Each side kept trying to speak over each other and the teacher had a bit of a headache. She can only say: “You guys are all saying the other side bullied you. The teacher doesn’t know what is going on. How about this, we’ll listen to what the other students say.”

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Once the boys from Class 2 heard this, they immediately started crying even louder. Their faces were filled with the expression that they were being taken advantage of.

The boy who went to call Xiong Da and Xiong Er over, was the boy who wanted to be MiaoMiao’s desk mate previously. When he heard the teacher’s questions he quickly came forward to say: “Teacher, it was them who first came over to bother MiaoMiao and the new classmate. So I went to the intermediate class to find MiaoMiao’s nephews.”

“When we came over, we saw that he was going to attack our Little Aunt! It is clear that he wanted to bully our Little Aunt! He wanted to bully a girl and he wanted to fight us!” Xiong Er pointed at the leader of the boys who was crying very hard.

The leader of the boys stopped crying and loudly said: “It was clearly you guys who yelled at me first!”

“Bullying a girl is a shameless act! My little brother didn’t say anything wrong!” Xiong Da quickly said: “Also, yesterday my Little Aunt saw you guys were bullying Qin Yu. You kept saying that he was fat and was ganging up with the other boys to bully him. You guys took advantage of your numbers to bully him! Qin Yu was forced to switch to my Little Aunt’s class! You guys are the bad kids!”

“That’s right!” Xiong Er supported his big brother and immediately nodded his head.

When the teacher heard this, she immediately understood. Last night, she had suddenly received a phone call saying one of Class 2’s students wanted to switch their class. She didn’t understand why, but because both Class 1 and Class 2 had an odd number of students, she thought Qin Yu was just too lonely sitting by himself. By transferring over, both classes would have an even number and the teacher didn’t think much about the matter.

But who knew it was because he was being bullied in Class 2.

Qin Yu had a wronged look on his face and said: “Teacher, MiaoMiao, ChaoYu and ChaoPei did not lie. They used to bully me before. Just now, MiaoMiao and I were getting ready to sleep on the bed, but they insisted that I follow them outside. MiaoMiao was worried that they would bully me and didn’t let me go out. The other students also saw this.”

The teacher looked around at the surrounding students and saw that quite a few of them were nodding their heads and supporting Qin Yu’s words.

“They’re all classmates, so of course they would help them!” The boys were full of dissatisfaction.

“I did not lie. Everyone in Class 2 knows of you bullying me.” Qin Yu’s continued to say: “You pushed me over and tore my clothes. You even said that if I tell the teacher or my parents, you guys will continue to hit me. Quite a few of my pants were torn because you pushed me to the ground. When I went home and my mom asked me, I could only say that I tripped and fell.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was immediately very mad. She furrowed her brows and looked at the boys and said: “You guys need to compensate for his pants, his pants are very expensive!”

MiaoMiao had never asked how much Qin Yu’s pants cost, but she remembered that the other boys had said that Qin Yu’s backpack was already $5000! So his pants were most likely expensive too!

Hmph! Compensate him!

When the little boys heard this, they immediately became flustered. Although the children who were able to come to Little Star Kindergarten all had well off families, they knew very clearly, Qin Yu’s family was indeed very good. Or else, their mother’s wouldn’t say how expensive his bag is.

Just the backpack was that expensive, so how can the clothes he wear be that cheap? If they need to compensate him, then their parents will definitely scold them. Maybe for a long time, they won’t have any new toys.

With that thought, a few of the boys started crying even louder. They looked as though they were being bullied by MiaoMiao. To them, as long as they cried the loudest, then it means that they were the ones being bullied.

The teacher had a headache and could only call Class 2’s teacher over to bring the children away. Then she told Xiong Da and Xiong Er: “You guys should first go back to your class. It is almost time for your afternoon nap. Everyone will first take a nap. For this matter, teacher will go contact your parents and then discuss how to handle this.”

If it was just a few small grudges between children, then just apologizing will be good enough. But now they did not just get into a fight, but they also pulled in the matter of monetary compensation. For this matter, the teacher couldn’t just casually pull it over.

“Then we’ll first go back. Don’t be scared Little Aunt, if they come bully you, get the other students to call us. We will fight them together!” Xiong Da’s face was very serious as he talked to MiaoMiao.

