MiaoMiao slept for about two hours. When she woke up, Fu Rou had already gotten up but Wen FuChen was still lying in bed.

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MiaoMiao muddleheadedly sat up, her chubby little hands rubbed her eyes and said: “Daddy, welcome home.”

Having seen the she woke up, Wen FuChen laughed and brought her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “I haven’t seen you for a few days, did the little princess miss Daddy?”

“I missed you.” MiaoMiao’s placed her soft little hand on the side of his face, “Daddy got skinnier. You should eat more meat, otherwise you won’t look good anymore. Mommy and MiaoMiao won’t like it.”

“Okay, starting from today, Daddy will eat more meat.” Wen FuChen picked up the small house-clothes that Fu Rou had placed on the side and helped MiaoMiao put it on.

At home, MiaoMiao normally likes to wear sportswear. Because she likes to wear dresses, even though its sportswear, they are still skirts and dresses.

The central heating inside the house was on, so the temperature was just right. Even if MiaoMiao wears skirts, MiaoMiao won’t feel that it is cold. After getting up, she was getting ready to go back to her room, Fu Rou said: “BaoBei, you need to go to kindergarten the day after tomorrow. Today you should check to see if you all your homework has been completed.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao obediently agreed. She wore her little bunny slippers and ran into her bedroom. Then she started to compare whether she had completed all the homework she had written down for winter vacation.

After confirming that all her winter vacation homework had been completed, she ran to her Mom and said: “Mommy, I’ve completed it all.”

“Then good. What electives (hobby classes) do you want to sign up for this semester?” Fu Rou asked.

The kindergarten that MiaoMiao studies at has elective classes that are optional.

Because the little kids need to get enough sleep, the number of classes they have are very few. Other than the morning exercises and afternoon nap, everyone has three classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.

Included in these, the last class in the morning and the last class in the afternoon is free time. The teacher will play games with the kids. As for the other four classes, there is Chinese, English, Mathematics, and an electives class.

The elective class depends on their own interests. Each semester that can choose up to five of them. Moreover they are divided into classes depending on the foundations developed during the previous semester. For the children who were not very good at studying, they can choose to take only one or two electives and each week they would repeat the previous class.

MiaoMiao was a frustrated, she didn’t know what she should pick.

Fu Rou thought for a bit and said: “Continue to take Music, BaoBei’s singing is very nice, we can’t neglect it. Do you still want to take drawing?”

MiaoMiao knitted her brows and thought for a moment and said: “I neither like it nor dislike it.”

“Then Mommy will first help you circle it. Since there isn’t any other classes that you want to take.” Fu Rou then first circled the drawing class.

“Do you want to still want to take the Abacus math class?” Fu Rou asked.

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TL Note: An Abacus, its basically can be used as a calculator. I know that its fairly common for some children to learn to use it. I was sadly not given an opportunity to. I think its interesting, but I’m at the age now where it wouldn’t be of much use to me anymore. I don’t need to take math tests anymore.

MiaoMiao quickly shook her little head, “No, MiaoMiao doesn’t like the abacus math class.”

Fu Rou felt that it was a pity, but she still crossed it off and continued to read, “What about dancing?”

“Yes.” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

Fu Rou continued reading, “It isn’t important to select the dance style yet. We will first choose children’s dance. What about musical instruments? Does MiaoMiao have any she likes? For example instruments like the harmonica or the piano.”

MiaoMiao looked at Fu Rou confusedly, “What are those?”

MiaoMiao had never learned any musical instruments before. So Fu Rou searched on the internet for a few musical instrument performance videos for her to watch.

After MiaoMiao watched, she thought for a moment and said, “MiaoMiao wants to learn piano, but its so big, MiaoMiao’s fingers are so short.”

As she said it, MiaoMiao pouted and stuck out her chubby little hands.

Fu Rou couldn’t help but laugh, “Right now is only setting up a foundation. You can play slowly. You don’t need to be as fast as those Uncles and Aunties.”

MiaoMiao nodded her head, “Then MiaoMiao wants to learn piano.”

“Okay.” Fu Rou continued reading. So far, if they included the drawing class that they weren’t certain about yet, they would have a total of four. Fu Rou thought about it for a while. Piano was something MiaoMiao had never learned before. It might be too tiring.

“This is the first time MiaoMiao is learning piano, so how about for this semester, each week you will take two classes of piano? So that the second piano class can be used for MiaoMiao to review.” Fu Rou Said.

