“An attacker? What kind of thingy is that?” MiaoMiao was a bit puzzled as she tilted her head while her gaze lingered on the auntie while she asked silently.

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The System thought that her host was still too young, so she chose to explain it in a tactful way: “She attacks the opposite sex, and makes the opposite sex like her.

MiaoMiao immediately furrowed her brows and questioned: “Then… is she attacking MiaoMiao’s Daddy?”

“Most likely. According to the current situation, her original target was most likely your Big Brother, but because MiaoMiao warned your sister-in-law, and your sister in law showed up, she might have felt that attacking your Big Brother would be too difficult, so she switched to MiaoMiao’s father.” The System explained.

MiaoMiao was very angry. Even though she was young, she knew that daddy belongs to mommy. How could he like other aunties!

This auntie wanted Daddy to like her, then it is not just taking away Daddy from Mommy, but it was also trying to take Daddy away from MiaoMiao! She is a bad person!

“MiaoMiao, this auntie still hasn’t said what her motives are, so MiaoMiao needs to endure for a bit. You cannot be too impulsive or she might falsely accuse you and say that MiaoMiao doesn’t understand things.” Sister System warned.

How could MiaoMiao understand want “falsely accuse” meant, but she understands that Sister System is on her side, so she needs to endure for a bit. But she urgently asked silently again: “Sister System, what should MiaoMiao do then? MiaoMiao doesn’t like this auntie, I don’t want her next to my dad.”

“Relax, your mother will also have noticed. How about MiaoMiao do this… …” The System started to give her a suggestion.

Wen FuChen was talking to Fu Rou on the side. After MiaoMiao finished listening to Sister System’s words, she stepped forward in her cute rounded princess shoes and walked to Zhu Fu. She raised her innocent and pure eyes and looked at her. “Pretty Sister, my name is MiaoMiao. What is your name?”

Zhu Fu heard MiaoMiao calling her “Pretty Sister”, and her heart was filled with blooming flowers. She squatted down and smiled and said: “Sister is called Zhu Fu. Nice to meet you, MiaoMiao.”

“Nice to meet you big sister.” MiaoMiao was a little shy as she twiddled her fingers. She asked: “Is big sister, Daddy’s secretary?”

“No, big sister is your big brother’s secretary. I came over to send some documents.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao nodded her little head, then she curiously looked at Zhu Fu and asked: “Does big sister have a boyfriend?”

“Ah? No, I don’t.” Zhu Fu was suddenly asked about her personal matters and was a bit surprised. This child was so young, but she unexpectedly knew to ask whether or not someone had a boyfriend?

“Daddy, does your company not arrange for boyfriends?” MiaoMiao looked at her father with disapproval. “I heard the other children say, that at their daddy’s companies, they all arrange boyfriends and girlfriends. The benefits are very good.”

Wen FuChen and Fu Rou: “… …?” What company is so capable, that they are even able to give boyfriends and girlfriends?

MiaoMiao only thought that boyfriends and girlfriends were male and female friends. Although she wants to help her mother drive away this beautiful auntie, she really does feel that her father’s company wasn’t good enough.

When she was at Little Star Kindergarten, when she doesn’t have friends to play with, the teacher would worry for her. So why doesn’t her father worry about other people?

“Daddy, why don’t you help this beautiful sister find a boyfriend? She is so pretty, how can she not have any friends?” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and said.

Wen FuChen saw the serious look on his daughter’s face and could only helplessly sigh. “Okay, daddy knows. Daddy will help her find a boyfriend.”

Fu Rou glanced at Zhu Fu and laughed: “MiaoMiao’s words actually make sense. Your company has so many excellent employees, but they are really too busy with work. They might not have time to find a significant other. For beautiful people like Miss. Zhu, you should really help to search. Did Miss Zhu just graduate from university?”

“Yes, I graduated last year.” Zhu Fu plastered an appropriate smile on her face and stood up. She took advantage of the fact that she was speaking to them so she looked over at Fu Rou and sized her up.

Unlike the first time she saw Jiang FangFang, who had dressed very casually when she came out. When Fu Rou leaves the house, she will always dress nicely. Her appearance did not rely on her makeup being exquisite, but looked clean and refreshing.