Teacher: “… …” I, as your teacher, is still here. But you guys are already preparing for your next fight. Aren’t you being a bit too arrogant?

After Xiong Da and Xiong Er left, MiaoMiao then asked Qin Yu. “When you fell on top of his leg, did it hurt? He looks very skinny and is just full of bones. It probably didn’t feel comfortable, right?”

“It’s alright. I have a lot of fat, so it wasn’t too uncomfortable. But it was not that great.” Qin Yu said and rubbed his chest. “We’ll first sleep. The remaining things can be left until our parents come.”

“Okay, my mother is very gentle. I worry that she won’t be able to beat the others in an argument.” MiaoMiao said as she bent over to take off her shoes and crawled onto the bed again. “On Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s side, the one who will come is definitely my sister in law. My big brother and father need to work. I don’t know whether or not they will be taken advantage of. Between your mom and dad, who will come?”

“Both my parents are busy with work. Whoever is free, will be the one that will come.” Qin Yu was a little frustrated as he furrowed his brows. “But bother my parents aren’t good at arguing. My mom is very gentle and my dad always lets her have her way. I have never seen my dad get mad.”

“Oh no, what are we going to do? Even though our parents are coming, their fighting strength is very bad. The others all look to be very powerful, so their parents are most likely very powerful. If they start arguing and we can’t beat them, what will we do?” MiaoMiao’s face was full of distress. “Will Mommy be bullied?”

When Qin Yu heard this, he also became a bit flustered. “Will they bully our moms?”

“I don’t know… …” As MiaoMiao continued to speak, she became more and more worried.

Qin Yu thought for a while and then said: “If they bully our moms, then we can call the police and ask the police to come!”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao seriously nodded her head in agreement.

The teacher took the blankets out from the cupboard and said: “Okay students, take off your jackets and outer wear. Teacher is coming with the blankets.”

Everyone started to take off their clothes.

MiaoMiao was fast at taking off her clothes. After taking off her clothes, she quickly grabbed a blanket over.

To avoid having the children stealing the blanket when they slept, each blanket was for two kids to use. It was assigned to their spots on the bed. MiaoMiao was conveniently with Qin Yu.

MiaoMiao only had a thin and soft layer of underclothes. Her round tummy stuck out and she couldn’t help but rub it. “My mommy always says that I have a watermelon belly. In my belly there is a watermelon, so my stomach is so round.”

“Then in my belly there are two watermelons.” Qin Yu also rubbed his round stomach and felt that there was really too much. He felt a bit embarrassed, so he quickly covered himself with the blanket.

The two kids hid under the blanket. MiaoMiao quietly said: “We’ll first sleep. In the afternoon, if we think the situation is bad, we’ll tell our moms to run!”

“Okay.” Qin Yu nodded his head and closed his eyes.

MiaoMiao saw Qin Yu had closed his eyes, so she finally opened the system interface and got ready to add Intimacy Values to Qin Yu’s Health Value.

On the interface, currently she and Qin Yu had an Intimacy Value of 15 with zero used.

She thought for a moment and then asked: “Sister System, how much should I add to Yu Tou?”

“First add 5. Then in the future we can add again.” System said.

“Okay.” MiaoMiao put in 5 and added it. Then she selected “Confirm”.

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Then she curiously asked: “Why is MiaoMiao and Qin Yu’s Intimacy Value only 15? Is it because MiaoMiao only just met Yu Tou, so we still don’t like each other enough?”

“The Intimacy Value is related to the feelings that the two people have, as well as the time spent together. Like MiaoMiao’s parents, they have been with MiaoMiao ever since MiaoMiao was born, so their Intimacy Values are especially high. Most parents and their children’s Intimacy Value is roughly between 95 – 100. Xiong Da and Xiong Er are your playmates and so their Intimacy Values are also over 70. Big Brother and Sister in law are considered to be from the same generation as you, but their ages are much larger than yours, so you don’t spend much time with them. So their values are usually between 50 to 60.”

“MiaoMiao understands.” After clearing this up, MiaoMiao closed her eyes for her afternoon nap.

After the teacher confirmed everyone had fallen asleep, she then made a call to each of the children’s parents.

When Fu Rou picked up the phone, she thought the teacher had called the wrong number. “Teacher, you are sure you’re looking for Wen MiaoMiao’s parents?”

