“Sister System, how did Yu Tou get onto the interface?” MiaoMiao was puzzled. “Shouldn’t it only have MiaoMiao’s family?”

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The System was once again silent. Qin Yu was the opposite sex and he was also a similar age to the host, other than the already existing family members, the only option is… the future husband.

It seems like the marriage is destined to occur, so the interface directly showed his name.

Of course, the host is still a child, so there is no need to speak of these things. The System only said: “I don’t know. Maybe he is a special case.”

MiaoMiao also didn’t put much importance on the matter and she opened his information. “Qin Yu, Age 3, Wealth Value 89, Charm Value 30, Health Value 60, Luck Value 85. Total Intimacy Value 10, Already Used 0. Current situation: Too much body fat, continued increase in body fat will affect physical health.”

MiaoMiao helplessly blinked her eyes. “Sister System, does this mean Yu Tou is too fat? But Yu Tou’s name has not turned red.”

“That is because his Health Value is 60 and has not yet dropped below 60. If he gets any more fat, than it would turn red. He needs to lose weight.”

MiaoMiao had some misgivings, after thinking for a moment she asked: “Then if MiaoMiao helps Yu Tou lose weight, then his Health Value will go up?”

“That’s right.”

MiaoMiao happily rubbed her hands. She had never helped anyone lose weight before, it seems like it would be a lot of fun.

That day, all the children lined up at the cafeteria to get their food. MiaoMiao lined up with Qin Yu behind her. Each child could choose a main dish and could also add one dish with both meat and veggies as well as a purely vegetarian dish.

MiaoMiao took her rice and 2 dishes, she carried her tray back to her chair. Not long after, Qin Yu sat down in front of her.

MiaoMiao saw Qin Yu’s tray and was surprised to see that he actually had less than her.

For each meal, MiaoMiao needs to eat more than half a bowl of rice, but Qin Yu’s only had less than half a bowl… …

How did he get so fat despite eating so little?

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MiaoMiao was surprised and asked: “Yu Tou, why are you eating so little?”

“I… I want to lose weight.” Qin Yu’s face turned red and he looked enviously at MiaoMiao’s rice.

MiaoMiao nodded her head, “Then how long have you been trying to lose weight?”

“For a while now, it’s already been three months.” Qin Yu’s expression was a bit frustrated.

MiaoMiao: “… … then how much have you lose?”

“I only lost 3 pounds in 3 months.” Qin Yu was disappointed and continued to say: “It is because I was sick, so I ended up getting fat. The doctor said it would be difficult for me to slim down due to my circumstances. Each meal I only eat half a bowl of rice and each day I will also dance. But there hasn’t been much results.”

MiaoMiao was stunned, then she thought for a bit, but still said: “Then… in the future, I will help you eat your snacks. It’s easy to gain weight if you eat snacks!”

As MiaoMiao ate her food, she silently asked: “Sister System, Yu Tou has these circumstances, will MiaoMiao be able to help him lose weight?”

“If it is because he was sick before and it was due to the medication or other reasons that caused him to gain weight, then it is more difficult for him to lose it. The amount he eats is not considered a lot and he also dances everyday and is still unable to slim down, then there is definitely some difficulty. MiaoMiao can choose to use Intimacy Values on his Health Value. If his Health Values goes up, then his body will also become healthier and it will become easier to lose weight.”

MiaoMiao’s eyes sparkled. “Then during the afternoon nap, I will help him add in the points.”

At Little Star Kindergarten, the children had an afternoon nap every day. After eating lunch, they would all go to the bedrooms on the second floor. The bedrooms were setup as a large communal sleeping space, where the children would sleep together. Each class’s students all slept in the same room.

After MiaoMiao finished her food and entered the bedroom, there were already other students there. She had her own designated spot. After she took of her shoes, which revealed her cute pink socks, she climbed up onto the bed. She patted the area next to her and said: “Yu Tou, quickly come up. We can take a nap together.”

Qin Yu’s face turned red, but he still took off his shoes and climbed up.

Qin Yu’s deskmate in class 2 was a boy, and during his afternoon nap, the people beside him were also all boys. This was the first time he would be sleeping next to a girl during his afternoon nap.

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MiaoMiao knew that everyday after eating lunch, the teachers would still need a while before they would come up. She prepared to play with Qin Yu for a while, but suddenly a few little boys came in and rushed towards them and said: “Qin Yu, come out!”

Qin Yu and MiaoMiao turned their heads to look and saw the same boys from yesterday. Qin Yu tightly squeezed his chubby hands into fists and said: “Why do I need to listen to you?”

“Hmph! You think that as long as you transferred classes you’ll be fine? Come out!” The boy standing in front arrogantly raised his chin. Then his gaze lingered on MiaoMiao’s face.

A child’s thought is very easy for an adult to see through, if there were a few adults there, then they would have been able to clearly notice that the child seemed to particularly care about MiaoMiao.

“If you don’t agree to come out, then you’re a coward! You only know how to be protected by girls! Coward! Hmph!”

“That’s right. Yesterday, you hid behind a girl and today you don’t have the courage to come out. You’re so fat, but your courage is so small!”

“You grew so much meat for nothing!”

