expectation.

“Daddy’s little princess is amazing.” Wen FuChen knew that she was waiting for him to praise her. He immediately smiled and said: “You were as smart as your mother when she was a kid.”

“When mom was small, she was also smart like MiaoMiao?” MiaoMiao was curious.

Wen FuChen felt a little guilty and said: “mmm.” In fact, it might not only be so smart, but he definitely couldn’t hurt his daughter’s feelings.

“What reward does MiaoMiao want?”

“MiaoMiao already got her reward. Today we had fried chicken legs. Mommy said that starting from tomorrow, MiaoMiao can have fifty dollars of pocket money a day!” Speaking of pocket money, MiaoMiao’s eyes were full of light. Soon she remembered something and shyly said: “Daddy, honestly MiaoMiao doesn’t need fifty dollars. MiaoMiao only wants to be able to buy a bag of potato chips a day.”

“It doesn’t matter. MiaoMiao can save up the extra money. How about this, Daddy will buy a piggy bank for MiaoMiao okay? Then MiaoMiao can place the extra money from each day into the piggy bank. Each day MiaoMiao can save money. In the future after MiaoMiao has saved up a lot of money, MiaoMiao can support Mommy and Daddy.” Wen FuChen laughingly said.

“Really?” MiaoMiao’s eyes brightened. “Then MiaoMiao wants a piggy bank. In the future, MiaoMiao will also go out to work and work hard like Daddy. I’ll buy lots of presents for Daddy and Mommy.”

“Okay, then Daddy will wait for MiaoMiao’s presents.”

Wen FuChen said that he would buy a piggy bank for MiaoMiao, so he immediately put it into action. That night, after MiaoMiao finished her homework, he brought her out to pick a piggy bank.

To select a piggy bank that MiaoMiao would like, would require her to go herself.

“After putting the money into the piggy bank, you need to break the piggy bank before you can take the money out. MiaoMiao needs to choose a bigger one, so that each time it can save a lot of money.” Wen FuChen said. [2]

When MiaoMiao heard this, she felt a bit reluctant. “Daddy, the piggy bank is so cute. Do you really need to break it? MiaoMiao wants to buy a cute one, so she can always keep it.”

Wen FuChen thought for a moment and asked the store owner, “Are there piggy banks that you don’t need to break to take out the money?”

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“Yes, there are piggy banks that have a hole at the bottom to retrieve the money. After taking out the plug, you can take out the money.”

MiaoMiao took a long time to choose. Within the piggy banks that had a hole to take out the money, she selected a cute little pig piggy bank.

The little pig was very cute, the cheeks on the face were round and chubby. There were also eyelashes draw on on the eyes and the head even had a bow. With one look you knew it was a cute girl. MiaoMiao liked it a lot.

The only thing was that the piggy bank was a little heavy. So Wen FuChen held the box with the piggy bank. It was only after they reached home that he took it out.

MiaoMiao knew that the piggy bank was fragile and could break if it fell. She was unwilling to break such a cute piggy bank, so she placed the piggy bank on the carpet in front of her bed.

She thought for a moment and then used her iPad to take a few photos and sent them into the family group chat. Then after searching for a long time she “@”-tted Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er very quickly sent a voice message.

Xiong Er: “Little Aunt, this little pig is so cute. What is it?”

MiaoMiao: “This is the piggy bank that Daddy bought for me. Starting from tomorrow, my pocket money will be fifty dollars a day. In the future if I have money that I don’t use up, I can put it in the piggy bank.”

Xiong Da: “Ah? You can’t use up fifty dollars?”

After hearing this voice message, MiaoMiao was silent for a moment. Before sending a voice message back: “Fifty dollars is a lot of money. You can buy a lot of snacks. I cannot eat it all.”

Hmph. Xiong Da and Xiong Er are very good at spending money. Even though she has fifty dollars a day, she cannot recklessly spend money. She should save it properly so that she can buy presents for Mommy and Daddy.

MiaoMiao already made a plan. Previously each day twenty dollars was enough for her to use. In the future after adding a small bag of potato chips and other snacks, it should be about twenty-five dollars. Her pocket money is fifty dollars each day, so each day she should be able to save twenty-five dollars.

Even though she doesn’t know how much money she will have after saving twenty-five dollars a day. But you can’t go wrong saving it!

[1] 小傻瓜 (xiao sha gua): little idiot melon. It sounds so much cuter in Chinese. I can’t think of a better translation for it. I don’t think “Little fool” is cute enough. 

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Thanks to monstritamuerta for suggesting “Silly Goose”. It’s a much much better word than “Little Fool”.

[2] All the piggy banks I had as a child had a little rubber plug at the bottom that could be removed to take the money out. I feel like its very difficult to find piggy banks that don’t have this way of opening them without shattering them. Is it more common in other parts of the world?