Fu Rou was turning 30 years old this year, but she looked as though she was only in her early twenties. Rich people had the money to spend on their skincare and when MiaoMiao is at kindergarten, her personal trainer would also come to the house to help her train. Her skin tight and firm and her entire person looked very energetic. Because she had studied dance and etiquette as a child, her manners were perfect and even though she was just standing there, it would give people a sense that she was a noble woman.

Zhu Fu felt a lot of pressure. The targets stipulated by her system said that it had to be a male from the Wen family, so it was either Wen FuChen or Wen FanChu. She could not only just get them to like her, she also needed to marry them.

But she knew very clearly that rich men were very fickle with love. They would often have a lot of woman outside, but there were really not many who would actually divorce their wives and marry their mistresses.

Unless the mistress was very extraordinary or the legal wife had no more use to the man, then divorce might be possible.

But Fu Rou… … clearly, this would not be the case. From the other workers, the president’s wife’s family background is also very powerful.

The corners of Fu Rou’s mouth lifted in a meaningful way: “A just graduated girl looks so young, her face is full of collagen and she also likes to dress very prettily. But at your age, you should not be anxious about trying to find a significant other. So MiaoMiao does not need to worry about this big sister.”

Zhu Fu bit down on her lips. She kept feeling that the president’s wife’s words, especially that phrase “likes to dress very prettily” was filled with other meanings.

MiaoMiao wasn’t able to hear it, but felt that her mother only thinks that this pretty auntie doesn’t need to find a boyfriend. She was a little worried that her mother had not noticed that this big sister wanted to steal away her father. Just when she was about to speak, Sister System said: “MiaoMiao, your mother already knows. You don’t need to say anything anymore, just leave the rest to your mother.”

“Okay~.” MiaoMiao was a little worried when she looked at her mother. Her mother was so gentle, would she be bullied?

Hmph! If this auntie dares to bully her mother, then she will bring Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Yu Tou over! They will fight 4 against 1!

“You should go out first.” Wen FuChen said as he looked at Zhu Fu.

Zhu Fu nodded her head and turned around to leave.

Fu Rou looked at MiaoMiao and asked: “BaoBei, do you know what boyfriend means?”

MiaoMiao innocently and naively replied: “That is a boy who is your friend. Like Yu Tou, he is MiaoMiao’s boyfriend!”

Fu Rou: “… …” Oh well, she is still a child so she doesn’t understand. She had overestimated her.

Fu Rou didn’t say anything and just let MiaoMiao quietly stay in the office and let her explore on her own.

This was the first time MiaoMiao came to her father’s office and she found out that her father’s office is really really big. There was even a room in it!

When her father was working, he was very serious and her mother helped her father brew a cup of coffee. MiaoMiao smelled it and ran over and really wished that she could immediately grow taller so that she could see what was inside the cup. She curiously asked: “Mommy, what is it?”

“This is Daddy’s coffee.”

“MiaoMiao wants to try it.” MiaoMiao tilted her head and looked hopefully at her.

“Little children cannot drink this.” Fu Rou said and placed the coffee in front of Wen FuChen.

Wen FuChen laughed and picked up the little spoon on the side and stirred. Seeing that his little daughter was looking at him with puppy eyes, he couldn’t help but say: “You can try the taste, but you can’t drink a lot.”

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“Okay~” MiaoMiao smiled as she answered.

Wen FuChen was worried that she would get scalded, so he used the little spoon to take out a tiny amount of coffee and gave it to MiaoMiao.

After tasting it, MiaoMiao’s chubby face immediately scrunched up, so bitter!

She wanted to say it was very very disgusting, but thinking that it was her mother who brewed it, if she said it was disgusting it could hurt her mom. So she could only make an aggrieved face and falsely say: “De… de… delicious… …”

Sniffle, sniffle. This was MiaoMiao’s most dreadful lie!

Wen FuChen and Fu Rou saw that she obviously felt that it was bitter and still struggled to say it was delicious, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Wen FuChen held the cup of coffee and took a sip. He was already used to the taste, so he didn’t think it was bad. Thinking that it was his wife who brewed it for him, his heart was filled with happiness. He smiled and said: “Yup, the coffee mommy brews is the best suited to daddy’s taste.”

MiaoMiao: “… …” Sniffle. Daddy is the most pitiful, to not hurt mommy’s hurt, he drank more than MiaoMiao and he even says it is delicious. Moreover, Mommy definitely brewed it for Daddy before, so Daddy will definitely have to keep drinking this disgusting soup in the future!