“Yes. That’s correct.” The teacher was a bit distressed and said: “MiaoMiao is a good and obedient student at the kindergarten. This situation was a bit sudden and it might not be her fault. There were a few kids from the class next door that came to bully her new desk mate. She and the intermediate classes’ Wen ChaoYu and Wen ChaoPei got into a fight with the other boys.”

“Both sides say that the other side is in the wrong. I believe in MiaoMiao and them. But this situation is a bit special, so I hope you can come down to the kindergarten.”

When Fu Rou heard this, she was silent for a moment. Then she said: “Okay, I’ll come over. Did my MiaoMiao get hurt?”

“No. The only ones who got hurt were the other children.”

Fu Rou: “… …” Could it be, that my daughter is already good at fighting despite being so young? Who did she inherit this from? It’s definitely not from her!

Fu Rou hung up the phone and then called Wen FuChen. She simply explained the situation and then got ready to go to the kindergarten.

She guessed that since the situation involved both ChaoYu and ChaoPei, then Jiang FangFang will most likely also be called over by the teacher. So she simply asked the driver to wait at the base of the building and then she also headed down.

As she guessed correctly, just as she left the stairs, she received Jiang FangFang’s phone call. After speaking to Jiang FangFang for a moment, Jiang FangFang asked her to wait for a moment so they could go to the kindergarten together.

After MiaoMiao and Qin Yu woke up from their afternoon nap, they almost forgot that their parents had been called. After putting on their clothes and folding up their blanket, MiaoMiao then heard Zhou Shu, who slept on her other side say: “MiaoMiao, were your parents called yet? Will you be attending the afternoon class?”

MiaoMiao was bewildered for a moment and then she remembered what happened before their afternoon nap. Thinking that her mom would most likely have almost arrived at the kindergarten, she furrowed her brows and said. “I don’t know. I might not be able to attend all the afternoon classes.”

Zhou Shu was a bit envious as she looked at her. “That’s great, I don’t want to attend class either.”

“If you don’t go to class, then then you won’t just be last place in Class 1, you might be last within all the students.”

Zhou Shu: “… …” Thanks for looking so favourably upon me.

MiaoMiao got off the bed and put on her shoes. The she pulled Qin Yu out of the room. She quietly muttered: “We don’t have to be scared. Everyone saw that they were the ones who came to bully us. Later, we just have to honestly tell our mom. We are on the side that are right, so even if we call the police, the police will be on our side.”

Qin Yu seriously nodded his head and agreed with MiaoMiao’s words.

The two people were not in the classroom for long, before the teacher called them away.

Joey’s Corner:
This chapter is really really long. The next part will probably be even longer than this part. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this argument turns out. I wonder who will show up for Yu Tou. Hopefully Fu Rou will find out the correct meaning of Qin Yu’s name.

When they arrived at the teacher’s office, MiaoMiao rubbed her hands a little. Xiong Da and Xiong Er came in after them. When they saw their Little Aunt had arrived, the two children went to her side and whispered a few things.

Not long after, there were sounds of a quarrel next door. The children were startled, that voice was very sharp and it seemed like they were scolding someone?

The voice got louder and louder, until they could also clearly hear: “What kind of joke is this? How can my child bully other students? Don’t make things up, it is clearly other people who are bullying my child!”

“My child is so obedient, he does his homework seriously everyday. How can he have the time to go bully other students?”

“Ms. Zhao, please listen to me. The other children also saw it. They can all testify.”

“Hmph, obviously it is the other children who is jealous of my child. So they would help support the other kids!”

The teachers in the room with them also heard the sounds from outside. They felt a little helpless. Then the office door was opened and a lady dressed very luxuriously came in. The corner of the women’s eyes were raised, her eyebrows had also risen up. She looked very domineering.

After she came in, the children were all so scared they went to hide in the corner.

This auntie seems very scary! QAQ

The woman looked at MiaoMiao and them with disdain. Then she saw Qin Yu and felt things might not be good. She remembered that she had mentioned to her son a few times about the clothes Qin Yu was wearing. She wondered, could it be that it was her son who was jealous of that kid and had really bullied him?