Qin Yu’s face turned red due to anger and MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and said: “You guys always gang up on him as a group to bully him. If you have the ability than you should come one at a time! Yu Tou just needs to sit on you guys and the ones who will cry are you!”

Qin Yu: “… …” I don’t know if I should be happy that MiaoMiao has such a good opinion of me or I should be sad that she said that I’m fat.

“What?” The little boy was angry at MiaoMiao’s words so he said: “Even if it is just one of us, we will still be able to beat him up! If you have the ability, come out!”

“I’ll come, I’ll come.” Qin Yu got off the bed and put on his shoes. His chubby figure stood in front of the boys. Previously he had his head lowered and showed no confidence, but now his head was high and his chest was raised. “If you guys all come at me at once, then I will tell the teacher as well as my parents. If its one on one, even if I lose, I won’t say anything.”

“You are still willing to tattle? You’re such a coward!”

“You are willing to fight, so why can’t I tattle?” Qin Yu pursed his lips and saw their unfriendly gazes. In his heart he wondered, that if he really just sat down on one of them will he really be able to finish off one of them. If he really could, then he should just sit on each of them and it’ll be fine!

“Yu Tou, don’t go out. They will definitely gang up to bully you.” MiaoMiao quickly got off the bed and put on her little shoes. She held Qin Yu’s hand and said: “We will go tell the teacher and ask Class 2’s teacher to call their parents over!”

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“You… You guys are despicable!” The boy standing at the back couldn’t believe that they hadn’t done anything yet, but their parents are going to get called.

MiaoMiao lifted her little chin and looked at him with glee. “Were you guys not despicable when you guys were bullying him?”

The boys were put in a bit of an awkward situation. They saw that surrounding them were all Class 1’s students. They felt they had lost a lot of face, even if this was Class 1’s nap room, they still need to recover some of their power.

At this moment, the boy who was standing near the front threw himself at Qin Yu, planning to teach him a lesson.

But Qin Yu was long prepared for this to happen. Seeing the boy charge at him, he quickly pulled MiaoMiao to the side and successfully dodged him. The boy quickly stopped and turned to charge at them again. But this time, he was a little bit off, and was going directly for MiaoMiao.

The little boy was stunned for a moment, and no one knew what he was thinking, but he decided that since he was off anyways, he’ll just go for it and directly went for MiaoMiao… … Then… Then his collar was caught by a few hands.

“You dare bully my Little Aunt!” Xiong Da furrowed his little brows as he and Xiong Er held his collar.

When the boys had first shown up, Class 1’s students noticed that the situation didn’t seem right, so someone had gone to the intermediate class to get Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

Once Xiong Da and Xiong Er came, they found someone about to attack their Little Aunt, and they were furious.

“You’re a boy and you bully girls! You have no shame!” Xiong Da was so angry, he started yelling at the boy.

The boy whose collar was grabbed was already very unhappy and now he was being told off for being shameless, he immediately started struggling and kicking, and told the boys who had came with him: “They’re ganging up on me! Quickly come and help!”

The other boys were stunned for a moment and then two of them charged at Xiong Da and Xiong Er and another one went towards Qin Yu.

MiaoMiao stuck out her little leg and then pulled Qin Yu to her side. The little boy tripped over MiaoMiao’s leg and fell to the ground with an “Ouch!”.

At first he had no reaction, but after a moment he might have felt the pain and started loudly crying with a loud “Waaaah.”

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MiaoMiao took care of one of them and looked at Qin Yu happily. “Aren’t I amazing?”

“Yes!” Qin Yu quickly nodded his head and looked at MiaoMiao with a gaze full of admiration.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s were pulled backwards by the two boys and they ended up letting go of the other boy’s collar. Since he was free, the boy quickly charged at Qin Yu with a big kick, but his foot was caught by Qin Yu. Qin Yu pulled his leg and the boy fell onto his butt. At the same time, the boy who was holding up Xiong Da wasn’t careful and bumped into Qin Yu’s back. Qin Yu fell forward and conveniently fell on top of the boy’s leg… …

“Aghhh! Waaaaahh…. …” His leg was now in a lot of pain and the little boy immediately started to cry.

“Dang it!” That girl didn’t lie, Qin Yu’s squishing attack was really powerful and scary!

“What happened?” Class 1’s teacher entered the room and saw that the entire place was a mess. She anxiously ran over and saw two boys crying very hard, but they weren’t Class 1’s students. She was a little confused.

The boy whose leg was being squished by Qin Yu had cried until his face was full of tears and his nose was running. He trembled as he pointed at Qin Yu. “Teacher… … he… he is bullying me!”

Qin Yu: “… …????” Wasn’t it you who came here to bully me?

MiaoMiao furrorwed her brows and said: “Teacher, they came to bully Qin Yu! They had bullied Qin Yu before and today they wanted to came him out.”

“I didn’t!” The little boy refused to admit it. “Waaaah. I want my Mommy and Daddy. They are bullying me.”

The boys who had followed him saw that he was crying, so they immediately started crying too. As though whoever cried was the one in the right.

“Teacher, they are they ones who are bullying us. They grouped up with these two big brothers to bully us.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er became furious and shouted. “Clearly you guys were bullying our Little Aunt!”

Joey’s Corner:
Xiong Da and Xiong Er to the rescue! I like how these two are so in sync.

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