Daddy, it is very difficult for you! QAQ

Because Fu Rou and MiaoMiao had came over, Wen FuChen decided to take his wife and daughter out to eat lunch.

He is normally very busy with work and would normally just order some food in for lunch. He would then casually eat some of it and then continue working. Since his wife and child had came today, he definitely couldn’t just let them eat such a casual meal. So he brought them to the best rated restaurant near his company.

The restaurant was not considered very high class, but they had a lot of dishes. For most restaurants these days, they were normally very busy at dinner time with not that many people at lunch. But this restaurant was still full of people and almost all the seats were full.

When the three people arrived, there just so happened to have a private room available. MiaoMiao tugged her parents hands and when she entered she immediately smelled the delicious smell of dishes in the air. She quickly sped up her steps and followed the waitress into the private room.

Wen FuChen took out his phone and scanned the QR code [1] and passed the phone to Fu Rou. “What do you want to order?”

Fu Rou looked at the menu and MiaoMiao also stuck her head over and saw the familiar french fries. She immediately stuck out a chubby finger and clicked on the french fries and successfully added it to the car.

“Clever little ghost, you even know how to order food now. But you only know to order deep fried foods.” Fu Rou stretched out her hand and flicked her nose.

MiaoMiao was a little shy, “French fries are delicious.”

“Okay, since its rare that we can come out to eat with Daddy, then you can eat them today.” As she spoke, Fu Rou also clicked on a fried chicken leg.

MiaoMiao saw her mother’s actions and couldn’t help but swallow her saliva. This restaurant was great, she needs to come again in the future!

The amount of food for each dish was quite small and after Fu Rou selected four dishes, Wen FuChen also added two more dishes and a soup. Then he added some rice and placed the order.

The speed the dishes arrived was very quick and by the time Fu Rou brought MiaoMiao back from washing her hands, the french fries had already arrived.

MiaoMiao’s chubby fingers gripped a french fry and dipped it in ketchup. After stuffing it in her mouth, she grabbed another one and another one.

Ketchup with french fries is the best!

After eating lunch, MiaoMiao took a nap in the break room in her father’s office.

She laid on the big soft bed. After eating lunch she was especially sleepy and after closing her eyes, it wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

After Fu Rou confirmed that she had really fallen asleep, she then left the break room. She saw her husband eating the chewing gum and her expression couldn’t help but soften.

She had previously thought that the chewing gum was placed there by Wen FuChen, but later Wen FuChen complained that she had switched out his cigarettes, she had realized that this could have been MiaoMiao’s work. The husband and wife felt that, even though the child was only three, she was quite sensible. She knew that her father should not continue smoking and Wen FuChen naturally also decided to properly quit.

Now that MiaoMiao was asleep, the words that Fu Rou had long wanted to say could finally be said.

She thought for a moment and decided to simply and explicitly express her thoughts: “That Zhu Fu, you either ask FanChu to switch her out, or to not let her send documents to you.”

“What?” Wen FuChen raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t think that she is dressed a bit inappropriately at the company? It’s the middle of winter and she’s wearing such a short skirt and so little.” Fu Rou insincerely laughed: “The perfume on her body is also so strong, the moment I stepped out of the elevator, I also smelled it. I thought you were raising a woman behind my back.”

Wen FuChen’s face was a little strange and he stretched out a hand to hug her over and said: “Are you that jealous? She is younger than me by more than a decade, how would it be possible? I’m already 35, why would I look for such a young woman?”

“So what if you are 35? Aren’t there a lot of young ladies that like uncles? As for you men, don’t you guys like them young and pretty?” Fu Rou coldly snorted. “In any case, her thoughts are not pure.”

“She is not younger or more beautiful than my wife. You are the most beautiful.” Wen FuChen smiled as he coaxed her: “She is FanChu’s secretary, unless FanChu doesn’t have a use for her, she can’t be fired. If you mind, then I won’t let her deliver documents in the future.”

“Okay.” Fu Rou answered and prepared to give a warning to Jiang FangFang. Having such a secretary next to Wen FanChu, once Jiang FangFang knows, she will definitely mind.

That night, Fu Rou rejected Wen FuChen’s offer to shower together and when her husband was showering and her daughter was doing homework, she sent a message to Jiang FangFang to discuss this matter.

That was when she found out, that Jiang FangFang had already received MiaoMiao’s message two days ago and had already gone to the company and met Zhu Fu. The two people’s first impressions of Zhu Fu was exactly the same and after discussing it, they were certain that this woman definitely had thoughts about their men!