Thinking of this, she was about to say that this matter should be handled privately. Then the teacher next to her said: “The situation is like this, Qin Yu used to be in Class 2, but he was bullied by your son and the other kids. The children also tore quite a few of his clothes and they want you to compensate him.”

The woman heard this and immediately decided against it. “What compensation? Do you have evidence that it was done by my son?”

Just as the woman said this sentence, the regular clicks of high heels came from outside the door. Three women walked in. In the very front was Fu Rou, whose face was very anxious and following her was Jiang FangFang, whose face was very calm. The last one was a woman wearing high heels who was very beautiful.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang were very beautiful, but MiaoMiao was already used to it, so she didn’t find it very stunning. When she saw this very pretty Aunty, her eyes were very bright. Then she saw the beautiful Aunty heading towards them and lowered her head to ask Qin Yu: “BaoBei, are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

Qin Yu shook his little head. “I am fine. Mommy, I did not bully them first. They wanted to bully me, so I fought with them. The pants that I tore before was not because I wasn’t careful and tripped. It was them who pushed me onto the ground which tore them.”

When Xia ChenXi heard this, she was a little angry as she flicked his nose. “Why didn’t you tell Mommy earlier? Why didn’t you say anything even though you were bullied for so long?”

Qin Yu lowered his head embarrassed and said: “They said, if I tell Mommy and Daddy or the teacher, they will keep bullying me.”

“You wanted to switch classes was also because of this reason?” Xia ChenXi asked.

Qin Yu nodded his head. “The new class is great. None of the students look down on me. MiaoMiao also protects me. Mommy, she is my new friend.”

As he said this, Qin Yu tugged MiaoMiao’s hand.

MiaoMiao was a little embarrassed as she looked at the pretty Aunty and said: “Pretty Aunty hello. My name is Wen MiaoMiao, I am Yu Tou’s desk mate.”

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Xia ChenXi: “… …?” Yu Tou? My son’s Yu is not the Yu from Yu Tou.

Although there were some doubts in her heart, Xia ChenXi still didn’t explain at this time.

Fu Rou had also just looked MiaoMiao up and down and check to make sure her daughter really wasn’t hurt before she relaxed.

Jiang FangFang was also listening to Xiong Da and Xiong Er recount of the situation. When she found out that it was not them who were wrong, she also relaxed.

The parents of the other little boys had also arrived. One of the woman said: “How can your family’s children hit people? My child was pushed onto the ground and got hurt.”

Fu Rou rubbed MiaoMiao’s little head and said: “If you child didn’t run in asking for a fight, who would hit him? Didn’t you hear the teacher say it was the kids from Class 2 who had run into Class 1 to bully people?”

“How can you say this? My child would definitely not bully people. It is clearly because y our child was in Class 1, so the other students will help their classmate.”

Why waste your time with these words. Doesn’t the school have surveillance cameras? When the situation happened, won’t the surveillance cameras have recorded it all?” Jiang FangFang was too lazy to talk to the people being unreasonable and directly looked at the teacher.

The teacher nodded. “The surveillance cameras were checked during their afternoon nap. We can confirm that it was Class 2’s students who first started it. Class 1’s students did not lie.”

The teacher was helpless and could only take out the recordings they copied at lunch and played it again.

The surveillance video clearly showed the situation. It was the children from Class 2 who had come over and Qin Yu and MiaoMiao had already removed their shoes and climbed onto the bed. The children insisted that Qin Yu go out with them.

When Xia ChenXi saw this, she felt very uncomfortable. This group of little kids actually bullied her son so arrogantly.

The surveillance cameras also had a microphone. Although the children’s voices were not clear, they could also hear it. It was clearly the children in Class 2 who were provoking them and they were the first ones who made a move. When Xiong Da and Xiong Er came, they only pulled they one who was going after MiaoMiao back.

And the boy who was crushed by Qin Yu had also charged at Qin Yu first. When Qin Yu pushed him, he then fell onto the ground. When Qin Yu crushed him, Qin Yu was also innocent. Xiong Da was being pushed by another boy and the two people bumped into Qin Yu, so Qin Yu wasn’t able to stand stably and ended up falling onto that boys leg.

Then it was all sounds of the children crying until the teacher came. The children tried to push the blame onto others.

The parents of the children in Class 2 looked at each other. They never expected that the surveillance videos would capture everything so clearly. It was obvious as to what had happened.