“Mhm.” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head.

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao set up the times, every Monday and Thursday will be for piano class, Tuesday is for music, Wednesday is dance, and Friday is drawing.

Two days later, MiaoMiao’s kindergarten started classes.

She was at the same kindergarten as Xiong Da and Xiong Er. But Xiong Da and Xiong Er were already in the intermediate class.

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At seven in the morning, after MiaoMiao finished her breakfast, she changed her clothes. Fu Rou helped her hold her down jacket and backpack. After waiting for Xiong Da and Xiong Er came down, she sent them all off to kindergarten.

The kindergarten was very close, but each day there would always be a family member who would pick up and drop them off. Normally it would be Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang who would take turns picking up and dropping them off.

After the three children got onto the car, they started to happily discuss starting school again and being able to see all their little friends.

After arriving at the kindergarten entrance, Fu Rou first got them to put on their down jackets then gave them their backpacks and sent them to the kindergarten door.

MiaoMiao carried a cute little Pikachu backpack, she took quick steps with her short legs, following Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er sent her to the beginner class, then they went to their own intermediate class.

When MiaoMiao arrived it was already almost eight. She found her seat and sat down and obediently fished out her winter vacation homework from inside her little backpack and place it on her desk.

MiaoMiao didn’t have a desk mate because her previous seatmate had moved during the middle of the semester, and switched to a different kindergarten as well.

She was a little envious of the other surrounding children. Everyone had a desk mate, she was the only one who didn’t. QAQ.

Joey’s Corner:
Hi Hi! Sorry for the lack of update the past two days, I was swamped with some work and wasn’t able to do any translating during my lunch break. I was hoping to get a close to daily upload schedule, but I realized that it would not really be sustainable. For now, I will try to upload 5 chapters a week, a chapter each weekday. But this may or may not change as time goes on. I’ll see if I can make up for the chapter I missed yesterday though. I might only get around to that on Friday.

At exactly eight o’clock, the other children had already all arrived. The teacher stood at the front and gently said: “Okay, everyone, welcome back to Little Star Kindergarten. Did everyone have a lot of fun over winter break?”

“Yes.” The little children replied at the same time.

The teacher smiled even more. “It’s good you guys had fun. Now everyone should take out your winter vacation homework. I will be collecting it.”

Everyone had obediently took out their homework and placed it on their desks. The teacher picked up the homework one by one, placed it on the side and continued: “Today is the first day of classes. Did everyone decide what electives they want to take this semester? After you have decided, make sure you get your parents to sign the registration form and bring it to me.”

MiaoMiao took out her registration form from her Pikachu backpack and waited for the students behind her to pass her their forms before sending all of them forward. Everybody sent their registration forms to the front.

“We have received everyone’s elective registration forms. Today is Monday, next we will start to divide you guys into your elective classes. Right now, everyone should put down their bags and go to the classroom entrance to line up. Next will be time for our morning exercises [1].

All the little children placed their schoolbags in the small drawers at the front. MiaoMiao obediently went outside and lined up in her arranged spot.

Every time school started, the teachers will line them up according to their heights.

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MiaoMiao’s spot did not change, there were a few classmates that had their spots exchanged. After everyone lined up properly, then they waited for the classes before theirs to go to the field. When it was time for MiaoMiao’s class to go, they went in order. At the field, each child stood on a yellow dot.

There were not many students at the kindergarten. From the youngest class to the biggest class, there were a total of 8 classes. Each class did not have more than 20 people.

MiaoMiao stood properly. In front of every class there was a teacher. The music started playing and everyone started to follow along with the radio gymnastics.

Each morning the kindergarten will have everyone do children’s radio gymnastics and then everyone would dance together.

After the radio gymnastics ended, MiaoMiao’s favourite segment was when everyone danced together.

<<加油!amigo>> [2] started playing as background music. Even though MiaoMiao hadn’t danced to this for an entire winter break, her body still remembered how the dance went and she was able to follow the music.

MiaoMiao did not normally exercise at home, so its normally during the mornings at kindergarten and during her dance class would she actually exercise with everyone. After the song ended, MiaoMiao was a bit out of breath. She slowly walked forward and waited for the classes before hers to leave before heading back.

At this time, from her side she heard: “PangZi [3], move faster!”

She turned her head and looked, and saw a boy pushing a boy pushing a fat boy.