After the two people discussed for a few minutes, they came to an understanding and decided to ask Wen FanChu to switch out the secretary and transfer Zhu Fu to a different vice president and switch a male secretary over from that vice president.

At the same time, Fu Rou thought it was a bit strange, “You said that it was MiaoMiao who warned you? What did she say?”

“MiaoMiao said that it was Uncle who told her, he said that FanChu was recently very busy at work and if I had time, I should go visit him. Once I went, I saw that woman.” Jiang FangFang said and felt it was a bit strange and then thought for a moment before she decided to discuss the entire situation. “Auntie, I’m not very certain about this matter, but I think we should discuss it first. I think MiaoMiao… I don’t know if she knows something, but her luck is very good.”

“What do you mean?” Fu Rou was puzzled.

“Let’s not discuss Uncle’s lung cancer or what happened when we went out for vacation. When the term just started, I ran into my big sister. Do you still remember her?”

“I remember, when you were pregnant with ChaoYu and ChaoPei, it was because of her that you gave birth prematurely.” Fu Rou wondered why she suddenly mentioned Jiang Qin, but she continued the conversation.

“Jiang Qin seemed to have found some sort of mystical person who could steal away my luck. This matter is really just too magical, I almost didn’t believe it. After I thought about the entire situation for a while and summarized it, it should be like this. That day I sent MiaoMiao and the kids to kindergarten and met Jiang Qin. That day I lost my wallet.”

“Then, that night, MiaoMiao kept sticking to me, she wanted to eat the dishes that I cooked and even wanted to sleep with me. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but the next morning after sending them to kindergarten, Jiang Qin suddenly fainted and my wallet was returned. When I reached the hospital, I heard Jiang Qin angrily calling someone and asking how were they so bad at doing things. It seemed that the luck that was stolen was taken back.”

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“After I probed more, she had found someone to steal my luck. If I didn’t lose my wallet the day before, I would not have believed it. I have always been very careful and my wallet is placed in my purse’s zippered inner pocket, there is no way for it to just disappear. That day I was also very certain I didn’t buy anything. Later there was also Zhu Fu’s matter. It was also MiaoMiao who warned me. When you went to the company today… … Was it also because MiaoMiao told you to?”

Fu Rou was silent. Wasn’t it really because MiaoMiao wanted to go?

Could it be that her daughter had powers of prediction?

“If we carefully think about it, all the events that had happened recently were all avoided due to MiaoMiao’s warnings. So I think it is quite strange. If MiaoMiao doesn’t know if advance about the things that are happening, than she was born with very good fortune. If we listen to her words, we should be able to avoid many things.” For example any instances of losing our lives, or running into an affair.

Fu Rou was just about to say a few more things to Jiang FangFang, but Wen FuChen just got out of the bathroom. She quickly said: “I’ll take note of the situation for a while first, I’m gonna hang up now.”


After the two people hung up the phone, Fu Rou’s eyes were strange as she looked at Wen FuChen.

“What’s the matter, wife? Why are you looking at me like this?” Wen FuChen was confused as he looked at her.

Fu Rou thought, it doesn’t matter whether or not MiaoMiao can predict the future. Her luck has already avoided many things, so doesn’t this mean, if she didn’t listen to MiaoMiao and didn’t go to the company, this bastard might really cheat!

After thinking about this point, Fu Rou continued to say: “Come over, we need to have a good talk.”

“Hm?” He felt that his wife’s attitude was a little strange and Wen FuChen was thinking about where did he go wrong? But he first decided to obediently head over.

[1] At a lot of Chinese restaurants, instead of giving you a menu and then asking you to order, you can now use your phone to scan a QR code at the table and then directly order from there. It is so convenient as all the dishes have pictures too. There’s no more guessing about what a dish looks like especially if it has a strange name. I hope this becomes more popular in the western countries too.

Joey’s Corner:
Hahaha. It seems like Wen FuChen is in trouble. I find it interesting that other people in the world has systems. I think this and only one other story that I’ve read, where there are actually multiple systems. I wonder if we will find out more about the other systems, or if this will be the only time one of them will show up?

“Today at the company, that Zhu Fu, was she your type?” Fu Rou interrogated.

“Are you still thinking about that matter? I don’t like her type. I love your type the most. Don’t you know?” Wen FuChen smiled as he hugged her. “Am I not passionate enough? I can’t believe you’re still doubting me.”