“This situation was clearly instigated by the children in Class 2.” The teacher looked at the parents from Class 2 in embarrassment and hoped that now that they knew the situation, they would stop being unreasonable.

The expression on several of the parents faces were a little weird and then one of them said: “Since it is like this, then we won’t care to pursue this matter.”

At this time, Xia ChenXi looked at the teacher and said: “Can you give me a copy of all of the kindergarten’s surveillance videos? My son said, that quite a few of his pants were torn and it was all a result of Class 2’s students bullying him by pushing him onto the ground. I think this is not just a question of compensating or not compensating. I suspect that in this kindergarten, my son has been bullied by these children for a long time. I request that you hand the surveillance videos over to me.”

“What …. what bullying! The kids are just playing. How can you say that they were bullying him for a long time?”

“That’s right, when boys play they will push and shove each other around, isn’t that right? How can you say that this was bullying. Its as though you are saying my child is a little hooligan.”

“They weren’t playing with him, they were really bullying him! They kept saying he was fat and they wouldn’t let him tell his parents or the teacher!” MiaoMiao immediately said: “Teacher, I heard it all! They were really bullying Qin Yu!”

“Class 2’s students… they all know.” Qin Yu was so scared he hid behind Xia ChenXi’s body. “They tore my clothes and even took away the snacks I bought. They even said I was so fat, it affected their appetites. They even said I was ugly and wanted me to leave the kindergarten… …”

“You aren’t ugly! You are clearly very cute!” MiaoMiao quickly pitched in.

“That’s right! My Little Aunt is right!” Xiong Da quickly nodded his head.

Xiong Er also followed up with: “You guys are all bad kids! Bullying your classmate! And even telling lies! Looks like in the future, no one would want to be friends with you!”

“Waaah!” Once one of the boys heard this, he immediately started crying. “I… I am not a bad kid. I just wanted the clothes he was wearing. His clothes are all really nice. Waaah …. …”

“Me… Me too… … I am not a bad kid. Mommy, I am not… …”

Class 2’s parents originally wanted to refute it, but once they heard their son’s word, they immediately didn’t know what to say.

The children’s words had basically admitted that they were bullying the other kid. They didn’t need to look at the surveillance videos and already knew that Qin Yu’s words were true.

Xia ChenXi still persisted in saying: “Please give the surveillance cameras to me. Also, my son wants these children to apologize. Also as their parents, please properly teach your children in the future.”

“How dare you point your fingers at us!” The domineering woman was not satisfied.

“Why? You should be very clear about this, right? After all you had privately discussed with your son, about the clothes my son was wearing quite a few times.” Xia ChenXi sneered.

The woman was immediately silent. To be able to attend Little Star Kindergarten, the families definitely had a lot of money. Otherwise with a few tens of thousands of tuition per month, how many families can actually afford it?

But while paying tens of thousands of tuition fees a month and still giving the child clothes that are worth another several tens of thousands of dollars each day. Now there really weren’t very many.

Looking at how this woman was dressed, her family definitely had money. So she immediately quieted down.

When the teacher saw this, she said: “How about this, I will give the surveillance videos to Qin Yu’s mother and Class 2’s students will apologize to Qin Yu. The parents can return and properly teach their children. As for Qin Yu’s clothes that were ruined, then Class 2’s parents can evenly split the compensation cost. Today’s situation is comparatively simpler. Even though Class 2’s students tripped and fell, but they did not get injured. They were also the ones who started it first. How about both sides make up and agree to get along in the future?”

When Fu Rou heard this, she could understand why the teacher wanted to smooth things over. The teachers were just ordinary teachers, but the students were all from wealthy families and no one could easily offend them.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang looked at each other and understood each other’s thoughts. Jiang FangFang said: “Then we’ll first go with what the teacher said.”

As to what they privately do, then that is what they do in private.

After Xia ChenXi got the copy of the surveillance cameras and was about to talk to her son, she saw her son’s new friend enviously saying: “Yu Tou, each of your clothes are very expensive isn’t it? Your family has a lot of money.”

Qin Yu’s face was a little red. “It’s alright, my mom and dad are pretty good at earning money.”

“That’s great. I’m jealous of you. My mommy said that my family doesn’t have much money, so I should be more frugal.” MiaoMiao thought that she was being quiet, but everyone around her had actually heard it.