The next morning, it was Jiang FangFang’s turn to send the three children to kindergarten. Fu Rou already prepared the money and placed it inside MiaoMiao’s little wallet. Then she placed it inside the backpack’s hidden pocket and said: “When you’re buying things remember to calculate the money properly okay? If you aren’t sure, ask one of the other children beside you.”

MiaoMiao unhappily knitted her brows: “Mommy, MiaoMiao won’t calculate incorrectly. MiaoMiao’s got 100 on her math test!”

“Okay Okay. BaoBei is very smart. Go downstairs, alright?” Fu Rou laughed as she patted her little head and held her hand to head downstairs.

Jiang FangFang already helped Xiong Da and Xiong Er into the car. After MiaoMiao got into the car, she sweetly called out “Sister in law” and then started talking with her two nephews.

The car stopped in front of the kindergarten entrance and the three children got out of the car. Jiang FangFang was about to send the children inside, when she heard a peculiar voice: “Oh, isn’t this FangFang?”

Jiang FangFang’s steps paused and she turned towards the voice. There she saw a woman dressed very exquisitely and covered in jewellery holding a little boy’s hand and walking towards her.

Jiang FangFang’s face sank, she turned towards Xiong Da: “ChaoYu, bring your little brother and Little Aunt inside.”

“Okay.” Xiong Da didn’t know why his mother was unhappy when she saw that Aunty, but he still obediently took his little brother and little aunt into the kindergarten.

MiaoMiao uneasily looked at Jiang FangFang, but she still followed them into the kindergarten.

“What’s wrong with Sister-in-law? When she saw that Aunt, she looked really unhappy.” MiaoMiao was a bit suspicious.

“I don’t know. Mommy is never like this. Mommy must really hate that Aunty.” Xiong Er said.

“Little kids should not stick their noises into the adult’s matters. We should first go to our classes.”

Before MiaoMiao entered her class, she waved to her little nephews. Then she sat down in her seat and placed her homework from last night onto the desk. Then she seriously started looking at her textbooks.

After the teacher collected the homework, the entire class read aloud a lesson from the textbook. Then they went to the hallway to lineup. MiaoMiao planned to go to the little kiosk to buy some snacks after radio gymnastics is over. So she took out her little wallet and placed a twenty dollar bill into her pocket.

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After the radio gymnastics were over, she quickly ran over to the little kiosk and looked at the snacks inside. She picked out a small bag of potato chips and a bottle of milk. Added together they costed thirteen dollars. She passed her twenty dollar bill over and got back seven dollars in change. After confirming there were no mistakes, she carried her newly bought snacks with her back to the classroom.

In the classroom, she opened the potato chips. The two kids sitting in front of her turned around. The three children quietly ate the potato chips before the teacher came back.

When the teacher arrived, the bag of potato chips was already finished and MiaoMiao held the bottle of milk and headed to wards the teacher. She carefully said: “Teacher, MiaoMiao cannot open the milk.”

The teacher squatted down and twisted open the lid of the bottle of milk and said: “Careful. Don’t spill it.”

“Okay, thank you teacher.” MiaoMiao obediently nodded her head and replied. After returning to her seat, she stuck a straw in and drank two sips. Then she took out her textbook and started listening to class.

The third class that morning was a free block. MiaoMiao was just thinking about what she wanted to play that day when Sister System’s voice suddenly rang in her head: “MiaoMiao, look at the system interface.”

The system interface popped open and in the family directory, the words “Sister-In-Law” was red.

MiaoMiao quickly opened it and looked. To her surprise, sister-in-law’s luck value had fallen to 5!

“Sister System, 5 is like what you said before right? Where you will encounter many bad situations?” MiaoMiao asked anxiously.

“Yes, this value is very very low. If you go outside you can encounter all sorts of accidents. If you were at home, then even if you were just walking on the stairs, you could still fall down. MiaoMiao, this cannot just be handled by you giving warnings. You have to use your Intimacy values, it needs to be raised to a passable 60. You need to use up 55 Intimacy Values.

MiaoMiao looked at the intimacy values in distress. “But MiaoMiao and Sister-In-Law’s Intimacy Values is only 50.

“First add it, for the remaining five, MiaoMiao can wait until tonight when MiaoMiao goes back to work on your relationship with sister-in-law.” System said.

MiaoMiao nodded her little head, clicked on the red “5”, and a frame popped out. The System reminded, “This is the Intimacy Value exchange frame, MiaoMiao should select “All”, then select “Confirm”.”

MiaoMiao followed Sister System’s instructions. When she saw that the Luck Value became 55, she asked: “If it is 55, will sister-in-law still encounter many bad things?”

“Yes, but there won’t be any danger to her life. At most she will just lose some money.” System said.

MiaoMiao breathed a sigh of relief. Then she puzzledly asked, “Why did Sister-In-Law’s luck value drop so low? MiaoMiao remembers the last time she saw it, everyone’s luck value was quite high.”

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