Fu Rou’s face flushed. “Can’t you be decent! How old are you, and you’re still saying words like these.”

“It was you who doubted me first. besides, how am I old? I am only 35, don’t you think I’ve maintained myself well? Didn’t you say something about some sort of hot massage? I’ll go with you next time.” When he heard that his wife felt that he was old, even though Wen FuChen was confident that he was a rich and excellent man, he couldn’t help but want to take better care of his looks.

Fu Rou coldly snorted. “I’ll believe you for now, but in the future, I will check your phone regularly. I’m telling you now, you better be honest. If you have any questionable thoughts, MiaoMiao will be the first one to find out!”

Wen FuChen: “… ..?”

“Hmph, I think that MiaoMiao definitely knows something, so she asked me to bring her to the company today.” Fu Rou explained the discussion she just had with Jiang FangFang.

Wen FuChen felt that he had been wrongly accused. “You women really like to make wild guesses. What if it really was just a coincidence? What if MiaoMiao really thought that that woman was scheming against us and wanted you guys to go? Even if it’s one sided, it counts?”

“So does that mean we have to wait until both parties have started?” Fu Rou glared at him. “It doesn’t matter, as long as MiaoMiao takes the initiative to tell me to go to your company, then it might just be there is a problem on your side. You better behave! Your daughter is keeping an eye on you!”

Wen FuChen: “… … I swear! I can barely service you, if there was another one, I would just die in bed!”

“Scram!” Fu Rou’s face immediately turned completely red. What kind of words were these? You’re making it sound like I’m super thirsty!

On Sunday, there was no overtime at the company, Zhu Fu only found out she had been transferred on Monday.

The other vice president in the company was one of Wen FanChu’s former classmates. His family background wasn’t very good, but he was very capable, but he was a president who did not own any stocks. So it didn’t matter what kind of president position he had, he was still just working for other people.

Even though Wen FuChen gave very good benefits, that vice president only had an annual income of several million, which could not compare to any of the Wen family’s men. And besides, the target the system had given her was that she needed to attack either Wen FuChen or Wen Fanchu!

“System, what should I do now?” Zhu Fu silently asked as she packed up her things,

However the system did not reply.

Zhu Fu was a bit flustered. She and the system did not communicate much. Most of the time it was the system giving her tasks or if she encountered some sort of problem, then she would look for the system. Now that she thought about it… when was the last time she contacted the system?

At this moment, student Wen MiaoMiao had already arrived at Little Star Kindergarten and was with her desk mate Qin Yu doing radio gymnastics on the field.

MiaoMiao didn’t know if it was just a wrong feeling, but starting from the day before, it seemed like she could always hear the sound of someone eating. But clearly there was no one eating around her?

MiaoMiao stood behind Qin Yu and followed along with the exercises from the radio gymnastics. When <<加油!amigo>> started playing, all the children started to dance together.

MiaoMiao had memorized the lyrics long ago. She could sing and dance at the same time. After the song ended, she was out of breath. Then she noticed that Qin Yu had danced until his entire face was red.

MiaoMIao thought it was because he had worn too much and she couldn’t help but ask: “Yu Tou, are you wearing too much? Your danced until your face is completely red.”

“No… … It is because I am too tired.” Qin Yu was a little embarrassed: “I just joined this semester and before I still hadn’t memorized the lyrics. After last weekend I finally memorized it, so I can sing along when I dance. My mother said that I’ll lose weight faster if I sing and dance at the same time. But it is very tiring.”

After thinking for a moment, Qin Yu decided to share his good news: “MiaoMiao, I lost half a pound. Even though it is really little, I am really happy. Before it took me an entire month before I lost a pound, but just this week, I already lost half a pound. If I can keep this up, then in a month I can lose two pounds.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head. “That’s great. Your mommy is so pretty, when you get skinny, you will definitely look good!”

Qin Yu’s face turned red, every time MiaoMiao praised him, he was a bit embarrassed. But he also thought that if he does become skinny, then he would also look good. After all his father was also quite handsome.

Mommy had always said that before when Daddy was in school, he was always the school grass [1]. He doesn’t know what kind of grass, a school grass is, but Mommy said that this kind of grass always looked very handsome.

So since his parents are so good looking, when he becomes skinny, he should also look good too.