Fu Rou: “… …”

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Xia ChenXi looked at the clothes that MiaoMiao was wearing and saw quite a few brands. At that moment she was amazed and looked at Fu Rou with strange eyes.

Clearly they had a lot of money, so why would the child say that their family didn’t have much money? Did they want to cultivate good spending habits in their child from a young age?

The children all apologized and the ones who had to make up, made up. Later when the parents were about to go back, Xia ChenXi was still a little worried and couldn’t help but tell Qin Yu: “BaoBei, in the future if there are people who want to bully you, then you need to come home and tell Mommy. Don’t be scared, if you tell us, then it will be them who are scared, otherwise they’ll think you are easy to bully.”

Qin Yu seriously nodded his head, “Mommy, I know.”

MiaoMiao also added on the side: “Aunty, I will take good care of him. I won’t let him be bullied by other people!”

Xia ChenXi looked at MiaoMiao and smiled as she reached out a hand and pinched her cheeks. “Then thank you MiaoMiao. You are Qin Yu’s first friend. You guys have to get along well. If you have time, you can come over to our place to play.”

“Okay, okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

She had always gone to her own home or her relative’s homes. She had never gone to a classmate’s house to play before!

Before Fu Rou left, she only reminded MiaoMiao, “In the future, when you run into this situation, MiaoMiao needs to be careful, okay? This time your luck was good, so MiaoMIao didn’t get hurt. But what if you did get hurt, than what would we do?”

MiaoMiao seriously nodded her little head. No one knew what she was thinking, but her mouth still agreed and said: “MiaoMiao knows. Mommy, MiaoMiao is going to go to class.”

“Okay, quickly go then.”

MiaoMiao held Qin Yu’s hand as they returned to class. On Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s side, they were still receiving their Mom’s teachings, which weren’t quite the same.

Jiang FangFang: “Remember, if you see your Little Aunt being bullied, don’t be scared. You can beat up the person bullying your Little Aunt!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er: “Okay!!!” We’ll protect our Little Aunt!

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu returned to their classroom. There was still a bit of time before class started. The children in the class all surrounded them and asked about the situation.

MiaoMiao stuck out her chest and lifted her chin and said: “We were not scolded. It was their fault! So they apologized!”

“Really! MiaoMiao is amazing! Last time I was bullied, I hit back and was also scolded! Because my mommy said, it takes two people to get into a fight.”

MiaoMiao was very happy. “We have that… uh… surveillance camera? It was entirely their side’s fault and we only returned the favour.”

After the bell rang for class, everyone returned to their seats and started class again.

That afternoon after school, when MiaoMiao returned home, MiaoMiao remembered that Big Brother’s charm value was red. She thought for a while and decided to ask the System: “Sister System, how should MiaoMiao help Big Brother and Sister In Law?”

“MiaoMiao should do this… …” System started to help MiaoMiao with a plan.

Once MiaoMiao understood, she took out her iPad and opened WeChat. Then she sent her Sister in Law a voice message: “Sister in Law, Daddy said that they were very busy at work recently. Big Brother’s work must be very difficult. Can you find some time to visit Big Brother at the company?”

Jiang FangFang quickly received MiaoMiao’s voice message and sent a voice message back: “Okay. Sister In Law knows. Thank you for MiaoMiao’s reminder.”

The next day at noon, Jiang FangFang made quite a few dishes at home and packed them in a thermos. Then she asked the driver to send her to the company.

Wen FanChu was currently working at Wen FuChen’s company and currently held the position of vice president. That year when Wen FanChu’s father saved Wen FuChen in the car accident and lost his life, it cause Wen FuChen to feel very guilty. So he always thought of him as his biological son and raise him as such. Wen FuChen also trusted him a lot.

On the other hand, the work that was given to him was really quite a lot. So when MiaoMiao said that Wen FanChu’s workload was very high, Jiang FangFang believe it.

She held the dishes that she had prepared and entered the company. She was not impeded in any way. When she reached Wen FanChu’s office, she knocked on the door and then she entered and noticed that the office had a faint scent of perfume.

Wen FanChu was currently sitting at his desk working. On the other side of his desk, there was a woman in a suit reporting on her work.