Just as MiaoMiao wanted to tell the boy not to push people, the girl standing in front of her, Zhou Shu, turned around and said: “MiaoMiao, in the next class, the teacher will definitely give us a test. What should we do?”

MiaoMiao’s attention was diverted, after thinking for a moment, she said: “Even if you can’t do it, the teacher won’t scold us.”

Zhou Shu looked at her full of grievances, “You are so smart, the teacher definitely won’t scold you… But me…. sniffle sniffle.”

MiaoMiao didn’t know what to do, “Has the teacher scold you before?”

“This… hmm. Seems like the teacher hasn’t.” Zhou Shu thought for a while before replying.

“So they won’t scold you in the future.” MiaoMiao comforted her: “After all your results were always bad, it can’t get even worse.” [4]

Zhou Shu: “… …” Ayy… I don’t feel comforted at all.

After returning to the classroom, the first class had not started yet. Then a boy shyly walked over, “MiaoMiao, I want to change my seats to be your seatmate.”

MiaoMiao tilted her little head. After seeing him, she subconsciously looked at his seatmate. It is the girl who was standing in front of her during the radio gymnastics, Zhou Shu.

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Zhou Shu looked at her aggrievedly, she looked like she was about to cry. MiaoMiao thought about how lonely she was during the previous semester when she didn’t have a seatmate. She realized that if she agreed, then they would be as lonely as she was last semester.

With that though, MiaoMiao knitted her brows and said: “But I want to sit on my own.”

The little boy heard it and was immediately very disappointed and he walked away.

After the elective class that afternoon, MiaoMiao received her results for English, Chinese, and Mathematics which were all full marks.

The questions were all very simple. Each subject had 20 questions and there were a few that got 100/100. MiaoMiao was the only student in the class that got 100 in all three courses. She successfully got the teacher’s praise and her heart was super happy.

She carefully put the three test papers into her Pikachu backpack and lined up with the other students in her class at the kindergarten entrance and waited for her family’s car to arrive.

After getting onto the car, MiaoMiao dove into her mother’s arms and happily said: “Mommy, today I got three full marks!”

As she said it, MiaoMiao took out the three test papers from her little backpack.

Fu Rou saw that all three subjects had full marks and was very happy. She rubbed MiaoMiao’s little head, “BaoBei is amazing, tonight we will have fried chicken legs. You need to keep this up.”

“Okay!” After hearing that there would be fried chicken legs to eat, MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. Then she thought about her pocket money and prepared to ask her mom when they got back.

After the car arrived, Fu Rou first sent Xiong Da and Xiong Er back before bring MiaoMiao home.

After MiaoMiao entered the door, she carefully looked around. Seeing that the nanny was in the kitchen cooking and her dad had not yet returned. She quietly said: “Mommy, can I have more pocket money?”

[1] Morning Exercises: In China every morning at a specific time, the entire school will line up and follow along with a set of exercises. Exercises include stretching and radio gymnastics. I’ve heard that When I was on exchange at a University in China. I would be woken up at 9am every morning by the morning exercises broadcast. The school had speakers camouflaged as mushrooms all over campus, so every morning you would hear a short little tune and then the morning exercises would start. I don’t remember what the exercises are, but I do remember that they would go ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR. >.>

[2] <<加油!amigo>> “jia you” is literally to “add oil” which means to step on the gas. Its usually used to cheer people on. So at sporting events you can hear them go. ADD OIL! ADD OIL! The song itself is very upbeat and quite cute.


[3] 胖子 (PangZi) literally “Fatty”. This is actually a fairly common nickname and is not always insulting. But it does depend on the person who is using it. It can be both a nickname that you can call your friend or it can be a mild insult to the other person. Again when I was on exchange, we would call one of my best friends there “PangZi”. As we were good friends it was fine to call him PangZi and he didn’t mind. But for friends who were closer to acquaintances they would not use this name. So another question should be, should I change it to “Fatty” or leave it as “PangZi”? What do you guys think?

[4] Wow… MiaoMiao is harsh. That poor girl, Zhou Shu. Fun Fact, since this note is so short, 周书 (Zhou Shu)’s name has the character “book” in it. So it would be “Zhou Book”. I find it a little bit ironic that her results are bad, despite having a name that would appear to be very studious.

Joey’s Corner:
We finally meet the supposed male lead? Well at least MiaoMiao has seen him. Please let me know whether we should leave his name as “Fatty” or “PangZi”.

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