Qin Yu was very hopeful. When he went to the little kiosk with MiaoMiao, like before, he bought two tea eggs.

TL Note: Tea Eggs. They’re really good, they’re basically simmered in a savoury soup that is a mixture of herbs and tea. The eggs soak up the flavour and are really delicious.

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MiaoMiao ate chips, while he ate tea eggs. He also wanted to eat chips, but he knew that chips had a lot of calories, so he could only swallow his saliva and continue eating his tea eggs.

MiaoMiao pinched a chip and reached over. “Yu Tou, if you eat one, it’ll be still be okay. Do you want one?”

Qin Yu chewed his lips, he wanted to open his mouth and eat it, but then he thought about how he was on a diet and quickly shook his head. “No. Mommy said that losing weight requires perseverance. After I take one bite, there will be a second bite and then a third. Then I won’t be able to lose any more weight.”

MiaoMiao didn’t really understand, but after she thought about it, she felt that her desk mate really wanted to eat chips, but because he’s on a diet, he is not allowed to eat them. So it’s probably not good for her to sit next to him and eat them.

With that thought, MiaoMiao stood up and said: “I’m going to go outside to eat, I’ll come back after I’m done.”

Qin Yu: “… …” I thought you were going to say you weren’t going to eat them.

MiaoMiao was a child who would not waste food, especially if it was food that she liked, she would definitely not waste it. After she reached the door, she quickly finished off all the chips.

After her pocket money had increased to fifty dollars a day, she would either eat a bag of chips each day or two bags of WangZai Little Mantou cookies, and she would even drink a carton of milk. At the same time she would also buy a bottle of water.

TL Note: WangZai Little Mantou Cookies. These are cookies that have a bit of a milk flavour. I never really liked them and I don’t think they’re that great or special at all. I would have gone for those chocolate filled koala cookies instead.

Mommy had said that she could eat these snacks, but after eating them she had to rinse her mouth, or she might get cavities.

So after eating her snacks, she would use the bottle of water in the bathroom to rinse her mouth. Then she would use the little toothbrush that she had brought to simply brush her teeth and then return to the classroom.

Other than these, if she was still hungry, she would buy some bread to eat. Each day she would spend about 25 dollars, so each day she could save at least twenty dollars.

MiaoMiao thought that, soon she would be a little rich lady!

After the first class started in the morning, the teacher entered the classroom early and said: “Students, this semester we have an arts festival. After a few months, the big sisters and big brothers in the advanced class will graduate. When they graduate, our class needs to do one or two performances. The teacher has decided that we will sing and do a group dance. Starting from tomorrow, everyone needs to practice during their free time. In the future in the free time class, we will sing and dance together.”

“Okay~” The children all answered at the same time.

The teacher continued: “Our class right now has exactly 20 people. It’s a bit too many people, so for the dance, we will all practice for two months. Then the students who dance the best can go on the stage and perform. At that time your parents will also come, so everyone needs to prepare well. Your parents will be able to see how much effort you guys put in.”

MiaoMiao was very excited, she had never performed on stage before.

Last year, the class MiaoMiao was in did not have to perform as they were too young. They were only in charge of watching, at that time she saw all the big brothers and sisters on the stage performing. Everyone looked very cute, this year she can also go on stage!

MiaoMiao excitedly looked at Qin Yu, “Yu Tou, let’s work hard together and go on stage to perform.”

Qin Yu nodded his head. “Okay, I will definitely work hard.”

On Monday afternoon, MiaoMiao needs to attend her piano elective class. There were a lot of children who wanted to learn piano. Because it was MiaoMiao’s first time learning, she was assigned to the beginner class.

The piano’s the children used were custom made to be small. So that they would be convenient for short children who also had short fingers. [2]

In front of each person was a small piano, according to the teacher’s words they had to first familiarize themselves with the music score, recognize the piano keys, and then they can begin to play.

The first song MiaoMiao learned was <<Twinkle Twinkle Little Star>>. The speed at which she played was rather slow. As she played, she sang the lyrics: “Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are… …”

She sang with a soft and childish voice and repeated it several times.

To avoid the children from disturbing each other, the piano’s sound was not loud and the children’s seats were quite spread out. So even though there was music next to them, they would not get distracted.

After MiaoMiao practised a few times, she called the teacher over and played for the teacher. After the teacher heard it, she praised her: “MiaoMiao is amazing. How about you go help the other children?”

“Okay~” MiaoMiao agreed and left to find someone she knew.