With one glance, Jiang FangFang quickly sized up the woman from the back.

She was definitely scheming something with the way she dressed. The suit jacket was a bit short and the wait was modified to be a bit narrower. It highlighted her body and made her proportions look better. She was wearing an A-line skirt. Although it was not a tight skirt, it was also cut a little short. There was also a little slit. When she walked and you looked from behind, you would definitely get a sexy feeling.

It was still winter, even though the company had central heating, she only wore very thin stockings with a pair of eight centimetre tall stilettos which further lengthened her proportions.

Why did it seem that like she wasn’t here to work properly?

Jiang FangFang brought the dishes over and put on a fake smile. Her voice was very coy as she said: “Husband, are you still working?”

When she heard Jiang FangFang’s use of this address, the woman unexpectedly looked at Jiang FangFang.

Wen FanChu saw that she had come and was a little surprised. He smiled and said: “Why did you suddenly decide to come to the company to find me? Sit first. I’ll be done quickly.”

“I was worried that you’ll be so busy working, you’ll forget to eat lunch so I made some to send over. We can eat together.” As she spoke, she looked as if she only just saw the woman now and now she could only see her appearance.

She was not bad, her makeup skills were very good and was quite pretty, but quite scheming. She had deliberately used a lipstick that was relatively light in color. To straight men, a light coloured lipstick = a face without makeup.

Then Jiang FangFang’s eyes looked down and saw her chest… …

Ya. Its very big.

“This is?” Jiang FangFang raised a brow and asked.

“The new secretary. The original one resigned because there was something going on in her family.” Wen FanChu explained. Then she said to the female secretary. “You should go out first. The rest of the matters I will look into it after lunch.”

“Okay.” The female secretary’s eyes were strange as they looked at Jiang FangFang. The moment this woman arrived, the vice president was willing to put down all his work to accompany her?

She wasn’t even that pretty.

After the female secretary closed the door, Jiang FangFang continued to smile fakely and said: “Vice President is very blessed. Your little mistress is quite beautiful?”

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“What mistress? Don’t speak nonsense, they are here to work.” Wen FanChu helplessly said.

“You might think they were here to seriously work, but other people might not think so.” Jiang FangFang was a woman, so how can she not see through that woman’s schemes? The problem with straight men is that they don’t know how to see through this!

She coldly laughed and said: “You don’t think that her clothes are a bit small? If she deliberately chose to wear a smaller size so her proportions are better highlighted?”

“Really?” Wen FanChu was a bit puzzled.

“Of course!” Jiang FanFang said and then saw him push the documents to the side. Then she took out the dishes and opened them and said: “You should be more careful with her. I won’t care about work matters, but when you need to bring a secretary with you, you either don’t bring her or you bring a few together. You aren’t allowed to be with her alone privately.”

“Okay. I will listen to you.” Wen FanChu smiled as he pinched her cheeks. “How old are you already? Such a small matter but you’re still so jealous.”

“Humph” Jiang FangFang coldly snorted. Then she thought for a moment. Tomorrow she also needs to wear makeup and also dress up. Did she think she wouldn’t understand that woman’s eyes, when she left?

When she was in university, she was also the department flower.

The next day, Jiang FangFang also came. This time she properly dressed up. Her hair was curled and she also wore makeup, she even wore a dress and high heels.

When she stepped out of the elevator and walked towards Wen FanChu’s office, she didn’t lighten her footsteps at all. Her Aura was extremely powerful.

When she reached the office, she unexpectedly saw that the female secretary was also there. The office was filled with the faint fragrance of perfume.

After she came in, the smell of the perfume mixed with the scent on her body. She ignored it and stepped forward in her high heels and said: “Husband, let’s go to eat in the cafeteria today, okay?”

“Okay.” Wen FanChu raised his head and saw the way she was dressed. He was a little surprised and said: “Wife, you are really pretty today.”

“Normally, I’m not pretty?” Jiang FangFang raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Pretty, always pretty.” Wen FanChu smiled and praised. Then he turned to the female secretary and said: “I’ll deal with the remaining stuff when I come back. You should go rest first.”

The female secretary saw that he didn’t even look at her twice and directly left with Jiang FangFang. She was a little jealous as she looked at Jiang FangFang.

Yesterday Jiang FangFang had dressed very casually, but today she had properly dressed up. Now she looked a lot better.

She finally realized that the vice president was young and handsome, but his wife, was also young and beautiful.

It’s not possible to go after the vice president, then maybe….

The other one’s age is a bit old, so his wife should be older too right? I heard that his child is already three years old, so maybe it would be an easier road?

When MiaoMiao reached home and started on her homework, the system interface popped open in front of her. When she looked, she was surprised to see “Daddy” had turned red. She thought that his body might have some sort of problem, but when she opened it to see, she found that her father’s Charm Value had reached 94!

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and silently asked: “Big Brother finally turned normal, but now Daddy has a problem. MiaoMiao is so busy.”

The System also saw it and said: “MiaoMiao, how about on this weekend, you go and visit your father’s company? Your father normally has to do overtime on the weekends.”

“Okay. MiaoMiao will go look.”

On Saturday morning, Wen FuChen went to the company to handle the things he did not finish the day before and had left very very early.

Because it was the weekend, MiaoMiao slept until she naturally woke up and had woken up fairly late. Her father had already left to go to the company.

After she ate breakfast, she ran to Fu Rou and said. “MiaoMiao wants to go to Daddy’s company. MiaoMiao wants to see daddy’s workplace.”

MiaoMiao had never been to her father’s company before. She only knew that her father was very busy with work. If she went to the company, her father wouldn’t have time to take care of her, so she could only ask her mother to bring her.

“Why do you suddenly want to watch your father’s work?” Fu Rou was a little puzzled.

MiaoMiao didn’t know how to explain the problem with the Charm Value, so she could only say: “MiaoMiao just wants to go. MiaoMiao misses Daddy.”

“Okay, then mommy will bring you there. We need to first change, though.” Fu Rou picked up MiaoMiao and entered the room and helped her pick out some clothes. MiaoMiao posed in front of the mirror for a long time before she followed Fu Rou out to leave.

When they reached her father’s company, MiaoMiao curiously looked around. She saw that a lot of people were looking in her direction. MiaoMiao felt shy and hid behind Fu Rou. The two people entered the elevator and MiaoMiao couldn’t help but ask: “Mommy, how many people are in Daddy’s company?”

“I don’t know. Mommy has never counted before, but there are definitely a lot of people.”

MiaoMiao thought about what she just saw and agreed. Just the first floor already hada that many people, and the elevator showed that there were many many floors!

When they reached the top level, Fu Rou held MiaoMiao’s hand and walked out of the elevator. Her nose smelled a lingering scent of perfume.

It was a woman’s perfume.

She furrowed her brows, she remembered that all of her husband’s secretary were men. Why would there be the scent of a woman’s perfume? Could it be someone who had came over from another company?

Fu Rou was suspicious and she held MiaoMiao’s hand. After she knocked on the door, she opened the door and entered. She saw that Wen FuChen sat at the desk looking at some documents. In front of him stood a woman who was wearing a suit and she slightly furrowed her brows.

She and Jiang FangFang were the same. They could see the small schemes that she had done in the way she dressed. She didn’t change the expression on her face and held MiaoMiao’s hand as she walked over.

MiaoMiao curiously looked at the Aunty who was standing in the office. After looking for a while, she furrowed her brows and silently asked in her heart: “Sister System, MiaoMiao doesn’t like this Aunty. When MiaoMiao sees her, MiaoMiao feels weird.”

“MiaoMiao not liking her is correct. She also has a system. The two of you will mutually reject each other. She is probably the attacker.”

Joey’s Corner:
Omg. This chapter 16 was so long. There was over 10K characters. It seems like the next few chapters will all be roughly this length as well, before the number of characters drops down to about 7K. All the earlier chapters all had around 3-4K characters. I’ll try my best, but I’m not sure if I’ll have the time to translate 5K characters in a single day.

I found the little tidbit of when Jiang FangFang was teaching Xiong Da and Xiong Er was hilarious. Everyone else was like. Don’t fight. Tell the teachers. And Jiang FangFang was like, if anyone bullies your little aunt, you better beat them up! Hopefully she puts Xiong Da and Xiong Er into some sort of martial art/self defense classes. I don’t want Xiong Da or Xiong Er to get hurt. Though I hope that MiaoMiao can also be super cool and beat up other people too. Haha.

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