She saw Zhou Shu and moved her little bench over and sat down next to Zhou Shu and said: “Zhou Shu, I’ll teach you.”

“Okay!” Zhou Shu quickly nodded her head and started to play. But when she reached the second phrase, she played a wrong note. She was frustrated and said: “My brain clearly knows how to play it, but my fingers can’t keep up. I don’t know why… … MiaoMiao, am I an idiot?”

“It’s still alright, you aren’t considered very dumb.” MiaoMiao did not comfort her by saying she wasn’t dumb, because in her eyes, Zhou Shu was truly a little bit slow. She couldn’t keep up with everyone’s learning progress.

She told Zhou Shu, “For now don’t play the first phrase and just practice the second phrase. First slowly play it correctly once and then practice it a few times.”

Zhou Shu quickly nodded her head and followed MiaoMiao’s advice. She played it very slow and then repeated it a few times.

After her fingers got used to playing the notes on the piano, MiaoMiao asked her to increase her speed and things got more smooth.

“I… I did it!” Zhou Shu happily looked at MiaoMiao.

“Yup, now how about you try to play the first and second phrase together?” MiaoMiao said.

“Okay!” Zhou Shu nodded her head and started to play. She successfully played the first two phrases and then she started the third and then the fourth… …

After Zhou Shu able to successfully play it and became a person who succeeded after putting in effort, she was very happy. As a little teacher, MiaoMiao felt that she taught her extremely well and felt that she had the potential to be a little teacher, so she said: “Then from now on, on Monday’s elective class we should sit closer together? After I learn how to play, I can teach you.”

“Okay, okay.” Zhou Shu looked at MiaoMiao with eyes full of admiration. “MiaoMiao, you’re so amazing. You’re good at studying and you’re even good at playing the piano.”

MiaoMiao was a bit embarrassed by being praised like this so she said: “Actually…. … you are also quite amazing. Look. You also learned it.”

“True true.” Zhou Shu nodded her head.

MiaoMiao felt a bit guilty, because her mother was worried that she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the other students learning piano, each week she had been signed up for two classes of piano. The class content was repeated, so it would help strengthen her foundations.

She honestly wasn’t that smart, she just relied on hard work and repetition.

That day after school, MiaoMiao returned home and excitedly told Fu Rou: “Mommy, this year the big brothers and sisters in the advanced class will graduate. MiaoMiao’s class will do a performance. The teacher said we will prepare a song and dance. MiaoMiao might be able to go on stage.”

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“BaoBei is amazing.” Fu Rou immediately looked forward to it. “Then at that time, Mommy will help BaoBei take a lot of photos.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao happily nodded her little head.

The next day, MiaoMIao switched to a different little backpack and went to kindergarten. On the way there, she spent the whole time talking to Xiong Da and Xiong Er about the performance at kindergarten.

Kids in kindergarten are not very good at learning new things, so whenever they needed to learn a new dance, they would start practising several months in advance.

After all there was only one session of free activity time a day and each class needed to prepare two performances, so they needed to start preparing early.

MiaoMiao’s class was preparing to sing <<Fireflies Fly>> [3], there weren’t very many lyrics and they were easy to remember, but the dance, other than the actions, it also required the children to move to specific locations in an organized manner. The teachers could only first teach them the actions and then select the students who were better at the dance and then slowly adjust their positioning.

Every time MiaoMiao practised the dance, she would always be next to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was quite fat, so when he did some of the actions, even though they were accurate, it looked a bit strange.

He was working hard to lose weight, when it was Friday, Qin Yu happily shared some good news with MiaoMiao. “MiaoMiao, I lost another half a pound!”

Half a pound was not a lot, MiaoMiao was also used to seeing Qin Yu every weekday from Monday to Friday, so she did not think that he had gotten any skinnier.

But because her little desk mate was so cute, MiaoMiao didn’t want to burst his bubble, so she tugged his chubby little hand and encouraged him: “You Tou, you’re so amazing. You need to keep working hard. After you get skinnier, you will be the best!”

“Yes, yes!” Qin Yu quickly nodded.

At noon that day, when it was almost time for everyone’s afternoon nap, MiaoMiao and Qin Yu had already removed their shoes and climbed onto the bed. Before the teacher arrived, the two people would play “Two little bumblebees” [4]. The situation was very exciting, when they heard a loud crying from the next room:

“I don’t want! I don’t want to go! I don’t want to leave the kindergarten!”

“Mommy has already waited at the entrance for quite a few minutes, Xiao Qi, be good, okay?”

The boy called Xiao Qi continued to cry: “Nooo, sniffle sniffle. Xiao Shun already left, Zhi Zi is gone too. They didn’t come back, I don’t want to go, waaaah…. ….”

MiaoMiao listened and felt that the sound was familiar. She couldn’t help but turn and look at Qin Yu and asked: “Yu Tou, don’t you think that this sound is similar to the boy who bullied you?”

Qin Yu pursed his lips and hesitated, but he still nodded his head and said: “Yes, it seems quite similar to the sound he made when he was crying that day.”

“Why does he need to leave the kindergarten?” MiaoMiao was confused.

The sound of the boy’s crying captured all of the children’s attention and everyone went to the hallway to take a look.

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu also quickly got off the bed and put on their shoes and to figure out what was going on.

Who knew that the moment they appeared and Xiao Qi saw them, he pointed at them and said: “It’s all your guys’ fault! My mom said it was because of you guys that Xiao Shun and Zhi Zi need to leave the kindergarten! Now you guys are even forcing me to leave! You guys are bad people! Bad kids!

Qin Yu and MiaoMiao: “… …???” Don’t make things up, we did nothing!

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu still had blank expressions on their face and still hadn’t reacted. Xiong Er, who was watching the commotion, was immediately unhappy and said: “Don’t slander my little aunt! My little aunt did nothing!”

“My mother wouldn’t lie to me! You guys are bad people!” Xiao Qi glared at Xiong Da and Xiong Er. “Otherwise, why would it just happened to be us!”

Xiong Er also didn’t know what to do, but Xiong Da quickly said: “It must be because you guys did bad things, so the gods needed to punish you guys! You guys are the bad kids! You are the bad kids who bully others!”

Xiao Qi still wanted to argue, but the teacher quickly picked him up and said: “You guys should all return to the room. The teacher will give you guys the blanket soon.”

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu returned to the bed in the room, they still hadn’t fully reacted to the situation.

MiaoMiao was a bit hesitant when she looked at Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, what do you think? Do you think it’s because of us? Where will they go? Would they… disappear from this world?”

When Qin Yu heard this, he shuddered. “No… that is not possible, we aren’t that powerful.”

After saying this, Qin Yu felt a bit guilty. He was just a kid, so he wasn’t powerful, but his parents… They probably wouldn’t, right? His parents wouldn’t let them disappear from this world?

“That’s true.” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and said: “MiaoMiao is just a little kid and definitely can’t do these kinds of things. MiaoMiao’s parents, other than looking pretty, are very ordinary.”

Qin Yu looked MiaoMiao with some hesitation. Ordinary? Why did he think that MiaoMiao’s family had a lot of money? Could he be wrong?

That night, when the kids finished school and was about to head home, Qin Yu got on the car.

His father was busy every day, but his mother was a bit more free. So each day it was his mother who came to pick him up from school.

Qin Yu always thought his parents were very powerful. His dad was able to manage such a big company and his mother had many many houses under her name. Even if she did nothing everyday, she still had a lot of rent entering her wallet. Whenever his uncles and aunts came to his house, they always talked about how powerful his parents were.

Qin Yu was a bit flustered, his parents were so powerful, would they really let those children disappear from the world?

Even though… Even though they had bullied him quite a few times, he didn’t want them to disappear from this world.

Qin Yu was a bit hesitant, and his lowered his chubby head.

Xia ChenXi noticed that her son was a bit silent today and didn’t seem right. She couldn’t help but ask: “BaoBei, what’s wrong? Were you not happy at kindergarten today? Did someone bully you?”

“No no no! No one bullied me!” Qin Yu was so scared he quickly replied. Then he timidly questioned: “Mommy… … the children from last time… Did you do anything to them? Such as making them disappear from this world?”

Xia ChenXi: “… …?”

[1] School Grass == Most handsome boy in school

[2] I didn’t know that this was a thing. When I started to learn to play piano I think I was about 4 or 5 years old, but I was still taught on a full sized piano. I don’t think we learned chords or anything that required us to stretch our hands very much, but there was definitely no custom little piano. I’m a bit confused about the existence of these pianos.

[3] <<虫儿飞>> (chong er fei) I translated it as fireflies fly, but the literal translation is bugs fly…

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